• - • m m en eac f :A itaiOffitiat poted'i:taf-ADvs,,, arPhiliP Slomovitz HuntanROI- orinDeter rom Following.Crimina Orders . Recalling Detroir7WOmen ZiOniSt Pioneers An, attempt; todefend,7- Crime on the ground that soldiers or those Hada. 60th anniveriery is an occasion not merely for national in the employ : of lgoverrimenti are• obligated to follow orders has observance ' ssah's but also for. recrillectionS :alidut - local pioneer leaders' in created :a imajoi human Obalienge. How does one comprimise with the movement brutality 'untie+ oftlertf:..- When Henrietta ' Szold- wee moved to 'create the movement that A: horrifying: example if )15,v criminality can be treated with in- difference. when the claim vanced that there were orders not to - grew to such great proportions, she was associated- with "What Was then the Federation of American Zionists whose name under Mr. be ignored. was provided hthe'trial last week, in Vienna, 'of Walter Dejace; the ,Nazi whO bidittheAliachwitz gas chambers which more Justice Louis • D.. Brandeis was, changed to 'Zionist 'Organization' Of America. Miss Szold then directed the education department :of the than 01::090: 7ewa were murdered. • Imagine .0ouri; tutn$,;:yr vote of 5-3 of.the-judges-that the Predecessor Iii nameX of the ZOA In" Detroit ; Mirfaiii- qiershinaii, the wii e of Rabbi Abraham.M., accosectAlite tait liear;reien.:".reinate" guilt for the mass-murders! And the designs ; or.thelait;eliaMberit so clearly provided for furnaces and Hershman, was the, first to assume Hadassah ,leadership. - She was eleetile ,:elevators to transport:Corpses to ovens! How can jurists act joined by Dora (Tare. Joseph H. Ehrlich_ Among the pioneers whiz as the Viennese , didlin :Cleat„,ecinscience?, Did, they,• tort, take orders labored with them were Jeanette_ Steinberg; Mrs. Henry Weinstein and Sarah (Mrs- :..hloah, E.)•- Artnistam.- Sally Wetsman, who_ labored_ in to be•. coniitine The Current. issue of Atlantic contains a most significant essay on Hadassah - whin - ahe becanie Mrs, Ralph Davidson, before, her the sUbject.-It deals with :"The Ghosts of Nuremberg" by a participant marriate, 'secretary of the local Zionist District (ZOA) when - Rabbi in the trial's "proceedings; Philipp Fehl. It is a most challenging re- Hershman was the president. (That's when this commentator, com- view of what had occurred and the importance of the _author's con- ing to Detroit from the U. of M., enrolled in the. ZOA under Rabbi Hershman and has not deviated party affiliation from 1919 on). Then clusions lie in a quotation from Scriptures: , - there was Hattie' Gittelinin: There were others who paved the' way Philipp Fehl, after outlining the frustrations, the drastic experi- in a pioneering spirit for women's Zionist involvements. ences, makes these comments in the course of which he referred to an incident in the Bible: For these women who did not shirk Zionist responsibilities, there "If our imagination is attuned to compassion, the awareness was no question about the political aspect of the movement. We had of our responsibilities will not lag behind. Socrates onee said he to plead for support with our own:government, we needed to labor - ` ( ' • - • - NEW -YORK f.fTA):.L.:ThV;presi- dent- . of the - - AfricanAnierican Teachert'iAisoCiation slid he "appalled" -;it'the':ition of the of tnai Brith in labeling the ATA "anti- Serilitic" because' ,of the 'two organizations ''disagree an the approach ' - 'to -Black-Jewish ' - If a Jew "disagreed" with a black program, Albert' Vann told the Jewiah'Telwanhfe Agency, it would be unfair to label: himauto- matically "antkblaelt" Vann was responding- In charges by the -ADL that funds' to the ATA from the Department of Health,. Education 'and Welfare were being "used td subsidize racial 'or religious' hatred," epit- orrilied by "WhitttheADL -said were anti-Set- tide- - quotations t Forum, the "ATA's" -jouinal; hi' 1967 and 1968;' by 'fernier 'ATA•iiffiCial Les- lie Campbell13114 News, and through political channels to - compel Great -Britain to adhere to, pledges had a daimon who, when be. was'..theat. to the-- lewiskpecipIe,,we had`: France to - deal with. Zionism remains by ATA - official 'Tyrone: Woods in Prevented him from doing it. But,2 -OU -to 49- -,10233ePtin a WI:MI radio broadcast-'on -Jan. SoCrates , had the a political idea. larael'i'politics are ISrael's business; yet all parties courage to listen to his daimon. For:.