Detroiter at hicago -Interfaith, Parley Philip Handleman Berlin HermanRites Enters Politics Planned or Summer for Delegateship - Shown at the recent - National InterreLigious Consultation on Soviet- Jewry in- Chicago- are (from left) - Dr. Andre Lacoque, pro- fessor of Old Testament, Chicago Theological Seminary; Congressman Sidney Yates; Rita Hauser, former U.S. ambassador to the UN Commission On Human Rights and currently vice chairman of the campaign to re-elect President Nixon; Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, national interreligious affairs director, American Jewish Committee; and Rabbi Richard C. Hertz of Temple Beth El, Detroit. Memorial Academy for Six Million Set by Survivors; Librar)i Shows Exhibit Shaarit H-aplaytah Organization choir of Oak Park High School, — Survivors of the Holocaust— directed by Dorene Davis and will hold- its annual memorial Martin Mandelbaum at the piano. academy dedicated to the Six Mil- Linda Breimers, Maurice Klein lion 8 p.m. April 10 at Cong. Bnai and Deborah Rose will participate Moshe. in dramatic readings. Jewish War Leon Halpern, president, said Veterans and Bnai Moshe Boy the organization has adopted the Scout Troop 23 will present the 27th of Nisan as the Day' of Re- colors. membrance (Yizkor) in accordance Mrs. Leon Popowski, cultural with the resolution of the Knesset. chairman, will lead the candle- "Ours is the painful and sacred lighting. ceremony by Mesdames duty to remember the terrible Max Pine, Szlomo Szlamkowicz and unspeakable period of Nazi and Martin Water and by Beret genocide," said Dr. John Lachman,. Edward Linson and Mantes, chairman of the Remem •Herman Opatowski. A special can- briuke Project. "The Six Million dle, in memory of fallen soldiers Martyrs and Heroes were silenced in Israel, will be lit by Mrs. Sally forever; they cannot stand up and Fields. Photographic exhibits de- cry out the agoniring question: picting the Nazi era and the War- saw Ghetto Uprising will be- on `Why?' "Auschwitz, Majdanek, Sobibor, display. Currently, they are being Treblinka,-- Bergen- Belsen and shown in the Oak Park Public many other extermination camps Li b rary. and schools, organiza- must remain as a strong warning tions and youth groups are asked for all people, -all nations and all to visit the library prior to April times. To remember and 'to teach 10. Mrs. Sally Fields and Abraham —this is our great responsibility." Dr. Moses -Lehrnian of Baal Weberman are-:-co=chairmen., The Moshe will deliver the memorial . community is invited. - address,, and Cantor Louis Mein will chant memorial prayers and Is Japan Easing Boycott renditions, accompanied by Do._ reen Raskin. Martin H. Rose, 'Against Israel Goods? TOKYO (ZINS) — Israel Cir- past president, will convey a cles here are convinced that the message, and Lewis S. Gross- boycott of Japanese products by man, vice president of the Jew- American Jewry was a contribut- ish Community Council, will ex- ing factor in persuading. -the Jap- tend greetings. anese to moderate their policy to- Memorial selections from "I Never Saw, Another Butterfly" ward Israel. They deplore the de- will be rendered by the concert cision taken in May at the insist- ence of Ambassador ltzhak Rabin and foreign_ ministry spokesman Shimon Amir; to abandon the boy- Israel Has 'Lowest cott because Japan seems to be Illegitimate Birth Rate .knuckling under to the dictates TEL AVIV (ZINS)—The prob- of the Arab Boycott Committee. However, the Israel ambassador lem of the unwed-mother exists in Israel but to a much smaller degree to Tokyo, Eytan Ron, said Japan than elsewhere in the world. It is has begun to make some changes estimated'-that only 1 per cent of in its policy of economic discrim- all births in Israel are out -of wed- ination against Israel, although a lock. (In England the percentage completely satisfactory relationship is still far off. is 6 to 7; in Sweden -around 10.) In the'first nine months of 1971, Approxiaiately one-third of un- wed mothers in Israel are age 17 Israel's exports to Japan aggre- or younger, and - 50 per cent of gated $34,000,000 ($29,000,000 in those have failed to- complete an polished diamonds and $5,000,000 elementary schooling. Over all, it is in copper). • found that 90 per cent of children born out of , wedlock are from fam- Unskilled Jobs Dominated ilies of -oriental or Arab _back- by Arabs, Paper Says ground- The problem of the unwed ' - TEI AVIV (ZINS) The- He- Is- mother is'the concern of Israers brew daily`Davar, organ of minestry of social welfare. Ac-. rael's Labor ,Party, reports that the unskilled labor sector is: now cording to a mialstry spokesman, some 76 pereent et these-children dominated by Arab workers im- ported from the liberated areas. . He Placed. for adoption. Jews tend to - regard work in Israel law requires that the con- sent of the father is necessary the ,citrus fields as beneath their before the adoption proceedings dignity, says Davar. The agricol- can be completed, while- in the tura sector is , in- Arab hands. US., England and other countries, Eighty .