*-6.,•• ■ ••• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, May 18, 1973 Citizens Lobby Picks Organizer for Oakland County - Operation llissNlIncrFeklmtin to liarry ill lull , Klein Saluted, Sidlow Re-Elected, Beth El Youth Cited at Assembly The community paid tri- lens that in yesteryears things we won't be without bute Tuesday evening to Wal- Would have been handled by (when Klein leaves). Those In the five months the ter E. Klein at the final dele- ideological parties, move- are the things that Walter The Michigan Citizens Lobby announced the ap- Lobby has been operating as gate assembly of his career ments and isms. But today built." pointment of Doreen Braver- a nonprofit corporation, it as director of the Jewish they are handled differently Besides Sidlow, other offi- —by voluntary agencies." The cers elected at the assembly man to head the Lobby's op- has made its presence felt in Community Council. erations in Oakland County. Lansing, said Miss Braver- Klein has been with the involvement of lay leadership were Rabbi Hayim Donin, Miss Braverman, a special man. A MCL proposal pro- Council for 28 years, 13 of and of professional skills, Lewis S. Grossman and Ber- education teacher, said the hibiting junkets by lame- them as director. He will re- he said, are the two prerequi- nard Panush, vice presidents; sites that make communal Mrs. Aaron B. Shifman, sec- purpose of the Lobby is "to dusk legislators was passed tire Sept. 1. give the solid majority of by the Senate in March. The assembly, attended by agencies vital and programs retary; and John Shepherd, our citizens, the taxpayers, Legislation to cut prescrip- more than 300 at Cong. Beth effective. treasurer. a more effective voice in tion drug prices drafted by Achim, re-elected Hubert On the issue of Russian Elected to the executive government at the local, MCL is before the Legisla- Sidlow as president for the Jewry, Minkoff said, the De- committee were Henry Aus- county and state levels. The ture, she said. coming term. However, the troit council was active long lander, Morris Brandwine, rich have a powerful voice The biggest project riOt assembly was chaired by before the entire community Mrs. Philip Fealk, Mitchell a:id so do the special in- now, Miss Braverman added, Vice President Lewis Gross- was involved. And in the Feldman, Morris Friedman, MISS NANCY FELDMAN terests, but not those of us "is to put an end to dis- man because Sidlow is re- fight for civil rights, Detroit Harold Gales, Mrs. Selma who work for a living." honesty and incompetence in cuperating from a heart at- and other Jewish commun- Goode, Miles Jaffe, Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. ities played a role "long be- Vernon Leopold, Bernard Feldman of Adrian Ave.. the auto repair industry. An tack. auto repair survey we took The sixth annual Youth fore there were any allies." Linden, Dr. Theodore Man- Southfield, announce the The Best To You in Macomb, Oakland and Social Action Award, hence- Many communities have dell, Norman Naimark, John gagement of their daught,_ Wayne counties revealed a forth to be called the Walter benefited, as well, from De- Nemon, Daniel Pevos, Mrs. Nancy to D r . Ted H. desperate need for action in E. Klein Youth Award, was troit's use of the mass media Albert Rosenblum, Mrs. Ma- Schwartzenfeld, son of Mr. this area, and we have intro- given by the Council to the to explore various issues, he tilda Rubin and Irving Tukel. and Mrs. Alfred P. Schwartz- duced legislation in Lansing Young People's Society of added. enfeld of Briar Dr., Oak Tributes to Klein also were Combined School to license auto mechanics Temple Beth El. Bertha Brot- Park.' and auto repair businesses." man, chairman of the award extended by Judge Lawrence III SIC . . . Miss Feldman was gradu- A citizen drive to push this committee, presented the Gubow, past Council presi- Takes Registrants 11111 ated from Michigan State dent, who credited Klein with bill through Legislature will trophy to Hugh Broder, pres- 1/(• • ISIO‘S The Combined Jewish University and received her be announced in the next few ident of the youth group, and bringing him into the Jewish BIG BANbS OR School, headquartered at the master's degree from Wayne community as an activist 21 its members. weeks, she said. SMALL COMBOS Labor Zionist Institute, is en- State University. Her fiance years ago; by Dr. Samuel Honorable mentions were Her first task "is to find Krohn, on behalf of the Coun- rolling pupils for the 1973-74 was graduated from Wayne concerned citizens willing to given to the Shaarey Zedek cil executive committee and school year. The school, and the Kansas City College help out in each of the cities Junior Congregation and officers; and by Philip Good- which has an ethnic and of Osteopathic Medicine. and townships in Oakland Temple Kol Ami. A July wedding is planned. man and Toby Lantz, com- secular orientation, teaches County. No prior political ex- The award is presented to mander and president, re- Hebrew and Yiddish. Its perience is needed." Inter- the Jewish youth group which , spectively the Jewish War curriculum includes the his- ested persons may contact has made the most signifi- I Veterans, of Department of tory, literature and traditions cant contribution during the Miss Braverman at 642-2747, Michigan and its Auxiliary. of the Jewish people. Holi- or 6521 Red Maple Lane, past year in the areas of com- Goodman presented a day celebrations involving munity service and social Birmingham 48010. CUSTOM plaque in commendation of the entire family are stress- action. Klein's contributions to the ed, along with a Bar Mitzva for your party FRAMING Isaiah Minkoff, executive The world belongs to the community and to JWV, of program. energetic.—Ralph W. Emer- vice president of the Nation- which he is a longtime mem- For information, call Mrs. al Jewish Community Rela- son. RESTORATIONS By tions Advisory Council and ber. Mrs. Lantz gave several Sylvia Segall, 851-1807, 3-6 copies of "The Jewish War p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday undisputed dean of the Jew- CATERING ish community relations pro- Veterans Story" to Klein and and Thursday and 9:30 a.m.- fessionals, praised his collea• to the Council library. Pres- 12:30 p.m. Sunday. WITH A FLAIR For All Occasions gue Klein as "one of the arch- ent at the assembly were Specializing in: call itects of the Jewish com- Klein's wife, Esther, and Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Showers Birmingham five daughters. munity of Detroit." Call William Avrunin, execu- He said that Klein's ent- 354-6380 CHICHESTER Available for Parties rance on the community re- tive vice president of the • Mood Music • Sing-a-long, etc. Jewish Welfare Federation, lations scene after his dis- saluted Klein as a profession- Also has Portable Organ charge from the Navy in 353-9566 1945 was at the beginning of al "who knows how to take I Classifieds Get Quick Results reality out of rhetoric." He substantive changes in the The Jewish community. The after- decried the tendency to re- gard community relations as Sheldon Rott