0 • - „ _ (COathined from Page 1) in The event the cease fire is Jews prefer to .settle- in Max M. Fisher was referred to and the State DePartment's Agency With Herbert Klein, the chief terminated." Mr. Davies :..empluisizecL • by 'nearly all of the speakers as f o r International, -DerelOPInerrt public relations personality in the Military aid forlsraal continues Partielpantsi — lit-. tan -briefing. one who has been helpful 'in Dam- (AID) and its Preakeisor; Organi. White House, presiding at the sev- Mr. Sisco said, although announce- advocated Jewish -.press repro-_ ing policies relating to aid to IS- iatimiti going 'he* to the Marshall eral - sessions,- , the participants ments me ts are alway- s- withheld — for n sentation- in correspondents' •• rael and the housing loan, hrbeing Plan - Period -11949-1952); Since Is- heard the views of JosePh Maio, the same reason that Russie ranks when President Nixon goes. an able adviser. Mr. Fisher was betaine .nation in 1948, - the major intermediary between Israel never announces its plans to give to Russia in May. Jack Siegel,: inthe background during the brief- U.S['governinent _'bas "obligated" and the Arab states; Richard military aid to Egypt and the executive -president of the. ings, but he had his own party or "autliOrized" - for its credits, Davies, deputy assistant secre- Arab states. But aid to assure Jewish. Telegraphic Agency, mad .. for the press—a cocktail reception loans, bin guarantees, and - grants tary of state for foreign af- Israel's security was reaffirmed as Joseph Polikoff; JTA Washing- atthe Madison Hotel as a wind-up totaAing $2;400,000,000. fairs; Leonard Garment, Prof. an established American policy. ton' correspondent, indicated that t• the briefings. That's where he Ronald Berman, Herbert Stein, Mr. Sisco - rejected the possibility application for Such a berth at-, fraternized with, friends from all Grants - amount to ;4 444 000.000. John Erlichinan and other 'White of an Israel-Jordan peace agree ready is being made with the over the country who came for about a fifth 'of - that totai-Duaers repayments on loans and interest House and other State Depart- ment, stating that peace can only White House. the White House briefings. - aggregated $ 5 4 11;000,000-44iMilar ment spokesmen. • begin with a Cairo agreement. (De- The agenda for the Nixon visit The visiting editors were White On two questions there were pos. tails on this view in major story in Russia is not being publicized House guests at a luncheon at' elves us abbot , •Xsreet : titi' Present $1;50(1,000,000";; spirt itive declarations on policies to on Page 1 in this issue.) in advance, and the question of which the guests had a choice of from the "classifieIthilitaty credit which there are commitments by a regular buffet or a boxed kosher his raising the Jewish' issue at the assistance".- during the An impressive statement on - 18 the Nixon administration: in rela- Kremlin was left in that category. limeh, and about 20 per cent ex - tion to Soviet Jewry and Israel. American policy in behalf of So- But there was emphasis that - "So- pressed gratitude for the kashrut months of the Johnson adminis- viet Jewry was made by Rich- tration and the first 18 months of Mr. Sisco made it clear that the viet Jewry's needs will not be provisions. • • • the. Nixon PresidencscA, competent U.S. had never supported complete ard Davies, who reviewed the ignored." Israellsource described this "class- withdrawal by Israel from occu- activities - in support of Russian Monday's press briefing for the Wed' Herbert Stein, chairman of the Jewry's appeals for emigration, - *Mount, as "substantial." pied territories. He analyzed the Jewish press was the first ' President's Economic Council, a Security Council November 1967 their quest for cultural rights native Detroiter, gave an important of its kind convened by an Ameri- . A clue to the":"Classified" within the USSR and the extent resolution to point out .that linked it- that theoredit.Of 5500,000,- analysis of the manner in which can President. The first time a urea; with the statement on withdrawal of reunion of USSR Jews with the 000- -brought,..abinit by--Democratic Nixon administration- •. deall delegation of editors from English- Senator were the conditional points on ne relatives in this emmtry. Hoary Jackson's The Jewish newspapers visited a Presi- gotiations for secure borders. He Mr. Davies touched upon all as- with the poverty:06gram. of- increased poverty dent was when Harry Truman in- amendment of 19701 •"coiered ob- described American aims to as- pects of the situation—the prefer- problem.