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November 17, 1972 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1972-11-17

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24—Friday, Nov. 17, 1972


Mayor Congratulates Hasidim



The Talit
and Tzitzit

The adult education com-
mission of Cong. Beth Achim
announces the next lecturer
in its series will be Lt. Col.
Itzhak Itzhaki, who will dis-
cuss "The Bible as Jewish
History," 8 p.m. Nov. 28 at
the synagogue.

There are stripes on the
traditional talit.
The essential feature of a
talit are the four fringes that
are attached respectively —
one to each of the four corn-

Col. Itzhaki recently com-
pleted 21 years' service with
the Israeli defense forces, in
which he headed the Yediat
HaAretz (Knowledge of the
Land) program to familiarize
voting Israelis with the his-
tory and geoeranhv of their
land. Col. Itzhaki visited the
United States in snring 1967
on a special
grant from


Tribute to the Hasidic movement was paid in a res-
olution signed by Southfield Mayor Norman Feder, which
recognizes the month-long observance of the I.ubavitcher
Rebbe's 70th birthday. Looking on during the signing are
4(7om left) Irwin I. Cohn, co-chairman of the Ilasidic Hap-
pening concert, scheduled for Dec. 3 at Ford Auditorium;
Mrs. Robert Ruch, ticket co-chairman; Isador Starr, co-
chairman: and ktabbi Beret Shemtov, executive director
of Comp Gan Israel.



to I)iscnss Bible
at Beth Achim



UNFScO, awarded for the
excellence of his work in

In 1969, Itzhaki became di-
rector of the 'pedagogic cen-
ter of the Israeli Ministry of
Education. and presently is
an educational consultant to
many institutions in Israel
and South Africa.

A sixth-generation Israeli.
CONG. BETH SHALOM: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m.
Itzhaki is a Bible scholar
Saturday. Rabbi Nelson will speak on "So You Think and graduate of the Hebrew
You Have Problems." Steven Goldsmith, Bar Mitzva.
University. He was a platoon
CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Services 4:45 p.m. today and 8:45 commander in the War of
a.m. Saturday: Rabbi Lehrman will speak on "Sleeping Independence and after the
Through Great Hours." Jerald Reisner, Bar Mitzva.
war was appointed education
BETH ABRAHAM•HILEL: Services 5:30 p.m. today and 9 director of a brigade. Later.
a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "How Do he became commander of
You Regard Yourself?" Randy Schwartz and Kenneth the Central Military School
Becker, Bnai Mitzva. Second service 8 . 15 p.m. today. of Education.
Mrs. Henry Berris will speak on "What's New in Jew•
ish Books." (See story in Column 3).
TEMPLE BETH JACOB: Services 8:30 p m. today. Rabbi
Berkowitz will speak on "What Our Children Always
Because Thanksgiv-
Wanted to Know About Judaism but Never Found Out,"
ing will occur on Thurs.
part two. Services 10.30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Berkowitz
Nov. 23, The Jew•
will speak on "For Its Ways Are Ways of PI tness."
Ish News will go to
Marc Leitson, Bar Mitzva.
press • day earlier than
TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today and 11 a.m.
usual. Copy deadline
Saturday. Rabbi Loss will speak on "The Measure of
for the Issue of Nov.
Conscience." Susan Rosen, Bat Mitzva.
24 will be today, Nov.
CONG. MLSIIKAN ISRAEL: Services S p.m. today and 9
IT. Alt copy must be
a m. Saturday. Rabbi Kranz will speak on "Open Cur-
mailed or hand-deliv-
tains-Enter the Soul."
ered by noon today, or
CONG. SHAMMY SHOMAYIM: Services 4.50 p.m. today
It will he considered
and 9 a m, Saturday, Rabbi Goldman will speak on "The
too late for publication.
Departure of Jacob."
CON(:. BNAI ISRAEL of Pontiac: Services 8 30 p.m today
Beth Abraham-Mild
and 7:i0 a en. Saturday. Rabbi Berman will speak on
"The Search for Spiritual Happiness."
to Ilear `What's New
TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8,30 a.m. today. Dr. Bruno
Bettelheim will speak on "!tow to Raise Mentally in Books' at Service
Healthy Children." Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi
Beth Abraham-Hillel Syna-
Kanter will speak on "Some Thoughts About Thanks.
gogue's second late Friday
evening service and oneg
TEMPLE EMANU•EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Detroit Shabat of the season will
Common Councilman Mel Ravitt will speak.
take place 8:15 p.m. today.
Ln•ONIA. JEWISH CONGREGATION: Services 8 p.m. to-
Mrs. Henry Be,-ris will dis-
day and 9 a.m.. Saturday. Carolyn Fine. Bat Mitzva.
cuss "What's New in Jewish
CONG. 111-7TH A(11131: Services 4:45 p.m. today and 8:45 Books?"
Mrs. Berris is past presi-
a m. Saturday. Steven Cohn and Aaron Fried, Bnai
dent of Bagley Group, Ha-
CONG. BNAI DAVID: Services 5 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. dassah, and former leader-
ship training chairman of
Saturday. Howard Cherry, Bar Mitzva.
Detroit Hadassah. She re-
CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Services 5 p.m. today and 8:45
ceived the United Founda-
a.m. Saturday. Jeffrey Feldstein and Andrew Hades-
Heart of Gold Award,
man, Bnai Mitzva.
and she serves on the Jewish
Regular services will be held at Birmingham Temple,
Community Council's broad-
Cong. Beth Moses. Adas Shalom Synagogue, Young Israel
cast division.
of Oa' -Woods, Temple Kol Ami, Young Israel of Greenfield,
The service will be chanted
Cong. Shomrey Emunah. Cong. Beth Issac of Trenton Young
by Associate Cantor Israel
Israel of Southfield (Stevenson School, Lahser and Win-
Fuchs and the synagogue
chester Roads), Cong. Bnai Israel-Beth Yehudah, Down-
choir. A tea and oneg Shabat
town Synagogue and 13340 W. Seven Mile.
will be held in the social
Minyan will be held at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Fri-
day and 8:30 a.m. Sunday at Temple Israel. A daily minyan
and Sabbath services are held at 17376 Wyoming.

