40—Friday, April 13, 1973 The Last Passover By DAVID M. MILLER David Miller was graduated from the University of Chi- cago, Phi Beta Kappa, cum laude, and from. the law school of CWRU, Cleveland, where he participated in the national student Zionist movement—Avukah. In 1937 he joined the International Brigade and saw service, 'military and civil- ian, during the Spanish Civil War. He served in the Amer- ican army during World War II, subsequently serving as gov- ernment attorney. He wrote a novel of Jewish life, "The Chain and the Link," and published articles from time to time in Davar, Israel, Universidad Obrera (U.O.), Mexico City, and Jewish Frontier. and God was among them; May it not be with us, as it was for he too was of all these with our brothers during places, and more beside. their Last Passover in the These deith camp of Bergen-Bel- sages, who reclined together sen, in 1944. It was their at the Passover table in Ber- Last Supper: they had no gen-Belsen, related the go- matzo, nor wine, nor any ing out of Egypt all that of the appurtenances of Pass- night; until their disciples over; they had only bitter came to them, and said — herbs, bitter. "Masters, the time has come to greet the dawn with Hear They turned to their Lord God; 0 Israel, thy God is one- for he too was a prisoner One—even in this place of with them in the death camp; death." he stood before them in pris- The on garb, with vertical stripes; Cobbler of Warsaw spoke; and as their God was clad, and he said—"Lo, I am like in prison garb, with vertical unto a man of seventy years; stripes, so too were our yet I never understood why brothers clad, in prison garb, the departure from Egypt should be related at night, bitter. until there came the Tailor They said to him. to God: "Behold, of Vilna; and he explained it is our desire to do your it, thus— will; but enslavement pre- "It vents us; our life is periled is written: remember the in this place of death; and exodus from Egypt all the of all your words to us, we days of thy life; but now can uphold only those which that Hitler rules, the days of declare—"Ye shall live, and life are departed from this world; and all that remains not die." in this world is its night; yet Then they sat down to celebrate shall you remember the go- the Passover; and since they ing out from darkness even had nothing else to give, the though you dwell in dark- one to the other, each gave ness. - his life to his fellow man, his Then, soul to his fellow man, his other sages spoke; they ex- heart to his fellow man, his plained the exodus different- ly; and they said—"Scripture mind to his fellow man. teaches that it is not enough God, was in their midst, at the to enthrone freedom in this Last Supper, in prison garb; our mortal life; we must also to him also they gave life, enthrone freedom beyond our soul, heart, and mind; and human fate, even into the since they had no matzo, days of the Messiah, beyond they said to their God — this place of doom, of death, "This is our body; take of it beyond our doom, our death, and eat;" and since they had beyond . . . no wine, they said to their In God—"This is our blood; that moment the door opened; and there entered take of it and drink." one who was clad in the uni- Among these, our brothers, there form of Hitler; on the uni- were men of wisdom and form he wore the swastika learning—U....a-Cobbler, he of of Hitler; and those at the Warsaw; the . Tailor, he of Last Supper said to him, Vilna; the Blacksmith, who "Who are you? Declare your- had been among the Sages self;" and he declared him- of Lublin; the Watercarrier self—''I, am the Messiah: I of Kovno; the Brickmaker of have come to lead you to Riga; and more, and more; the eternal Passover beyond this world." Then the Blacksmith, who had been among the Sages of May Lublin, said to the Messiah — "Lead; and we will fol- low; for our Truth is ever- JERUSALEM (JTA) — Is- lasting, even in this dark- rael is considering possible ness." economic and technical aid The to South Vietnam, it was dis- Messiah led; and they follow- closed here. ed; and even as they walked Shimon Avimor, Israel's in darlmess, they celebrated ambassador to Thailand, has the liberation of the human met on the matter with offi- hody, eiid the ever-renewed the human spirit; as cials in Saigon where he was invited in appreciation for his it is written in the Torah — Prod:Jim freedom through- role in establishing diplomat. ic relations between Israel . out the Lind." and the Thieu regime. Then Avimor's instructions were as the sae,::: Littered the word to listen but not to offer any- freedom, freedom, they ar- thing specific at this time, of- rived :it !fie gas chamber; the ficials here said. Mefe;ia ope bed the door; They said more concrete they entered, and God was talks would be held by Is- hem--God . . rael's ambassador designate lit to Saigon, Yair Aran. Aran's that gas chamber they look- appointment was officially ed about them; they dis- accepted by the Saigon gov- cerned a dim form; they said ernment. to him, "Declare yourself;" Israel said there have been and he