- New York's Jews, espe- vited a group under the chair- ligations. arising" Over the two- sure "a contracture' binding ence of Soviet Jews for settlement among the elderly, was .raised, and manship of Philip Slomovitz to year period -from July 1, 1969, peace" and he stated "the inter- in Israel, the areas -whence they cially mark the 100th anniversary of the through June 30, 1971, according ests of the United States are paral- have emigrated, the -fact that visas an assurance of consideration was first English-Jewish weekly—the to U.S. sources. But the last full to the over-all problem. lel to Israel's but they are not have been issued to Jews from given A report that attracted special Asmonean—published in this coun- fiscal year under President John- Soviet Georgia and the Baltic synonymous." interest was the outline given by try. Slomovitz, as president of the son remains secret. In the - last states but not those from the Len- While exposing "Soviet oppor- Stanley Baruch, director of hous- American Association of English- several years-the U.S., goirernmeld tunism," Mr. Sisco expressed ingrad area, Moscow and the ing development, on the $50,000,000 Jewish Newspapers, now the Amer- assistance has been overwhelm- the view that it is not in the So- Ukraine. has been extended for ican Jewish Press Association, ingly for military,procurement Of Mr. Dairies emplulsized thatHus- loan that viets' best interests that there in -Israel, .Mr..Baruch said presented him with a copy of the the $1,087,000,000 earmarked in sian Jews have many allies, that housing should be an outbreak of war. the current loan advanced for as- first edition of the Asmonean. the last two years ending next There was emphasis in Mr. the United States exerts great ef- sistance in solving-the Israeli hous- President Johnson was host to the June 30, at least $845,000,000 are fort to assist the emigrants and Sisco's speech on the assistance ing Problem is being speeded, be- American Jewish Press delegation in credits for direct military pur- chases. given to Israel by the U.S. His to strive for attainment of their cause of_plans for a new loan in at the White House in 1964. • • • contention was that more assist- just rights. the amount of $ 100,000,000. Another $50,000,000 is a grant ance will have been given from He maintained that the Soviets The current $50,000,000 Israel to bolster Israel's - economy as a 1969 through 1972 than in the years are not indifferent to the Ameri- housing loan will finance the con- U.S. Aid to Israel result of the military strain. The 1948 to 1969, both in military and can attitude, and he recalled the struction of 11,000 homes for . mid- Since 1948, Mainly economic.. side is $192,000,000. This exchange of communications be- dle- and lower middle-income fam- economic aid. comprises $103,000,000 in Credits Reiterating that the situation in tween President Nixon and De- ilies. The loan agreement was re- Credits, $2.4 Billion for: agricultural. commodities, $30,- Cairo has become much more com- troiter Max M. Fisher in which cently • signed by Israel Finance By JOSEPH POLAKOFF 000.000 in loans-for industrial needs. plicated, quoting ' Sadat's frequent the American position in support Minister Pinhas Sapir and Dr. John ITA- Washington Bureau Chief (which may risesto -$80- or $90,000,- threats to Israel and his attacks of just rights for Russian Jewry A. Hannah (former president of WASHINGTON (JTA)—Israel's 000 - Is pending - negotiations are on the U.S., Mr. Sisco neverthe- was affirmed. Michigan State University) admin- master - of faience, Pinhas Sapir, $50,000,000 in the less said that "no doors have been Mr. Davies said that "public istrator of (Agency for Industrial was credited with saying a year comeleted);" aforementioned guarantee of loans closed," that "if there is a give opinion as expressed in the dec- Development. ago or so that every Israeli child to • finance housing . and - slightly .• on key points the issues can be larations in support of Russian The loan was made to Tefa- started life owine foreigners about more than $9,000,000 in grants-for resolved." Jewry's demands in Western coun- hot Israel Mortgage Bank. Selling American dollars. Today, the American schools and hospitals in Why hasn't the United States tries have been an effective means price of the- houses thus financed 1,000 Lithuanian-born finance minister Israel counteracted the "outrageously of getting results." will not exceed the equivalent of could say each newly born Israeli's Apart from the • 'three - year prejudicial positions taken against . The effectiveness of Voice of $16,000. share was risen to $1,200. Close pericid of the classified military Israel at the Security Council?" America and the need to continue - Mr. Baructi' - pointed out that Mr. to half of that—at least $500, -is credit assistance- which is curiously Mr. Sisco was asked. He welcomed Radio Liberty whose status' is en- Siaco, Robert. Finch, Dr. Hannah obligations to the U.S. govern- excluded from public data, -.Ameri- the question as a very valid one dangered by Senator William Ful- and other government leaders in ment • and explained-that the U.S. delega- bright's opposition were empha- were deeply- interested in the ad- An independent study by the can government fiscal support- au- thorized for Israel during the Nixon tion tries_ but fails to secure suf- sized, and an appeal was made vancementof