ILO Rejects Arabs' Anti-Israel Move; Boycott Ignored in Spain; Missile Attack Viewed Seriously THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, July 6, 1973 IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN UNCLE Air Conditioning Business I PAUL SIEGAL FIRST FOREIGN VISITOR The CALLS ON KATZIR The first foreign V.I.P. to call on new President Eph- CALL raim Katzir was the Foreign HE WILL ADOPT YOU AND t Minister of Swaziland. On an official visit to Israel, he GIVE YOU AN EXPERT JOB paid his respects to Katzir GENEVA (JTA) — Arab Israeli officials regard the Bonn will establish a train- regaled in Swazi national AT A LOW PRICE TO BOOT delegates walked out of the incident, the first of its kind ing center for teachers and costume. 58th International Labor Con- since last February was ad- technicians in Egypt. ference here June s.27 after duced by the fact that a "A BRYANT DEALER" Classifieds Get. Quick Results the conference refused to military spokesman issued Security Council Postpones adopt a resolution that ac- a communique. On two pre- I Transfers of Debate cused Israel of "discrimina- vious occasions when Egyp- UNITED NATIONS (JTA) tion, racism and violation of tians fired missiles, no corn- The Security Council has human rights in Palestine . munique was issued. I decided to postpone its de- and the occupied territories. - An army spokesman denied cision on transferring the The conference reportedly an Egyptian claim that the Middle East debate to Gen- rejected the resolution "be- missiles were fired at Is- eva when it • resumes July cause of its violent Ian- raeli aircraft trying to pene- 15. guage." The vote was 64-3 t r a t e Egyptian airspace. Kenya. India and other Se- _with 128 abstentions. They also denied Egypt's curity Council members are claim that an Israeli Phan- in favor of transferring the Spanish Company Ignoring torn jet was hit. According debate to Geneva because Arab Boycott to eye witnesses all of the they feel the Arab viewpoint MADRID (JTA) —A Span- missiles expToded in mid-air. cannot obtain a fair hearing ish company is ignoring the The missiles are equipped in New York. Arab boycott and going ahead with a self-destruct device A spokesman for the U.S. with the construction of two that activates when they mission at the UN said the large hotels in Tsrael, it miss their target. United States "does not feel * was reported here. One of that a move to Geneva will the hotels will be in Jeru- LONDON (JTA) — Britain further the work of the Coun- salem and the other in Tel has offered the Egyptian cil. The Council is better- Aviv. government a 10,000,000 facilitated at United Nations The hotels are being built pounds sterling low-interest headquarters." by Melia, the largest Span- loan, it was announced in Kenneth D. Jamieson, act- ish hotel chain. The company Parliament by Minister of ing head of the British dele- has an option for a third Overseas Development, Rich- gation, the council president hotel in Israel. "Members will be acting on ard Wood. Wood said that the loan, their own good sense and TEI AVIV (JTA) — Mili- to be extended over a four- their instructions — not on tary circles take a serious year period, will be repay- what people in the city where view of Egypt's hostile ac- able over 25 years at 2 per they are meeting are thinking tion over the Suez Canal cent interest. He said the about the matter." Samar Sen, India's chief June 28 when SAM-2 missiles Egyptians would be given a commented that were fired at Israeli planes seven-year period of grace delegate in flight over Sinai near the during which no repayments when Israeli Ambassador Te- southern end of the water- of principal will be made. koah speaks he receive s all way. The planes were in Is- According to Wood, the loan the attention. Sen *d r he raeli airspace and, according will be used to purchase wasn't objecting to the at to Israeli sources, returned British goods and services. tention given Israel but what safely to their bases. Reports from Cairo said the he called the, "total exclu The seriousness with which Egyptian government is pre- sion of other viewpoints." Cost of the Geneva move H umminimmlimmumm pared to enter the deal. is estimated between $97,000 West Germany and Egypt and $150,000, may cause have signed a technical as- some delegations to decide sistance agreement in Cairo. against the shift. The two countries resumed osilmor. .001.01. 4iimmom. .00.100. .400.111. .414.00. .01.0w diplomatic relations in June. 1972. Under the agreement CALL RING BROS. 353-1060 WHO' S SERVING ON SATURDAY CONVENIENCE HOURS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MON.-THURS. 7 A.M.-9 P.M. FRI. & SAT. 7 A.M.-6 P.M. 28000 TELEGRAPH at Tel-12 Mall GAMES NIGHT UE TO POPULAR DEMANCO7 Every Thurs. Eve. from 8-10:30 p.m. Israel Medical Prizes Galore at Cong. B'nai David NEW SUMMER HOURS Sunday 9.2 Daily 8-7 History Project in Jerusalem JERUSALEM—The Amer- ican Physicians Fellowship (APF) is sponsoring an in- Southfield at 91/2 Mile stitute of medical history 111 U11111 Willilliii0114111111111111111111111 to emphasize Jewish contri- butions to medicine through- out history. The institute, called the Is- raeli Institute of Medical His- tory, will have three divis- ions: a library of medical history, a museum of medi- cal history and a health mu- • INSTALLATION seum. • SERVICE Jewish and Islamic medi- cine, embodied in the work Call For Free of Maimonides, will serve to Installation Estimate emphasize t h e similarities between the Jew and the Arab. Many United States mu- seum experts will serve as ALLIANCE SPRINKLER CO. consultants for the institute. Visitors will be able to dial The Sprinkler Specialists" for information about their selected topic in any of four 17061 JEANETTE languages: Hebrew, Arabic, SOUTHFIELD English or French. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Saturday 8-4 D YNAMIC 'Tire Sales & Car Care Center' 559-5595 DISTRIBUTORS FOR • DUNLOP • MICHELIN and other Steel Radials • Mufflers • Brakes • Shocks • Alignments "EXCELLENT SERVICE & COMPETITIVE PRICES" • SAFE & DEPENDABLE—"Dunlop Quality Costs No More" JOE STAMELL'S DYNAMIC TIRE SALES 3826 N. Woodward at 13 1 /2 Mile Road, Royal Oak, Mich. Phone: 549-7350 SAY IT WITH JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 22 100 GREENFIELD RD. • OAK PARK, MICH. 48237 PHONE 968-0820 OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRU THURS., 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9 to 4; CLOSED SUNDAYS JULY & AUGUST