▪ pAcimu Bank-Like - Vault at prtipsie Stores •-• Attack onJews . n—YlidaYi Mora 1°, 1972 Rare 'Boiiki;"Mizaiiii TrepSiireii driiitated Aniông - , • -1111E 14111Dir "11151111aYS PHILADELPHIA--Dropsie Uni- of mircofilMs which Dr. Katsh was Argentine Workers versity is utilizing the facilitie.s of able to acquire during five his BUENOS AIRES (JTA)—A right- a small vault to store its treasures visits to government libraries and wing politician's anti-Simitic pam- for. safekeeping. . - • museums in the USSR. phlet in the style - Of the 'Protocols STILL THE WORLPUARqES The "treasures" are rare books, • The Geniza fragments and of the Elders of Zion, is spreading- priceless manuscripts and micro- microfilms are from, that vast rapidly in Argentina, particularly Free Loaner 'Service films that are irrepliCeable; storehouse of biblical and Hebraica in the southern region of the coun- To Our Customers The combination t - the "safe" fragments discovered a century.ago try and among factory workers. o is known to Only one member of in Egypt in an old Cairo synago- The Jewish community, through WE SELL THE -MOST - the university staff. gue. Except for a privileged few, its representative body, the Dropsie is the repository of one the Antonin Geniza material has DAIA, has expressed growing con- of the largest collections of over been inaccessible to Western schol cern, especially as the newspaper, "REMEMBER'" 100,000 of publications and manu- ars. The only available catalogue Noticias, in the provincial city of scripts on • biblical and rabbinic of this material was prepared by Tucuman, has accepted the allega- learning, the Semitic languages, Dr. Katsh, and his book is -used tions against Jews as fact and WE GIVE 1PHE MOST Jewish history, Assyriology and as reference by scholars in the continues in its editorials to de- USSR. Egyptology. mand a full-scale investigation by MILT LEVIN WE CARE THE MOST RED STOTSKY The entire microfilm collection all government agencies. The basement vault at Dropsie Call 863-9300 Call 863 9300 The charge, that Jews are plot- is a paradise for both bibliophiles stored in the Dropsie vault, which ting to dismember Argentina and and scholars. Among its rarest also includes many other major 18650 LIVERNOIS, SOUTH OF SEVEN create, a Jewish state in Pata- treasures, now fully catalogued collections of rare Hebraica manuscripts and documents from gonia, the- country's southern- and annotated, are the 450 frag- most province, was first made ments from the Cairo Geniza with the USSR, Poland and Hungary, two months ago by Dr. Bever- each fragment over 1,000 years is now being catalogued and an- aggi Allende, a political science old in a double glass frame, and notated. There are also micro- professor, in an open letter to over 1,000 prints of the entire Mish- film copies of 400 rare manu- Jose Rued, secretary-general Of na and talmudic Antonin Geniza scripts acquired from the Vatican the powerful Peronista General which Dr. Abraham I. Katsh, pre- Library in Rome. sident of Dropsie, microfilmed at The vault, located next to the Confederation of Labor. Allende MAN OF the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Pub- Rare Book Rooms in the basement, claimed that - virtually all facets lic Library in Leningrad. These provides a permanent home in a of life in Argentina are con- are in addition to the thousands safe setting for many rare books, trolled by Jews. THE MONTH _ Noticias gave the Allende letter manuscripts and historical docu- ments on the American-Jewish front page prominence. Last week- For _February - Marseilles Jewry community given to Dropsie by end, it urged in an editorial that such historical figures as Isaac "The enemies of the country must fought energetically" and de- Told to Abandon Leeser, who founded the first con- be gregational Hebrew school in the manded rigorous punishment for the alleged conspirMors. The news- United States; Prof. Max L. Mar- Cemetery Today golis, noted biblical scholar, and paper k is a pleasure to announce that castigated government au- MARSEILLES (JTA)—Member s Moses Aaron Dropsie, who founded thorities for "not having inter- Donald W. Runde, C.L.U. vened in this matter notwithstand- of the Jewish community here ex - the university in 1905. pressed shock over a court dec i- has received the man-of-the-month award as the most outstanding Other priceless treasures stored ing the gravity of the purposes sion requiring the community t o in the fire-proof, steal-proof and attributed to the Jewish community Representative of our Detroit-Gold Agency. The award is in abandon the Jewish cemetery o f temperature-controlled vault, is a in Argentina." recognition of his excellent service to his _policyholders and our According to Noticias, this en- Trois Lucs, just outs:de the city . Bible Codex dating back to the 13th .4gency, and to empty the graves of th e century that was rescued from c ourages "speculation with our e cemetery. the Spanish Inquisition, fragments conomic needs and political di- Ruben Gold, C.L.U.',General . Agent In the mid-1960s, when a larg e from Coptic papyria, 32 incunabula isionS." 