U. of N. Pays Honor to Wallenberg's Heroic Rescue Work; evsner Tribute Address by Sol King, Opening Lecture' "Wallenberg became an archi- In two addresses delivered at a luncheon meeting Wednesday at tectural student at the University Ambassador Restaurant and at the of Michigan in 1931 and studied inaugural Wallenberg Lecture there until" 1935 . . . His ekoice of Series that night in Rackham architecture, as opposed to one of Building in Ann Arbor, both ar- the social sciences, was not in ranged by the University of Michi- conflict—as it may first appear- gan College of Architecture and with the background and interests Design. Sol King, president of Al- of one described by many as bert Kahn Associates architectural 'warmly humanitarian.' As he firm, paid honor to his classmate, doubtlessly realized, consideration Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg, for his of man's needs and problems is heroic rescue work during World basic to architecture and perhaps War II. this, plus his natural talent, moti• The events, which continued with vated him to choose this area of j-, symposia on Thursday, marked specialization rather than another. Raoul Wallenberg planning committee members and faculty active in organizing lecture series, at the fulfillment of the aims of the "Following a graduation with an the inaugural session in Ann Arbor, Wednesday, are (from left) Sol King, Detroit architect; Prof. Leon- Wallenberg Fund which was se- honors degree in architecture, ard Eaton of the U-M architecture department; Prof. Norbert Gorwic, departzitent'idr urban planning cured from U. of M. alumni and Wallenberg went back to Sweden President Robben (foreground); Prof. Robert C. Metcalf, chairman of the architecture deparisiiiekitt others to honor the name of the where he returned to family finan- Haber, agn ;William '- Fleming; Assistant Dean Herbert W. Jobe of the college of architecture! inedti Swedish graduate from the U. of cial interests and accepted an as- adilser to U-M executive officers; Dean Reginald F. Malcolmson` lite College' of 'architecture and M. College of Engineering who signment . working for a bank in directed activities that resulted in Haifa Palestine. Here he came in design; and Philip Slomoyits, editor of The Detroit Jewish News. saving tens of thousands of Hun- direct contact with some of the is: in 'honor of . "one of the garian Jews who were to have fortunate few who had managed —before he 'disappeared after the this family of authors, bankers, activities been sent to extermination camps to find refuge from Hitler's mon- Russians occupied Hungary in religious leaders and statesmen, greatest 'heroes of our century," a member of the by the Nazis. strous plots and policies. As a January of 1945—he had wrought all "rooted in Swedish society." Philip. Slornoviti, told the Rackham The guest lecture Wednesday consequence. he became aware a man-made miracle whereby up He said his country is proud of the carnmittee,* ' to share in this evening was given by Sir Nikolaus of the need for immediate and to 100,000 Jews escaped persecu• record of life saving registered in audience • -that. responsibil- Pevsner of London. drastic action if any of the hun- tion and death." the Raoul Wallenberg achieve- project Was "a moral -said it served - to keep In his addresses, King ex- dreds of thousands whose lives King noted that Wallenberg was ments. • ity." He' the Holocaust , pressed thanks to several asso- were still in jeopardy were to be selected to be honored by the U-M Minister Leifland and Sol King alive theniemork of elates in the movement to secure saved. Later, warm friendship college "not merely because he also spoke at the evening meeting and to 'assure adherence to prin- t the Wallenberg Fund, including with a business partner of Hun- was an architect who appened to at Rackham Auditorium where the ciples that, will obviate any .possi- first Wallenberg Lecture was de- Willy of a recurrence of the Nazi Prof. William Haber, Dein Regi- garian-Jewish origin and business be a great humanitarian." nald F. Malcolmson, Profs. R. visits throughout German-occupied He was also selected, King livered by Sir Nikolaus, considered terror. special -the T.T-M. program inau- C. Metcalf, L. K. Eaton, Herbert Europe, including Budapest where stressed, because "humanitarian- one of the world's leading histrians • he gurating RaoulWallenberg he witnessed Nazi brutality at -its ism itself is being recognized as a of the architectural art. Jobe and Philip Slomovid . In a full-scale review of Wallen- worst, served to further Raoul's necessary and vital component" of- Sir Nikolaus,- who spoke to a Lectures' continued on Thursday capacity audience, described the morning, :-Tunder the chairmanship berg's background, his family, his commitment and concern. the architectural profession. functional aspects of architecture 'of Dean'-tiltdixilmson, with the fol- years as a student in Ann Arbor, "In 1944 the War Refugee Board, Dean Reginald F. Malcolm- . and the factors which give archi- lowing . participating: Prof. Abr .a- King stated that "no words of established by President Roose- f the U. of Ill. College az - Prof; - Gunnar Bo- praise can adequately express the velt, prevailed upon Sweden to tecture social an significance. !ham Kaplan: Archltecture and son Design, - as its Moving " expression of thanks kerts; University of Illinois Prof. courage, daring, resourcefulness increase its diplomatic delegation chairman both of the luncheon to Leifland, Sir Nikolaus and the Walter 'Creese; Prof. Eaton; and and unique social awareness which to Budapest as a means of bring- meeting and the public session committee that arranged the Wal- Sir Nikolaus Pevsner. Many stu- mark him as one of the great ing protection and relief to the in the evening, described the lenberg events and planned future dents joined in the discussions. ry humanitarians of this century." hundreds of thousands facing de- development of the Wallenberg King stated: "The role Wallen- portation and probable extermina- Lecture Project and expressed berg played in the rescue of thou- Von. Thus began one of the most hope for progressive develop- sands of Jews in 1944-45 came as dramatic lifesaving sagas of the ments to enhance the architec- no surprise to those of us who war. tural field while honoring Wal- By SAMUEL FRANKEL knew him as an architectural stu• "If ever there was a right man, lenberg's name. His sentiments Chairman, 1972 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel-Emergency Fund dent at the University of Michigan , I n the right place, at the right were echoed in the evening by in the early 19305. His deeds dur- ,- The beginning of the exodus of Soviet Jews -tubing place was Wallenberg. When Prof. Leonard K. Eaton when he e. i it ing the war were totally in charac- "l asked to take on the assignment introduced Sir Nikolaus Pevsner. before our eyes is second in historicalimportance:only to the ter with the warmly human, yet of organizing a special department U. 