-therest•Of a force exercises itself In a certain shyness to cooperate' with have preferenceOn !maaz:there is no question, for example, about 'Vann - he did not' recall evil, which used to be called .the,•fear. of •God.. Whether we think World Zionist Organization executive head Louis Aryeh Pincus being thequotations and.'Wanted' to a 'Labor Zionist and Histadrut .partisan. Therefore those who would know quotations we are atheists or not, we sluitiWatteinnt to'reeottpier:- if the), had.been taken out ness of the cavilling of this obitileteJerni:'PerhaPS, if we 'read nilnimize the= Zionist Political:role'. should quit., theirkiddin'. context „by the .ADL.. He also It is good to be able to recollect with 'appreciation the noble of it • slowly, we can learn again 'to derive eciinfort and' guidante asked whit " statements from a passage in Exodus (Chapter I, .Verses 15 to 22) which Women who bulicta -great movement. They left a splendid heri- several' -Years ago were provides and praises the. example of two simple Israelite women tage that gives so muchglory to those who presently are in the Hades- just now being raised by the sali - Wornen's .2i0OiSt7Organization. who, In a desperate situation, were noeiffizgether. kaolin* but ADL. whose actions were pleasing in the eyes Of :19oCtindldeterinined. • o • Advised of Varizi's 'rebuttal to the the course of history for the better: • ADL's Irwin Siiall, the Moving .S.lori'Ofirini;nesitre Comradeship Briai Brith - unit's "doritestic fact- "'And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebreii 'midwives, It is not only the a final request th t he be given a strictly religious finding director; tolit- the JTA that of which the name of the one was Shiplirak ' a tend ,- the:intme the other Pnah: and he said, When ytia - cld:the officeT:4 tt-O2111 7.1 Initial that dretripeeiat attention to the affection Israelis had for one in' seeing educators' in.' terms of Wits-ablest leaderabutA wife to the Hebrew women, and see - thentimonffe I was th the genius for leadership that lifted religion,- Vann wis 'concocting "a if it be a son, then you shall kill him : hut if ft- ba a daughter; MoslcAneh to- Fgreatheights. He had turned Communist--and that may Jewish- 'con ' spiraekl'''''lla ,:polizted have cost then she shall live. But the , midwives feared God, and did not him the opportunity to become Israel's prime minister—and out that ADL'sliroteit to HEW do as the king of Egypt=tonsiziended thein;:'.1bett _geoid : the-00n when the-Soviet Unionbecamanniritilentlr - antagonistic to Israel he was Secretary- Elliot , L. Richardson listed a nnail5er of ether" in- children alive. And the king of Egypt .seallittlet.thninkftiivOi. the loyalist In his country's defense. and said unto them; - Why have-yon done 'thik' thing - 'and -hat*: Appreciation,- `great-qualitlei yips in 'evidence at the funeral stances of "anti-Semitic" state- Ot' - at' —it liii saved the men children alive? And the midwives said unto j tviiereinialt- theie Were no eulogies. The leaders ments by ATA -_ leaders beyond Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women • are not as 'the Egypti^n of all parties were there, with Prime MiniSter Golda Meir at the side those indicated 'torthe , press...the women: for they are lively, and are delivered even before the of the widow, Dr. Hanna Sneh. The religious spokesmen, Communists, most ,recent one being in the No- vember: 1971 Forum.. midwife comes to them. And God dealt well with the mid- lierut-f -all were_ there. - . -- "---"ews---- ■ -4wives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. And They were there to recall that' he had been a' leader in Zionism it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that He when his name was still,Moshe - Kleinbaum; that he had been com- Socialist Denies' made them houses.' " - - mander-in-chief of Hagana and bore the name- coinmander Amram. Parables are not always applicable, but they inspire. There have The Radish was. recited by-.- a religious. leader-with fervor be- Backing -Pcilettin.iani been many who were inspired into strong-willed determination not to cause the d eaied, With. whom TEL 'AVIV, -(ITA):Frencii'So- who many - differed politically, had been be led toward criminal paths. Under Nazism, in Vietnam, during the a mong the creators ofstatehoo d ' and security,for.the state. - cialist Party leader:Francoli Mit- Pakistani horrors, men under arms followed orders. They lacked terand denied -Tuesday having ex- In his death, Moshe memory emork was ; ekpressed in an atmo- 'pressed.. the daimon to deter them. There is a guide in the Bible story that s phere of national unity in which Merit support, for . -the demands - was acknowledged and corn- adds guidance to a human role in society. .4 the Tftlistinitizt: refugees to be adeship restored. , :Permitted tereturn to-their:former d • • • hoznea,fitilsraet Mental Disorders Among Propagators of Terrorism :- Re •arrived - zit 'Lydda Airport at Bonn's Arab Accord: New Danger to Israel A report from Cairo in the Italian newspaper L'Europeo stated Communist East Germany is known to be anti Israel. West Ger- thnhead of. six-member Socialist Party :delegation for four-day , that the president of Libya, Muanunar al-Kadaffi, was treated three m any has obligations and has been on a - friendly basis with the Jewish t y .as .s:the-g ne i lt of "Israe l's Labor times by Egyptian experts for mental disturbances and that before s tate. Yet, it is now indicated in the German International magazine A nt*, his death Nasser, who had been respected by Kaddafi, "chided him t hat treaties being promulgated 'between p v i4t being til be esti: the two states "must involve for a few weeks before his death in 1970 for exploding at