41 11111111111111.1111•1111111111.1111- U.S. to Sell 4 Squadrons of Jets and Help Israel Prodtice Own Fighter pleted in December and the ing signed in November 1971 asked nor hinted That Israel tive activities and develop- Meir did not conceal her under which the 'U.S. agreed should change its attitude: ment. emotions. Tears ran down A4s next June. The premier was greeted The latest agreement calls to provide technical and Mrs . Meir stressed that her face as she accepted it. She received a prolonged for production help to be manufacturing assistance for at Lod Airport by Cabinet one of her greatest concerns and Knesset members, senior was assimilation. "It will. be standing ovation when she provided for the Israeli Super Israel's arms industry. army officers and her family. a disaster, now that we have was introduced and an even Mirage, an advanced design Golda Returns Home, Returning aboard the same a sovereign Jewish state, if longer one when she finish- based on the French Mirage Says There Is No Change plane was Ambassador Itz- we lose part of the young ed her remarks. fighter series. Both that in U.S. Friendship TEL AVIV (JTA) — Pre- hak Rabin, who terminated Jewish generation," she said. plane and the F4 are pow- For nearly 10 minutes the ered by the General Electric mier Golda Meir returned to his duties in Washington last The degree was presented audience and Mrs. Meir J79 jet engine. The Super Israel Sunday after a 13-day Friday. to the premier by Dr. Sam- stood, clapped rhythmically 'Mrs. Meir said Israel was uel Belkin, president of and sang, "Am Yisroel Hai" Mirage is not expected to visit to the United States and go into regular production assured her countrymen that not opposed to any American Yeshiva University. Mrs. —the nation of Israel lives. for about two more years, at there has been no change in peace initiative and wel- a rate of one to two planes the American policy of corned any action that might THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 16, 1973-17 friendship and support for promote the possibility of a month. peace. "What we opposed," The agreement to help set Israel. She said that, regretably, she said, "was one thing— up production facilities was SPECIALIST Foreign Car Service said to be the first major there has been no change in that there shall be no foreign IN VOLKSWAGEN project approved under a the Arab position but that factor, that instead of con- AND memorandum of understand , U.S. officials had neither elusions and agreements we PORSCHE CARS have to reach with our neigh- bors, it will face us with accomplished facts, either in agreement with our neigh- bors or with other factors, and then exert pressure on us to accept it. On that last JERUSALEM (JTA)—Dep- [ Eban said "A majority of I with the Arab countries, possibility, I found no sign x;1018 W. 9 Mile Rd. FERNDALE, Between Livernois uty Premier Yigal Allan is 1 us" feel that some territorial brought about the visit to in America. As to an initia- & Pinehutst Alfons G. Rehme MICH. planning to suggest that Is-1 compromises are in order but Washing s Ln of Egyptian Pres- tive to promote peace, Am- raei seek a separate peace there is-a strong feeling that ident Anwar Sadat's personal erica wants things to start settlement w - i t h Jordanian the peace settlement should envoy, Hafez Ismail, and may moving," "She said, "I brought up King Hussein When the Labor not "re-establish the situation also have contributed to the Party resumes its debate on that led to war in the first departure of Soviet advisers the question of - Russian the future of the administered place." His remark was an and military personnel from Jewry in almost every talk I had in the U.S. and I territories, it was reported allusion to the Golan Heights .Egypt. proudly announces and Arab demands for a di- in the newspaper Haaretz. Dinitz said. however, in found a great understanding Anon ap-parently has been vision of sovereignty in Je- reply to questions. that Israel of the problem among my must he watchful of Ameri- listeners." talking privately to his close rusalem. The sources said it was can contacts with the Middle - Rabin refused to comment friends about raising such a highly unlikely that Nixon East countries and with the on his political future. How- the to proposal. According deputy prime minister, the would give Kissinger such Soviet Union to make sure ever, he had great praise chances el •getting. a settle- instructions without notifying that efforts by the Great for Mrs. Meir. He said there Powers to create an "ideal could have been no better ment with Jordan are far Israel beforehand. Foreign M i n i s t e r Abba world" are not achieved at conclusion to his tour in better than of securing –an arrangement with Egypt, Eban said that Israel's inter-' the expense of Israel's peace, - Washington • than her visit there. i and independence. Moreover, he thinks that. Is- national strategy has been security He noted that American "vindicated" _because it has In Chicago, Dr. Nahum rael should exploit any op- portunity of denting Arab op- tried to show the Arabs that Golcimann, president of the Jewry had demonstrated its position to negotiations, negotiations are the o n 1 y World Jewish Congress, said deep affection for the prem- fruitful way of reaching a I Sunday