$12,063,211 Is Subscribed by 17,242 to Campaign; 8,000 More to Be Reached in the Three Remaining Weeks Campaign workers for the 1973 Allied Jewish Cam- paign-Israel Emergency Fund announced pledges to- talling $12,063,211 at the in- itial 1973 report meeting. One hundred workers from the nine campaign divisions gathered Sunday morning at the Jewish Community Cen- ter to tabulate the progress of the AJC-IEF. - pre-Passover meeting, sa Samuel Frankel, AJC- 1E1E4' general chairman, was to make "certain that our campaign doesn't take a holi- day." Frankel noted that al- though more than 17,000 gifts have been obtained, there are still "nearly 8,001) pledges to be secured. I urge you to be heartened by our progress and inspired by the message of our speaker this morning. "Go cover your prospects as soon as possible. We have only three more weeks until campaign closing." Arthur Howard, associate chairman, introduced Robert M. Rubin, junior division president, John N e m o n, chairman of the metropoli- tan division, and Mrs. Merle H a r r i s, women's division campaign chairman, who made reports for their divi- sions. Also reporting were Nor- man Wachler, mercantile chairman; Sherwood Col- burn, services-arts and crafts chairman; Joseph H. Pearl- man, industrial and auto- motive chairman; Myron Milgrom, real estate and building trades co-chairman; Bernard Weisberg, food di- vision co-chairman, a n d Bruce E. Thal, professional division co-chairman. They were introduced by Lewis S. Grossman, the chairman of trades and professional divi- sions. Speaking at the report meeting was Michael Rado- mislsky, a young Israel cit- izen who is a recent emi- grant from Kiev. Radomislsky, as one of the 32.000 Jews liberated from Russia and allowed to move to Israel in 1972, spoke of the hazardous political cli- mate for Jews in Russia. He also said there was a lack of Jewish identity and community among the esti- mated 2,500,000 Jews in Russia. The lack of Jewish education available in the Soviet countries and the political fear which prevents Jews from acknowledging their identity are the two prime factors causing the unavoidable assimilation of Jews into the Russian mode of life, according to Rado- mislsky. "I know I am Jewish from my document papers which give me a Jewish identity, from the intellectual knowl- edge that my parents and my grandparents were Jew- ish, and from my practical awareness that 'normal' peo- ple don't like Jews," said Radomislsky. "T h e Rus- sians, and the facts of life in Russia, force us to forget we are Jews." to ask why you were dis- missed from your former job. There's no way way around it." The young Jewish printer said that people out of work, waiting for permission to leave Russia which may never come, live on the pro- never come, live on the con- tents of the JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) par- cels. JDC is one of the ma- jor beneficiaries of the AJC- IEF. "Once we are given per- mission to leave, we must pay the exit tax. And now the education ransom. Mine, (only exit tax was in effect then), was $1,100, the equil Radomislsky said that valent of an entire year's there are almost 100,000 Jews who have applied for permission to immigrate to Israel. When they apply, he said, "We are fired from our job and unable to obtain new employment. When you apply for a new job, the prospective employer calls Desow-Fishbein Lithographs Display Draws Wide Attention salary for me. Obviously, I April 29 at the Jewish Center. could not pay it. (See photos Page 6) "I applied to the Dutch embassy, which represents Israel in Russia, for help," THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 20, 1973-5 Radomislsky said. Closing the meeting, Fran- kel announced that the final report meeting before the Campaign closing will be I FOR BAR MITZVA, WEDDING & PARTY GOWNS '39 1 to Elegant Designer Fashions. , Sizes to Fit All: 4 to 44. SHANDELS 154 SOUTH WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM MI 2-4150 k Xperienced Xcellent Xtremely Reasonable Murry X. Koblin Adv. 548-5600 WHO'S SERVING ON SATURDAY Few Jewish Agents in Ranks of FBI NEW YORK (ZINS)—Time magazine, in a recent article on the FBI, observes that only a handful of Jews are found in its ranks. Veteran supporters of the late J. Ed- gar Hoover say that he "dis- trusted" Jews, not because of their religion but because of their supposed "liberal- ism". The overwhelming majori- ty of the 8,500 agents em- ployed by the FBI are said to be Protestant college gradu- ates from universities, mostly in the South, Midwest and West. Only 12 per cent of FBI agents are black, Span- ish-surnamed, or Oriental; and only 2 are women. Israel Quiz CONVENIENCE HOURS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MON.-THURS. 7 A.M.-9 P.M. FRI. & SAT. 7 A.M.-6 P.M. With May 5 set as a date through which the widely acclaimed Lillian Desow-Fishbein lithographic display with be shown at the Garelick Gallery, 1459 S. Woodward, Bir- mingham, added interest in the former Detroiter's works is being shown by national museums. Detroit Art Insti- tute, Chicago Art Institute and respected galleries in num- erous other cities are acquiring her works. Among the most noteworthy of the colored lithographs in the present display at Garelick's, "The New Image" series, is the above, stone drawn by hand, in green-black, sanguine and blue. 28000 TELEGRAPH at Tel-12 Mall Every Day Is Yontif at Union Tire Save 5' A Gallon on Standard Gas Use Your Standard or Any Other Charge Card Plus our sensative mechanics will take care of your car IF YOU LIVE IN: 1. Name the first kibutz established in Israel. 2. What is "Briha"? 3. What was the "Gedud Haivri"? 4. Who helped establish the Zion Mule Corps during World War I? 5. Thus far, who have been the three foreign ministers of Israel? 6. What was the Jewish Brigade? 7. At what age do Israelis vote? 8. Does Israel provide so- cial benefits to its citizens? 9. Is Israel a member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)? 10. What are the two types of law courts in Israel? Answers on page 6. BERKLEY, BEVERLY HILLS, BIRMINGHAM, BLOOMFIELD, FARMINGTON, FERNDALE, FRANKLIN, HUNTINGTON WOODS, LATHRUP, MAD- !SON HEIGHTS, OAK PARK, PLEASANT RIDGE, PONTIAC, ROYAL OAK, SOUTHFIELD, TROY, WEST BLOOMFIELD Then it is definitely to your advantage to come to the 8 Mile & Meyer store Tires Muffler Motor Tuneup Wheel Alignments Brakes Shock Absorbers The store is strategically located in front of the Shoppers Fair, Farmer Jacks complex at 8 Mile & Meyers Rd. The Grand River Store continues for the Downtowners UNION TIRE CO. 3140 GRAND RIVER (Next to Cad's Chop House) Sours: 8:30-6 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5 Sat. 321 -1234 10550 WEST 8 MILE ROAD at Meyers ( Next to Holiday Inn) OAK PARK Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-9 p.m. Sat. 8:30-6 p.m. 399-7200