King Bus- r estrictions," and these are believed to. be seriously affecting the Mid- by reporters about the 'alleged statement:Pditterand -denied having. sein after the Jordanian king advised Kadaffi in a friendly way to di e East conflict.: - . - Said at tiMarchli PreeS:Conference consult with a psychiatrist." The German periodical (English language) reports - on a 'meeting at his Partir-headqUarters in - Paris Another interesting report about Kaddafi appeared recently in German Chancellor Willy Brandt had with -Abdul Khalik Hasiouna, that "I- am nn the -side of all' op- the Times of Malta which 'stated that Colonel Kaddafi "decided to s ecretary general' of the Arab League. It states that Brandt and. FOC- nations7of -the world, in- cancel all use in Libyan passports of any language except Arabic. e ign- Minister _K assured Ha”ouna that "the delivery. of arms :pressed eluding the - Kaddafi told the newspaper's correspondent that if any country im- a nd the payment of compensation to Israel had. ceased: and.. that - saittlie-had the. poses difficulties on Libyan citizens because of the new regulation, F ed eral Republic would never take sides in the Arab-Israeteonflict. theineianitesnatttihntia2 to Libyan border authorities will refuse to recognize any European Ian- A s a sign of good will on the German side, Hassouna's visit :Was that him "a "'-statement .1.'Md Oct guage in documents issued by other governments." rowned by a gift:of - 50,000;000.D-marks from the Bonn.gevernment - - make" -Wail - aside' Pah*. hi- 46- Are these indications of mental illnesses? Then how should one t o the Arab refugees." Meets 'Intereatett::In ',interfering judge the following description of Passover that was published in the This is cause for concern. If it means "a new phase of collaborit- ..with hisaisitlelsraeL:- Egyptian daily Al-Akhbar: ti on" between. Germany and the enemies (It --weitlearnetle.ihere that` the of Israel, we may be con- "They have what is called the great feast of Passover, or the f ronted with=additional problems in seeking peace between Israel Frenc4,- ;SoclitibitTinty, ap- prizvingMitterand!sTajitit to Israel; feast of unleavened bread, which is conducted amid the letting of a nd the Arabi. :-iejected _:sending - a parallel - blood from a non-Jew. Following that, they take part of the flesh Chancellor Brandt was sympathetic to the Russian Jews and delegationInItharAinti:countries.) --- of the man and mix it with the matzot. The slaughter is done by the h as nromisekthat he will intercede for them with the Kremlin Mittersind " - :- refusett make -any, rabbi himself - .. This is our enemy and this is his character . • . " a Iso has an obligation to assure Israel's secu ritiFitalf a million stn-- statetneittregartling Ihn: Palestinian ru Talk about insanities and inanities! „Psychiatrists might -be able 1 _ 1 , 1 ors from the Nazi brutalities live in Israel. There is a serious ::trarit--to.acte first- to cope with them, but diplomats certainly are put to the test them- u uty from GermanY - to assure-their welfare and survival, even- if refugees.:-`4 selves when they make so many concessions to these sufferers from onn now feels a need to establish closer relations with the Arabs. 31=j-filet:Ida -in Mike statethent • " ; - mental illnesses. * ,.o Funny Thing . . . on Way to Mythical Mt. . - . _ A funny (sic!) thing hapPened, last Sunday On the way to a mythical American Mt. Zion. At the meeting of the national board of the American Zionist Federation, a declaration was issued threatening members of the Zionist Organization of America with disfranchisement unless they returned to AZF ranks. That's a new gimmick erupting from anger - . . Disfranchisement ? Any wonder that some Jewish leaderships fail to gain con- stituencies' respect ?. 2—Friday, March 17, 1972 USSR Selling Jewish ArchivesSealed :Away_ Since 017 MONTREAL (JTA) — Manu- seats' "the rescue of - the whole JeWish and non3Jewish sources to scripts pertaining to Jewish life manuscript lore of Eastern Euto finance the project, _the total cost and lore in Eastern Europe, some pean Jewish learning." - of which may reach $5 00,0P0- of them at least 1,000 years old, of: 'the About 20,000 frames of 'micro- are being: soldby the Soviet Union All enli and- s ' ereof -18th:-ba d°01 .. n Pe some to the National Library in Ottawa filth representing 40,000 pages of - - a foarivacript,„thuch of it band writ- s part of -a‘ new -cultural exchange 'p dre e ate _ turY ck (laarigin -en—Patehment, have already - _ = ' project.betiieen Canadian and•Ibis-. ten akiiveicfra:n 31„-- c ow. Their. sian scholars,_the JTA _has learned. . had bl a torical: had . According to David Rome, for- They clheen sealed witty in B alky- rk y -is- r:i con relf°R4 niariso mer director of .the Jewish Public the Soviet State Library since the tweeni-nrigiOaiintarinscripte&and Library in -Montreal who initiated Revolution in 1917..-So_far, $50,000 lateeknoten -veal- tins of =the . Same THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the exchange, the project repre : _has _peen raised 'privately from - -