16900 W.,13 Mile — Suite 236 -- Southfield part of North African Jewry set - dating - back to the first printing of 354-6630 We are not to expect to-be trans- tied in southern France. North Af- books before 1500, rare oriental MASISACHUSILTTS MUTUAL. WS INSUM/114Cs COMPUINT ' Springfield. Ilrmarhuseits, Organixd 1851 rican Jewish leaders decided, in manuscripts in various languages lated from despotism to liberty in 171 :4 accordance with tradition, not to and the oldest Passover Hagada a featherbed.—Thomas Jefferson. bury their dead together with non- extant dating back to the 8th Cen- Jews. Most cemeteries in France tury. are mixed in that respect, includ- ing the Saint Pierre cemetery here. Accordingly, the new Jewish Most Israelis appose community here acquired a lot in the middle of Marseilles, but muni- Preventive Attack NWE YORK — Although many cipal officials, opposing the propos- ed Jewish cemetery as conflicting Israelis believe that another war with town planning projects, pro- between Israel and Egypt is likely to occur, an overwhelming pro- posed an exchange of lands. The Jewish community accepted portion is opposed to Israel's at- 1:f the ground, on which the Trois tacking Egypt before the latter's Lucs cemetery was set up. But the threats materialize. At the same time, 84 per cent Jewish Hevra Kadisha (burial \\* ,- society) of the Israelite Cultural of adult Israelis believe that the Association 'Of Marseilles failed to Israel 'defense force's retaliatory, O0 tt•I ‘ comply with French regulations attacks against guerrilla bases in for creation of a new cemetery. Arab countries are the right mea- sva'At° - Co. THE The owners of neighboring plots, sure to cope with terrorist acts. These attitudes are indicated in contending the presence of the new 0,. graveyard caused a decline in the recent polls conducted by Public de ' 4,5, 4, Opinion Research of Israel Ltd. prices of their plots, went to court' '9cb With over- 40,000 and reported here by the American oco s to stop the Jewish cemetery. - , Sq. ft. of Athletic Facilities: cP sitg- featuring 14 air-conditioned Squash & Handball A Marseilles court issued a Jewish Committee. Replying to the question "I)o fat- ROOM'aP'Ct series of Injunctions to the Hev- Courts you believe another war between ra Kadisha to stop burials in the PADottaALL -No extra charge for court time Israel and Egypt will take place Trois Lucs cemetery and to emp- ear8sHop 43. in the near future?" 23 per for further information and applications ty existing graves by today. The cent of Israelis in the poll an- Jewish community appealed the Please visit or contact our temporary s o u ps BILUARDi. swered In the affirmative, and 4 court orders, but the higher Aix- office trailer . 34 per cent replied "Maybe." CA' • en-Provence court ruled against ' -sr Only 32 per cent answered with 4tiss4ce 4,044 the community, 'finding that it a flat "No." had not met the regulations for a -.r e( SV..\ SOUTHFIELD ATHLETIC On the other hand, 67 per cent C4R0 R00,14s new cemetery. '4\1' Ti4 those questioned said "No" to CLUB INC.. Jewish religious law bars disin- of ' A-VIOLET the query "Would you say that terment of Jewish dead. 26555 Evergreen Israel should attack Egypt before Observant families of Jewish de- •(Egyptian Southfield, Michigan Anwar) Sa- ceased buried at Trois Lucs are dat carries President Phone: 355-0080 his threats? Only protesting bitterly "against both the 20 per cent out of the respondents Jewish community and French said "Yes." TOURS AVAILABLE authorities. The Hevra Kadisha has been Mon.-Fri.,9 A.M.-6 P.M. warned by the court it will have to Missouri Has 1st Jewish.' Sat. & Sun. TO A.M.-3 P.M. pay a fine for each day after today Appeals Court Judge - I Limited time only so act immediately that the court injunction has not KANSAS CITY, 31o. (JTA) — been complied with. Solbert M. Wasserstrom, a local GRAND OPENING– APRIL 1st. The case will be heard by the lawyer, has been named a , judge French Supreme Court, but the on the Missouri Court of ' Appeals. Aix court decision, under French Appointed by Gov. Warren E. law, must be obeyed meanwhile. Hearnes, he is believed to be the An association for the defense of first Jew appointed- to that court the Trois Lucs cemetery has been in the more than 150 years of formed. Missouri statehood. - • R w it* - tr SOUTHFIELD ATHLETIC CLUB '