Early Deadline

Shomrey Emunah Elects President

The members of Cong. :lin, Joseph Berg, Sol E.
Shomrey Emunah have elect, ' Goldberg, Mark Schlussel,
ed Mark E. Schlussel . as 1Wilmos Schwarcz, Leonard
Siporin and Arthur Tanen-
president of the new congre-
The congregation has insti-
Elected with him were tuted daily morning services
vice in addition to regular Sab-
Arthur Tanenbaum,
president; Jack Wolf. secre-
services Weekdays

tary: and Norman Adelsberg,
Board members are Nor-

services begin at 7 a.m., and
Sunday at 7.30 a.m
Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash

man Adelsberg, Marvin Bet-

is spiritual leader.

Beth Moses to Host
Thanksgiving Eve
Interfaith Service


(copyright, 1972,

JTA Inc.)

and St. Matthews United

Methodist Church.

Guest speaker will be
Judge Charles L. Levin,
justice-elect of the Michigan
State Supreme Court.

Everyone is invited.

The annual joint potluck
supper sponsored by Temple
Kol Arm and its host congre-
gation, Birmingham Uni-
tarian Church. will be held
p.m. today at the

Rabbi Ernst J. Conrail will

service after the supper, and

a social mixer will follow.
Mrs. Bernard Alper and
Mrs. Mary Beth Kabot are
in charge of the supper.


5 3,183

Actually the idea was to
have a four-cornered
ment to which one may at-
tach the fringes in fulfill-


ment of the biblical com-
mand which asks us to put


such fringes on the four
corners of our garments.

14240 W

7 Mile Rd

Al lodge X Wov

Originally, these fringes
were supposed to have had


one thread of blue included

in them as the Bible states
"And Thou Shalt Put in a
Thread of B I u e" (Deut.
15:38). Since we were not
familiar with the proper
shade of blue which is re-
quired, our fringes are all
To signify that ideally a
thread of blue is required,
some stripes are run through
the talit, either in black or
blue. The Talmud (Memahot
43:B) explains that the color
blue was originally required
for one thread of the fringes
because it represents the
royalty of the Almighty re-
flected by a stone of sapph-
ire under the chair of glory
and in turn reflected through
the sky and the sea.
It is required that fringes
ltzitzill be made up of a spe-
cific number of turns of
Some sources claim that
the Hebrew word tzitzit is
made up of letters whose to-
tal numerical equivalent is
Adding to this the number
five representing the number
of knots and the number eight
representing the number of
threads, one arrived at a
total of 613, The fringes arc,
thus, a reminder to the
wearer to observe the 613
commandments of the Jew-
ish faith.
Other sources say that the
turns of the fringes required
for each fringe (i.e., 7, 8, 11
and 13) total 39.
The numerical equivalent
of the letters that make up
the Hebrew expression "God
is One" happens to b... 39.
The fringes, therefore, re-
mind us of the unity of the
Almighty. Some claim that
the five knots symbolize the
Five Books of Moses in
which 613 commandments are

Birmingham Temples New Lecture Series on

The New Religions

Rabbi Wine will discuss The New Cults.
Christian, Jewish, Muskim, Hindu, Buddhist,
African and Occult which have arisen in America
in the past decade. What are they like?
Why. did they emerge? What is their future?

A series of 5 Monday Lectures commencing

Monday, November 20 at 8:30 p.m.

Registration fee:

Members: five dollars per series
Non-Members: ten dollars per series

The Birmingham Temple

,...... 23411 Twelve Nilo Rood
West of Midellobelt

477-0177 ..)


Adult Education Committee

proudly presents its second lecturer


"The Bible as Jewish History"

Lt. Col. Itzhaki, sixth generation Sabra Commander
of the Central Military School of Education, Bible
scholar of note, educator, consultant, exciting lec-
turer and writer.
Enthralls his audinece, acclaimed for his dynamism

Tuesday, November 28, 1972-8:00 p.m.

in the Wasserman Hall of the Synagogue

2 1 100 W. 12 MILE ROAD

All Are Welcome


Admission Free

FDA Officer to Relate



Food and Drug Facts


Small Towns Program


turers in the cities to pick
up and move to the country's
' development towns that re-
quire more industry. He
promised his ministry's aid
to those who were prepared
to make the move in the form
of loans for purchase of new


Has Choice Dates Available At

Cong.Bnai Moshe's Mr.
and Mrs. Club will hear John
Dempster, chief compliance
officer of the Food and Drug
Administration, speaking on Is
Facts and Fiction FA
About Food and Drugs"
p m. Nov. 26 at the home of 1:i
Mr. and
and Mrs. Louis Landau, 1 a
24231 Gardner, Oak Park.
President of th e group is I =
Isaac Benaim.

Cong. Beth Moses will hold merce Minister Haim Barley
its annual Thanksgiving Eve
has issued an appeal to ar-
Interfaith Service
8 p.m. I tisans and small manufac-

Wednesday with Monteith Me-
morial Presbyterian Church

Church, Temple Slate Potluck Supper Today


E - .

21100 W. 12 Mile Rd., Southfield, Mich. E2-




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