rium Gen. Herzog, Military- Analyst, Due at Bnai Moshe Town Hall mar The final lecture of the Bnai Moshe Town Hall Series, will be held 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, featuring Major Gen. Chaim Herzog, political analyst on the Middle East. Tickets will be sold at the door. Gen. Herzog, radio and TV military commentator in GEN. CHAIM HERZOG Israel, Great Britain, Ger- many, Sweden and France, became known as "The Ed Marrow of Israel" during the Six-Day War and was credited with helping trans- form the mood of a nation. As military commentator of the Israel Broadcast Ser- vice, his analyses them- selves were "part of his- tory," in the words of It- zhak Rabin, Israel's am- bassador to the U.S. Born in Ireland, Gen. Her- zog is a graduate in law from the universities of London and Cambridge. His boyhood was spent in Palestine, where he initiated a military career by serving in the Jewish under- ground defense organization. He joined the British Army in World -War II and par- ticipated in the battles which liberated Northwest Europe. During Israel's War of Independence, he served as brigade chief of staff. German Concern !Preferential Hiring Admitted Attributed to by N.Y. State U. at Albany Mid East Tension NEW YORK — The De- Such distortion, he said, "is THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 18, 1973-21 BRIDGE BONN (JTA) — West partment of Health, Educa- destructive of equal oppor- Germany and its European tion anw Welfare has corrob- tunity and violative of the partners continue to be orated a charge made by the Constitution and Federal and FOR BEGINNERS — seriously concerned about Anti-Defamation League of State laws and can only re- INTERMEDIATE— ADVANCED the existence of tension in Bnai Brith that the State sult in exacerbating tensions MON. — WED. — FRI. the Middle East, Foreign University of New York at and bias. CLASSES NOW FORMING Minister Walter Scheel said. Albany had engaged in pref- For Further Info. Call erential hiring of faculty. The Mother of Reason Scheel said his forthcom- The corroboration came in LI 6-8040 ing talks in Cairo (May 20- Since Freud, it is quite 22), Amman (May 22-24), a letter to ADL by Samuel clear that emotion is a major METRO BRIDGE CLUB and Beirut (May 24-25) H. Solomon, special assistant part of human life, the 23029 COOLIDGE to the director of HEW's Of- would help Germany under- mother of reason, the source OAK PARK fice for Civil Rights, who had of art, science, literature stand better the Arab point investigated the charge. of view. Solomon said that Vice and religion. — Joshua Loth Classifieds Get Quick Results President Anwar Sadat of President John Hartley of Liebman. Egypt also wants to hear of SUNYA had conceded that his and Chancellor Willy statements assigning certain faculty positions on the basis Brandt's recent conversa- of sex and race on a one-on- tions with President Nixon one and one-on-three basis and Soviet Communist Party had been made in the early stages of the university's af- chief Leonid I. Brezhnev. firmative action program and Scheel said that the same "that these statements may applied to Brandt's talks in have gone beyond the pro- One of Allied Van Lines Largest Haulers Israel. These, too, would gram's intent." help towards better under- Solomon added that HEW 2253 Cole Street 1300 N. Campbell Road standing, he stated. has "taken strong exception" Birmingham Royal Oak Scheel said he was con- to the earmarking of posi- MI 4-4613 LI 1-3313 vinced of the possibility of tions by SUNYA "and we have so indicated to Mr. ending the Middle East con- flict. All parties are inter- Harley." Pointing out that "over- ested in spending money on economic development, not statements of program objec- QUALITY • SERVICE • PRICE tives by responsible admin- attacks that now threaten its armaments, he said. istrators have the effect of viability, if not its existance." policy whether or not that is The synagogue, he noted, S. African Student the intent," Solomon said, has become "the victim of LEADS THE WAY "we feel very strongly that deteriorating neighborhoods." Journal Angers SO DOES there is a need for accuracy Rabbi Bernstein stressed, Jewish Community and clarity on the part of "It is the purpose of the JOHANNESBURG (JTA) university administrative of- synagogue political action committees to take early —Jewish communal leaders ficials." He promised to con- NORTHLAND FORD steps to prevent such deter- here are concerned about at- tinue to "monitor this situ- 10 MILE & GREENFIELD ioration and to preserve the tacks made on Israel and the ation" at the school. Vice President Hartley, character and viability of the local Jewish community by community." a small group of Jewish stu- Solomon said, made clear Rabbi Bernstein stated that dents at Cape Town Univer- that the university's current the political action commit- sity who publish, under the policy "rejects quotas as a tees will also "impress upon sponsorship of the Students' means of implementing an our people not to run from Jewish Association at that affirmative action program." Hartley, in conceding the areas which become racially university, a student journal, abuses in the early stages of mixed." "Strike." the school's affirmative ac- Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, The articles about Israel first vice-president of the are of the "New Left" var- tion program, contended that Council, declared that these iety, accusing the Jewish ill-advised actions resulted committees will also have to state, among other things, of because "adequate informa- tion and proper guidance cope with the economic and "oppressing" the Arabs. were lacking." professional