IM11101T. JEW1SN NEWS Friday; March 24, 1972-13 Students Reported Resentful of Olit' n TEL AVIV (ZINS)—Antagon- ism toward immigrants in Israel' and Soviet Jews in particular ap- pears to be Twining - deep: among college students. In -a recent speech on the Beerslielia Untitersitfcam- pus ,Golda Meir was heckled by a student protesting that "new im- migrants are pampered at our ex- pense." Haaretz partly blather the an- imosity on the shortcomings of Israeli- -education :Israel schools, the paper says, have reared a gen.- eration which is not.only unaware of Jewish tradition, but is equally ignorant of the history -of the Zion- ist movement. Recovery Care — The paper added that although some of the complaints ,against the olim are justified, this does not'-warrant the "wanton jeal. onsy" and resentments displayed by the students. - Rehabilitation Center The fact is that the newcomers do not enjoy their rights at the expense of --the lodal .population, the paper said. Haaretz noted the financial sup- port of American Jews to Israel' and said that Americans could re- spond to the students by saying , "Let the settled Israeli population live as they would - like, but not at our expense." Was organized to meet a need in the community; -a need for a recovery care facility which would provide medical and therapeutic care for the recovering patient with special medic- al needs. It is all too'often that a patient is.placed in a facility completely . removed horn -accessible medical services and doctor availability, let alone specialized medical care. The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil. —R. W. li erson ` medicos goes a step beyond in patient care , Here are some of the things we are doing for patients : P s Is a brand newfacility,bilikIO-hospital specifications. tits, center of the metropolitan Detroit Itys located ansti: is- easily accessible by all means of trans- portation. A cheerful atrnoSphere adds tollisamfort of all patients;regardless Orthe length of -their staY 1. Every effort is made to have convenient and flexible visiting schedules. 2. The individual needs of each patient are carefully supervised and include such concerns as the patient's hobbies and food preferences. 3. Every attempt is made to allow the patient the maximum mobility which his physician deems advisable. Plans are available whereby patients spend some part of their recovery at home. - Has comptete Idboratory, • diagnostic -, and radiologic •facilities on the premises. There is also a complete physical therapy unit and rehabilitation equipment. • VI = -CD C1) = CO .- CO C.2 , E-. :7 13 KnoWs the importance of round-the-clock availability of medical care. Medicos is staffed by doctois in all major medical and surgiCal sp- ecialties supplemented by-- licensed nurses, physical therapists and trained aides. Na me of Patie nt O e icos 4. Every patient retains his right to be attended by the physician of his choice. 5. The atmosphere within Medicos is refreshing and pleasant. Each room is equipped with individual ventilating devices and the most modern temper- ature control systems. 6. An open line of communication is encouraged between patient, fariiity, and staff. The administra- tion, the medical staff, and the:- nursing staff -welcome your suggettions and queStions:. Recovery Care — Rehabilitation Center meckos between Iahser &telegraph - 22355 WEST EIOHT - MILE RD. DETROIT, MICH 48219 255-6450