71 - ci11be1ge1'-Sheipiro British Woman Zionist Leader ORTist Honored to Address ZOD Next Thursday State Hadassah Heads to Gather Rites Announccd Mrs. June Jacobs of Lon- their experiences in the cru- don, England, chairman of cial years of Israel's emer- for Training Workshops THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, May 11, 1973 Mrs. Oscar Band, presi- sign for the Future," the dent of the Michigan Region workshops will encompass of Hadassah, announces the various areas of Hadassah 12th annual regional con- activity. Participants will join in celebrating Israel's 25th anniversary. Dr. Fred Pollak, visiting associate professor of Phy- sics at Yeshiva University, will he guest speaker at the banquet May 22. Mrs. Aaron Kaplan, national board mem- ber and chairman of U.S. government grant purchases, will serve as national ad- viser and will deliver the keynote address: The conference chairman is Mrs. William Surath of Midland. .AIrs. Sidney J. Winer is workshop coordin- ator, and Mrs. Louis Cooper, MRS. OSCAR BAND registration chairman. ference for the information Detroit area regional and training of Hadassah board members helping to leaders will be held May 21- plan the conference are Mes- 23 at the Butzel Conference dames Band, Henry Berris, Center, Ortonville. Louis Cooper, Albert New- Based on the theme "De man, Emmanuel Sarko, Don-. ald Schiller, Rosemary Sel- burn, Arthur Winer and Sidney J. Winer. Also chair- ing sessions will be Mrs. Donald Baron of Lansing, Mrs. Donald Sherman of Essexville and Mrs. Lloyd Whitman of Grand Rapids. "Chef"calls it Cheese Pizza but the family calls it an Italian Mychel Welfare Group Slates Donor Chef Boy-Ar-Dee' Cheese Pizza — a real family pleaser! Just follow the easy directions on the box and in just about 20 min- utes you get a sizzling hot treat—crisp, cheesy, au- thentic Italian pizza. All the makings come in this one package—pizza flour mix, pizza sauce and cheese. How about some for sup- per, tonight? How about a whole one for yourself, just as soon as you get back from the store! Kaye Shapiro and Allen Marshall Weinberger were married recently at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Rabbis Irwin Groner and Moses Lehrman officiated. The- bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Shapiro of Pontchartrain Dr., Southfield. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weinberger of Tavi- stock Tr., Southfield. The bride wore a gown of silk satin with bishop sleeves and a train of Alencon lace. A Juliet cap held a silk illu- sion veil. Mrs. William Cohen was her her sister's matron of h o n o r. Bridesmaids were Mrs. David Kirsch and Mrs. Mark Manhoff, sisters of the bride; Barbara Landen and Arlene Bressler. Junior bridesmaids were Lisa and Wendy Kirsch. Best man was Howard Weinberger. Ushers were David Kirsch, Mark Manhoff, William Cohen, Steve Fried- man, Michael Lazar and Thomas Lazar. Following a honeymoon in Nassau, the couple will live in Southfield. MRS. JUNE JACOBS Mrs. Norman Cottler will sponsor the donor luncheon of the Jewish Women Euro- pean Welfare Organization noon Wednesday at the Zionist Cultural Center. Pro- ceeds of' the event, marking Israel's 25th anniversary, will help support orphans and widows in Israel and elsewhere. Mrs. Leo Laufer is chairman, assisted by Miriam Hanenberg, co-chair- man. and Mollie Baseman, Gussie Cardash, Toby Golob, Betty Levine, Ann Barkles, Annette Borowitz and Ida Tubbin. Rose Zuckerman is contribution chairman, and Sadie Haut, president. Eric Rosenow will provide enter- tainment. SINGER'S Kosher Meats n v & Poultry Mkt. Kosher Meat Dealers Assoc. JACK ATTIS PHIL SWARIN LI 7-8111 WE DELIVER, 13721 W. 9 MILE at RIDGEDALE gence into statehood. Weinsaft said there was no certainty Israel could survive and that made the determin- ed will of the pioneers even stronger in their participation in a battle to prevent col- lapse. Charles Crudgington, one of the large number of non- Jews who served in Israel's original armed forces and who was among the top fliers in Israel's mini-air force, said his participation was cause for one of the greatest satis- factions in his life's experi- ences. Ben Fingeroot, another of the 1948 volunteers, told of his having gone to Czechos- lovakia to help fly some of the old planes into Israel, there to assist in repairing them — he had previously served in the U.S. Air Force — and later to participate in the military struggle that led to Israel's independence. Also present was David Saferstein, who assisted in bringing small boats into Is- rael and who was among the early volunteers in the formative Israel Navy in 1948. Offering toasts to Israel at that party were Dr. Sanford Bennett, program chairman of ZOD, Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar, who offered the prayer to Israel and sang the "Le'Hayim" and who pro- vided the musical program, accompanied by Dan Froh- man; Cantor A. A. Rosen- feld, and former ZOD presi- dents, Dr. Jack Green-berg, Philip Slomovitz, Morris Jacobs, Richard Kramer, Louis Panush, Judge Ira Kaufman, Dr. Joel Hambur- ger and Oarmi M. Slomovitz. secure just rights for Rus- sian Jews and was the leader in the fast and vigil that was