Simon Dubnov's Faith in 'Jewish People's March Into History' Stirring Concluding Chapter of Martyred Scholar's 'History of Jewish People' While many experts have emerged in the last three decades as compilers of Jew- ish historical data, the names of Simon Dubnov and Hein- rich Graetz (1817-1891) re- main major among the great historians of the last century. It is not only the history of Russian and Polish Jewries but the world Jewish History as well has distinguished the inerasable contributions of Dubnov. Dubnov's monumental "His- tory of the Jews" has been translated, for publication in five volumes, by Moshe Spie- gel. The fifth and concluding volume in the series has just been issued by the publisher of the complete new text, Thomas Yoseloff. The new volume, trans- lated from the Russian, is from the fourth definitive re- vised edition of Dubnov's Vol- umes IX and X. It covers the eras from the Congress of Vienna until the emer- gence of Hitler. The reader must take into account these basic facts: Until the Bolsheviks came to power, Dubnov wrote, on the basis of his lifetime of studies, in St. Petersburg and Odessa. He moved to Ger- many during the Bolshevik revolution, in 1917, and when Hitler rose to power he fled to Riga, Latvia. He lived there until 1941. It was in that year that he was mur- dered by the Nazis, at the age of 81, when he and other Jews were herded into the Hitler-made ghetto. Therefore the period until which he continued to produce his great work is of great significance in his writings. The final volume in this Dubnov series commences with the year 1815. It was at the Vienna Congress in the early years of the last cen- tury that Jews presented pe- titions for just rights, chal- lenging the discriminatory acts in Germanic lands and asking for fairness in treat- ing the Jewish populations. The shouts "Hep-hep, Jude Verreck !" were heard in many cities in Germany, and Jewish petitioners sought re- lief from the threatened pog- roms and the prejudices that were extant in literary, so- cial, economic circles. Dubnov's review of the "Christian hatred" links here with the subsequent Hitlerite terrors that sought Jewry's extermination. We have in this historical account a resume of the struggle for just rights, for emancipation, for succor from the horrors that dom- inated wherever there were Jews. Because that era also co- incided with the soon-to- begin Jewish migrations to America, this volume has added significance. This vol- ume is a study in the popu- lation movement, in the Re- formation and Emancipation and their effects upon Jews. The anti-Semitic outbursts in Germany, Austria - Hungary, Russia, Romania and other areas receive fullest studies, leading up to the migrations to the new centers, in Amer- ica and in Palestine. LATE SIMON DUBNOV Here we have prophecy! In 1938, in three years just preceding his martyrdom, when Jews were murdered in the millions, he saw the coming of statehood ! In his final years, as his- torian, as one who was a Jewish nationalist yet not a Zionist to begin with, he nev- Therefore his comments on ertheless acclaimed that "the the Zionist movement, on the Jewish people continue their activities in Palestine are of march into history." And the chapter with which he con- special interest. And there is special signif- cluded this portion of his his- icance in the interpretive tory is historic ! He wrote: chapters of the emergence of "At first, I did not intend a great American Jewish ney down the long historical community. While dealing road of the eternal people, with "the remote splinters of it is permissible to ask the the Diaspora," with the po- question: Quo vadis, Israel? sition of Jews in all parts of At this moment, this question the world, his concern with is associated- with the general America and Palestine be- issue: in what direction is come exceedingly significant. Europe and all of mankind He was not considered a headed? We are confronted Zionist. But in a note he with a turning point in the wrote in April 1938, there is history of the world, and at this comment: this moment it is a turning "At first. I did not intend to extend the current survey to the very last days; how- ever, precisely these days of the first quarter of 1938, wit- nessed such events that illu- minate brightly the course of the latest reaction, and I could not delete them in the epilogue. On the other hand, the Jewish historian could not help escorting the read• er to the threshold of