-per cent of the workers in the consent of the mother only is that area are Arabs. Blame is placed on Davar on the reqUired. , . Quite apart from the question of various moshavim and kibutzim, children born out of wedlock is which could manage with Jewish that of children considered"illegit- labor, but employ Arabs which is imate" in Jewish law because their more convenient. "WM Jews also parents, while living as husband learn to shun physics'/ labor in in- and wife; have not been married dustry- as well -as agriculture.' in a religious ceremony. - asks Dever.- Free TUBERCULOSIS SKIN TESTS will be offered April 20- 23 at the Oakland Mall, Troy and April 27-30 at Farmer Jack's mar- ket on N. Perry, Pontiac. For in- formation, call the Oakland County Tuberculosis Association, 642-2800. EASY-TO-SHOP MALL I*YI' 1 FL!dii I Evidence of youth participation in politics was provided this week with Philip Handleman's an nounced candidacy as delegate to the forthcoming Democratic Na- tional Convention - from Precinct 8 in Birmingham. Philip, 21-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Randleman, will conduct a house- to-house canvass to enhance h i s candidacy. He has had ex- perience as a Handleman campaigner. He not only worked for the re-election of U.S. Senator Philip , A. Hart, but also cam- paigned for John Tunney's elec- tion, in 1970, to the U. S. Senate from California. Randleman also campaigned for Charles' Evers' election as Mayor of Fayette, Miss., in 197L "I am committed to the can- didacy of Senator George Mc- Govern for President, and my friends and I -WM devote our spare time, when not in school, to help elect our favorite can- didate," Philip said. Philip Randleman is a junior at Washington Univerlity, St. Louis, Mo., where he is enrolled in the political science department. He was a Temple Beth El confirmed. Like his parents, he takes an interest in Tewish affairs and is a volunteer workers for the Allied Jewish Campaign of which his father is co-chairman. • • • THE DETROIT JEWISH . NEWS Friday, - March 31, 1972-35 MISS MINDY -BERLIN Mr. and Mrs. Al Berlin of Webster Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Mindy to Sam Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Herman of Kipling Rd., Oak- Park. Miss Berlin attends Wayne State University. Mr. Herman was grad- uated from Wayne State and at- tends the Detroit College of Law. An August wedding is planned. •• .1 • • • * * IS at N•w•st Confinn•tior, CARICATURES 4k THE BOOTERY - I NVITATIONS By HAT TIE COARAMINS ran SCHWARTZ 4` 3 5 " BALLOON MAN* ASTROLOGER • SEYMOUR 4z . SCHWARTZ * a_ as.easas- • 4...*-41..y * Jo. Tr.:At y, *Alt. *. Douglas Ross Candidate 81111111111 INN TIII • Duhh • Sh•, • rj,,,• for Southfield Delegate Douglas Ross, who is working for his doctorate in politics at Princeton University, has an- nounced his candidacy for pre- cinct delegate to the Democratic convention from Southfield Pre- cinct 23. Ross has taught at Northwestern High School in Detroit. He was formerly associated with Con- gressmen John El. Dingell and Neil Staebler and with former Senator Joseph Tydings. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman- Ross of Southfield. His grandfather, the late Gregory Ross, was a pioneer' Russian. Zion- ist and was active in the Zionist Organization of Detroit. • • New Orleans Mall r, b. ,.d • '1, • 3„ • • Eic“ , , • • R ■ q0--, ` ■ 1 • EI:r1) , inup • R u IT' 111. Bo: • now: .,• THE EASY-TO-SHOP MALL id= ad Ten MOO MKT FROM •-■ the BROADWAY MARKET to OAK PARK LANES 44 SPICS 0 I . foussimswwww=vssams■GRAND OPENING SPICIAL•Bmwmmulmomell 2 . N OFF SANDWICHES : OR MEAT BY THE LB. Whet Good Until. April 14 — Oak Park Lanes Only Illraussswir usiossinneamormwsswawirasurarsworawsr t 4 CHOICE LOCATIONS: - -43,* F1(0,„. 1 ir-Ab a LEFKOFSKY• DELI, INC. w (3 © - 1344 BROADWAY 22 W1THERELt ,6565 SECOND OAK PARK LANES _ 7.5 Year's of Quality Service WO 2-1664 WO 1-5170 875-2662 ji, 547-1220 lIPA_ °VW 6 - v_;in . -r---