Nazi Criminal Living in Chile NEW YORK (JTA) —Si- mon Wiesenthal, the Nazi hunter, claimed that a major Nazi war criminal is living freely and openly in Chile but cannot be extradited be- cause of that country's 15- year statute of limitations on extraditable offenses. Wiesenthal, who heads the Nazi war crimes center in Vienna, identified the want- ed Nazi as Walter Rauff, 66, who, he said. lives in Punta Arenas, Chile, and operates a prosperous export-import business. He said Rauff was the man in charge of the mobile gas chambers—trucks with Red Cross markings in which de- portees were locked and gassed to death as they got off trains. According to Wiesenthal, Rauff was responsible for killing at least 50,000 people during World War II. He said the West German gov- ernment has requested his extradition several times but the Chilean courts ruled that under the law he could not be extradited. Wiesenthal said he had written to President Salvador Allende of Chile on the mat- ter and had received a "warm and friendly" reply from the Chilean chief executive, who said he could not change the law. According to Wiesenthal, Rauff managed to escape from Europe after World War II with the assistance of the "Odessa" organization, an underground group that aided ....,......--...i.--.-- 4:e...e.- ANTS? M ake 'em holler uncle! ti Call 862-3200 PEST CONTROL SERVICE. Inc. Guaranteed Control of Roaches, Mice, Spiders and Clover Mites. E. john Klein PASSPORT PHOTOS fors3 95 Papertique 28635 Southfield 357.3266 Ovrnite Service INVITATIONS 20% OFF For Sale OFFICE CHAIRS Beautiful wood Contem- porary design. 6 side orm chairs & 2 swivel chairs. Finest quality, just received but they are too large for our space. Seat & back ele- gantly upholstered. Side Arms Chairs $100 ea. Swivels $125 ea. Cost considerably more. (save 3 months wait). See at Nazis fleeing justice. He stayed briefly in Argentina and Ecuador and came to Chile in 1947. He is not a Chilean citizen and he open- ly uses his real name, Wie- senthal said. Wiesenthal said that his Vienna office is working on 330 cases of wanted Nazi war criminals but is sure of the whereabouts of only 220 of them. His organization is daily in receipt of informa- tion from all parts of the Katzir to Cut Out Sabbath Services at Presidential Home JERUSALEM (JTA) — President Ephraim Katzir said that he would continue to maintain the synagogue built into the presidenial res- idence by his predecessor, Zalman Shazar, but that he would not continue Shazar's practice of holding weekly Sabbath services there. The president, who took of- fice May 24, announced his decision to the dozen or so neighbors who regularly at- tended services at the presi- dential residence. He said they would be welcome to continue but indicated it would be preferable if they worshipped elsewhere from now on. Katzir, who is not Orthodox in his religious observance, said he would use Shazar's synagogue only for special services. He said he intended to spend most of his week- ends for the next six months at Rehovot where he intends to keep ur, his scientific work at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He said that even when he is in'4 Jerusalem he would prefer not to be bound to one synagogue. The president apologized to the weekly worshipers who were turned away by a police guard when they came to the presidential residence last Friday night for their week- ly services. He said the guard had act- ed without his authority and has been reprimanded. The synagogue set up by Shazar, contains a silver me- zuza said to have adorned the synagogue of Rabbi Bal Shem Toy. the founder of the hasidic movement 200 years aga. 559-6633 (9-5:30) 18—Friday, June 8, 1973 world but cannot follow up all leads because of lack of funds. He said the No. 1 criminal on his wanted list is Dr. Jos- eph Mengelc, the notorious death camp doctor. Mengele, an Austrian, was responsible for selecting in- mates for the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Wiesenthal said he lives in South America but his exact whereabouts are not known. According to Wiesenthal Brazil is the most cooperative of all South American coun- tries in helping track down wanted Nazis and bringing them to justice. Wiesenthal pleaded Sunday night for the continuation of trials against those Nazi crim- inals who have so far escaped punishment, not just for le- gal reasons but to educate mankind. Wiesenthal told some 450 persons attending the convo- cation dinner of the New York school of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insti- Return to Eternity, According to Weizmann To exchange Zion for an- strength was restored by con- other country is impossible tact with the earth. When the for us because Zion is inter- Jewish people comes into contact with its 'historic land woven into our entire history again, it will once again be- and only there can we realize come the eternal people as what is told in an ancient it was formerly. Ch. Weiz- legend about a giant whose mann, "Against Uganda." tute of Religion at the Plaza Hotel here that the trials must continue "as a warning to the mass murderers of to- morrow whose victims might be Jews or other people. These trials must take place as a confirmation that justice never ends." Wiesenthal earlier in the day received an honorary doctorate of humane letters at the commencement exer- cises of the HLTC-JIR. Also receiving honorary de- grees at the commencement exercise were Rudolf G. Son- neborn, industrialist and Zi- onist leader; Louis Broido, honororary chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee; Sen. Hugh Scott (R., Pa.), Senate minority leader; Earl Morse, former Chairman of the board of trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; and Mrs. Ar- thur Hays Sulzberger, retired director of The New York Times and granddaughter of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, founder of the college. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR HIGHSCHOOLERS Sports Skills Camp Camp Shalom Safari '73 Camp of the Arts Tennis and Gymnastics Camp Teens on Wheels Teen Work Camp I. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 341-4200 Transportation included for above programs SESSION I: SESSION II: July 2 July 27 I July 30-August 24 I - $200,000 Lottery wiener has his own Marshall Plan: Hand the money to his wife. larael Foreign Office Expect Reaches 80 JERUSALEM — The elder statesman of Israel's foreign ministry, Max Nurock, form- er ambassador to Australia, recently celebrated his 80th birthday. Irish by birth and educa- tion, Nurock made his name as a British civil servant working for the 'Palestine Mandate. He helped mold Israel's civil service in the early 1950s, drawing on Brit- ish practice and experience. Nurock "opens" the fore- ign ministry each day, arriv- ing with his secretary at 7 a.m. His role is adviser on publications. The ministry's English language publica- tions and official documents all pass through his hands for checking on proper Eng- lish usage. Mr. Fred B. Marshall, plant manager from Niles, Michigan, plans to let his wife manage his $200,000 Lottery winnings. A-Okay, Fred! For 50C , you could have the happy task of deciding what you're going to do CONTROL NO. 17373 12 Mile 1 1 /2 blks E. of Southfield Lathrup Village Can't Be Extradited: Wiesenthal SERIES LOT SEQUENCE PROGNOSIS Some guys we know don't need acupuncture — their wives have needled them for years. with $10,000, $50,000, $200,000, $1,000,000. Every week, play to win. If you don't, you can't. LOTTERY NOS. DRAWING DATE 0-0000-000 00/00/00 000 000 The chance ofa lifetime. 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