a `Jewish State' in Palestine which we confront — even though vaguely—at this mo- ment." "For the student of modern history, beginning with the Declaration of Human Rights during the French Revolution to the Nuremberg declaration of depriving one of such rights—according to the laws of the 'German revolution'— there is a confrontation with this question: is it passible that in its forward move- ment, the 20th Century will be just the opposite of the point for the worse, to one of 19th instead of being its nat- the worst ages in the history ural continuation? These of nations. After the bloody deluge of the last war, a rainbow of peace appeared on our horizon: the League of Nations, the ideal of pacif- ism, the disarmament idea, the plan of Pan-Europe, the Two top agricultural ex- principle of protecting the perts from Lebanon and national minorities. This rain- bow has dimmed in recent Saudi Arabia learned about years. The old militarism is revolutionary irrigation me- rearing its head once again: thods during a visit at Tosh fearing one another, the na- Hasegawa's farm in southern tions are arming feverishly. California. But they were The old militarism now man- told by Hasegawa that they had gone to superfluous ef- forts in coming all the way to California: "I told them they would have obtained a lot more information from where it all began—next door to where they live, in Israel." NEW WORDS HEBREW LANGUAGE ACADEMY 0'1111' 13 . 031( 13 "Key-Novel" oirivinv 0"113 Special vova iaixv ,100 onmil Feature Arlon j^^11 '217 11117'1` Kiva', '13 13 111 . 71 17 V7' nn Prepared r 17 • —Ion n, 3"031 Reference Book by Tarbuth Foundation 111Y3 3'3731 ,nilon xvin ix 111I1703 11)0 vixpn inixm crnivnm n^1^^111 nx for the Ktpi) ix Handbook, Manual Advancement of Hebrew n•-ininn ,n93in ix Inn -113 i s`, i 11 Culture Bulletin onin 011'03 -ioinn ,onDm Timor!, -i nixxn i v 71 01131 nyarn ,oirnm n^11^9`, 57) Frotocoll v , , ,raivlop ini 'crinn: 11215 2{31`71 ,0101D toinx n•-innn 5n2 onnxn in Periodical ideals of freedom, equality and social justice, which are so close to the spirit of the people whose Prophets had proclaimed them—could it be that they will yield every- where to the ideas of bond- age, and of racial discrim- ination, and of brute force, or the principle that 'right rests in might?' . . No, we can not extirpate from our soul the ideals of humane- ness and the belief that the human species will continue progressing from bestiality to humanism. This faith was bequeathed to us in the pro- phetic words of the Bible about the 'end of time,' when `swords will be forged into plowshares,' and the strong will live in peace with the weak Ca wolf with a sheep'), because all will be strong in spirit and morally perfect (`the earth will be filled with Omniscience'). Without this faith. and without our eternal idealism, we would be an ephemeral. and not an eter- nal, people. "However, 'faith without deeds _ acad.' We would not be a universal people, if in moments of catastrophes, we would be isolated from one another—if the fractions of Jewry throughout the world were not to pool their forces to rescue the threatened parts, and to Preserve the whole. The perils of the last decades served to consolidate our world Diaspora as never before. The contemporary rapprochement of the two hemispheres — the Old and the New Worlds — is espe- cially noteworthy. Europe and America have united in the general aspiration to build our historical home in Asia; now, they unite in helping the victims of the German, Austrian and Polish catastro- phes. Two organzations—the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Con- gress—are not united in the struggle for the right on an international level. "The Jewish people em- barked upon the 19th Century numbering 3,000,000 souls — primarily in Europe — with an additional 10,000 in Amer- ica and a handful of lamen- ters at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. At present, there are 15,000,000 Jews, one-third of whom are to be found in America; and almost h a million are engaged construction of the renewed Land of Israel in Palestine, exhilarated by the perspec- tive of a Jewish State. "And so, the Jewish people continue their march into history." Here we have the vision of a great master, the em- phasis on his people's will to live, the realization of what was transpiring, yet the re- fusal to abandon faith in Is- rael's destiny ! What a glorious chapter we have just quoted 'as the fi- nale of a