on 1 6 Center Hebrew Club 90, Going Michigan Department Urges 32—Friday, June 15, 1973 • i to Open at Center Starting July 11, the He- Aid to Viet Veterans; Elects Bale Crown Heights Hasidim, Blacks brew department of the Jew- JWV National Commander A series of resolutions call- ish Center will sponsor a ing for special benefits to re- Norman D. Tilles attended Reportedly Concur on Traffic summer Hebrew Club, meet- • the business session at which THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS turning veterans of the Viet- ing 1-3 p.m. Wednesdays at NEW YORK (JTA) — A en on the black during a nam War was approved by delegates called for the State the main building and 7-9 restricted period. black clergyman in the ra- delegates to the recent 32nd Legislature to enact legisla- p.m. Wednesdays at the 10 One was driven by Dr. cially mixed Crown Heights annual convention of the De- tion to provide bonuses for Mile branch. section of 'Brooklyn reported Rufus Nichols, a black physi- partment of Michigan, Jew- time served and for counsel- The club is open to every- cian who lives on the block, that an agreement had been ish War Veterans, at the ing and rehabilitation clinics one who has some profi- reached with leaders of the and the other by a patient. Sheraton Pontiac - Bloomfield for Vietnam veterans; for the ciency in Hebrew language, legislature to amend all exist- Lubavitcher movement to The 'hasidim charged the Motel, Pontiac. and the course will be di- ing statutes on veteran bene- end a dispute over police cars were driven "reckless- Joe Bale was elected com- vided into three sections fits to include Vietnam vet- barricades limiting access to ly." The black clergyman. Rev. mander of the department; erans: and for the Congress according to knowledge. Two a service road which passes Leonard Green, senior vice As teachers in each class will the United Lubavitcher Syna- Clarence Norman, said Fri- commander; William Green- to enact a GI Bill of Rights • It day that "we have received give lectures and lead dis- gogue. Mrs. Rae Thomas, a resi- berg, junior vice command- pertaining to tuition fees, ed- The area was the scene of assurances from Jewish er; Arthur M. Lang, judge ucation and training of Viet- dent of Federation Apart- cussions, readings and games. For information, call a clash between several hun- leaders that no traffic will advocate; and Harry Fried- nam veterans. ments, was honored by her dred hasidim and police on be interfered with in travel- man, quartermaster. The delegates also urged friends and relatives on the the Hebrew department, DI June 2 which erupted when ing through this area." employers and labor unions occasion of her 90th birthday 1-4200. Rev. Norman, who is presi- patrolmen tried to arrest to provide employment for at a party Wednesday after- three hasidic youth charged dent of the interracial and these veterans and to estab- noon at the 10 Mile Jewish interfaith Crown Heights Cler- with battering two cars driv- lish preferential employment Center. Mrs. Thomas has gy Council, urged that dri- practices for them. ••• • •• • •••••• • •• 00000 • . vers four children, 11 grandchil- "bear in mind the safe- : Among the other resolu- dren and 19 great-grandchil- ty of those children and : • adults entering and leaving i M Mrs. Benjamin Rubin has tions were one expressing dren. At first, her daughter ■ • services" at the Lubavitcher been CUSTOM • elected president of the continued support for the Rose said, Mrs. Thomas de- • • HOUSEHOLD SALES • ' Synagogue. Department of Michigan Jew- Jackson Amendment and clined the party because she FRAMING IN YOUR HOME •S This was a reference to a ish War Veterans Auxiliary. Mills-Vanik Bill as aids to didn't want to miss a day of • work at the Jewish Voca- Soviet Jews; and another : ESTATES LIQUIDATED • claim by a Lubavitcher A member of Yetz-Cohen • RESTORATIONS • • spokesman, Rabbi Yehuda Auxiliary for more than 20 calling on the U.S. and UN to tional Service Community MARION • • 626-6795 Krinsky, that the barricades, years, Mrs. Rubin has served expend all efforts to aid Jews Workshop. 