'of M. 'President Robben W. establishment of the State of Israel upon the ashes of the maturely wise, attitudes he exhib- at the Budapest legation for the Fleming, speaking to the luncheon Holocaust. ited while at the University. rescue of Nazi victims, he replied. gathering, emphasized Wallen- The challenge of rescuing these Jews is the central prob- "As a classmate of mine, I 'If I can save one person, I'll go.' berg's "grandeur of spirit that ex- lem and the immediate responsibility of the world Jewish remember Wallenberg to be a very ceeds all human bounds." He ex- talented, yet modest, person who Given full diplomatic accreditation pressed the • hope that what was community. The crisis of needs created by the expected arrival of showed great insight in finding as Third Secretary of the Swedish done to honor courage of a simple solutions to complex prob. Legation and a first installment of being resister of -Nazism will assure approximately 70,000 immigrants in Israel this year can only lems. In addition, neither his con- $100.000 in Joint Distribution Com- "that the events of Nazism will not be met by unprecedented support from every community, duct nor his manner of dress gave mittee funds, Wallenberg moved rebound." large and small, in the United States. any who knew him the slightest swiftly upon his arrival in Buda- Dr. Fleming recalled the part Our Detroit community has a reputation of responding of his army experience which magnificently when there is a call for an extra effort to clue to his high station in life. As pest in July of 1944. "With unparalleled audacity, lie brought him to Dachau when the a member of one of Sweden's most distinguished families '— a arranged for the printing of pro- corpses were piled high and the meet a sudden need. With a reason so joyful and a need so compelling, the family which for generations had tective passports of his own de- ovens were still warm. "We could produced outstanding .statesmen, sign. complete with official seals. hardly believe it could happen," leaderfship of the 1972 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emer- bishops and diplomats, as well as Each stated that the bearer await- be said. "It was an indelible, gency Fund is confident that each and every of us will- re- military heroes and financial lead- ed emigration tn Sweden and was never-to-be-forgotten experience." spond with pledges larger than ever. ers—he managed to remain im- therefore entitled to immunity from He ,joined in honoring the Wallen- Those Jews—our kin, our brethren—who have known mensely unassuming. arrest. He quickly persuaded Hun- berg name and in welcoming the so much hardship will not be allowed to suffer more a en i n "W ll erg b ' s father was a garian authorities to respect these i nstitution o f young naval officer who died fictitious passports. Brazen and tribute to a Michigan alumnus. shortly before his son's birth. In brave as this move was, Wallen- Haber, honoring Dr. William -great personal in- the boy's early years, he was the berg had only begun to fight. "Wallenberg's Optometrists Eye Successful- Campaign favorite of his grandfather, Gus- "Working without regard for his volvement and sacrifice," said tav, a career diplomat who had personal safety, he created a city- that the Swedish hero had "con- served as Swedish minister to wide relief organization for Jews tributed immensely to saving Turkey and Japan. Under his who had had their possessions con- lives." He joined in evaluating the tutelage and the guidance of a fiscated- and their access to food high principles which inspired The Challenge of 1972 . cultured and enlightened mother, and medical supplies severed. He Wallenberg ' s tour ag e. Wallenberg developed, at an early established hospitals, nurseries Speaking on behalf of the age, a very cosmopolitan view of and soul) kitchens in buildings fly- Swedish government, Leif' Leif- world affairs — a view nurtured ing the Swedish flag and employed land, minister plenipotentiary of by extensive travel throughoiit 400 Jews to staff these facilities. Sweden in the U.S., told of hay- Europe and the Middle East and "On other occasions, Wallenberg ing visited most of the place§ In further enhanced by his great skill posed as a Nazi official and or- which Wallenberg operated in in languages. He was proficient in dered the release of trainloads of Hungary during his rescue of- ' Russian, English, German and Jews headed for Nazi death camps. forts. He said be was in the house French, as well as his native He was also responsible for or- in Budapest that was Wallet': Swedish. This broad background, ganizing undercover groups of berg's center of operations, and bination with Wallenberg's young Jews who raided Nazi p ri th Swedish he described s- ho r - incons quiet humor and rare sense of ons and released Jews held in cus- hero had stopped trains that - compassion for those less gifted tody. carried thousands of Jews who and less fortunate than he, was "Then in 1945 , , upon the libera- were destined for the Auschwitz largely responsible for his out- though brief role in tion of Budapest, Wallenberg mys- ovens and compelled their re- standing, World War II of almost single- teriously disappeared. He has not lease. The Swedish minister plenipo- handedly saving many from Hit- been heard Wallenberg from since. "Before was through tertiary said he had followed the ler's evil conspiracy. Wallenberg saga for many years, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -that- he knew the background of. 56—Friday, March 17, 1972 The optometrists section of the 1972 Allied Jewish CamPaign - Israel Emergency Fund resolved, following a successful meeting at- tended by 45 members, to complete 100 per cent of its solicitation by the opening dinner of the campaign We e ay. strategy to reach every member of the section are (from left) Dr- Joseph Orent, co-chairman; Dr. Robert Morrison of Harrisburg, Pa., speaker at the meeting; Dr. Paul C. Feinberg, chairman; Jack A. Robinson, chairman of the professional division; and Dr. Sheldon Powell, associate chairman.