11, WilWof WICIIMINIMMIIICK: r ,'r r Ormg.4 Saari ---;•-•-• f K.-4_EWISI,1?--- NEWS-, ....:..,..t4rating. The .. . Detrotk .l eta(sh'ehraitiete ----- 66anfienciist . *ItleissucAf Ju1 14,; 20; 195/ me;,,t, ,,x. Intorpo AnierboatrAgsli:flOon. of-EitglisbJewish ' - n,•• r•1r ft,— NeWsPaPer5;311ehigan_Press AssociatjNi.,_National Editorial ation Ftdaished every Friday by The lowistr,t News - -PO'brishing Co ;- 17515 AV:Nine Mile; Suite SO,' Sonthtieldc3IngeiltiO7S: ' - SueOttlass-Tostage Paid at SotOMfield; Michigan mart Additional Marling Offices: • • ..-- ,... .,:if ..• ::. • ,,,, ,;I r Subscription a a year. Foreign $9 .7„ -,!"-,,,.. , ,-... 1-, . , : ,, - 7 . _ , . . Assoet : PHILIPSLOMOVITZ - : --.t"CARMI-- Ati-- -SLOMOVITZ - , CHARLOTTE DHBIN '" Editor- and Publisher _ BusinitenAti DREW LIEBERWITZ City Editor .- ' Advertising manairee • • • "- : s- '' °Sabbath Scriptural Selections 7- ''' - '; 'This Sabbath, the thlid, day- of Nisan, 5732, the Joffe t - hing scriptural . selections tell be:raid in our synagogues: - _ Pentotetichal, portion, Levit. 1:1-5:26%.--Prophetical Portiori, Isaiah 43:2;-14:24. nager - Candle lighting, Friday, Marc 17, 6:23 p.m. VOL. LXI. No. I Page Four : Mar ch -1T, Family Readiness for Passover Se 7nv c So little time remains for preparation for Israel, is truly a miraculous -event - It ,is their the Passover sedmim that an admonition is Courage that matches the determined will of in order to families in Our community to . Jews everywhere not tobe deprived of the make their arrangements immediately, in right to acknowledge their people's legacies. order that the Hagada should not be treated If the tasks in behalf of Russian- Jewry as a mystery when observers of the great are to be imbedded in a sincere Diaspora festival gather to recite again the story of acknowledgement of Jewish kinships, the the Exodus. If that story, is to be applied Jewries of the World must show it in their properly to our time, if the mere printing own devotions. But the observanCe of Pass- of numerous new. Hagadic versions,.including over is not a philanthropy: it is an inseriarable those geared toward emphasis on tbe.current mark of continuity in our:links- With'historY need for a "Let My People Go" outcry to Pthe that' can not be' broken. -We :keep, repeating world, are to be genuine inspirations for an " when we read the Hagada: - understanding of one of the richest. chapters "In every generation, every. Jew must in Jewish history, there is an obligation to regard himself as though personally, study in advance,- to rehearse with the chil- were brought out of Egypt ..." . dren, to let them lead where possible and That is how we view the past in its for all to share in the recounting of an -to the present Avith -'eniphaSis- on the historic event. fact that if one generation is saved it marks I Passover's seder has become an occasion freedom for future generations srae : ' ' ' - "- • for reunion of families, for the strengthening - And the freedoms - We- share must be of kinships, for friends merging into a single interpreted as obligations.-never -tc.abaticlon community to relate the glory of an ancient those who are part of our larger family. -. _ - episode which has its counterpart in our time. To make the PassoVer sedez -, thergloriout Progressive efforts to The festival is so applicable to the great function on our calendar, we must treat it . the reading of Hebrew popularize Hebrew writings and to eneourage literature- gained much ground in a volume- effort to provide.-the craved-for home for with knowledge and understanding. To -pass published as part of the Bantam foreign languages Russian Jews who keep saying, in the Hebrew on hat, glory to an identified -family, we publications.' t "Modern Hebrew Stories," the that has become so dear for many of them, must-be prepared to share.The role -of •duallangUage paperback rea. d- will thrill Hebrew readers :as 'well 'as ,students at Hebrew' because shlakh et ami—Let My People Go! -Like the ers of history with the Children: -Then - It the translations appear on parallel pages with the Hebrew, - miracle of Old, what has happened .in Russia, becomes applicable to all generationi: In `that Dr. Ezra Spicehandler of:the-Jerusalem 'diiision 'Of Hebrew Union where Jews have shown courage to say that spirit the Passover spirit will be retained' College edited this • volume and the authors - whose ,- stories :were they wish to reunite with their people in as a major power for perpetuity. - selected : for inclusion.. in this book are these .eminentTviriterS:: , , 1 St orfes • -- Dual-LIngual Hebrew - and English Collection g • . . . Samuel Joseph Agnon. - "Another Face"; Hayint Hazaz, "Hid den Puddle"; S. -,Ylzhar, "The Etiztaw- ay";- AharonyMegged, - "in the . ttie"; Yehuda "The Times My Father, Died"; Nis "Shmeel"; Aharon Applefeld, "Kitty";" and. Avraham B. Yehoshua, "The Continuous Silence of -a Poet-" - took to raise a fund to link the name of this There are no. nekudos--vowels--in the Hebrew, and It is clear man of courage with his alma mater, the that the texts are intended for those who have mastered the language - translations, by Israel Shen, - Dr;Spicehan dler, Yose University of Michigan. The programs con- But the splendid ducted at Ann Arbor this week, in the process Schachter, Daniel Spicehandler, Daniel Krauskopff, .Tiria Zandbank and Mikan Arad, enable the Hebrew reader in turn to master the of setting up - the U. of M. Wallenberg Archi- English. the same time, the bilingual nature of the -hook make tectural Lecture Series, represented a com- it suitable At for separate reading of both the English and Hebrew texts munity's response to recognition of an his- by the respective linguists. toric humanitarian effort that called for Add to the value of this compilation the fact that each of the courageous deeds by a man who knew his authors' brief biographical sketch precedes his story, there is the duty to his fellow men regardless of their practical application of infcrmation about the storyteller with an faith or nationality backgrounds. acquaintance with his work. . The Wallenberg tributes serve as a partial Bantam Books publishers, appended to this book a note explaining vindication of the lethargy that existed dur- that "Modern Hebrew Studies' follows the Priglish order of pages, ing World War II. More Wallenbergs would from left to right. Consequently, the Hebrew - is. given in reverse of have meant the rescue of hundreds of thou- the a usual order so that it parallels'. the English." - The - publishers sands—perhaps millions!