March 16, 1973—Supplement to The Jewish News—Page 39 UJA's Immense Town Building Program By HARRY M. ROSEN About 10 years ago, a team went into the desert east of Beersheba to lay out a new town. A young sur- veyor in the group had the job of putting in stakes to mark the chosen site. He couldn't get the stakes to stand upright in the loose sand and finally threw them down in disgust, exclaiming, "You just can't build a town here! It's impossible!" Impossible or not, the town was built on that spot. The town is called Arad. It has houses and industry and schools. There's an immigrant absorption center there, and also a youth hostel. And there are people—new im- migrants, veteran Israelis-5,000 of them at last count, with hundreds of other families signed up for new hous- ing as soon as it becomes available. Carmiel and Nazareth Illit are two more "new towns," or development towns. Development towns were established almost immediately after the state was born. There are 25 of these towns, with a population of a quarter of a million people, the vast majority of whom are new immigrants. These towns are built for immigrants. The develop. ment towns were built in the 1950s to provide a place to live for thousands of immigrants who came from the Mos- lem countries of Asia and North Africa—from Morocco, from Iraq, from Jurdistan and Persia and Yemen and Tunisia and Algeria and India. Not that this proportion of three to one — Asia-Africa to Europe-America — was planned that way. The original planners (and there are many who insist there was very little planning — just doing!) had in mind a population mix of immigrants from these Asian and African countries and immigrants from Romania and Poland and other European coun- tries, the immigrants in turn to be supported by a healthy infusion of veteran Israelis. These components made up, more or less, the first populations of the development towns. But the "mix" didn't last long. The conditions of living were just too harsh and unattractive, the em- ployment opportunities just too limited. There began the "revolving door" phenomenon. For example Beit She- mesh: it is estimated that 50,000 people went through the town before it stabilized at its present population of 12,000. That the living conditions were unattractive, to say the least, is understandable, considering that nothing was "built into" most of the towns to make living in them anything but dull and difficult. The towns were built often in harsh settings, like the desert towns of Dimona and Yeruham, or the southwestern plain towns like Netivot and Ofakim and Sderot. Because immigrants were coming in large numbers and coming in fast, lots of houses had to be put up and put up fast. The houses were small concrete cubes or big concrete blocks. The units were small, and the families were big. The streets were asphalted later, adding black strips to contrast with the overwhelming gray of the concrete. There was no green. (The author had occasion to visit Kiryat Gat, long after it had become one of the great success stories of the development towns. He asked the town secretary what she would do if someone gave her $1,000,000 to spend on the town. "I would plant $1,000,000 worth of trees!" she said, indicating with a sweeping gesture the bleakness of apartment houses and other buildings.) There was no communal facilities of any sort, not at the beginning, at any rate. Just places to live. More accurately just places to sleep. It was assumed that by locating the towns near agricultural settlements, there would be rslenty of work for the immigrants, and that the veteran Israelis would take care of the administration and public services the towns would require. But the employment opportunities in the farming settlements diminished rapidly as their farming technique became more sophisticated and the farmers themselves became more expert. That's when people began to leave the new towns. The veteran Israelis from the Kibutzim returned to their kibutzim, those from the cities went back to them. Of the immigrants, nose with any skills at all also went to the cities where there were opportunities in industry, where a man might set up a small business or shop, where there was some life at least. In the years just before the Six-Day War, the United Jewish Appeal campaigns made the development towns their major theme. The conditions of the towns war- ranted this emphasis. And the emphasis gave the towns a major lift. More western immigrants sought the oppor- tunities which this development "frontier" offered, as well as the special benefits in the way of taxes and wage incentives which were offered for those who would settle in the new towns. Veteran Israelis once again sought new opportunities in the development towns, and this time they remained. Although the immigrants from the Asian and African countries were still the big majority, the input of western skills and knowhow provided the extra push which got the towns moving again and helped maintain their momentum. Most of all the towns helped themselves, with a big assist from world Jewry in the form of Jewish Agency rental subsidies for housing, high schools and pre-kinder- garten through the Israel Education Fund; prevocational training centers of Youth Aliya and the admission of many youths to Youth Aliyah schools in youth villages and kibutzim. Leadership developed among the younger immigrants. The picture today is — by and large — a hopeful one. But some of the towns are still in the doldrums, some of the towns are teetering between moving forward and moving back. One of the key factors is the size of the population. Some insist 10,000 is the minimum popu- lation required to make a town viable. Others believe the minimum figure can be 5,000. Everyone agrees that population "mix" is still a basic factor: until the youth from the Asian and African immi- grant families acquire sufficient modern skills to assure new industries of the number and kind of manpower they need, these skills will have to be supplied by those who already have them, and these are usually the Israelis, new and veteran, of western origin. Then there's the "hen and the egg" problem. Of course the towns need people. But people need jobs, and places to live. Which comes first? Industry is reluctant to move into a town, primarily on the basis of belief that housing will be put up to attract workers. Sometimes there are intangible factors that get a town moving. Hatzor, in the Galilee, has just over 5,000 people and it is one of the towns about which most people, including the residents, were thoroughly pessi- mistic. Two years ago construction was begun on a new comprehensive high school, thanks to the generosity of an American donor, through the Israel Education Fund. Nobody can say just when, in the course of construction, hope was kindled in the town leadership and the towns- people. One mayor, a good man, had already resigned because he thought nobody cared about saving his town. Nevertheless hope was kindled. The town council and the new mayor began to plan again, began to knock on doors — the government, the Jewish Agency. Experts and officials are beginning to visit Hatzor. First they are shown the new high school, and then the pitch begins. A small plastics plant. A hotel to attract tourists (the town is beautifully situated, and there are famous "digs" nearby). A commercial center. Apartments big enough to rehouse the overcrowded large families. One-family houses in a lovely wooded glen to attract "middle class types." These are the things the people of Hatzor are talking about these days. It all started with the new high school. There is a good chance that will end in a new town reborn.