626-8402 : , used during the past three the group and the Depart- living in Arab lands. IRENE • "Art Linkletter Schools • 6-26-8907 626-4769 • Honored by the department o years, were meant only to ment of Michigan in numer- • have a few openings left • -••••••••••••••••••••••• protect worshippers, partic- for their achievements in the in Nursery School. Past year were Bale, Harry ularly children, who congre- Free busing, too!" Birmingham Friedman, Arthur M. Lang, gate outside the synagogue Art Linkletter Schools and Sidney Lantz, each of on Saturdays. He said last 28805 Evergreen, Southfield wham received the Award of week that four of the chil- 357-1215 — 588-0300 dren had been hit by cars Merit. * * * during the past year. Rev. Norman also urged The Department of Michi- both communities "to respect gan will dedicate its new me- i„ic Jruisi for the 2 i3criminatin9 the rights of one another and morial home at an open TiL icai entertainment not to be goaded into con- house 1 5 p.m. June 24. frontation which would only by serve the interests of those II School Accepting who would tear our com- and Iii Orchestra munity apart." Pack Registration for Fall 41. , Auxiliary Names Prexy PORTRAITS CANDIDS Brapkitt 1 647-5730 m - pit RUSSELL SCHREIBER ASSOCIATES AGENCY OF THE SHOW WORLD • Orchestras • Entertainment • Speakers • Concerts Downtown Detroit - 962-8000 :ERKLEY HEALTH FOODS FREE — FREE — FREE One Paperback Book "Let's Get Well" by ADELE DAVIS With Purchase of $20 or More Saturday & Sunday Only. Natural Vitamins & Minerals • Fresh Organic Fruits & Vegetables • Fresh Eggs • Dried Fruits & Nuts 2823 Coolidge, Berkley PHONE 543-3505 Free Parking Open Daily 10 to 7 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 4 Stationery For Rosh Hashana Cards Bar Mitzva • Weddings • etc. • BARBARA'S STATIONERY S. Adams Road next to Machus Cafeteria in Birmingham, Michigan Phone 642-3860 725 Registration is being ac- cepted for next fall at Beth MRS. BENJAMIN RUBIN Abraham-Hillel R e l i g i o u s School, an independent relig- ous capacities. Her principal ious education facility oper- areas of service have been to ated by Cong. Beth Abraham- hospitalized veterans and Hillel. servicemen. The school offers non- Mrs. Rubin appointed Mrs. graded flexible progressive Jack Schwartz as her chief- programs for Sundays and midweek, from kindergarten of-staff. Also elected at the recent through the 11th grade and state convention were Mes- I for Bar and Bat Mitzva train- dames Jack Goyer, senior ing. The audio-lingual Hebrew vice president; Harry Left, junior vice president; Sam language instructional method Wagner, treasurer; Morris and a team - teaching ap- Feldman, patriotic instruc- proach is used under educa- tress; John Nemon, chap- tion director Harry Jubas. lain; Miriam Lawrence, con- Bar and Bat Mitzva in- ductress; Charles Glass, his- struction, junior congregation torian; and Peggy Braver, Sabbath morning services, guard. and youth and teen groups are included in planned activ- ities. Bus transportation is available. For information, call the synagogue office, 581-6880. JWV SOL YETZ - MORRIS CO- HEN POST will meet 9 p.m. Monday at the JWV home. The auxiliary will begin its usual summer program of holding one meeting per month, with the next meeting scheduled for July 16. I Men's Clubs Wail! "We Shall Return Soon" Watch for Our Opening Announcement 22120 Coolidge Corner 9 Mile and Coolidge ADAT SHALOM MEN'S CLUB elected William Zim- merman president; Albert Farber and Michael Small, vice presidents; Harvey Ai- dem and Milton Zinberg, sec- retaries; and William Far- ber, traesurer. Board mem- bers are the following: Ben Berry, William Farber. Emanuel Feinberg, Fred Gold, Sol Hammerstein, Da/ld Leibowitz, Carl Lichtenstein, Abe I. Morri- son, Harry Nachman, Harry Par- tner, Malcolm I. Rivkin, Saul Rose, Louis Rosen, Maurice Ro- sender, Dr. Jacques M. Rosenthal, Daniel Shapiro, Shenm•n Shapiro. Julius Wainer, Milton Weiss and David Zeff. Two leading Israeli scien- tists, PROF. HAIM HARARI of the Weizmann Institute and Prof. JOSHUA JORT- NER of Tel Aviv University, were awarded the Weizmann Prize in the Exact Sciences by the Tel Aviv Municipality. Prof. Harari, dean of the Weizmann Institute's Fein- berg Graduate School, holds the Annenberg Chair in High Energy Physics. 358-3642 TOM NEWBY'S Reid's Florist TAKE HOME FLOWERS ON FRIDAY Come In For Our "Shabbas Specials" The Town's talkin' about our Bar Mitzvas, Weddings, Showers and Parties . . . With ima 9 ination ‘‘Jiower3 356-3921 29245 Southfield at 12 Mile .•• OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ••••••••••••••••••••• Abe Cherow, Says: IF YOU ARE A LOVER OF .•' BEAUTIFUL FABRICS, • • WHETHER THEY BE • • CONTEMPORARY OR • • TRADITIONAL, YOU'LL • • ENJOY GOING THROUGH OUR SAMPLES. ARTISTIC HAS THE LARGEST SELECTION OF IN-STOCK VELVETS IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. • • • • • CALL LU 4-5900 • • FORA FREE HOME ESTIMATE • ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERERS • 5755 SCHAEFER RD. • (1 block North of Ford Rd.) Dearborn — LU 4-5900 • • ABE CHEROW, President Open Daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. • i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OOOOOOOOOO •: Lace Baubles Sportswear CLOSING FOR THE SUMMER Everything $3 - 5 5 - 5 7 - 5 1 - 5 1 S (Blouses, Pants, Sweaters, Beach Robes, Purses, Belts) Mon.-Fri. 10:30-4 399-7869 2743 Coolidge, Berkley