—of additional lives. lso state: - "This unique - hook has hien designed to reward the casual The recognition of an act of courage in reader and the language student Alm. When you open it, -your World War II serves symbolically to admon- eye will light upon two 'different languages. On - the light-hand ish people never to permit genocide; to be on page you will • find the authentic- T(0)re* - text of- a great short the alert that a Holocaust shall never occur story by a representative modern Hebrew author:- on the left-you again and to shout for justice whenever there will read a faithful English translation, -so - -designed that- each is the danger of an emerging injustice. The paragraph of the Hebrew text faces its. English rendition."- name of Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg must al- T his emphasizes the point that at the uniqueness of --the --book serves ways serve as a reminder of man's obligation In ost valuably in advancing interest in Hebrew-literature and in pro- to man—never to condone inhumanity of vi ding excellent reading in English . for lovers -`of good narrative man to man. Wallenberg: Hero in Rescue Ranks Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg was one of the great heroes of World War II. A volunteer in the ranks of rescuers of victims of Nazism, he undertook an assignment that called for great courage. It was known to the War Refugee Board that calamities faced the Jews of Hungary, that there was to be a mass expulsion of Jews from Hungary and that the victims were to be taken to extermination camps. The young Swedish man was said to have responded to the call for service with the assertion that if he could save the life of a single Jew he was ready to undertake the assignment. He went to Hungary and manufactured Swedish passports. He distributed them to victims, often personally escorting them into apartment houses he secured in the name of the Swedish government, and he literally stopped the deportations with his daring demands in behalf of people he had never known but had begun to claim as his coun- trymen in order to save them from the gas chambers. Thanks to the sense of duty toward a classmate, Detroit architect Sol King under- , ■ .characteristics of the authora.whose works were utilized for this paperbackare described in the '-foreword by Dr. Spicehandler, who describes the reles all of the storytellers play in Israel's life and I the Hebrew literature that has emerged" with statehood—as well as the writers who -had-already contributed greatly - towards the advance- ment of Hebre* literature before statehood: Dr. Spieehandler tam- Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. 'rnents on. the'aPprOach_to Hebrew in earlier; periods as the "Leshon Goldberg and Columbia University Law Pro- hakodesh—the holy tongue of, a religious tradition," _which marked which . a encumbered fessor Richard N. Gardner have renewed the Be - caaupsreoieHeTrleew d not w t -y set -be e1 bPOtthe'lille spoken lan gu age srnd lictViddB ish. and appeal for ratification of the Genocide Con- was the vernacular,. the task of the writer was difficult. HebreW, - Dr. vention by the U. S. Senate. Will our legis- Spicehandler notes; becaine it' sgaken language "after the ' rise of the lators, motivated by 'a 'prejudiced position Zionist settlement in Palestine.," lie adds that "the nevi literattirnthat taken by the American :Bar .AtiatiOn, re= emerged Strugglect for almost n , century Jo evolve a flexibleidiom." Genocide Convention Must Be Ratifie - The 75 nations—including the Soviet Un- ion—whose confirmations of the United Na- tions Genocide Convention attested to the seriousness of the international._ commitment to outlaw mass murders of peoples, have thus far failed to influence similar action by the United States. Our country was the first, un- der President Truman, to endorse . the Geno- cide Convention. Yet, the . _11. -.S.- Senate has - main in the -y - o f.:the. fri g htenedand j consistently refused to ratify, an :important bigoted :nations? We- haVe posed,,this q uestion to inclic:lie- theoLi tli an e es t :tr iC s l itte 7f rise'of i ttb e r fir -w esent.-If e o s Is tiIihicli c .noed w- decision. yearly, for nearly-two decades.:Let's.hope4e teiye 'ai :.in:indicatiogn of the firm position of Hebrew literature= as a But the Senate Foreign Relations Coin- shall soon hear of`a firth - adherence'' to 'high , creiti4 41Ictor in Israel's life: = --- -- -.- "-: -.. '-- ----- -- ' mittee has already approved such action; and humanitarian _principles: by :a: positive sena,:- -`wh A viich ulary at the end of the Book intended tiC'aisist readers ose Hebrew - -knowledge is .:bit _the' intermediateAevel,"...is another it is distressing to know that we are hesitant tonal act to end the Genocide Convention Ungallant asset for the bilingual student" of the Jewish short' story in a great humanitarian duty:- dilemma in this country. here presented together with its English counterpart. : . - '