Dilemmas of Young Soviet Jews in Israel housing condition being what it is. f About 14,000 Russian Jews came In addition, their finances are se- verely lini ■ ted. It was only natural to Israel in 1971; in the month to counter with the housing short- of January of this year, 4,000. Of these, the percentage of those tage in the Soviet Union and I was from 16 to 25 is unavailable, and quite surprised when Nora labeled that "propaganda." What appar- this poses a huge problem. It must ently compounds the problem for not be forgotten them is that they are expected to that the camp- pay for their course in the ulpan. aign to "let my This costs 600 Israel pounds for people go" is a five months. Since they have no pledge to those money, at least at present, I asked who come, and what would happen if they did those who do not pay. They had no answer to come arrive with this beyond a moral and ethical many problems need to pay and, as Reiworth said, and severe ques- "They are put on their honor." It tions. was hard to square this fact with Take Ulpan the advantages supposedly allowed Siegel Borochov in the American and other immigrants street of the same name in Tel from what he called "free or de- Aviv. It has 110 people from 34 veloped countries." Soviet citizens countries. Of this group, four are cannot cane with any money; in Soviet and these four, three women fact, they pay their way to Vienna and one man, are only a small at which place the cost is picked part of all the Soviet Jews in Is- up by the Jewish Agency, with rael. I went to the ulpan with funds from the UJA. Eli, a sabra, who has two boys The impression one gets from of his own. I was advised to meet Nora X who would answer my Nora and Lina is that they are in fact quite typical of Soviet immi- questions. I checked in with Eli- ahu Reiworth, who directs the ul- grants of their age. Apart from anxiety about their future in Is- pan complex. He is a former Ger- man wbo has been "through three rael,. there is the question of per- wars." (The teachers are paid by sonal relations. The Israelis, they the ministry of education; clerks, say, envy them for their condition maintenance and other workers by in Israel. All inhabitants think the the Jewish Agency, via the UJA.) Soviet Jews have special arrange- ments and are treated more gen- Nora X was reluctant to talk. erously than they (the others) She kept looking around and ex- themselves are or were when they pressed. articulately enough her came to Israel after World War unwillingness to talk. She spoke Two. They fmd this inconsistent English, she spoke Yiddish, Rus- with the reality of the situation. sian of course, and Latvian since Further, as young women, Nora she is from Riga. But she finally and Linda find relationships with consented to sit down in the gar- young Israeli men difficult. Young den-like center of the ulpan, and men, they say, want to hurry into another girl, Lina Y, was brought a sex relationship and the girls find to join us. Both are 24 years old. this unacceptable, citing the cus- They are as unlike in character, tom in the Soviet Union among appearance and outlook as a Turk young people, in which such re- and a Mongol, yet they have in lationships are entered into with common their Jewishness, their So- more care and concern and re- viet culture, and of course the quire in advance a feeling on the langauge. But what they also part of the young woman for the strongly share, as they insist most man. young Soviet refugees do, are prob- Each seemed depressed about lems. They have been in Israel for their situation, Lina especially six months and each speaks He- about her father's inability to re- brew fluently. Since this is not a pay the loan. She asked me what spy story, it can be revealed here I though of this situation and I that Nora Z's reluctance to talk said I was there to ask the ques- had nothing to do with ingrained tions, not to have them asked. But habits from the Soviet Union. It I said that, as one human being had to do with dissent from con- to another, the man would have ditions in Israel, with which they to wait for the money. As for the were not happy. general situation, I suggested that We found a place on the lawn, each wave of immigration brought and the atmosphere was conge- with it advtanges to Israel and nial. Around us were buildings that, in time, the distortions which housed 40 bedrooms, a wrought by immigration would be kitchen, a mess hall and ten class- resolved. I even quoted her Stalin rooms on about nine dunams or who, I read, had said somewhere about two acres. right after the war: "If six million Nora is a graduate of the Univer- die, it is statistic. If one dies, it is a tagedy." I added I understood sity of Riga with a degree in Rus- sian literature and a minor in the problem as the husband of a English. Lina is an economist from woman who had to leave Hitler Moscow University and feared that Germany, and as a soldier who the discipline would not avail her of had seen Europe turned upside much in Israel. She was therefore down. taking, the next day, an exam for By now, the initial reluctance a coarse in