TR! DETROIT abysm:NEWS Friday,- March. 3, 1972-47 Rabbi Eisenman-Dies in Israel OBITUARIES Rabbi Joseph Eisenman,.a highly regarded Orthodox leader -in the Detroit community for nearly 40 MICHAEL G. BARDI, 23110 Twain, died Feb. 25. He leaves his years before moving to Israel, died Webster, -Oak Park, died Feb. '24. wife, Rose; a daughter, Mrs. Her- brothers, Albert Simons, Cal Sim Sunday at age 98. He was buried Simons. Survived by his wife, Etta; ttvo man J. (Shirley) Utchenik; one ons and Leonard in Jerusalem., , • • • daughters, Edna and Susan and brother, one sister and one grand- Rabbi Eisenman's survivors in LILLIAN TENNEN, 23105 Provi- one sister. child. clude a son, Irving of Detroit; four- dence, Southfield, died Feb. 28. • • • • • • daughters, Mrs. Harry Kraft and She leaves three brothers, Dr. REBECCA BERLIN, 23061 Clo- REGINA PILLINGER, 23431 Mrs. Alvin Lynn, both of Detroit, Dr. Leo and Dr. R. Robert verlawn; Oak Park, died Feb. 25. Parklawn, Oak Park, died Feb. David, Mrs. Joseph Schwarlzberg of Survived by a son, Nathan Strick- 29. Survived by her husband, Kallman; a sister, Mrs. Morris grandchildren. Shaker Heights, 0., and Mrs.- Ben stein; a daughter, Mrs. Ir yin Louis; a daughter, Mrs. Samuel (Rose) Bakst; two • Aronson of Indianapolis; 13 grand- (Helen) Baker; three brothers, two (Helen) Hauser; and four grand- ALBERT TESSLER, 23600 Coach children and 32 great-granchildren. sisters and two grandchildren. children. House, Southfield, died Feb. 27. He • • • Before making* ally& in 1949, - leaves his wife, Frances; two sons, Rabbi - Eisenmin served Conga. SUSAN- BUXBAUM, 2:29 Som- Paul and Richard; one brother, HARRY PRIESONT, 19100 W. Beth Tefilo Emanuel Mint • and erset, erset, Troy, died Feb. 26. She Seven Mile Rd., died Feb. 26. one sister and one grandchild. Baal Jacob and was an • active. • • • leaves her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Survived by a son, Sol; a daughter, supporter of - Yeshiva& Chaeb- Martin Buxbaum of Miami; and a Mrs. Sidney (Ann) Sager; one FREDA R. WISOK, 17220 W. 11 mey Lublin; For the.. last 25 sister, Mrs, Leonard (Joel)) Graber brother, eight grandchildren apd Mile, Southfield, died Feb. 28. She RABBI JOSEPH =SERBIAN years of his life, be _was coat. of. Merrick, L.L Interment New 15 great-grandchildren. leaves her husband, Robert S.; earned -mainly. with - the. support Eisenman rented a house t in Shem- York. three daughters, Mrs. Harold * * * of Wear -choleni.- Hospital IR °el Haney/ St., on the border of ('Marcia) Alper t, Mrs. John BIRDIE SCHER•ER, 825 Whit- 'Donna) Cohen and Mrs. Emery Jerusaleiiii, of . *bleb be was - a - no-man's land. Aimed Jordanian MILDRED COWAN, 16300 W member of the board.of trustees. Legionnaires could be seen from Nine Mile, Southfield, died Feb. 26. nore, died Feb. 25. She leaves a (Lori Jacobs) Spenilli; three broth- He also hadraerved'as American his windows, patroling the area, She leaves a - son, Judge Charles brother, Sidney Michelson; and .a ers, •two sisters and seven grand- representative of.Shiarey Chased and' often shots were exchanged. Kaufman; a daughter, Mrs. Helen lister, Lucille Michelson of Tucson. children. • • • Gemiluth Chassodinz Free Loan His friends urged him to move to Tausig - of T'rotwood, O.; one Society in 4erusalem.. PEARL StFIWARTZ, 19266 Tele- a safer location hut he stubbornly brother, one sister, five grandchil- graph, died March L Survived Born - in-- -Lublini--.Poland, Rabbi - refused, saying "We are not afraid dren and one great-grandchild. • • • by two sisters, Mrs. Harold Eisenman began his study for the of them." LENA FACTOR, 16219 Tuller, (Gertrude) Chaifetz and Mrs. Sid- rabbinate at age 13-in the Slobodka For the past 10 years, he was- a Yeshiva in Lithuania; He received resident of the