54-Friday, Monk M 1972 - 17 - HOUSES FOR SALE TIIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS HU orrotarori WOODS OAK - GREENFIUD ,ilt, 3 bdrni. 2 bath ranch, den, cent: air plus attic ,washer & stove, custom thruout, tiled basement Custom built spacious 4 bdrm. Georgian colonial. With every modern convenience. Builder's own home. 862,900. 12782 Vernon 546-7553 Call for appt. SUNDAY 01 548-1781 SOUTHFIELD-12 to occup!riCy. Custom $46,500. 3 bedrooms, \ tr. 21/2 car attached ga- 2.2 chen, all built-ins, cus- rag tom ..rJoes & carpeting, cent. air. OPEN SUN. 1-5 4849 Kew Court 7230 Mohansic 2 brand new Parmet-built colo- nials •}is •.:Meadow Lake Farms. Distinctively different in design, each features '4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, family -room and library. Priced from $65,500. RALPH MANUEL. MI 7-7100 REALTORS '1821' WMP Maple -Birmingham Fee SOUTHFIELD. 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch. Finished rec., air cond., sprinkling system & many extras. 557-8216. OAK PARK Must see this very nice 3 bed- room brick front ranch with finished recreation room In basement. Large lot with garage. LI 8-1330 Ef 7-2386, _Ttavoi Offered by _Owner Newly dieorst: Irbdrrn.'• brick ranch, with- ca 'air., 2 . car ga- $24,900 544-1750 HITCHCOCK TANGLEWOOD-SOUTHFIELD Brick ranch, 8 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, gas ht., carpeting, all bullt-ins. $2,500 takes over mort- gage. • BLACKSTONE-OAK PARK Modern ranch, 3 bedrooms, car- peting , built-ins, garage side drive. Make offer, close to syna- gogues and shopping. MILLER-BROS. 255-4600 Northfield- 1k Oak Park Blvd Area OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Artists own home. Studio ceiling, enclosed patio surrounds tree, central air, walk-in cedar closet are a few of the choice goodies of this 3 bed - oora family room brick ranch. Lovely carpeting. custom drapes, ti bath of nagster bedroom. BIL-in appll- Mces. High assumable mortgage. Masted Realtors 535-2500 19417 W. 7 3111e D etroit. Mich. 48219 OAK PARK 21911 CLOVERLAWN 2 bedroom ranch. Florida room, finished basement, appliances. Near transportation and syna- gogue. Open Sun. 2-5 LI 8-0351 OAK PARK 14511 LABELLE 3 bedroom ranch, 11/2 baths, Aline family room with fire- place, newly decorated, car- peting, gos heat, 2 car garage. Price reduced. GLADYS GLOCK UN 1-4000 HAROLD BLAKE CO. BY OWNER - OAK PARK Everything You .ever wanted in OAK PARK EXCLUSIVE AREA SOUTHFIELD DURBIN CO. REALTORS 5904181 OAK PARK 24310 CHURCH OPEN SUN. 2-5 3 bedroom brick ranch. family room with fireplace, for- mal dining room, pass hall, 11/2 baths, drapes, carpeting, dish- - washer, self-cleaning oven. Rec. loom, 55 bath in base. Large $31,900-MAKE OFFER LI 40-EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE CLERKS-CASHIERS COLLEGE STUDENTS Part-time, good hours, drug store experience helpful. FAIRLANE DRUGS NEAR Congregation 81taarey Ze- dek, Coventry Woods Lane, east of Hell Road, IGO foot by 175 foot wooded ant, - _Located on most beautiful street in area $13,508 FIRM. Terms accepted. Call 851- 3820, if no answer, NE 24900. WOODID :RECLUSION. -LEVEL 2.75 ACRE :NOM URA' DIRIBIN CO., REALTORS . 645-1630 stwatgy zoinc covebfry. Woods-Lane CALL IF NO ANSWER Local Independent Reefer Free .Eatisissios 534-5100 sr ,Res.-- 676-5070 COMPLETE interior, exterior painting and decorating. Now and old wood refinished, ..an- tiquing. Reasonable. 547-1438. FURNITURE- refinished and re- paired. Upholstering. Free esti- mates. 474-8953: better his position. BsznL rms., ceilings; paneling, cedar closets, cabinets; repairs. any woodwork- 545.7712 or 838-5073 PAINT UP for spring. INTERIOR Exterior. Free estimates. 244- 1648, 543-9052. 40-A--EMPLOYMENT WANTED Have your carpet cleaned in time for Passover. • Box 1053 The Jewish News_ 17515 W,-9.Mile, Suite 865 Southfield; Mich., 48075. _ LAID OFF? MILLER BROS. 255-4600 METROPOLITAN CARPET CLEANERS Expert service at reasonable prices. and/or organizational-- 45-BUSINESS OPPORTUtIMES experience preferred. Typing phone number. PRIVATE. PARTY would like to purchase quality- _ insgage. 565- 56-ANTIQUES • BRIGHTON.1441 ANTIQUE -SHO'N .AND SALE : 1-96 & OM Grand River MOM, Midi. Match '23. 