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April 13, 1973 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1973-04-13

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Deadline for Float Registration
Set Sunday by Parade Planners

The communitywide parade ing to buy bumper stickers or
celebrating the 25th anniver- T-shirts for fund raisings
sary of Israel will begin 10:45 may call the Center, 341-4200.
a.m. May 20 at Temple E-
manuel in Oak Park. A rally
Gan Israel Maps
will be held at Oak Park
Municipal Park following the Weekend for Girls
Camp Gan Israel of the
Sunday is the deadline for Midwest wil hold its first
float and decorated car reg- weekend for girls, age 8-16,
istration. F or equipment, April 27-29.
ideas or other help, call Sam
Judy Vail, camp registrar,
L e v y, 341-4200. Appoint- said there will be singing
ments for tools may be made and dancing, a movie on Sat-
with the Hebrew department urday night and a Sunday
at the Center.
morning hayride.
The United Hebrew Schools
For reservation informa-
nursery will decorate buses tion, contact Mrs. Vail, 548-
for the parade. Anyone wish- 2666.

18—Friday, April 13, 1973


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Wish All Former and Future



Very iclappy Pai3over

for approximately four hours.
Sponsor sheets are available
at the BBYO office. Those
wishing to sponsor walkers
also may call into the BBYO
office, 354-6100.




BRIM Business

Both route and checkpoints
have been confirmed for the
Bnai Brith Youth Organiza-
tion Walk for Israel, to take
place in Oak Park April 29,
beginning at 8 a.m. Sue
Marsch of Dalyah Bnai Brith
Girls and Mrs. Linda Moss,
co-chairmen of the route and
checkpoint committee, an-
nounced that the walk will
begin at the Federation
Apartments building next to
the Jewish Center on 10 Mile
Rd. The three checkpoints
will be the municipal parking
lot at the corner of Oak Park
Blvd. and Coolidge; the Oak
Park High School parking
lot; and the court near the
corners of Park and Harding
Sts. The walk will finish at
the Federation Apartments
building. Walkers will be out


Planning has begun for the
BBYO elections training con-
I77:1, 17,11P7;". 1,7;71,7;711,.:Zi P:71
clave May 11-13 at Camp
Tamarack. The three-fold
purpose of the conclave will
be to hear the state of the
With this Gal
councils by outgoing AZA
in your Corner
and BBG Council presidents
Marla Parker and Barry
You are set
Margolis: to provide leader-
for the Best!
ship training for newly elect-
ed chapter officers; and to
elect new council officers.
Eighteen delightful dairy products.
Chairmen for the weekend
are Linda Glantz of Ahava
Fruit Juices. and Fruit Drinks made
BBG and Dennis Gotthelf of
Fresh Daily in Detroit
Akiba AZA. The conclave is
-I II I miff ,Irir1 Ortlimha
open to all registered mem-
Ru1Aini(111 .tillperriNion
bers of AZA and BBG. Staff
coordinator is Linda Schein-
* * *
The Detroit Pure Milk Company
The Michigan BBYO board
18940 Weaver Street
of directors will hold its April
Detroit, Michigan
board meeting 10 a.m. April
22 at the BBYO office.
* *
This month's BBYO Sab-
bath oneg service will take
place 4 p.m. April 27. The
topic will be "Psychology,"
and the program is being
planned by Einstein AZA.

AZA and BBG councils
will hold a joint Council
Candidates Institute 7:30
p.m. Thursday at the BBYO
council office. All members
who are planning to run for
office at the elections train-
ing conclave are invited.
* *
BBYO announces the ap-
pointment of Alan Rosner as
adviser to Sporn AZA and
Laurel Schlesinger to Gan
Dafna BBG. There are open-
irws for advisers in both
AZA and BBG groups. Inter-
ested persons may apply
through the BBYO office.
* * *

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Adas Shalom Youth Service

Adas Shalom youth organ- Jeremy Segal, Eileen Wainer,
izations will conduct Shabat Sandy Vieder, Fred Pfeffer and
sions a week during 16 days Hol Homoed services 9 a.m. Larry Posen.
Steven Margolin, who will
in Israel and a week each April 21 in the main sanc-
in London, Rome and Ma- tuary. Participating are Unit- preach the sermon, is a grad-
drid. The trip will run July ed Synagogue Youth chap- uate of the Adas Shalom
youth program.
2-Aug. 9.
ters, junior and young peo-
Following the services,
Emanuel Mandel, BBYO's ple's congregations and the
there will be a Pesah cultur-
national program director, confirmation classes.
said the course is intended
The following will take al luncheon sponsored by the
Ronnie Posen Youth Fund.
to introduce BBYO members part:
Steven Berkal, Mark Vieder,
to the cultural heritage and
Schwartz, Sheryl Neu-
Jewish history of Western Robert
virth, David Berkal, Diane Gold-
Europe and Israel. Study ring, Debby Colton, David Rosen, may be defined as the substi-
Sklar, Richard Margolin, tution of many burning ques-
will cover such areas as his- Steven
Hillel Maisel, Robin Moss, Mi-
tory and political geography, chael Neuvirth, Lisa Lieberman, tions for a smouldering one.
as well as political science, Marlene Platt, Steven Margolin, —Ambrose Bierce.
art, music, literature and
contemporary issues.
A series of textbooks de-
. 401b11°.- '11■■■■ •••Klowl ■li
veloped by the Foreign Study
League will provide basic
course material. Along with
10 Passenger (Brand New — Not a Demo
the weekday-morning semi-
nars, the students will visit
• 400 CID V-8
• Factory Air Cond.
museums, theaters, historic

• Tinted Glass
and other sites of interest.
Housing will be in high
• P/Steering
• Front Bumper
school and university dormi-
Any student in good aca-
• P/Disc Brakes
• Rear Bumper
demic standing is eligible to
participate. For application
• AM Radio
• J78x15 Belted
forms and details, write
BBYO Europe-Israel Study
Tour, 1640 Rhode Island NW,
Washington, D. C. 20036.



Akiva Donates Funds
to Elderly at Home

Akiva Hebrew Day School's
fifth grade collected $35.81
from the sale of tickets to a
raffle. Proceeds will go to-
ward an arthritis therapy
machine for residents of the
Jewish Home for the Aged.



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The historic drama of the Exodus is an epic of Jewish liberation depicting
.the pilgrimage . from slauery to freedom under law.

Il . c arc aware of the many significant meanings of this happy time, sym-

bolizing as it does, deliverance from all forms of suffering.

4s life insurance people, we rejoice, with deep humility, in the fact that
our daily tasks are to provide protection against financial suffering, and
we pledge ourselves anew to the service of our friends and clients.

41 this lime we extend a sincere wish for a happy- Passover to one and all.

Drug Stores

Wishes All
Their Friends
and Customers


students will combine six
weeks of travel in Europe
and Israel with studies in
humanities and Jewish cul-
ture this summer in a pro-
gram sponsored by the Bnai
Brith Youth Organization
and the Foreign Study
Participants will attend 15

hours of lectures and discus-

P&C add

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MOE LEITER, Associate Manager

Detroit Centre Branch

1766 Penobscot Bldg. 965-3134

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Our Success Is Built on a Firm Foundation of Sincere Service


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