incur Cholem hos- died Feb. 24. She leaves two daugh- ney (Lillian) Loren. • • • senuldia in 1901 by the world- pital. In recognition of his many ters, Mrs. Frank (Sarah) Foley renowned Rabbi -Spector of Kovno, years' service, the hospital had and Mrs, Robert (Sylvia) Barnard BELLE SHAPERO, 15100 W. 10 Doting the coating week Yeshiva Beth Rabbi Zierlson Of. Bucharest and arranged for him a private room if Dublin; three grandchildren and Mile, Oak Park, died Feb. 26. She Yelled* will observe leaves two sons, Don of Palo Alto, Rabbi Rabinovitz ofhfinsk. --At age where he lived, studied and re- four great-grandchildren. • • • the Yahrzeit the Calif., and Jerome; a daughter, 23, he married Michle Liberman, ceived visitors. following dopartad SIMON FELDMAN, 19100 W. Mrs. Mark (Betty) Howard; - one daughter of the last of a line -of friends, with the Seven Mile Rd., died Feb. 27. Sur- sister and six grandchildren. five generations_of- rabbis in Lithu- traditional Memorial More Obituaries vived by his wife, Mamie S.; two • • • ania.-He.serVedingostow - -Russia, Prayers, racialist r _ RAGE, 18.- sons, Jack J._ of DaYton and - FLORA SIMON, former Detroit- from 1905 to 1907, corning bi` of Kaddish and stu- Daillet-W: - of Beechwood,- 0-.;-- two er- .of Silver Spring, Md., died trait in. 1910. dying of Mishima**. daughters, Mrs. Samuel.. (Sue) March 1. She leaves two , sons, Here; he was president of the Schugar and Mri. Eugene (Shir- Samuel of Detroit Fred; a ADAR MAIL Council of Orthodox Rabbis and ley) Valcour of San Diego; three daughter; Mrs. Barrett (Phyllis) 19 played an important role in the S. Friedman brothers, three sisters, five grand- Parker; one brother; 19 Loo Barth one sister, Yeshivath Beth Yehuda and Agu- 19 children and two great-grandchil- eight grandchildren and six great- Charles Drescher dath IsraeL - - ' 19 Anne Jospey, a member of many dren. Eva Shlalunan grandchildren. Interment Detroit. To-illustria:lifi faith in Israel, Jewish communal organizations, 19 Julius Wasserman • • * • • • 19 Rachel-Scharr upon arrival, In Jerusalem, Rabbi died Monday at age 55. 19 Herold Herman JENNIE FRIEDMAN, 19100 DR. LEON SIMON, 12745 North- 19 Harry Raskin Mrs. Jospey, 27887 Fairway W. Seven Mile Rd., died Feb. 25. Mayer Weisberg 19 field, Oak Park, died Feb. 28. He' Hills; Franklin, was a member of Survived by a son, Louis; two leaves Rebecca Kezar 19 his wife, Marilyn; three William Schwartzman 20 the board of directors of the Jew- daughters, Mrs. Sam (Becky) The Family of the Late ish Welfare Federation women's Weinman and Mrs. Nathan (Sadie) Abraham M. Kroplak 20 20 Katie Zeigler division and was active in the Sandler; six grandchildren and 14 Meyer Tarnopol, 74 SOPHIE (COUFF) 20 Bessie Baskin Allied Jewish Campaign., She be- great.grandchildren. Hadassah Wein* ' 20 -VALENSICY Meyer Tarnopol, co-owner of the 20 Moyer Nusbaum • • • longed to Hadas- 21 Lillian Bluestein General Smoke Fish Co. in the sah, Women's Acknowledgei witil-grate= JOSEPH GILBUR died March • 21 Leah Menuck American ORT 21 Bessie Bulkin 1. He leaves his wife Ida; a son, Eastern Market, died Feb. 26 at ful appreciation the many.. age 74. 21 Anna Cheusky Temple Emanu-: kind expressions of sym- Donald; a daughter, Mrs. William Hyman Lerner 21 Mr. Tarnopol, 18633 Beech Daly, El and the board 21 Fa!vel Applebaum pathy extended by rela- I. (Leatrice) Miller; two brothers, Sylvia Slivehstein 21 of the Brandeis three sisters and -four grandchil- was a native of Odessa, Russia, tives and friends daring. Abraham Marcus 21 and came to this country at age 4. University Na- dren. the family's recent be- 21 Jacob Chaben • • • Meyer Schwartz 21 He lived in Detroit since 1921. A tional Women's reavenient.: Abraham Dubrinsky 22 charter - Committee. She and life member of the LILLIAN P. K A N E, 19744 Abraham Martin 22 Sadie Tzevine also was active • 22 Coyle, died Feb. 26. Survived by Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Group of Fannie Katz 22 for Israel Bonds. her husband, Albert L., and two City of Hope, Mr. Tarnopol- also Harry Marwil 22 belonged to Knights of Pythias, Born in Hungary, sisters. Louis Barsky 22 Roy Radnor * • • Jericho Lodge of the Odd Fellows. 