glorious history brilliantly compiled ! How blessed we are that our historians are men of courage and of realism ! How tragic that a great man should have perished at the hands of beasts who threat- ened the security of the en- tire world! This great man left us a great ! Blessed be the memory of Simon ,Dubnov ! An Israeli Irrigation Lesson Acquired by Arabs Visiting Farmer in California COINED BY THE ninv3 ifests itself in the form of a dictatorship, from the right or the left, under the banner of a totalitarian state that suppresses the freedom of the individual and of society. In the history of the Jews — which was always a true ba- rometer of the progress and the regress of mankind — we also discern, in recent years, signs of a return to the Mid- dle Ages. The new crusaders who carry the swastikas, are exterminating the Jews in the center of Europe — in the same Germany, where the crusaders of the 12th Cen- tury lived. The medieval mass explusions of Jews are being prepared today by way of ousting "foreigners" (Ro- mania), or through economic boycott and terror, to en- force evacuation ( Poland ). The accusations of the Mid- dle Ages are reiterated in the 20th Century in the form of an infamous literary forgery: `The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' in which all sorts of crimes are being attribu- ted to Jews, to justify the most horrible violence against them. The theory of racism, as aforesaid, leads from hu• manism to bestiality. rinnn IrSr_ nP0 vinv "MO . ■ •• 17675 11: 0.9-01 Trim • T' • ,Tinirr) ' 1 ny i The technique which so interested the Arab travellers is called drip irrigation Pioneered in the Negev (Israel's arid southland) some 13 years ago, it has been enthusiastically adopt- ed by fruit and vegetable farmers in the American southwest. In drip irrigation, water running through per- forated plastic pipes is sup- plied to plants and trees in trickles, keeping the soil constantly moist—in con- trast to the conventional heavy sprinkling or flooding of crops. The method was imported into the U.S. two years ago by Don Gustayson, a Uni- versity of California farm adviser who had made a study tour to the Middle East. The results have been quite spectacular, as testi- fied to by Hasegawa, a Japanese - American farmer and one of the earliest "con- verts." "Instead of paying $500-$600 an acre for water per year as I did with con- ventional furrow irrigation, I now pay less than $300, and my tomato yield has in- creased by 25%," he said. Drip irrigation has also eliminated Hasegawa's weed problem, sharply reduced mold and other plant dis- eases, and cut fertilization costs by applying plant food through the irrigation sys- tem. Gustayson credits Israel's Dr_ Simcha Blass with in- novating drip irrigation in the Negev, and describes the method as "the biggest thing to hit agriculture since the introduction of sprinkling 25 years ago." Currently, the kibutz company, Netafim, manufactures and exports the various parts which make up the drip system, Gus- tayson explained, but two dozen American companies have launched crash pro- grams to design similar sys- tems. "So far, Israel has 15,000 acres under drip irrigation; South Africa 8,000 acres; Australia 15,000 acres, and the U.S. somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 acres," Mr. Gustayson said. However, American farm- 52 Friday, April 6, 1973 — ers have barely begun, he added, stating: "This year vine growers in central Cali- fornia are putting thousands of acres into drip irrigation, and avocado, strawberry, and citrus , --)wers are also finding it a very successful way to irrigate. On farms where plants would hardly grow due to the high salini- ty in local water, they are flourishing with the same water using drip irrigation. By keeping the soil con- stantly moist, the salt is diluted and the plants can live with it In a five acre avocado ex- periment operated by Gus- tayson for the University of California, a plot with drip irrigation used on , " rth the water of a coml. orchard under conventional irrigation. "That means a saving of $21,000 in one year for 200 acres," he elaborat- ed. "Yet at the same time, 'avocado trees develop much more rapidly with drip irri- gation and are considerably more productive." Asked what the Arab ag- ronomists said when he ad- vised them to study drip irrigation at the Israeli source, Hasegawa replied: "Well, they seemed a little embarrassed." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS