Brezhnev's Emigration 'Facts' Proven Inflated (Continued from Page 1) credits, credit guarantees or investment guarantees to the Soviet Union and other Com- munist countries cannot take place unless the President re- ports to the Congress that the country in question does not deny its citizens the right or opportunity to emigrate. Therefore, if emigration from the Soviet Union were truly free, the addition of the Jack- son amendment to the statute books would not limit the President's authority to make trade concessions to the So- viet Union. ' M r . Brezhnev reported Soviet Union for the West. Thus, Mr. Brezhnev has over- stated by nearly 100 per cent the number of visas granted and the percentage of appli- cants permitted to go in 1972. ' M r . Brezhnev reported that, in the first five months of 1973, some 10,100 exit per- mits have been granted. What he failed to say was that this represents a decline in the rate of emigration from last year, a slowing- down since the Moscow sum- mit. (NOTE: 10,100 in five months is an annual rate of 24,240, well below the 31,700 of 1972). Moreover, Mr. that last year 61,000 persons Brezhnev failed to mention applied to emigrate and that that the rate for the last 60,200, all but 800, were several weeks shows a steep granted permission to leave. decline. In the first half of The fact is that in all of 1972 June, the number of visas only 31,700 persons left the dropped to a rate of 1,700 a month. (Equivalent to annual rate: 20,400 vs. 31,700 in 1972). - ISRAEL ALIYAH CENTER, INC. 17520 W. 12 Mile Suite III Southfield, Mich. 48076 (313) 559-6755 Are You Aware That: There are many job openings for professionals and technicians in the State of Israel and many tax and other "These are not just num- bers that Mr. Brezhnev is speaking about. These are the lives and the liberty of innocent men and women who desire only to be free. "More than the numbers themselves are wrong and misleading. WI-1,3t the Brezh- nev numbers cover up is an organized system of repres- sion in the Soviet Union that terrorizes a n d intimidates those who wish to emigrate to the point where many are afraid to apply. Applicants are immediately fired from their jobs, and, often the el- derly lose their pensions and the young are often expelled from school. Applicants are brutally harassed • and mis- treated by the secret police, and many have been sent to the infamous labor camps, to We will gladly SPECIAL SUMMER ADVANCED CLASSES assist you if you're $10 JULY & AUGUST interested. Mondays at 10 a.m. benefits available to Olim. Call for in For Further Info. Call (313) 559-6755 LI 6-8040 METRO BRIDGE CLUB 23029 COOLIDGE OAK PARK TROPICANA BOB Is BACK AFTER A SHORT ABSENCE FROM THE TROPICANA, LAS VEGAS, TO WELCOME RUTH'S AND MY NEW GRANDDAUGHTER, STACY BETH, I AM AGAIN HOSTING TRIPS TO THE HOME OF THE SUPER STARS. WE'LL BE LEAVING JULY 30 BOB OSTROW 863-8307 PACKER • PONTIAC STILL THE WORLD'S LARGEST For the Best Deal on the New "73's" RED STOTSKY Call 863-9300 18650 LIVERNOIS, SOUTH OF SEVEN prison and to mental institu- tions. Despite these inhuman measures, more than 110,000 brave men and women have placed themselves in jeop- ardy by securing from abroad the documents neces- sary to file emigration appli- cations. And there they re- main, in the Soviet Union, making a mockery of Mr. Brezhnev's assertion that 95 per cent of those wishing to emigrate are free to do so. How many thousands more would apply if emigration were as free as Mr. Brezh- nev says it is c a n n o t be estimated." The Brezhnev claim also was immediately challenged in Israel where Nathan Pe- led, minister of immigration and absorption, pointed out that while only 32,000 Jews were permitted to leave the USSR, more than 100,000 exit visas had been re- quested. Jewish Agency Executive Chairman Louis Pincu s, speaking on a radio inter- view, said that while Brezh- nev claimed that 250 exit visas are granted out of 750 applicants on a list of "hard- ship" cases presented by Dr. Henry Kissinger to the Soviet authorities, only 10 persons on the list have emigrated. Pincus conceded that the Soviet authorities appear more flexible on the emigra- tion issue now than in the past. (Addressing 1,500 persons at a rally for Soviet Jews outside the Rusian Consulate in San Francisco Sunday night, Mikhail Shepshelovicz, a recent emigre from the Soviet Union remarked that Brezhnev may have been sincere in his presentation to the U.S. congressmen but might not be getting the right information from his subor- dinates. The National Conference on Soviet Jewry asknowledged that it has compiled a list of over 1,200 names of Soviet Jews who have repeatedly been denied permission to emigrate. According to Jerry Goodman, executive director of the conference, these lists represent people who have signed petitions in the Soviet Union appealing for their right to emigrate. According to