22 she lived in. the Mrs. Jospey... Nathan Shecter 22 The Family of the Late He leaves his wife, Esther; two Detroit area 35 years. Leopold Hirsch MAX KATZ, 20023 Heyden, died 22 Yitzchock Zemel 22 Survivors are her husband, Max- Feb. 27. Survived by his wife, Rae; sons, Gerald of Los Angeles and Norman Fill 23 DR. JULIUS Y. well; two daughters, Jane and Mrs. three daughters, Mrs. Gabriel Nathaniel of New York; a brother, Sylvia Miller 23 Michael (Susan) Jacob; her mother, (Helen) Schonberg, Mrs. Bernard Irving of Los Angeles; six grand- • BURNSTINE Alexander Farber 23 Hattie Oppenhiem 23 Mrs. Sigmond (Mary) Barna; and (Beverly) Buchman of Cleveland children and one great-grandchild. Announces the unveil:01g Rebecca Lipshitz 23 two sisters, Mrs. Herman (Magda) Heights and Mrs. Victor (Reese) Nathan Kane 23 of a monument in his Meer, Goldberg 23 Fox and Mrs. Seymour (Lily) Polk Lakits; two brothers and seven memory 11 am. Sunday, Rachel 1, ElIenson 24 A. of California. grandchildren. March 5 at. Ades Shalom 'Jacob Weinschenk 24 Abraham Deroven 24 • • • DETROIT Cemetery. Rabbi Arm will Morris I. Medow 25 MIRIAM KRAVITZ, 19100 W. officiate.. Relatives a n d MONUMENT WORKS Harry Ehrlich Ban Zion Freeman,-60, Seven 25 11 Jessie Barris Mile Rd., died Feb. 24. Sur- 25 friends are asked to at- 11 Robert Levin 25 11 Hospital Pharmacist vived by a son, Henry Cranston Alex Goldberg 23 11 E•• )1•: - Anna Katz 25 11 Ben Zion Freeman, a pharma- of Weston, Ont.; four daughters, Ephraim Cohn 25 11 cist at Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital, Mrs. Philip (Reka) Goldstein, Mrs. Sarah Kaplan 25 '11 Shifra Freed died Feb. 22, following an auto- Jack (Bertha) Feinstein of Dune- 25 11 Fos Sapperstein din, Fla., Mrs. Fay Friel of Liver- 25 11 mobile accident. He was 60. MOta/AtEtit- CENTER, Ell Autcevaley 23 11 The Former ownerof Freeman Phar- ponl and Mrs. Ten (Evelyn) Town- ot Ite Late_ 1141 R. • MILL FERNDALE macy at Plymouth and Greenfield sent- of London; three sisters, 16 11/2 Blocks E. of Woodward Yeshivoth Beth Yebedeb 0 Elks from 3 Jewish MORRIS KEVIN-. Rds., Mr. Freeman, 20222 Braile, grandchildren and 15 great-grand- 15751 W. 10//s Mi., Southfield CeMeteries on Woodward is survived by his wife, Mamie; children.. Announces t h e unveiling • • • , LI 2112110. JO 45157 Phone 1574750 his father, Israel of Toronto;„ tw6 of a • monument in his - sons, Paul J. of San Gabriel, Calif., STUART P. LAWTON, 15837 memory 11 atm. Sunday,: - George Washington, Southfield, and Herschel C. Ann Arbor; a March -12, at Westwood daughter, Mrs. Irva (Eeta) Ger- died Feb. 24. He leaves his parents, Cemetery, 26200 Michigan AND show; two brothers, Drs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lawton; two Ave., Inkster. RabbL Arm and Stanley, both of- Willowdale, brothers, Howard and Robert; and will offielate. Relatives Ont.; two sisters, Mrs. Philip his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. and. friends are asked to -7e:e e € i.c'Neu cc& cud (Shirley) Hornfield of Israel and Sam Lefkowitz and Mr. Sam Fine. attend.- . - I, -r. Pe, w ∎ ci Plarufi Lirto , h 8. S,1 • • • Mrs. Jack (Kayla} Marcus of Den- ver; and three grandchildren. JACK PECHENICK, 18931 Mark - . WE REMEMBER ri- imrx mine Anne- Jospey, 55; Active in Drive - . • . BERG m KaufmanChapelInc , . Worldwide Service 18325 W. 9 MILE RD., SOUTHFIELD URBACH