Ford Inspired by Israel, Advocates Self-Help • In Providing Automotive Parts for Industry (Continued from Page 1) ponents to European manu- facturers. Ford would wel- come the opportunity to do business on this basis not only in Israel but throughout the area." Outlining t h e industrial needs, defining the U.S. role, expressing opposition to the Arab boyCott, Ford made the following declarations in his speech: "There is no substitute, in today's world markets, for economies of scale. To sell at competitive prices requires substantial investment in cap- ital equipment which can be operated profitably only at high volume. This creates a particularly difficult problem for a small country, such as Israel. In a large country, the home market provides a base for high-volume produc- tion. A small country can af- ford to invest in mass produc- tion equipment only if it can develop substantial export sales very quickly. "I can best illustrate this problem and some of the po- tential solutions by referring to the industry I know best. As you may know, one rea- son for my visit to Israel at this time is to participate in the launching of Ford com- mercial vehicle assembly at the Nazareth plant of Auto- motive Industries Limited, where Ford Escort cars have been assembled since 1968. "This step makes sense for us, for Israel and for the Is- raeli businessmen who - own and operate the Nazareth plant and distribute Ford ve- hicles in Israel. Together with other steps which I un- derstand Israel Automobile Corporation is taking to ex- pand its distribution and ser- vice activities, it will permit Ford vehicles to play a larger role in the expansion of Is- rael's transportation system and the growth of its econ- omy. "We are, of course, pleased to have this opportunity. I should add, however, that it is not a step toward the de- velopment of a complete au- tomotive manufacturing com- plex in Israel. The home mar- ket is not nearly large enough to justify the massive invest- ments that would be required, and external markets are al- ready crowded with efficient, established manufacturers. "In similar circumstances, some countries have forced the development of a small- scale national automotive in- dustry by effectively banning importation of vehicles and components. The result, how ever, is to raise the price and slow the growth of motor ve- hicle transportation, with ad- verse effects on the whole economy. "A much better way for small countries to participate in the growth of motor ve- hicle manufacturing is to spe- cialize in large-scale produc- tion of particular components for export to established ve- hicle producers abroad. One advantage of this approach is that it permits local manu- facturers to sidestep the la- borious process of penetrat- ing foreign er:; provi{, - z2n imme- diate outlet for ip:luirte pro- duction. "In the Asia-Pacific area, . '4 Friday, June 1, 1973 — Ford is currently developing plans to expand motor ve- hicle manufacturing on, the basis of what we call the complementation coneep t. This involves the establish- ment of manufacturing plants in a number of associated countries which, together, constitute a viable market. No one country would pro- duce all the components of a complete vehicle, but each country would produce par- ticular components in suffici- ent volume to serve the needs of the entire area. "This concept could prove applicable to other areas of the world as well. In the Middle East, with its prox- imity and economic ties to Europe, the expansion of mo- tor vehicle manufacturing can probaly best be accomplished through integration with the established European motor vehicle industry. Much needs to be done to achieve eco- nomies of scale and compe- titive prices along with com- petitive quality. But there is no reason why Israel and other Middle Eastern coun- tries could not eventually be- come efficient suppliers of automotive components to European manufacturers. Ford would welcome the op- portunity to do business on this basis not only in Israel but throughout the area. "The integration of the Middle East into the Euro- pean industrial economy will, of course, be facilitated if the European Community is extended to include the en- tire Mediterranean basin through one form of associa- tion or another. This process is already under way. As you know, a preferential trade agreement with Israel has been in effect for several years. Similar agreements have now been negotiated be- tween the EEC and Egypt and Lebanon, and I under- stand that Syria, Jordan and Kuwait have also indicated an interest in concluding trade agreements. "It would be impossible to exaggerate the economic ben- efits that would flow to all concerned as a result of the development of close econom- ic ties among the countries of the Middle East, and be- tween the Middle East and Europe. Needless to say, these potential benefits will not be fully realized as long as the conflict between Is- rael and her neighbors re- mains unsettled. "I have no particular ex- pertness in Middle Eastern affairs, but it does seem to me that the opportunities for peace have improved. "Insofar as the great pow- ers affect developments in the Middle East, the im- provement of relations be- tween the United States and the Soviet Union is a favor- able omen. Other faNiorable signs include the willingness of some Arab nations to as- sociate themselves with an economic union which is also associated with Israel, the ability of Israel and Jordan to live side by side in peace, if not in friendship, and even the survival, however shaky it may be, of the UN cease fire. "If the opportunity for HENRY FORD II peace is greater, so, it seems to me, is the need for peace. "The absence of peace shuts Israel out of the mar- kets of its neighbors at a time when Israel needs to find outlets for its industries, and when the rising oil reve- nues of its neighbors are cre- ating greater need for indus- trial products and greater purchasing power than ever before. "The absence of neace and the Arab boycott force for- eign companies such as Ford to choose between doing bus- iness with Israel, and doing business with certain Arab countries, when we would rather contribute to the ec- onomic development of both sides. We are more than willing to do business with any country, but we are un- willing to refrain from doing business with one country as a