electronics. Her father, to talk had disappeeared and we in Haifa with her mother, has a were communicating quite freely heart condition and a special fam- and I felt I could ask the question: ily problem. This had to do with a "If you could return to the Soviet loan of .5,000 rubles from a fellow Union without any problems, would Jew in Russia, now also in Israel, you go back?" who was dunning them for the Lina was the first to respond money. Nora's father had studied floral design in the Soviet Union with a No. and was teaching a cognate course Nora said she would not because near Hedera where they had a flat. she would not want to be a ploy And thereby hangs part of the for the Russian television. But significant tale. what, I asked, if that were not the Immigrant families are assigned case? Nora, who had been a mem- to a town. There may or may not ber of the Komsomol (Young be a purpose to the assignment. Communist League) and whose However, the children of such fam- card had been taken from her be- ilies, regardless of age, if they cause of her desire to emigrate, are unmarried, have to live with said finally she would not return. their parents. Nora asked and She is here in Israel, she said, perhaps quite properly: "What is and this is the country for Jews there in Hedera for me?" It is and she would remain. On the way hack, I asked Eli, difficult for them, if not well-nigh impossible, to get a flat or a self- who had done a yeoman job of contained room on their own, the translating when necessary, what By JACK SIEGEL THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 54—Friday, March 24, 1972 JDC Sends Student Rabbi to Yugoslavia Passover he thought. He admitted it was a NEW YORK—A young rabbi, Eliyahu Marciano, now studying in Israel. is being sent by the Joint Distribution Committee to Sara- jevo, Yugoslavia, to conduct the Passover seders, it was reported by Edward Ginsberg, JDC chair- pression with physical dangers. We man. parted at Dizengoff and Arlazoroff, "The major difficulty in keeping and shook hands, knowing time Jewish tradtion alive in Yugoslavia would heal these wounds but that some people would perhaps suffer is the almost total absence of re- ligious leaders," Ginsberg said. in the process. "One of the most tragic conse- serious problem. On the other hand, he said, his parents came from Russia 55 years earlier, and with nothing. Perhaps a difference was. I suggested, that the pioneers had a virgin dream and fled an op- Goldberg and Gardner Call for Speedy Ratification of Genocide Convention NEW YORK (JTA) — Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg and Columbia University Law Professor Richard N. Gardner have called for speedy U.S. rati- fication of the Genocide Convention, stating "it is inconceivable that we should hesitate any longer in making an international commit- ment against mass murder." In a detailed legal brief in the current issue of the American Bar Association Journal, Goldberg and Prof. Gardner examine all the objections which have been ad- vanced against ratification of the Genocide Convention and fmd them to -be "without substance." The Gehocide Convention, which has been ratified by 75 nations, has been before the U.S. Senate since 1949. It was reported on favorably last May by the Foreign Relations Com- mittee and now is awaiting Sen- ate action. • . "At a time when our commit- ment to human rights is being ques- tioned by some of our own people and .by others overseas," Goldberg and Prof. Gardner declared, "it is particularly important that we ratify a treaty so thoroughly con- sistept with our national purpose." A bipartisan effort to bring the Genocide Convention to the floor of the Senate has been intiated by Senators Frank Church (D., Idaho), Jacob K. Javits ill, N.Y.), Wil- liam Proxmire (D., Wisc.) and Hugh Scott (R., Pa.). BUY QUAUTY quences of the Holocaust was the virtual destruction of an entire generation of communal and reli- gious leaders." Almost 60,000 of Yugoslavia's pre-war Jewish population of about 75,000 perished in the concentration camps. About half of the survivors emigrated to Israel, leaving a rem- nant of about 7,000 Jews. There has been no rabbi in Yugoslavia since the death of Rabbi Mena- hem Romano in 1968. NOT PRICE! Stock up at PASSOVER. Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request. Your Health Begins ...WITH WATER No other food or drink on earth can mean so much to your health—as the water you drink! Mountain Val- ley Water offers you so much... ...so delicious you'll enjoy each glassful; ...so "light" on the system, drinking it is a joy; ...totally free from pesticides, detergents, urban wastes or any additives; ... virtually sodium-free. Mountain Valley Water is excellent for all the family, all the time. For health, drink Mountain Valley Water every day. FOR HOME DEUVERY: Phone LC) 7 0178 - Write-3343 Gratiot, Detroit; Mich. 48207 pountainValley Water CY17) "Cn 21" Available in Most Markets, Drug 18 Party Storm; KOSHER MEAT SINCE 1905 For the name of your nearest market carrying LUNDY'S Kosher Frozen ' meats, call or write: CITY POULTRY CO. 3-525-3000