• • f• VP",".,••• Passover Obieriranie ms- Wednesday Evening The eight-day Festival of Free- vices 6:20 P.m. and 8:30 a.m. both dom-Passover-will begin at sun- days. Rabbi Hayint, Donin will down Wednesday, first with con- - preach on- "The Three Dimensions gregational services-and. then with of Judaism" the first day- --and the traditional home sederohser- "Were the Women Also Liberated vance. onTesah?" the"seconcl,.daY. "Teen Among the local synagogue ser- services will be beld'in - the youth vices that have been scheduled for Chapel at 9:30 a.m. -and other youth ' be at 10 a.m. the initial days of. the - MHO/ are services..will Cong.AfftaareY Zedek services the following: - - will liegbi at 6 p.m. and 8:45 a.m. Adas Shalom Synagogue will - Rabbi Irwin Groner will speak hold services 6:30 p.in.-Wednesday on "The Secret of Redemption" and Thursday; and 9 a.m. Thurs, Thursday and "A Lecture-Ser- - day and Friday. Rabbi Jacob mon on the Hagada" Friday. Segal's sermon topie for -Abe first Cong. Beth Achim Rabbi Milton morning will -be "Three Walls: Which Way to Freedom?" (On Arm will preach on "What Price Freedom?" 8:45 a.m. Thursday and Saturday the entire morning Sab- bath service will be conducted by "Who Says Ritual Isn't Import- youth congregants, and a Pesah ant?" - 8:45 a.m. Friday. Evening services will be at 6:30 Wednesday luncheon will follow.) and 6:45 Thursday. Young Israel of Oak-Woods will Cong. Bnai Moshe will hold ser- hold services 6:45 p.m.-and 9 a.m. on both days. Rabbi James I. Gor- vices 6:30 p.m. and 8:45 a.m.- both days. Rabbi Moses Lehrman will don will preach on "Old Answers to New Questions" Thursday speak on "Inner - Conflict" and morning and "The Exodus of 1972" "The Father in the Picture." Temple ICoI Ami services are Friday. scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Thursday Temple Beth Jacob of Pontiac In the rabbi's study, 5085 Walnut has scheduled a service for 5:30 Lake Rd., Walled Lake. A congre- p.m. Wednesday, when Rabbi. H. gational seder will be held that Philip Berkowitz will speak on evening at 6 at the Church of the "Passover 1972." On Thurs- Advent.' Rabbi Ernst Conrad will day - at 3 p.m., the Tem- conduct the seder. ple -Beth Jacob Youth Group will Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel ser- visit the Bloomfield Nursing Home vices will be held at 6:30 p.m. and to conduct a seder for residents 9 a.m.; Beth Moses, 6:30 p.m. and with the assistance of Rabbi Ber- 8:45 a.m.; and Bnai Israel of Pon- kowitz. tiac, 6-30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. • Cong. Shaarey Shomayim's sche- a. dule is 6:40 p.m. and 9 a.m., with Rabbi Leo Y. Goldman's morning Mt. Vernon Nursing Home sermon topics "The Feist of Free- Plans First.Night Seder dom" and "The Four Soils." Mount:. Vernon Nursing Center, Cong. Bnai David will hold ser- one of a chain of homes directed ' Cozens Trained as Police JERUSALEM-A six-week course for 34 local Arab police recruits- the first of its kind-has been com- _students rim".. pleted in Gaza. All ed in age between 20 and were high school graduates. "The instructors were Israeli& MORRIS BUICK DISCOUNT CENTER American Families Asked to Read Matzo of Hope NEW YORK - The National Conferenec on Soviet Jewry is urging all American Jews to read the 1972 "Matzo of Hope" prayer at the PassoVer seder as a remind- er of the millions of Soviet Jews being denied their basic human rights. In Hebrew, Yiddish and English, the message states in part, "This matzo which we set aside as a sym- bol of hope for the Jews of the Soviet Union reminds us of the in- destructable link that exists bet- ween us . . . As Soviet Jews assert themselves they are joined by all who are aroused by their affliction. We will continue unttil they emerge into the light of freedom.' • (Copies are available from the Jewish Community Council in De- troit, 962-1880) ARS PRICE SELLS - SAVE In= 1 :12* NOW! Raimi's to tams, Centred Division V - SERVICE THAT SATISliEs . MORRIS BUICK 14500 W. 7 MILE DETROIT — 342-7100 18055 lames Owens, Detroit 48235 . COMMERCIAL DRAPES • INSTITUTIONS • OFFICES • APARTMENTS • PROFESSIONAL Oxford Publishes Richard Ellinan's Inaugural Literary Biography Lecture "We cannot know completely the Oxford University Press has is- sued in pamphlet --form the text intricacies with which any mind of the inaugural address delivered negotiates with its surroundings to produce literature. The con- trolled seething out of which great works come is :not likely to yield all its secrets. Yet at moments, in glimpses, biographers seem-to--be 'close to it, 'and. the effort,to come close, to make-of apparently hap- hazard circumstances a plotted tO: /mow another person who haZ lived as even as we know ii 'character - In- fiction, and better thair"mie- kncivt- ourseleel,- le, not friVolons. , It may even be,. for reader as for writer, an essential Friday,. March 24, 1972-13 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS by Dr. Jack Feldman, will serve its annual seder dinner to residents and their families Tuesday. .4-spokesman said: extra eforts are being made to preserve the re- ligious tradition and -to accomm- odate families who wish to join the residents in the -observance. Friends or families of - residents who wish to participate are- asked to call Mount Vernon Nursing Cen- ter immediately. - s a 255-1440 We specialize in commercial fire-proof draperies for all types of office, apart- ments and other institutional use. Put us on your bid list, no obligation, call , , Rod Biddinger •• Attention . BUILDERS - ARCHITECTS A oboist call will bring our representative. Ms experience will make your drapery installation simple and inexpensive. , at 255.1440 rtCi jtc It4/: . Al'W Established 1924 - - • - PROF. RICHARD IECL*14AN.M__ at the Univeriity Of_olfind,:en the subject "LiterarY 'I:06010W by Prof. Richard.-.E:limazin, Dr. Ellmann,tortiter -: " : : Detreiter who is on leave from Yale Uni- now, - is the bolder of :the versity, now Eng" Goldsmiths' lish Literature:- at Oxforit4...,,,,; In his important address, he took note of the distinguished con- tributions to literary scholarship made by his Ji.redece,asq in his present professorshiw. _Lehi tlkivid Cecil. He took-'note of AliOcitrIc of his colleagueAn the Merton- Pro- fessorship, Dime Helen Gardner. The recognized authority on Joyce, and noted for his extensive research into poetic literature and the poets andeuthors.of .the -pres- ent era, Dr. Ellmann-went into detail about psYchological -" and other factors that influenced their works. Proust, Freud, Dostoevsky entered into the discussion. . Touching upon linguistics, -em- phasizing the inexhaustibility " of biographical writing, Dr. Ellmann said: -d• • ttitiatei, flo- rais; -Sfrites and solids wittfthat classic look. CLOTHES eadcart Seawity. Miter Corp Ow dime we Wont 19132 LIVERHOIS JUST OFF 7 MILE ROAD • Phone Dl 1 0480 Open Thursday; Friday till 9:00 p.m. - Saturday till 6:00 p.m. Free Parking Livemois Corner of Cambridge -