prerequisite to doing business with others—particu- larly when no strategic inter- est is at stake. The fact re- mains, however, that the ab- sence of peace interferes with -trade not only between the countries of the Middle East, but also between the Middle East and other na- tions, to the detriment of the entire region. "It seems to me that the Middle East is approaching a critical turning point as a result of the growing world- wide shortage of petroleum. Rising petroleum sales and prices are making Israel's oil-rich neighbors wealthy. Israel's neighbors also know that Israel's friends must have access to Middle East- ern oil on reasonable terms. How this wealth and knowl- edge may be used, I cannot say, but it does seem evident that these developments will tend to shift the balance of power to Israel's disadvan- tage. "On the other hand, Israel is also growing as a result of its economic expansion, its growing self-sufficiency in de- fense production and the in- creasing sophistication of its weapon systems. The continu- ing ability of Israel to defend its security cannot be ques- tioned. "If peace remains elusive, however, both sides will al- most certainly feel com- pelled to devote a major por- tion of their growing strength to military preparation. In these circumstances, a re- newal of hostilities on a larg- er and more destructive scale would be a constant peril. "Peace in the Middle East would not only avoid these consequences, but w o ul d bring enormous positive ben- efits. Israel's technical, sci- entific and managerial lead- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ership and its modern indus- trial economy could provide opment Tuesday night, Fi- with Israeli industry. The a natural complement to the nance Minister Pinhas Sapir conference opened in Jerusa- vast manpower reserves and inaugurated Israel's second lem Monday night and split the growing financial re- o:I refinery at Ashdod. The into 11 committees Tuesday sources of the Arab world. If plant will have a 4,500,000- for working sessions in Tel the nations of the Middle ton capacity ner annum Aviv. East can find a way to com- which, when added to the So far at the sessions there promise their differences, 6,500,000-ton capacity of the has been criticism of the red make peace and work togeth- Haifa Oil Refineries, will en- tape that hampers invest- er, they will have an oppor- able Israel to export a sur- ments in Israel and a diver- tunity to raise the standard plus of refined petroleum sity of opinion among leading of living and improve the products. Israel's domestic Israeli bankers on how for- quality of life for all their consumption at present is eign investments can best be 7,250,000 tons per annum. people. channeled. Sapir said the opening of "I am, of course, well At a meeting of the finance aware of the many futile ef- the new facility indicated the committee chaired by Sapir, forts that have already been momentum of Israel's indus- Ernest Yaffe, a director P' made to achieve peace in the trial growth. About 65 per Bank Leumi, suggested ti Middle East. I am equally cent of the equipment at the investments be made througn aware of the enormous dif- new refinery was made in the Israeli Stock Exchange. ferences that remain to be Israel. Sapir said that some Jacob Levinson, of Bank settled before peace with se- IL 660,000,000 would be re- Hapoalim, proposed the crea- quired in the next decade for ton of a trust fund to sell curity can be achieved. "I can only repeat my im- the• expansion of the Haifa shares to Israeli and foreign pression that the need for and Ashdod refineries. investors, thus limiting the peace, and the opportunities His remarks were ad- risks of the latter. Benno for peace, have never been dressed to many of the 1,200 Guetter, of the Israel Dis- greater. I earnestly hope that foreign businessmen current- count Bank, suggested that new initiatives toward peace ly attending the prime minis- investments be channeled to will be forthcoming in the ter's third economic confer- specific projects, supervised near future. It has now be- ence here which is aimed at in Israel. "It is no good to come obvious that neither bringing foreign capital and supply funds and control side can possibly achieve— know-how into partnership (Continued on Page 35) either through war or through negotiation—all that it has previously regarded as es- sential. If this fact is recog nized by both sides, peace may finally be possible. "Whatever happens, I am confident that Israel will sur- vive and make progress in the future as it has in the past. But I shall continue to hope that Israel and its neighbors will first make peace, and then begin to link themselves together in peaceful com- merce. "During the 25 years of Is- rael's existence, the nations of Western Europe have de- veloped economic bonds so firm that a renewal of hostil- ities among themselves would be unthinkable. During the next 25 years, the nations of the Middle East can do the same." Ford slipped in his hotel room and broke his arm Tuesday. But the accident did not interfere with his schedule of meetings with Is- raeli industralists and other activities. Ford was at the Caesarea Amphitheater Tues- day night with his left arm in a plaster cast. He heard speeches by Premier Golda Meir and Marc Moshevich, president of the Manufacturers Associ- ation. Mrs. Meir said Israel was satisfied with its industrial development to date, that the country has reached a stage when its exports are in- creasing without the benefit of Zionist sentiments. Israel's products are sought on the world markets for their own merits, she said. Moshevich lashed out at, critics of Israel's industrial To: The Jewish News establishment. He said "state- 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 ments and declarations" were Southfield, Mich. 48075 being made against the busi- Please send a year's gift subscription to: ness community at a time when an all-out mutual effort NAME is needed to increase produc- tion. Moshevich mentioned no ADDRESS ___ names but it was apparent that he was referring to re- ZIP STATE CITY __ cent charges by Histadrut secretary general Yitzhak FOR: Ben-Aharon that current ec- state occasion onomic policies were enrich- ing the rich at the expense FROM of the poor. $8.00 enclosed (foreign — $9.00) In another economic devel- I I send THE JEWISH NEWS as a gift ❑