8—Friday, March 3, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Vocational Services - See Boon in New Legislation for Handicaped Toronto Synagogue Split Over Youth Director tETTER BOX NEW YORK—The Jewish Oc- Previously, only sheltered work- Bernal Parents cupational Council (JOC), national shops for the blind could qualify. coordinating body for vocational Now, agencies serving other severe. Criticize Leaders services under Jewish auspices, handicaped can take part in has been designated one of six ly this program which promises an national nonprofit organizations to ongoing flow of work to communi- for 'Abandonnient' facilitate the allocation of govern- ty agencies. Editor, The Jewish News: ment orders or contracts to shel- The designation of JOC came As former students of the tered workshops for the handicap- from the coMmittaskfor purchase United Hebrew Schools and pre- ed under provisions of the recent- of produjiisil . ieivices, of the sently having two ,rhildren at the ly amended Wagner-O'Day-Javits blind and ether severely lumdi- Borman branch •we are eirncerised Act. JOC, acting in behalf of its sys- coped, d unit of the U21.-General with the abandonthent of iMpOrt- Administration. ant facets of •ATeWisis community tem of Jewish Vocational Services Services Henry.: B. Stern,40C *executive life by "leaderShip." (JVS) and other affiliated agen- director,' has ituresited that this cies, will expedite and authenti- Decisions are made undemo- cate mandatory purchasing of var- new legislation has attracted the cratically, without a true repre- ious supplies and services by fed- interest••of . Jewish VOcational -Ser- sentation of all segments sof the vices *hit see in 4t the lope of eral government agencies. serving more long-term 'clients. comm unit The,-Jewlch Occupational Council Thette riektroitfoisiii0* min' has responded by organizing a that as s:e shaPdon,aurrAeden speci4 workshop comMittee'ivhich our 'neighbothoods recently.ioncluded a two-day meet- our very glorious heritage, we are ing in Chicago. Alfred Miller, as- encouraging the young to also sociate executive director of Fed- abandon. The result is the loss of eration EMployment and Guidance our fine Jewith young people in Service (FEGS) of New York was the *images- abandoning their selected chairman of the commit- community and heritage, tee. Participating on the committee 1t18 Wheels% Dora,. Mich. DORIS AND •SAM TRON: are staff representives of the JYS, 20259 Bender of Detroit and ther cities . • Detroit 48219 , ; •SALES •SERVICE ' dIPRICE Edikr, The Jewish News: On-' the front page of the Feb. 4 issue of your paper was a state- ment by the Detroit Rabbinical Commission endorsing busing. In principle, I support their stand. Of course, we must abide by the judicial process when-fise _decision Is Made:; % But busing is only half the story. The Detroit Board of Edu- cation is in the red and is making a desperate effort to improve the quality of education offered bra ocholds.." Our background does not per- mit cultural separation and so- cial uncommunIcation. There- fore, there must be some spar you deal with jSHORE 12330 Jos. Campau 891-0600 Fleet Manager Res. U. 8-41T9 DON'T MAKE A COSTLY MISTAKE CALL US LAST Visit The Four Seasons LOOK BEYOIM THE. WROUGHT IRON FENCE AND THE WALL OF TREES Just as the federal government is willing to share some of its tax money with the cities, so .should our suburban communities share tax money with the Detflit schools on a temporary basis until"tide city improves its tax structure so that the DetrOit. schoonlysteni• c be self-sufficient and provide qual - ity education equal to the subu HENRY GALL, MD, 34518 Nine Mile Farmington 48024 One, two and three bedroom apartments. From 5295/month to 5575/month. now leasing. . the fou • Editor, The Jewish News: Why are congregations and rab- bis in our community choosing Purim night, traditionally reserved for the Purim seuda, for public lectures, thereby destroying an es- tablished custom of keeping fami- lies together on Purim night? Purim is a time for family re- joicing in the victory over enemies who sought our destruction. There is Shushan Purim that can be re- served for lectures. Let's go back— a la "The Fiddler," to Tradition! OffICI MON. 10-Sr MIL MAU SAT. 10-5; SUN. 12.5 Oft SY HOUR& APPOO4DAIDO — ; DA Y ow/ WEDNESDAY 1111111hr , TOURS To PESACH Taws TERAELw FEATURING: 1. Pesach in Jerusalem. 