answered — "I, am no requests for imiltary aid Death; -I sere- the heil-men 4)y South Vie-triejni / E4 South NTietnam Receive Aid From Israel - "You, extol freedom; and I — Death, the physician — can grant freedom from pain, and fi orn life — they are the same! I grant freedom, through death, to you, and to the Six Million who are within you, to mankind, with- in you, and to God, within you; for he has come with you into the gas chamber, that he may die with you; for without Man, in you, God cannot live . . . Having brought them all into the gas chamber, and God with them, the Messiah emerged: he bolted the door; he waited; there came a hiss of gas. The Messiah looked in through the tiny window, and the sages lay prone, and God among them, prone. Then, the Messiah opened the door to the gas chamber; he carried them out in his arms, one by one, and God among them, in his arms; the Mes- siah looked down into the closed eyes of the Tailor of Vilna, of the Cobbler of War- saw, and the others; and he said of them — "They did not die; nor the Six Million within them; nor mankind;" then he looked down into the closed eyes of God; and of him the Messiah said—"God is dead, dead . . ." The Messiah lifted them up, his brothers; he carried them one by one, to the cremato- rium, and God, his brother, among them; he laid them tenderly, lovingly, upon the outstretched sinews of flame that reached fiery fingers out of the Hitler hell—hell! The fingers of fire stroked and caressed the Cobbler of War- saw; caressed and stroked the Watercarrier of Kovno, the Six Million, and man- kind; caressed them, stroked them, until they were burned to ashes, one by one, and God among them, burned . Heil...! God, the child of man, burned . . . heil! the father of man, burned . . . heil the brother of man, burned . . . heil! God, to ashes, burned, heil . . . ashes . . Then, the Messiah removed their ashes from the flame . . . The Messiah looked down into the pale ashes of the Water- carrier of Kovno, the Tailor of Vilna, the Six Million, and mankind; and the Messiah said — "It is an illusion: their flesh has not been burned to ash. They live!" But of God, he said — "He has become dust and ash in this place of death; God has dwindled into god, zero, in this place of death; he has dwindled into death - god, nothing:god, in this place of death." In that moment, the thimbleful of ash which had been God ; entreated the M es si a h_ -"R e - deem me, that I may live; that it may not be said among the nations, God is dead! God is nothing! Our Eternal, the Divine Nothing —dead'' Then, the Messiah spoke to the nothing-god, to him, thus: "If you would indeed he God, and not god, zero, then hear- en to the Voice of Isr ho chose you, and thus - came your chosen—who was chastised -by you, and hence won the right to admonish you, thus — "You plucked me, a vine out of Egypt; you planted me, in your strength. But of my own strength did I clear a space round about me; I took deep root where the swampland had been; where the barren rock had been; where the desert had been; I filled the Land with life, your Land — my life — mine. "Now, that I have built, they seek to break down my fences, that all who pass may pluck at me; the brown eagle from beside the north sea, whose feathers were of beaten steel, the eagle whose cry was heil — he plucked at me; the red bear out of the tall for- ests, whose open maw scarlet in the white snow; the bear that walks like a man — he plucked' at me; the tawny camel, whose hump moves, shifting, like the yellow sand dunes in the desert; the camel whose home is Cairo, DamaScus, Amman, he plucked at me." "Therefore?" asked God. "Therefore," said the Messiah, "be mind- ful of this vine, which your own hand planted and made strong, that you might lean on it; be mindful of these children of Man, if you, the nothing-god, would be God again, that it may not be said among the nations — "He is dead; God who dwin- dled into god, nothing, he is dead . . . dead . . . finally!" "I will be mindful," said God; "and as for my people, who perished .. . " "They did not perish," said the Messiah—"you perished, in the heart of man, because of Bergen-Belsen . . . you perished .. . you . . . " THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Ju(lenrat' Wins '73 Book Award Isaiah Trunk's "Judenrat" Councils in Eastern Europe won one of the history prizes Under Nazi Occupation." in the 1973 National Book "Art Linkletter Schools Award contest. The awards have a few openings left were announced in New York in Nursery School. on Tuesday. Free busing, too!" Trunk, a research associ- Art Linkletter Schools ate at the YIVO Institute for 28805 Evergreen, Southfield Jewish Research, subtitled 357-1215 — 588-0300 "Judenrat" as "The Jewish YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH TRAVELS GATEWAY to ISRAEL, U.S.A. and EVERYWHERE We help you plan your trip, you help us maintain our Nursery and Kdgn. 'Dente. Call 557-6750 Eve. 559-7567 latest style springtime children's fashions are at a 40 percent saving to you... 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