the loan and are very Jewish Telegraphic Agency shows administration, almost- equals that ficient support in the Council, in for assistance in securing Congres- aympathetic to Israel needs--"Rob- that Israel's external debt, shoul- Israel's. defense, that the majority sional action in support • of these ert' Finch is a deeply devoted dered by fewer than 3,000,000 Is- of t h e Truman-Eisenhower-Ken- could not be overruled and that broadcasts which are said to bring friend of Israel," Mr: Baruch 'said. raelis. is edging over $3.500,000- nedy-johnson'adMinistrations com- bined. Part- of thl• :high figure is it is considered "In the best in- desired results in broadcasting He added that Mr. Nixon' is kept .000. Of that total, snore than. $1,- accountable bytefiation of the dol- terests" of existing situations not news and information to Russian informed on. the plans .for assist- 500,000,000--three of every seven lar and part- the - prodding, and to resort to the veto. ance to -Israel and "nothing will dollars—are owned to the U.S. Jews. encouragement..frantlaitk. Repub- Although Russia jointly with be • permitted to stand in the way government. Most. of this is in While only 50 Russian - families of licans and DemoeratiOn Con- its!Onsummation." • Egypt has broken the cease- have been united with relatives direct government loans but some gress•witnesOhe Jackson- - the amend- fire agreement shortly after it in this country—the first such fam- The - sessions - were, .imarked- by is in guarantees of borrowings ment and - VW, -b1;iattilian,-:Senate was instituted, Mr. Saco be- ily settled in-Detroit—U.S. frankness and tlirect questions in- from private 'American financial resolutions -oitilniantarni. lieves that the Soviet position , ance in settling more Russian USW- Jews volving -the .:Nixon. policies: There institutions 'h Ice the 200' savings on the cease fire • parallels the - will continue. dependent upon ap- were..intimate evaluations of. the and lop associations that made American because the Se eiet plication from American Jews Pressident,•specially in the opening up the loan of $50,000,000 in mid- Union "sees .a danger eta con - who request reunions thereby val- address' of William Sifire, one of February to finance licael's con; - KnOsia frontation with the United States idating visas. But most -Russian the President's speech writers, who struation-of 11,000 twining units. --;" on 'tisk 'Fiat: Rending explained how the President -him- , About another $1,000,000,000 -is JERUSALEM: (JTA)=-The Xnes- self finalizes texts-and -makes' theni in Israel Bonds. Virtually-4ll'Aif set Passed on-the-first reading the his- own. Mr: -- .Safire; a noted .eti- them BUY OUAUTY -- NOT PRICE! are - bonglit s-_ IY Jews in the natiOnartnidiellOCihe 1973' fiscal Mokigist, whose •"The,. New- Lan- non-Communist 'World. • re- year by .a vote of :48-18.,-The bud- iltinge•Of Politics" will hapublished mainder, apProximatelY • The another set. submitted by Finance Minister soon, spoke Of President•Nixon as billion, was -.supplied by Interna- Pinhas. Sapir,_totali nearly $3,810,- . "a man of syrn."- He described the tional organizations like .the- World manner 4n-whicis those who- dis- Bank group, foreign gcivernments Ia -ending4.4tannoth debate. in • like,--blin fail, to understand -that mainly West Germany and, to . a "be. is a - considerate man.. he' - smaller extent, by Canada, Eng- the . Knesset, &Mr :- ..warned. both u m lna cygeo m fen m tain intion labor t the sta in: explains matters in the 'simplest, land and others-land by -non, clearest; every-dly terms •. • . governmental investment banksi Nifty. H _ e said viitee policy ap- more than his predecessors he has The highest per capita foreign. - in- nroved by both -sidenhad- made it a -distinctive - style whith • might be debtedness by any country, other Possible to tile manu- emidated by future Presidents:" than - Israel's $1;200, is less than facturing costa 'Without- bringing Mi-r"Safire made reference to the -This means that' Hamel is about a considera blatise in: pricea- large number of Jews-in the Nixon $300. burdening itself at the ratio of official' family—Henry Kissinger, Sapir 'added' that :;" If emnleyeni $4 per person from borrow-ings "dragged the economy':'_ -Into , a Leonard Garment; Herbert Stein, abroad compared to $1 by -the - next wave of price increases; they would Prot Ronald Berman, Arthur highest debtor nation. • be "cutting - .Off - the- branch -.on Burns. - • • which they sit." He said Israel's .; The expected visit with the Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request. JTA's study bivalved - Israeli-and workers would init•tolerate - editors by President Nixon' did American goyerirment sources-The liglioa Of their nrchaniniter not materialize: - he was occn- data- . Included statistics of the pied framing a Statement on his departments Of Defense . and US and Wield demand -compensation Agri= fee any ‘price'bOostii,_ legylne the Honor the PASSOVER— Traditionally! Deliciously! 6.3