JWVA National President to Pay Visit to Michigan Department Ladies THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS :- "Friaay; Mortis TO; 1972-41 Herlieri&e; --- , --- ent of Wednesday; a-syminslun letter of September 1971. He had the Department of Miehiganladies held 19rthe---department officers proposed a "monument to. Moses." Auxilia -of the Jewish-War- Vet= ledot the national president Wed- (Dr. Robbins, of Los Angeles, e , announces the Na- nesday afternoon at. the home of had suggested that a campaign be mini President,- Mi.' Max Kern Mrs. Sidney (Toby) Lantz, senior launched among children through- ' Tuesday and Wednesday, . vice president of the department. out the,world to construct a "long - • Mrs. Kern, a Editor, The Jewish News: overdue" statue of Moses.)-- - Mrs. Kern will be given the -member of Under the heading "Israeli Par- I have a collection of 125,000 honor of instituting Michigan's new- ties seek - USSR Jews' support" picture post cards and specialize JWVA for 24 est JWVA auxiliary, the Lt. Larry (Feb. 18, 1972), your newspaper in -views, pertaining to , Judaica. years, -has - ser- S. Well Auxiliary, at Stouffer's carries a news story-which-makes Among my statue cards I have 10 ved in every Northland Inn - 8:30 p.m. Wednes- echelon of the absurd _ allegations on Augdath which show the Moses statue lo- day. Israel's role in the immigration. of cated in Washington Park, Albany, ladies auxiliary on the state and Soviet- Jews. For information, call the JWVA N.Y. - office, 255-4743. The story alleges that a group .„ It's a large statue and _although national levels. National s e r- of recent iminigrants from Soviet Albany is not in an exceptionally Georgia met with Itzhak ,Ben- large metro area, thousands of vicemen's officer Aharon, secretary general of Mis- tourists each year see the statue Mrs. Irving Silk tadrut and condemned the incident as it is in the center of the annual has been appoint- ed chairman. of Mrs. Kern by ultra-Orthodox circles(' among tulip festival. the president's visit. Mrs. Silk has newcomers. In conclusion, the news Of course, there - is the story states: "They (the immi- famous, smaller statue of Moses planned a reception and program. GREEN-8 SUBURBAN The later includes a presenta- grants) said emissaries of Agudath in Roane and an exact replica Israel were Operating among the at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glen- tion in her honor to the cottages SHOP 9:30 AIL 9 P.AV at the Oakland County Youth Home Georgian Jews and inciting them dale, . Calif. -Another impressive for neglected and dependent -child- against the state." Moses statue Is in the middle of These allegations are slanderous a main street in Bern, Switzer- ren in Pontiac, Tuesday. Mrs. Abe 'Steinberg, child welfare chair- and contradictory to the facts. Any- land. - man for the Department of Michi- one who knows the history of the Incidentally, the Glendale ceme- gan, is in charge of arrangements. - Georgian Jewish community is tery also has a statue portraying Mrs. Liner will host a dinner surely aware of the unique needs "The Finding of Moses," which, is honoring Mrs. Kern at Stouffer's of these immigrants. For a half century; under Com- an exact reproduction of Brazza's Restaurant, Northland, Tuesday munist rule, these Jews gallantly original in Pincio Gardens, Rome. evening. Shown: Regular $84 Other American statues of Old Local dignitaries who have ac- fought to preserve their Jewish- ness against the mightiest of odds. Testament include Abraham, cepted invitations to honor Mrs. Anyone who knows anything of David, Samson, and at Cranbrook Kern include Rep. Joseph Forbes, the 60-year history of Agudath Is- there is Jonah and the Whale, Eve Oak Park Mayor David Shepherd, the Southfield mayor's office and rael surely knows of the historic and Adam. Interestingly, all of these statues the Jewish War Veterans Depart- rescue efforts of the worldwide are Christian or Gentile com- movement of Orthodox Jews. ment of -Michigan commander, Sid- missions and none of the sculptors ney • Lantz. Detroit Mayor Roman It is absurd to accuse this were Jewish. Gribbs has extended an official in- movement of inciting Georgian Sincerely vitation to Mrs. Kern and the exec- Jews against the state when in "DAVID BRODSKY utive officers of the department to reality Agudath Israel's only con- 21701 Kipling _ visit his offices. cern Is to satisfy their unique Oak Park spiritual needs, which have been * * ignored by most everyone, 'nein& (Mr. Brodsky's letter is all the Prayer Recalls Sacrifice in the state. The allegation that Agudath Is- more welcome for its belatedness. of Late King of Denmark We had heard, but could not In tribute to the late King Fred- rael is working against the interests prove, that some readers hold on- erick of Denmark, the board of di- Made to Sel for $84 of the state is in contradiction to to The Jewish News for months.) rectors of the Bnai Moshe Men's its record. Agudath Israel, al- • Club, at a recent meeting, read a though a member of the opposition, prayer recalling his sacrifices in has often been commended for the Translation for Readers behalf of the Jews during World constructive way in which it has Editor, The Jewish News: handled all issues which were in War H. I am sending you the article The prayer reads: the framework of that state. about the wedding in Britain (JN, RABBI MENACHEM LUBINSKY March 3). I underlined three words "Heavenly Father: "We thank thee on behalf of the which I and many more readers • of the Jewish News don't under- great spirit of -King Frederick. We stand. Next time please 'translate are grateful for his magnanimous in plain Yiddish. I read every line soul and for his self-sacrificial con- in your paper, and I do want to- Jribution to humanity. pray thee, Oh Lord, that know what I am reading. Thank Editor, The Jewish News: his image may not vanish from our Please pardon by belated letter you. SATURDAY earth. That forever will we be MRS. MEYER FENKEL regarding Dr. Edward Robbins' (Editorb s Note: Our apologies touched by his strength of heart SPRING for not explaining that halakhle and his role as a great human. SPECIAL! and halakhically pertain to Jewish Amen" law Ind that haham is the Se- phardic chief rabbi. The word Elderly Get Job Training Halakha, or Jewish Law, is regu- Travel SPecialists larly used in the columns of our in Philadelphia Project • Package Tours paper.) PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — The • Kibbutz Programs Jewish Family Service of Phila- • Student Programs delphia has launched a project to • Youth. Fares bring together two categories of elderly Jews—those who are un- • European Travel able to do minor household repairs • Cruites and those who either have such MORTON A. SILVERMAN POST knowledge or can be trained to do such repairs. 'will meet 10 a.m. Sunday at the 626-6624 JWV headquarters. - The "Home Handyman Project," financed by a $5,000 grant from the Philadelphia Foundation, will recruit handymen from senior citizens groups, according to Ben- jamin R. Sprafkin, JFS executive director. The elderly handymen will be paid an hourly rate for light maintenance chores. Limited Quantities! Agudd Official eniee4ncitenient Among-Soviet 01lin . SATURDAY SPRING SPECIAL! 3-Piece SPRING PANT SUIT Famous Maker! SATURDAY! $29 Moses Statues Nothing New ISRAEL . EUROPE FAMOUS MAKER JWV SAMPLE SPRING HAM TOURS Inc. SUITS! FOR ALL YOUR Mediterranean Groceries Shop at the ARMENIAN MARKET 19741 W. 7 Mile, 1 blk. E. of Evergreen we make the best FALAFEL, I MI10 S in town 538-4380 , Were $70 to $90! e -31wieut CUSTOM FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION Phone 549-7170 SATURDAY! $17 5 °$22" • Best Selection 9:30 A.M. Sharp!