2. 3 meals a day during the week of Pesach and 2 meals at other times. 3. First class hotels as per our itineraries. 4. Complete sightseeing including Massada and Eilat. Tour I March 20-April 10 Tour II March 27-April 17 Tour III March 26-April 20 Tour IV Passover & Independence Day Tour - S'Oaser. DEFENDER OF PURIM SEUDA FOR Mumma $1050 $1065 $1195 March Ms-April 23 _ Tour V March 27 April 17 with Pesach in Tel Aviv $1265 $1065 ladopoadkrowe flay E Le* April 17.May 8 . 8980 Huteds of other flights haat 3355 up. For Further Information Call or Write MIZRACHI TOURS 23125. Coolidge, Oak.Park 398-7180 • . Purim Seuda Defended 2945 Woodward Ave. north of Hickory Grove Road Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013 - Phone (313)338-1800 itt Advance Barber Shop and MfM'S Harstying Salon . JACQUES BIECHELE Advance Office Building 2307KOrianfield Road 9 69, We/dr Michigan 48075 Gall for'and appt. Telephone 557-0244 SOL The - PRINCETON MOP The latest fashions for sea 6. to 40 20072 W. 7 Mile- Eve a: .rolln •ICE 3-4310 MR of school fonds to improve the quality at education in the Detroit sehooli. Along Woodward, just north of Hickory Grove Road. You'll find a part of Bloomfield you never knew existed. Satisfy your living needs with one of six designer f oor plan options. MIZRACHI said that 131 proxy votes lhad been counted incorrectly and the result was 369 votes for the motion and 364 against. For the Mist Eelegant Bar Mitzva Suits in Town with the Finest Fit Slims and 'Huskies Too! PLUS all the latest - Fashions for: Men . 6 to Doctor Offers Plan to Aid. City Schools. LEASING ALL MAKES You get more when 891-2360 TORONTO—A dispute over ed- ucational philosophy between the rabbi of one of the largest syna- gogues in North America and his youth and education director came to a head recently after weeks of argument. The controversy is said to be over direction of the congrega- tional school—Rabbi Stuart Rosen- berg taking the "traditional struc- ture" view and the youth director, Rabbi Ben, Hollander, supporting an "open,:insituctured,plao." -Rabbi' Rosenberg is Vacked;44.• the timid Of governors,and R Rellander hy.the "Ad Hoc-Parente Cedimittee2" Recently, 2,000 members of Beth Tzedec attended a meeting to vote on a recommendation to the board of governors to reconsider the non- raeitif of Ifellander's'Itonfiactj.-- The *tied: was 'announced to have received .540 -Stott* An laeOr. HildindetAind 234' But a few d4,ri later, the trust com- pany responsible for the balloting 1 Indianapolis Federation Picks 2 Student Interns INDIANAPOLIS (JTA) — The Jewish Welfare Federation here has reported that an Indianapolis high school senior and an Indiana University graduate school student have been chosen as the first par- ticipants in a - federation intern- ship project. The JWF board al- located $2,000 for the project. I INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO AN ALL :ISRAEL PROGRAM Dedicated to the B'nai B'rith MARTYRS FOREST 15, YOU WILL SEE ONE OF THE LATE FILMS ON ISRAEL "CHANGING LAND" The Guest Speaker of the Evening RABBI NOAH GAMZE of the Downtown Synagogue Each Tree Puichased by Wnai Wriih Members Will Give "You an Omortunity For a Free Trip to Isra el ' -MORE DETAILS AT THIS _MEETING ilonday,liatch 6, 1972 8:30p.m. _ NA1 -- DAVID SYNAGOGUE SOUTHRELD ROAD, NORTH OF 544 MILE ROAD Refreshments and Social Hour Will Follow Fraternally, John Anstandig, President