conducted outside of the Soviet embassy in London on behalf of Silva Zalmanson. A social hour will follow Mrs. Jacobs' address and the question and answer period and refreshments will be served. At the "L'Hayim Israel" ZOD party Monday, which drew a capacity audience, Harry Weinsaft, who now Criterion Club will host a operates the Kingsley Inn Art Gallery, and a group of "Maytime Ball" 9 p.m. Satur- Southfield psychic Jean members of the volunteer day at the Southfield Civic Goren will highlight the clos- force that aided in Israel's Center. The public is invited. Jimmy Yokum and his or- ing meeting of Sheruth liberation in 1948, described chestra will provide the League, affiliate of the Fresh music fOr dancing. Prizes Air Society, 8:15 p.m. Tues- day at the United Hebrew Fashion Show Raises will be awarded, and re- will be served. Schools auditorium. $2 Million in Bonds freshments Reservations are being ac- Mrs. Goren will explore NEW YORK (JTA) — An cepted for the 12th annual the value of developing one's audience of more than 1,400 dinner-dance, floor-show and own ESP—"Everyone's Spe- purchased $2,000,000 in Israel installation June 9 at the cial Perception" with illus- Bonds at the annual fashion Sussex House Restaurant. tr.ations and simple experi- show of Israeli designers For tickets, call Pearl Green- ments. held at the Hotel Americana. stein, 399-3718, or Betty The event, sponsored by Weinberg, 559-5175. Mrs. Max Chomsky, presi- dent, indicated special honor the women's division of State will be accorded to the men of Israel Bonds, was held in and women who have helped honor of the 75th birthday of conclude a successful season. Israeli Premier Golda Meir Program coordinator Mr3. and in celebration of Israel's Louis Freeman and member- 25th anniversary. Special guests were Mrs. ship chairman Mrs. Melvin Yosef Tekoah, wife of Is- Harris invite all interested persons. Refreshments and rael's ambassador to the prizes will close the evening. UN; Mrs. Simha Dinitz, For information, call Mrs. wife of Israel's ambassador Chomsky, LI 2-7264, or the to the U.S.; and Bess Myer- 4'iritativirk.gurSad Fresh Air Society office, DI son, former New York com- missioner of consumer af- 1-5666. fairs. Maytime Ball for Criterion Sheruth League to Close Season SERVING ONLY PRIME AND CHOICE MEATS Member Detroit Retail MRS. WEINBERGER the Association of Jewish Women's Organizations in the United Kingdom, will address the annual election meeting of the Zionist Or- ganization of Detroit, the local arm of the Zionist Or- ganization of America, 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the Zion- ist Cultural Center. On the agenda, in addition to election of officers, will be a review of the past year's activities by the re- tiring president, Dr. Jack Greenberg. Mrs. Jacobs, who is on a national ZOA tour, has been in the forefront of British Jewry's activities in behalf of Soviet Jews. She is a member of the actions com- mittee of the British Board of Deputies in the efforts to Brandeis Women Hunting for Books The Greater Detroit Chap- ter of Brandeis University National Women's Commit- tee is looking for books for its annual sale, held each fall. Proceeds go to the Brandeis University libraries. Both hard and soft cover books are needed to build up the inventory. Donors are asked to call DI 1-4621 for free pick up. All donations are tax-deductible. Men to Model for Israeli Cause The Women's Committee of Michigan Region—The Amer- ican Red Magen David for Israel will present "Esquires, Ltd." a men's fashion show, June 23 at the Danish Club. There will be a continental late supper and many prizes. For tickets, call Mrs. Allan Warnick, 353-0459. Proceeds will pay for needed medical equipment in Israel. The Michigan Region of ORT celebrated Israel's 25th anniversary at a luncheon honoring one of its founders, Mrs. Henry Pariser, left. The Shalom Award was pre- sented to her by Mrs. David Pollack, Israel Bond Wo- men's division chairman. Sales exceeded $100,000. Evelyn Orbach and Joyce Fuerring, the performing company of "Theater, Et cet- era" will entertain the Oak- land Branch of the AMERI- CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNI- VERSITY WOMEN and their guests at the AAUW annual luncheon May 21 at the Drayton Avenue Presbyter- ian Church, Ferndale. Bar Mitzva Weddings - Etc. INVITATIONS 25% Discount Greeting Cards Innovations 10-50% Discount Large Selection Call Lee or Hilda 557-8340 557-4486 TAKE MOTHER OUT OF THE KITCHEN let us serve her, and you a complete, piping-hot meal WHOLE ROAST GUINEA HEN TURKEY Browned to perfection. Bread or New Southern Dressing, Beans Style. Green England Apple Relishes, Vinegrette, Pandowdy & loaf of $30 Egg- Docaro's Famous bread Amply Serves 10 Call Order Day Before Delivery Phone 864-3633 15511 James Couzens Service Drive at Puritan For the Salad to brighten up every Meal: Meat or Dairy bring HAMTOWN's GARDEN BEAN SALAD TO YOUR TABLE Green and yellow string beans, lima and kidney beans, onions, chi chi peas, vinegar, and spices. KOSHER PAREVE Under strict Orthodox Rabbinical Supervision o the Michigan Kashruth Council. Available throughout the State of Michigan at your local Supermarket K:=41=43C=014=4