the National Conference on Soviet Jewry, which maintains data on a month-to-month basis, the total emigration of Soviet Jews from the years 1948 to 1973 was 68,000. Between Oc- tober 1968 and May 1973, 61,163 Soviet Jews were al- lowed to emigrate. Goodman pointed out that the total number of Soviet Jews al- lowed to emigrate covers a period of 25 years. At the same time, over 178,000 in- dividual affidavits for emi- gration by Soviet Jews were requested and sent to the Soviet Union. An application to emigrate is preceded by a request for an invitation from a relative from Israel or elsewhere. Goodman pointed out that "an. invitation is the first step in a lengthy and admin- istratively horrifying emigra- tion process. At the present time there are approximately 116,000 Soviet Jews still wait- ing for permission to emi- grate. The rate of application of Soviet Jews averages 5,000 per month. For each Jew allowed to emigrate, approx- imately 21/2. Soviet Jews apply. Therefore, the backlog of Soviet Jews increases. "For some time now," Goodman asserted, "Soviet officials have been insisting that about 95 per cent of all Soviet Jews who apply to emigrate actually leave. This is a manipulation of statistics since it ignores those Soviet Jews who apply to emigrate but are not granted permis- sion to leave. The 95 per cent figure probably refers to Soviet Jews who, upon finally receiving permission to leave, actually do leave." 16—Friday, June 29, '1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 3 050, Featuring the ALL NEW FT: PRINCE EDWARD STYLES . , • and TUXTAILS and • • VELVETS& ALLCOLOR ' k • FLARES ALSO WHITE A IN'w I. E.. .. . , .\,,,. FLARES & RUFFLED = = = SHIRTS IN 18 COLORS .:. : =— = = = = - i Rentals • Sales Fittings Volare Boots in = Brezhnev's assertion that E.' Black and White Complete Line 95 per cent of the Soviet Jews Group Rates for of Men's Suits and who had applied for exit Weddings and Proms Sportcoats visas were granted them was Tuxedo Sales & Rental characterized as "statistical 126 S. Woodward (1st Block S. of Maple on Woodward) E, make-believe" by Bnai Brith Birmingham, Mich. E President David M. Blum- = Men's Clothing Ii1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r 2 berg. The Soviet leader "omitted the fact that some 110,000 ap- plications are buried some- where in the files of the So- viet bureaucracy," Blumberg declared. •••• •• •••• • ••••1110111116 Providing background data to "appraise Brezhnev's statements in a more mean- ingful context," the Ameri- can Jewish Committee pointed out: "Nearly twice as many Jews as have been allowed to leave are still waiting to get out. Between 110,000 and 120,000 persons have filed the required affidavits and are now awaiting visas which may or may not be granted. "The actual number of per- sons who wish to emigrate is probably even greater, for anyone who applies for an exit visa immediately sub- jects himself and his family to social ostracism, loss of employment, "anti - Zionist" insults and other forms of harassment — without any assurance that he will ever be allowed to leave. Some applicants have been jailed; some have been declared mentally ill and confined to institutions. SEMI- ANNUAL sss;, • - . "Highly trained persons, particularly scientists, a r e often refused exit visas on alleged security ground s, even though they may not have worked recently, or ever, in fields requiring se- curity clearance. Right now, seven scientists who are in this situation are conducting a hunger strike in Moscow. (since concluded). Virtually all scientists who apply are promptly fired and indefinite- ly forced into menial jobs rather than allowed to leave. "Such exit visas as are granted are unevenly appor- tioned. In the more heavily Jewish parts of the Soviet Union — Russia proper, the Ukraine, Byelorussia—where 85 per cent of Soviet Jewry lives, only 10 to 15 per cent of applicants have been given exit visas; in the rest of the country, where Jews are few, 85 per cent of all applicants have received visas. "Mr. Brezhnev sets the number of Soviet Jews at 2,151,000. This is the official figure, but it understates the total. 'It is known that per- sons of mixed Jewish-gentile ancestry ha v e frequently been counted as non-Jews by Soviet census takers, as have Jewish spouses of gentiles on some occasions. Most spe- cialists estimate the Jewish population of the Soviet Union as close to 3,000,000— which makes the 68,000 total proportionately still smaller." 2 0% OFF ON EVERYTHING IN THE STUDIO UP TO 50% OFF AND MORE ON SELECT ITEMS OFF ON ALL SPECIAL ORDERS Shetwood Studios, (9)2c. qppir FINE FURNITURE TO LIVE WITH driA BEN AND MARK MORGANROTH Professional Interior Designers 354-9060 io [ Mc; STEOD 9s uP.thjA6ADYAILY TEL-TWELVE MALL SOUTHFIELD VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP 0110 000411 0011011.00000.0 Classified Ads Get Fast Results