24:. 25, 26. Thom, FN, 4. Set. 10 o m. Is 9 0.nu Sun- tan 11 'e w. I. S p.m. FREE PARKING 869-8547 ILLNESS forces sale of 2 sharp PLUMBING, Painting, - Carpenter' ladies sportswear, shops - in --ma - . Services.:Reaminabbr.•,537-3473. - .•., • - ••- jor- shopping centers.'. Ftir info?, matron, 398-3048. - •-••• 53 - A ENTERTAINMENT: TWO • MECH . orchestra. Ramon- able. All occasions. • Freddie' Sheyer. 398.2462. . - •- 50 - BUSINESS CARDS 51--FOR sms,4tousatoLD GOODS-4 FURNISHINGS SWVIMAlt CARPENTER REAL, EFROENT Box 1055 The-Jewish News 17515. W. Mile tesdbfield, Micb. 48075 DOMESTIC HELP-Complete and thorough , house cleaning. Trans- known institute. Mature, re, poriatiOnto- and from your home. C.ALLARAID:-968-2008. sponsible person with prior com- with salary rquirements and WANTED, /3 11 e d miniature whiskey wine botlles, after 9 p.m. 335:111SIL SUPERIOR SERVICES .883-0522 for Detroit office of nationally essential. Submit brief rsum MOUS 35.:ki44.15CELTA - ; WANTED. . PRIME ADMISSION INSURED-BONDED Experienced Domesllc Help -- Housekeepers-Nurse Companion -Vacation Sitters-Party Help. Call- Lis to make a change and Detroit, Mich. 48219 'Wad tare troot -Ditimaik4 svieocoi:tit savings of 25%. MR. HOLOFF. 5574748 60-FOR SALE-- AUTOMOBILES FORD Mustang -convintikas, red. very song condition,. 211273IE.. - • M. ICitron, Labor- Parti Leider TEL, Avpr (JtA)L-Iroelle Kitroit; iliteCtOr _of.Jiwkwdu- cation- department.of the His- and • Satia- tadrut tion. _Center and lonnerlt a leader of Argentine JeWty, died -here March 7. was Mr. Kitron, who camerto Israel shortly after -the suite was established in- 1948, "This a prominent Labor _Pert/ NEW FULLY AUTOMATIC Seviers & drains Cleaned elec- leader and once served -as a Di LUXE trically. We repair alt plumbing Labor delegate to the Zionist leaks. 24;hours service, 7 days HOME 518/194i1 /499 .NriPAIS Executive Council, the World o week. ' Jewish Congress and other Dealer to : 7o11-we, _ Organizations. Regular pries MIL -.New . 50% 366-8047 off, with / ll.guaplupa.• . Zorn in.. eastern .Vtorees, - mil- v ast -- FOR REITER wall washing, call Mr. Kilron grew up in Argen- Jame Russell. One day , tin* and became: TO 84085, 521 -Belmont.._ 449404-41 71 _1' the Argentine -Poklei Zion Nemo stuff movement. He had close 'lies JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. t, with Latin American- AiWtz _ Sass- eimi'sor.'49gr. Local and Long Distance ETON- and subsequently beeame!:a AGE..Packlng. pianos, appliances, COMPLETE -EST Cesneieritary member oUtbe -4.411 household furnishings, Gilles Magazines 198MS74: - .3041111L • leading furniture. American Association in -Is- STURDY SUCCOR FOR SALE. WEAVING. Burns, tears in cloth- ing, knit wear, furniture, carpet- ing repaint. 557-2531. 55-A-miscELLAtmOus:,- - Modem Cor;servotive Temple needs a "modem rabbi." Rea- sonable salary, all (ring bene- fits. Templell'noi Israel (100). Rabbi's- tornmittee, 1424 S. Washington, Saglnow,, Mich., 48601. '•'•• I N.C.R. OPERATOR with knOviledge;of bOokkeeping needed for large- REAL ESTATE Firm in- U. of D. area. Excel- lent working conditions. Good 1 00x1 75 foot wooded lot -starting salary. located on most beautiful Cali 342-8600 street in area. $18,500' SITTER wohted 7to stay: with 2 firm. Terms accepted. - 851 - 3880 . . , HEItALD ROOFING 'CO. sibility wholesale beauty supplies and equipment. Salary ,and percentage of soles. Excellent opportun- ity for experienced and qualified person wishing center. Retail Try real estate. Northwest of- - :- flee, 51-75 up weekly. Check 80#6.4kan. Will train. East of Bell Road free estimates Al Sundials_ 532,7302 Opening for bright and aggressive person to "manage with full respon- sales experience necssary. Ex- - Close in, :51oOrrilfiaid _,541oo NEAR burns, Scratches, dents, Cig. cracks, dog bites, gouges, broken legs, loose Joints, stains, touch up. UPHOLSTERY REPAIR spe- cial care for ANTIQUES. munal BIRMINGHAM 588 - 4450 646-6000 $22,500. FURNITURE REPAIR 28200 Southfield ATTENTION! P.O. Box 4866 CHAMBERLA CUSTOM PAINTING. InteMor, exterior Wisk Architectural work. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 352-2883. Hot Tar or Rosiglentisl Skiawilos Career Woman Ask for BOB TENNANT 559-8181 Experience necessary. Good bene- fits. 557-7620, after 6. en's specialty store in WANTED: CAMPAIGN SECRETARY ELECTRIC REPAIRS. Reason- able. 557-7228, 6440409. WANTED: Manager for men's clothing store. Must be qualified. ume to: FRANKLIN AREA .; PANELING, partitions, floors, ceilings tiled. Also small Jobe. Reasonable, Ron,. 968-4576. . LI 7-.2589 WO 2-8698 cellent compensation. Send res- 2 prime residential building lots. One on Hickory Lone on over 1 acre on cul-de-sac at $13,500. Second lot on Hel- mendale. High lot with many trees at $10,400. Terms avail- able, _ Need Jewish person to core for elderly ' woman 5 days per week. Live in. Light house- work. Call evenings. 1400 Michigan Ave. 21730 Potomoc - Open Sun. 17-ALLOTS FOR SALE DECORATING' The Durbin Company Person needed full time shopping Palmy re, Call Ron Galperin Realtors 268-2500 a ble le Graaf:Am eri cas,. tanning a -.The, -, Great merican Fully licetieed and -AnsuresE-Tn- Realty iat fp effort to better too know its-custossers, is lioui- terior and exterior. No big or too 'small/ ing-ft-party I-5-p.m. Saturday Reaserrabli., with: champagne and appeti- • -398-9477 " zers in , its new offopes on Or- chard Lake' Floor sanding; finishing,. Ilbacunfield. and stain work beautiful- ' Tom -Ertin-will demon- ly done. Free estimates. strate- the teletype "home and condinfitilum. analysis. 357460t .4-1,,RA‘NTING Association. PIANO CLASSES, pre-school and early grades. Institute graduate. 557-6194. Manager for high volume Want- schools, and park.' IN OAK PARK READING and Math Tutoring all grades. Experienced certified teacher. LI 5-4073. Lovely colonial, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths; Iarge family room, with fireplsee, r car garage, open planning. Mt. Vernon Sub. ment, dishwasher, beautiful con- custom homes.. West • Bloom-, dition. Walk to synagogues, field schools. $12,000. Located In beautiful tree lined street, fireplace' in living room, r6 ft. kitchen, wall to wall car- veting throuout. 3 bedrooms,' large , laundry room, attached garage, Ideal ranch for young couple. $22,900. • - . . REAL ESTATE SALES A prestige career opportunity S. ALKON - REALTOR in Real Estate. We need sev- 645-0310 eral good salespeople, some soles experience preferred, but not necessary. If selected, you 30-A-INSTRUCTIONS will be trained to become a MODERN MATH tutoring. All professional Real Estate Sales M.A.B.S. degrees. Ex- grades. perienced certified teacher. 545- Associate with an outstanding 3898. earning potential. MATH tutoring. Grades 7-12. We are members of the Birm- Your home. James Wineman. ingham Board of Realtors and UN 3-6372. the United Northwestern Realty Work in Pawn Shop a ranch home, but were afraid to ask for at 333,900. 3 bedrooms; 2 baths, paneled den, air. cond, Prime corner lot - area of center hallway, finished base- 544-2854 - or better home. If' you are anx- ious or in a hurry, call me! NO obligation_ . 421-4200 rage, 1 --bath: & 2 lava. Large Attractive 4 bedroom ranch, 2 living room, dining room, fain. baths, family room. Many ex- - iy.- paneled fain: tras. In the 40'87- size klt....1.ave - rm. walking distance to syn. & Call 543-7127 schools. Custom built by - Etkin. 535.95O: 'LI 7-1089. OAK PARK 23830 RENSSELAER MALE AND/OR FEMALE Consider immediate outright caiit purchase of- your luxury 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 50-BUSINESS CARDS 22-REAL ESTATE WANTED 40-EMPLOYMENT school-aged children and dog during parents' vacations. Must drive and have references. - Mayde-TeIegraph Area - - 7040 Puritan-Detroit 3431126. 861 - 6441 CARPENTRY. Anything & Every- thing- Free estimates. Call any- time. 533.8577. LARKINS MOVING CO. Househirld and Office Furniture Local and Weal DiSIOSSID, Also Stenos 894-4587 COMPLETE remodeling - addi- tions, kitchens, dens, basements, famlly zooms, Free estimates. A3Britm e .w esE81 CALI-44'1AI I)* 968-7008 • 0, • • • Temporary and. Per'manent Domestic Service Complete and - Thorough House ;Cleaning . ; . Bonded and InSured Transportation to and from Your Home All Supplies Furnished ` CALLA-MAI D 968-2008 , c.sinnrris-ratnnrismgerosamminiwwnrinnrs..