pressures which The articles dealing with Milton A. Seymour, chair- so-called affirmative action the local Jewish community man of ADL's New York and quota systems have plac- ed upon the Jewish commun- criticize communal leaders Board, observed that the in- and the rabbinate for reneg- cident at SUNYA fits into the ity. ing on Jewish ethics by not pattern of many documented opposing apartheid, and for e x a m p l e s of preferential allegedly maintaining silence treatment and other improper on low wages paid to Af- procedures in admissions and Ambassador Barbour, who rican workers. employment at colleges and will also speak at the dinner They also accuse the universities.. He stated that will receive the honorary de- South African Jewish Board the Anti-Defamation League gree of Doctor of Laws. A of Deputies of allegedly strongly supports both the foreign service officer since climbing down from past at- merit system and affirmative 1931 'after his graduation titudes to a position of action programs "but opposes from Harvard University, he silence on political issues. those distortions of such pro- was assigned to the State Interviewed by the local grams which lead to prefer- Department in 1945 where he press, D. K. Mann, chair- ential treatment of one per- served as minister-counsel to man of the South African son or group over another on Between Inkster & Middlebelt Moscow, director of the of- account of race, or creed." fice of Eastern European Jewish Board of Deputies, 411111111=1111111111111111!1111111•1111111111•111W affairs, and department assis- dissociated the board from "Strike," saying that it was tant secretary of State for contrary to the long-estab- European Affairs. lished policy of the board of Ambassador Barbour also deputies to adopt a political served missions to Baghdad, Iraq and Cairo, and in 1955 stand. Take the family to the world famous Walter and May Reuther was named U.S. minister to Education Center at Black Lake, Michigan. London. He served in Eng- AJCommittee Prints land until when he was named ambassador to Israel School Calendar until early this year. NEW YORK—The Ameri- • Recreational and educational programs sponsored by Histadrut The honorary degrees will can Jewish Committee an- • Nationally prominent speakers including: be conferred by Dr. Abra- nounced the publication of its ham I. Katsh, president of 1973-1974 school calendar, I. L. Kenen, Editor, Near East Report listing all important patriotic Dropsie. Ziedan Atashi, Consul for Information, Israel Also participating in the and religious observances. Consulate, New York The school calendar, cover- dinner program will be Wil- Professors Nathan Yanai and John Flagler, experts on liam B. Thomas, chairman of ing the entire school year from September 1973 to Sep- the board of governors. American and Israeli labor relations. tember 1974, explains Pro- testant, Catholic, Moslem • Low rates including sightseeing Tour to Northern Michigan, use of all facilities including tennis courts, boating, indoor pool. Every man is under the and Jewish Holy Days. For natural duty of contributing information for quantity or- • Entertainment, films, special programs for teenagers. to the necessities of society, ders contact the American and this is all the laws Jewish Committee's commu- should enforce on him. — nity relations service, 165 E. 56th, New York 10022. Thomas Jefferson. LESSONS Synagogues Urged to Utilize Political Action for Community WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Rabbinical Council of America, in its leadership legislative conference here last week, adopted a unani- mous resolution urging "the establishment of political ac- tion committees in every synagogue across the coun- try in order to safeguard and protect the economic and po- litical status of the Ameri- can Jewish community." Elaborating on the coun- cil's action, Rabbi Louis Bernstein, president of the Rabbinical Council declared, "Such political action com- mittees have become an ab- solute necessity for the Jew- ish community, not only to promote legislation which they deem for the well being of the American community and which will enhance American freedom and the quality of its life, but also to defend the synagogue and the Jewish community from Dropsie Honors Mazar, Barbour PHILADELPHIA.-Dr. Ben- jamin Mazar, noted archaeol- ogist whose excavations at the Temple Mount in Jerusal- urn attracted world wide at- tention, and Walworth Bar- bour, who has just retired as U.S. ambassador to Israel, will be honored by Dropsie University here at co m- mencement exercises after the sixth annual dinner of the institution's board of goven- ors, May 31, at the Warwick Hotel. Dr. Mazar professor of ancient Jewish history and archeology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is coming here from Israel to receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. He will be guest speaker at the dinner, giving an illus- trated talk on "R e c e n t Excavations of the Western Wall." Digging through the accumulated debris of mil- lennia, Dr. Mazar reached pavements of the Herodian era. The author of many works on his excavations in Israel since 1931, and a two- volume "World History of the Jewish People," Dr. Mazar is also president of the Israel Exploration Society and chairman of the Archaeology Board of Israel. NORTHLAND FORD GEORGE RUSKIN GAMES NIGHT Mon., May 21st Doors Open 7:00 Special Event 7:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome BETH ABRAHAM- HILLEL HALL 5057 W. Maple A SPLENDID SUGGESTION FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND MAY 25 through MAY 28th For reservations call Histadrut at 851-0606