t. 14c 5; *L.1,51'fl 1"..: TilUill111101T JEMSN NEWS 6—Friday, Aiwa 3, 1972 VerIZCO ELECTRON IC.- OPENER GARAGE DOOR (Continued from Page 1) ZOA "to reconsider its action...Nal return to the united Zionist !WW1 In response, Weisman declared that the .20A 's decision " in no way" violates , :this..e906Ortittly‘ the WZO$eriAtryl Of Lowest Rental purchwe-1 optung BEST.SERVIC Factory tra)ned ezpe Quickest Results ADD-n-TYPE` SHOPS,;_, 342-7800 INC' /ermsose- - FORWICK SALE R YOUR UNWANTED -USED FURS El-Mars Suburban Shop Eleanor Heyman Marion Feuerman We are now accepting your furs in our new, enlarged building. Monday thru Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. . . . No Phone Calls, Please. WE CAN SELL YOUR MINK COATS, JACKETS, STOLES, FUN FURS, PERSIANS, FUR TRIMMED SWEATERS, etr..WITH FAST RESULTS. 13661 W. 11 Mile, just west of Coolidge Oak Park, Mich. REMEMBER We're number one and we didn't get this way by being selfish WE GIVE A LITTLE BIT MORE AT OLDSMOBILE IN C on New Yiddish Weekly Published-.in N.Y. ZOA Asked to Rethink Withdrawal oil nr -wh ,..:- 28000 TELEGRAPH AT TEL-TWELVE MALL SOUTHFIELO. LVIICHIL3A1\1_48075• 354-3300 21411,-,Comires4... • • faarbi New -Yorli noVlitr. lir -:'..1iiissalenPliz".iellid"-''`with any authefity to alter the ZOA's deciilonto;witkitaw from the Fed' (1106hi smah for Zionist unity by Rabbi Miller, Schenkezvand Mrs. Faye L. Schenk, pKesidenti:tof ,Hadas.sah, „"sounds own frono* -,in the pai-lisafe rianeuversAming- the re- cent election campaign to the Zi- onist Congresti,:" Weisman was re- .ferring the ZO.A!zr difference :lhe election'" of -*lb the.; delegatei to -the Colfgrels: Mrs. Schenk stated last week that the ZOA's decision to withdraw "will perforce dissipate our energies in unworthy inter-organizational com- petition, confUsing thejinblic, ren- dering a distervice M.fselel and hindering rattier than tlurthering Zionist ebjectives." In,. his statement, Weisman re- affirined the ZOA's decision and its implementation "in order to pre-serve the independence and in- dividuality of its .awn programs. We do not propose to continue to waste long hours in debate in the Federation's committees. On both the national and local levels, this las proven an exercise in utter futility." He noted further that "the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica is convinced that its leadership and members can do" far more for Zionism, Israel and the American Jewish community through its-,own , ongoing and manifold programs." The World Zionist Organization Executive called Monday unani- mously on the ZOA to reconsider its decision. The executive met under the chairmanship of Aryeh L. Dulzin, treasurer of the Jewish Agency and president of the World Union of General Zionist with which the WA is affiliated. Weddings Dispute/1,7.-- in" British Community; Chief Rabbi Rebuked LONDON—The "Who is a Jew" issue is not unique to Israel, judg- ing by the controversy that has erupted here over the halakhic ac- ceptability of marriages performed by Progressive (Reform) rabbis. As the result of a memorandum presented by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and approved by the. chief rabbi of Great Britain, the leader of an Orthodox body de- clared that neither the board nor the chief rabbi (and his counter- part Sephardic haham) can be trusted to deal with the board's religious matters. Morris Lederman, president of the traditional Federation of Synagogues, said that the mem- orandum prepared by the board for the law commission's "work- ing party on the solemnization of marriages" included a passage that apnears to imply differences in marriage procedures of the - Orthodox and Progressive sec- tions are only "minor." Lederman said the federation will "never return to the Board of Deputies until it is halakhically possible to do so." The memorandum marks the board's first official intervention in a controversial religious matter after the amendment of a consti- tuitional clause which granted con- sultative status to the religious leaders of the Progressive com- munity. Orthodox rabbis argue ,that the offensive passage in -the board memorandum was a diiect result of the amendment, which they as- sert is contrary to Jewish law. - NEW YORK (JTA) — A new Yiddish-language weekly news- paper, "Der Algemeiner Journal," published its first issue of 20,000 copies Feb. 23i-faccording to its editor:,,Gershon..ncobson. Jacob- *, whoi.,WaX tifi editor of the Day journal, which ceased publication last Dec. 28, said he intended Ao; attract most of the former readers of the defunct 4a117-a: '',Participants in the first issue of Der Algemeiner Journal include former editors and staff writers of the Day"- Journal such as B. Z. :Goldberg; D. L. Meckler, former chief editor; Dr. Hale' Seidman who wrote the weekly Torah por- tion; and A. Alperin, former man- aging editor. Der Algemeiner Journal, said Jacobson, will cov- er all news in depth and give par- ticular emrauisis to Jewish com- munal deVelojiments, ,.on political, social, - religious • and:- cultural events, and will project a political- ly independent . editorial policy. The 10-page paper is published by Der Algemeiner Journal Cor- poration whose president is N. Seldis,,a New York businessman, and sells for 25 cents. According to Jacobson, the corporation was established by a group of well-to-do businessmen interested in promot- ing the idea of Jewish identity and information among the •wide mass- es of American Jewry. Jacobson said that if the weekly venture is successful, it will be ex- panded into a bi-weeldy (Fridays and Sundays) and eventually, per. haps into a daily. Jerry Stodart is now at The North Park Barber Salon 16500 NORTH PARK DRIVE ON THE LODGE SERVICE DRIVE ICCadihi g Southfield 358-0277 By Appointment TOUR' PERSONAL. SHIRTMAKERS Invite You Ernest Drucker Judy Black collarsx to_ sej_w4ich -- style is ,.-- To try-on actual 7 efit)cise from over 700 fabrics, incl. knits and dacron blends. • collar sized to 118. inch • sleeves sized and tapered • body shaped as you like it • measurements recorded for • cuffs fitted to your wrist easy reorder From $10.50, min. order four - (- SHIRTS MADE IN OUR OWN'LjCAL SHOP. Businessmen phone for in-office fitting service. Open 10-5:30 Daily: Thursday III 9 PAL executive custom shirt makers, inc. MERRILLWOOD MALL • MERRILL & S. WOODWARD R BIMINGHAM. MICHIGAN ACROSS FROM SMMINGHAM THEATRE FOR APPOINTMENT PRONE 642.04E0 SPITZIR'S 00 LITCH IK)G A.GRAALpLiis PICASSO LITHOGRAPHS 79. $100,0e. 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