ICAO Fact-Finders to Visit Israel, Libya, Egypt in Crash Probe • JERUSALEM (JTA) The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has in- formed the Israeli govern- ment that it wishes to send a "fact-fiaing" team to Is- rael, Libya and Egypt to in- vestigate the Feb. 21 Libyan airliner disaster. The ICAO move followed a decision by the organiza- tion's executive in Montreal last week calling for an in- vestigation. Israel has replied in ac- cordance with a cabinet de- cision to render every assist- ance to the team, officials said here. They appeared satisfied with reports that the ICAO Council has taken no precipitate action against Is- rael over. the incident. The Arab states were expected to press for stronger action against Israel. The ICAO, at its 19th ses- sion at the United Nations, adopted an Egyptian resolu- tion condemning Israel for shooting down the Libyan plane and calling on the sec- retary general for an immed- iate investigation. The steward of the Libyan airliner, Jean Pierre Burdiat, died Sunday at Paris' Cochin Hospital as a result of wounds suffered in the crash. His death brings to 108 the number of the plane's vic- Two other survivors were tims. Burdiat was first thought discharged M a r c h 8 from to suffer only from a broken Beersheba HOspital and were Ilidrasha Institute Plans Series on 'World of '70s' "The World of the 1970s : institute before her death a Jewish Perspective" will and the executors of the be the focus of lectures by estate are continuing to pro- three renowned scholars at vide the funds for this annual the 17th annual Midrasha In- educational event. stitute, starting March 27 at George M. Zeltzer, chair- taMed Auditorium of the man of the Midrasha board UHS. The talks will start at of directors, and Edwin Shif- 8:15 p.m. rin, institute chairman, in- Dr. Moshe Davis, chair- vite the community. The in- man of the Institute of Con- stitute planning committee temporary Jewry at Hebrew includes Mrs. Henry Berris, University and research pro- Max Chomsky, Gordon Gins- fessor in American Jewish berg, Dr. David Gudes, history at Jewish Theological Julius J. Harwood, Mrs. Ski- Seminary, will open the ney Kaye, Louis LaMed, Jay series with a discussion of Rosenshine, Sherwood Sand- the dynamic quality of Jew- weiss, Mrs. Carl Schiller and Julian S. Tobias. ish life. The second lecture, Anril The Detroit chapter of the 4, will be devoted to "The American Jewish Committee Conflict of Modernity and American-Israel Project is Traditionalism" by Prof. cooperating with the Mid- Irving Greenberg, chairman rasha in spOnsoring Dr. of the department of Jewish Davis' lecture. . studies at City College, New Intermarriages Won't Be York. Stemmed by Prohibitions, On April 10, Dr. David Says Dr. Moshe Davis Sidorsky, professor of phil- osophy at Columbia Univer- sity, will discuss "The Fu- ture of the Jewish Commu- nity in America." The Midrasha Institute is officially designated as the Mina and Theodore Bargman Memorial Lectures. Mrs. Bargman contributed gener- ously to the support of the Office — Art Drafting Supplies LOWEST PRICES Sy Draft 8558 W. 9 Mile 544-1436 HONEYWELL BARBER SALON Southfield & Nine Mile Rd. Featuring Men's Hair Styling by Michael G. Kelly Mich. — State Champion and Minnella Image Master Champion State Trophy Winners Appointments Available MONDAY THRU FRIDAY /- 354-3170 I leg. Doctors at Beersheba Hospital later found, how- ever, that he was suffering from internal lesions. After an operation carried out by Israeli doctors he was flown to Paris. He was b u r i e d Thursday. Another survivor died at Beersheba Hospital. The vic- tim was Ma hm o ud Abu Baker, 33, a Libyan national who was being treated for severe burns and fractures. He had only brief periods of consciousness while at the hospital but was able to identify himself before he died. TEL AVIV (JTA)—Prohibi- tions and admonitions won't stem the tide of intermar- riages, Prof. Moshe Davis, founder and head of the In- stitute of Contemporary Jew- ry at the Hebrew University, declared here in an address to a special seminar session of the Bnai Brith Board of Governors. Prof. Davis listed intermar- riage as one of the three major problems of contem- porary Jewry. The others, he said, were the nature of Jew- ish leadership and the rela- tionship between Israel and diaspora Jewry. Prof. Davis said the issue is not intermarriage but the quality of contemporary Jew- ish family life with the stress on the family. According to Prof. Davis, Jewish family life can be maintained and perpetuated even in mixed families. flown by helicopter to Kan- tara on the Suez Canal where they w ere transferred to Egyptian territory under Red Cross auspices. They are Feisal Mahmoud, an -Egyptian, and Fathi Ja- baleh, a citizen of Libya . Both were in high spirits as they prepared to leave the hospital. They embraced members of the medical s t a f f and thanked them for the treat- ment they received. Each was given a fresh set of clothing. They expressed ap- preciation for the Israeli of- fer of compensation. Two Libyans and a Jordan- ian remain at Beersheba Hospital. Their condition is still described as serious. But the Libyan copilot of the downed airliner was reported very much improved at Ha- dassah Hospital in' Jeru- salem. He was moved from an intensive care unit to a regular ward. Israel's offer still stands to make ex •ratia (free will) payments to the survivors and the families of those who died, despite statements by Egypt and Libya rejecting the offer, Justice Minister Yaacov Shapiro said. • Shapiro, who heads the ministerial committee on this matter, said the payments are being offered to individ- uals, not to their govern- ments. Quiz Answers He said his committee was preparing ways to transmit the payments. Israel is offer- ing $30,000 to the families of each of the dead and $10,000- $30,000 to each of the sur- vivors, depending on t h e severity of injuries. Answers to Quiz, Page 5. 1. Sodom near the Dead Sea. - 2. The Eucalyptus tree. 3. The National Land Au- thority within the govern- ment for administration; and the Land Development Au- thority within the JNF° for re- clamation and afforestation. 4. The Jezreel and Hula valleys. 5. Yes. Israel's farmers produce three-quarters of the -country's food. 6. Bonds are essentially interest-carrying loans made to the state of Israel to help defray the government's de- velopment expenditures. 7. The enlarged Jewish Agency for Israel reconsti- tuted in 1971 represents Zion- ists and non-Zionists: 50 per cent of its governing bodies representing the Zionist organizations and the Jewish people in Israel, 30 per cent American Jewry through the UJA and 20 per cent Jewish communities elsewhere through the local appeal organizations. 8. Education, youth, •aliya, organization and information. 9. The next election in Is- rael will be in the fall of 1973. 10. The Adolph Eichmann trial. Vast Bond Sales Americans buy 130,000,000 individual U.S. Savings Bonds each year—more than_ $6,- 000,000,000 worth last year — mainly through Payroll Savings and Bond-A-Month Plans. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, March 16, 1973 7 0i NEW CADILLAC? an BIRMINGHAM at WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 RES. 642-6836. 1350 N. 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Phone: 549-7350 . needs of the contemporary Mon.-Thurs. 9-6; Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-3; Sun. 10-3 way of life of the Jewish masses, he said. JOE STAMELL'S SAY IT WITH JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 22100 GREENFIELD RD. • OAK PARK, MICH. 48237 PHONE 968-0820 )KRIFICEMODURS:aiMOMAIKRUAHURSQ 9 to 5; FRIDAY, 9 to 4; SUNDAYS 10 A.m.-1 P.M.