THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40—Friday, May 11, 1973 Bible Quiz Won by 3 Americans Golda Meir's Chicken Soup Recipe Mix ingredients in order given. "The Prime Minister of often than not she is joined Form mixture into 20 small balls and drop into boiling soup; cook Israel employs no live-in ser- by members of the Knesset JERUSALEM (JTA)— ever medium heat, uncovered vants and has no one work- a n d government leaders. about 20 minutes. Three young Americans cap- ing for her on Shabat; she They sit down to a meal of tured top honors at the 10th JERUSALEM — Thanks to assets would be impounded International Bible Quiz here. prepares snacks for guests chopped liver, grilled fish, 4,700,000 Lbs of Food the municipal ombudsman, from her home. They defeated 30 other herself and often prepares eggplant, rice with mush- Given by U.S. to JDC After investigation, the om- the citizens of this city are finalists from 18 countries her own evening meal. Golda room salad and applesauce NEW YORK — More than digging out from under the budsman determined that the including Israel which, for Meir is a good cook and con- or stewed fruit for dessert- 4,700,000 pounds of U.S.- mountains of red tape for municipality had received IL the first time, failed to place siders it a form of relaxa- real Jewish soul food. "Israel's Chief Grand- donated Food for Peace sup- 186 it could not account for. which Israel is famous. among the first three win- tion to work in the kitchen," states a story in the June, mother relies on no one to plies were distributed by the The largest number of com- Kadar wrote the municipal ners. plaints against a single muni- treasurer, and his recom- First prize went to 16-year- 1973, issue of Israel Maga- select goodies for her grand- Joint Distribution Commit- children and children. On tee during 19'72. cipal agency-50—were lev- mendations to accept the old Liora Reich of the Yeshi- zine. elled at the building inspec- woman's story was adopted. va of Flatbush, Brooklyn, Samuel L. Haber, JDC ex- "Golda's kitchen staff does her frequent visits to Ki- Mayor Teddy Kollek visit- Revivim where her ecutive vice-chairman, said tion branch of the municipal who scored 44 out of a not not boast a complicated ed an Arab homeowner who engineers department. roster of servants including daughter lives, Golda makes most of the supplies, over possible 46 points. Second place went to Da- pastry cooks, specialty chefs it a point to go herself to 4,000,000 pounds of flour, Of the 843 Jerusalem resi- found his driveway blocked dents who appealed to the by barbed wire from an ad- vid Leeman, 17, of the Ram- and underlings to stir the the local supermarket to went to old-age homes and Jerusalem Municipal Om- jacent army camp and prom- bam Yeshiva in Boston with soup, as do the homes of select food specialties and other institutions supported many world leaders. House- culinary treats. Like grand- by the JDC in IsraeL Over budsman in 1972, Shlomo Ka- ised that the fence would be a score of 41.5. dar found that 56 per cent of moved. Third place was taken by keeping at the Prime Min- children everywhere, her two 600,000 pounds of supplies A war invalid complained the complaints were justified. went to Morocco and 43,500 Rahel Mazliah, of Philadel- ister's home is kept simple love their grandmother's loves to cook pounds to Tunisia. The food An illiterate Yemenite to the ombudsman that the phia, with 39.5 points. and is supervised by Mrs. cooking and she municipality had refused to woman, an elderly resident Leah Zahiv, who, with the for them. Their special treat stuffs had a wholesale value Israeli contestants took of one of the poorer quarters, grant him an exclusive park- help of only one other per- comes when the Prime Min- of $221,000 and helped feed complained to the ombuds- ing space next to his home, fourth and fifth places. son, manages the official inter makes them her famous a monthly average of 29,500 despite a leg wound that The results astonished the man that she had paid her residence and does the cook- chicken soup with matzo aged and needy Jews in the annual tax of IL186 to a mu- made it difficult for him to crowd that filled the Beit ing as well," write Joan balls." three countries. walk to his house from his Haam auditorium on Inde- nicipal clerk who not only CHICKEN SOUP A LA GOLDA Nathan and Judy Stacey On specially equipped car. (whole or in pendence Day afternoon and fe en et irk lb. wc ieets pe tore the appropriate coupons After Kadar intervened, the the hundreds who congre- 'Goldman, both columnists Bar Mitzvcis, Weddings , out of her rates book, but cups water municipal council approved a for Israel Magazine. They 6 and special occasions gated outside to hear the 2 medium-sized onions, peeled also took the stubs which and sliced state: are supposed to serve as a new law granting exclusive quiz over loudspeakers. Garson Zeltzer carrots, f scrapedand chopped 4 The first five winners re- "Golda likes simple Jew- into receipt. She -did not realize parking spaces alongside Photography their homes to invalids who stalks celery, chopped ceived education grants of ish cooking and her only pre- 2 the mistake until she receivd -}k. coarsely chopped a letter from the municipal- bring letters from defense IL 1,000 from Deputy Pre- requisite is that it be home- gi.i.sipepirri p p arsley, Clean chicken. Immerse feet in ity warning her that if she ministry doctors—in the case mier and Education Minis- made. Breakfast is most boiling seconds f oua te a few water large Place often a cup of coffee, but remove w outer skin. . did not pay her tax, movable of war invalids — or district ter Yigal Allon. health office doctors—in the and onions. Bring The quiz lasted three hours when time allows, Golda's pot, add water then simmereagtz Skim, case of civilians—stating that and was broadcast live by morning meal consists of a Think gently for rone tCDovrinTin" cannot walk more than they other ingredients- Sim- MUSIC it' Add Spring With the army radio station. plain roll or toast, and hour. mer, covered, for 45 minutes or mer, about 100 yards. Former Premier David ENTERTAINMENT an egg. until thicken is tender. Strain, Itetkaendfuseason dto taste. Ben-Gurion, honorary presi- 40t13 ?et Et Although the Prime Min- tidsemtiaeffet Mrs. SOPHIA NADEL of dent of the Bible Quiz Board, curP rsoupa. ' ceasse ole or serve with soup. ister could, of course, eat at S Tulsa, Okla., has been ap- attended for most of the time. cooked rice may be added if de- _ Oeette14314 m.e.& Orchestra RING CLEANED FREE pointed co-chairman of the The nanel of judges was any of the capital city's sired, after straining soup. Serves 8-1291 KE 4 to 6• & WATCH HEADQUARTERS UN 4-0237 National Founders Society of chaired by Interior Minister leading restaurants, she pre- Mrs. Meir often serves the soup Complete Selection Fine Jewelry fern to go home where more with kneidlach which she pre- the American Friends of the Joseph Burg. TEL-EX PLAZA pares as follows: * * a 25263 Telegraph, Southfield, Mich. Jerusalem Mental Health 3/4 CUD matzo flour "Art Linkletter Schools opposite Tel-Ex Cinemas in Mall Center — Ezrath Nashim. Peggy Mann's `Golda' 2' eggs, Phil Stone—Manager have a few openings left Serving with Mrs Nadel as Keren-Hayesod, "Deal with the PRECIOUS STONES" I pepper in Nursery School. Out as a Paperback 2 sprigs parsley, finely chopped I 357-0320 co-chairman is Rabbanit UJA Inaugurate 1 small onion, chopped and fried _Expert Watch and leweky Repar Free busing, too!" SARAH HERZOG of Jerusa- until crisp in 2 tablespoons oil Si 0.1 Art Linkletter Schools lem, wife of the late Chief Exchange Program 1 tablespoon cold water 28805 Evergreen, Southfield Rabbi of Israel, Isaac Halevi 357-1215 — 588-0300 NEW YORK—Paul Zuck- Herzog. Mrs. Herzog has erman, general chairman of been president of the JMHC the United Jewish Appeal, Classifieds Get Quick Results for the past 25 years. announced the implementa- tion of a program of height- ened international coopera- Come In For Our "Shabbas Specials" tion between the UJA and Keren-Hayesod. The Town's talkin' about our Bar Mitzvas, Keren - Hayesod raises Weddings, Showers and Parties . . . funds in 69 countries around the world in behalf of hu- 9t 4 ct, manitarian programs in ima9inalion 'With _}tower3 Israel. 356-3921 29245 Southfield at 12 Mile Zuckerman said that the One of Allied Van Lines Largest Haulers program, initiated under the 2253 Cole Street leadership of Edward Gins- 1300 N. Campbell Road Birmingham berg, president of the United Royal Oak Jewish Appeal and chairman MI 4-4613 LI 1-3313 of the world fund-raising committee of the Jewish Agency, involved the ex- change of leaders of the UJA and Keren-Hayesod Cam- paigns in an effort to ex- USPT A /US LT A plore new avenues of fund- raising and to share methods invites you to visit our that have proven effective. beautiful 8 court indoor "This is an opportunity 1799 air conditioned Tennis Club for our organizations to be of Golda Meir as a Young help to one another on a Coolidge, highly pragmatic level, ex- Child in Pinsk. Activities This Summer changing tools and tech- Berkley "Golda — The Life of Is- Includes niques developed independ- rael's Prime Minister" by BankAmerica rd Afternoon and Evening ently," Zuckerman said. "I Peggy Mann, which first ap- (1/2 Blk. N. of Master Charge 11 Mile) am sure we will find that in peared in 1971 as a hard many instances, the methods cover book published by Si- 2 Week Sessions we have developed will be of mon and Schuster, has been assistance t o campaigns reissued as a paperback, as Mom.. Tues., Thurs., around the world and that a Pocket Books Washington June 25th thru Aug. 20th conversely, t h e methods Square Press edition. The original was reviewed found to work well in other countries can be of great as- in The Jewish News on its appearance. sistance to us." Accelerated 2 Week Sessions The new edition is updated Dr. MAX M. KAMPEL- and contains the basic data for Children 9 16. . . MAN, a prominent attorney, on the life of Golda Meir, author and educator of Wash- with 16 pages of photographs. Mon. thru Fri. - 9 a.m. to 12 Noon 50 The Peggy Mann story is ington, D.C., has been named Instructor for every 6 students $ 42 / wk. k national chairman of the le- based on interviews with the gal division of American Israel prime minister and on June 25 - July 9 - July 23 - Aug. 6 - Aug. 20 Sessions start Friends of the Hebrew Uni- deep studies covering Mrs. versity, is was announced by Meir's childhood, Zionist For Further Dr. Henry Sonneborn III, leadership and authoritative Information Call On Most Items I positions in Israel. AFHU president. `Tell It to the Judge' Citizens of Jerusalem Go One Better , 54-2 1 20 Sam Rosenblatt ' TOM NEWBY'S Reid's Florist TAKE HOME FLOWERS ON FRIDAY POTTER MOVING & STORAGE CO. CHERRI'S KIDDIE KORNER r4'e PROFESSIONAL at Soutbdowps Robert Dueease 014.113/41 4r, Tennis Clinics Hours Daily & Sat., 11-4 Re-Open Fri., 6-9 399-3562 SPRING SALE up to 50 % OFF $30 ALSO — 477-2300