night that he is more ier and its affinity for Israel Haaretz said. ibility in the warm receptions ac- Allon was said to 'feel that modus vivendi in the Middle optimistic over the posa - East. • of peace in the Middle East corded Mrs. Meir wherever Palestinian representatives Israel will continue to try than at any time since Israel she went. on the West Bank are more "Life Insurance Counselor" Mrs. Meir received an receptive to a peace arrange- to "close the options" of the achieved statehood 25 years honorary degree-of doctor of is our ment with Israel. Were Is- Arabs in order to bring them ago- He told the Zionist Organi- humane letters from Yeshi- rael to forge a settlement to the peace table, he said at with Jordan, these represent- a •meeting with students at zation of America's Chicago va University March 77 and atives would be inclined to Hebrew Union College here. region at the Pick-Congress was visibly - overwhelmed by subscribe to it, Allon be- Eban said that t King Hus- Hotel that the main reason the welcome she received. Aetna Life Insurance Company lieves. sein of Jordan would do bet- for this outlook is that the Speaking in Hebrew to an Aetna Variable Annuity mostly defeats suffered by the Arabs audience of 2,000, Alion's suggestion has ap- ter to bring his proposals to Lite insurance Company in 1948, 1956 and 1967, in ad- young people, she told the parently been given impetus the peace table than to ad- - Aetna Financial Services, Inc. LIFE & CASUALTY by the recent expressions of vertise them in the world dition to creating "a sense youths in effect that the of humiliation and hatred for future survival of the Jewish I support for the Allon Plan press. GLENN B. MOORE AGENCY given by Hussein. As for Egypt, Eban sug- the Jewish state," have also people and Judaism was in 1400 Detroit Bank & Trust Building Allon is said to be willing gested that Cairo look di- caused the Arabs to realize their hands and urged them, Detroit, Mich. 48226 to discuss a partial with- rectly to Israel for a peace that "there is no chance in and Jewish youth all over 557 8315 965 5400 drawal of Israeli forces from settlement rather than to the forseeable future" to de- the world, to come to Israel stroy Israel. I and participate in its crea- the territories. But at this New York, Washington and stage be is not ready to dis- Europe. cuss the question of Jeru- Simha Dinitz, the diplomat salem. who will shortly take up the 472 NEW 1973 BUICKS (On Wednesday, Prime Min- duties of Israel's ambassador ister Meir said that Israel to Washington, said Tuesday would be willing to give King that the good relations be- OPELS & HONDAS IN STOCK Hussein guardianShip over tween the United States and the Moslem holy places in Israel are based on mutual Jerusalem. But, she added, interests. He expressed hope Israel would not allow any that this partnership of inter- area of Jerusalem to come est would continue to prevail, under Jordanian control- .but warned that Israel could again. Mrs. Meir was ad- face important and difficult dressing a gathering in Eilat trials in its relations with the n celebration of the port's U.S. in the future. 24th anniversary.) Israel's ambassador desig- David Ben-Gurion said here nate to the U.S., who accom- he was convinced that peace panied Premier • Golda Meir would be restored to the Mid- on her recent trip to Wash- dle East within 10 years and ington, addressed the Bnai that the time was ripe now Brith Board of Governors to start making contacts with. meeting here and replied to the Arabs. questions by board members. Dinitz said there was a Israeli sources said that they had no knowledge of basic understanding by the MICHIGAN'S LARGEST i any move by President Nixon American -administration of BUICK - OPEL - HONDA to have his national security the principles that govern Is- adviser Henry 'Kissinger be- policies. He said American INVENTORY gin preparations for the ne- policy was to strengthen Is- WASHINGTON — Defense and State Department of- ficials confirmed here this week that President Nixon told Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir the U.S. will sell Israel four squadrons of combat jets and help the Israelis set up production of an advanced jet fighter of their own design. Tentative plans involve about 24 F4 fighter bomb- ers and 24 A4 light attack planes, with deliveries over two years, starting next Jan- _ nary. Earlier commitments under a 1971 agreement cov- ered 42 F4s and about 80 A4s. Deliveries of these F4s are scheduled to be corn- Al's Anon Reported Ready to Suggest Separate Settlement With Jordan ....................... The Glenn B. Moore Agency I Alan Nathan C.L.U. "MAN OF THE YEAR" - - IN MICHIGAN" "THE BIG gotiation of a Middle East rael's foreign and defense peace settlement. rael to the extent that the The sources were corn- option of war becomes less menting on a report pub- practical to the Arabs and lished in the NeW York Times the peace option More sound. by its columnist James Res- Dinitz said that policy was ton to the effect that Nixon • not only good foe Israel but told Kissinger to prepare the for the U.S. as well. He said way for an American role in it had brouglit about Ameri- e.la4kik-iliavea,..to.,,,mnew, relations:, hei TamaRDFF BuicYriso E ' ACROSS FROM .THAVVE.i.v to VC, imb