THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating - The Detroit Jewish' Chronicle= commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 ... Member American Assoefttion of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Assad. shun Published every- Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 4807E Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $8 a year. Foreign $9 PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor • DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 18th day of Adar, 5732, the following scriptural selections mill be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portions, Erod. 30:11-34:35, Num. 19:1-22. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 36:1638. Candle lighting, Friday, March 3. 6:06 p.m. VOL. LX, No. 25 - Page Four March 3, 1972 Hebrew in Southfield High School Southfield's Board of Education has the duty of Jews to learn Hebrew• in order earned the gratitude of the Jewish community to understand the prayers that are usually and the appreciation of •linguists for the ac- tion taken in approving a course in modern recited without knowledge of their _meaning. There is the Bible—a factor never to be Hebrew, to be introduced in the Southfield forgotten. Study of Holy Scriptures in the High School in September. There are several factors involved in the original is a duty not to be overlooked by advocacy of a Hebrew course in our high those for whom scholarship must assume schools, which was expressed by us editorial- great depth, originality, getting at the source ly on July 9, 1971. In the first place, there and attaining fullest acquisition of related is the great need of continuing emphasis on facts. Modern Hebrew can accomplish the language studies as a vital part of a• com- task described in the aims outlined by- the plete educational a p p r o a ch in our high Southfield High School Board of Education schools. There has been a lessening of such —attainment of a speaking as well as emphases. Not so many years ago, the study writing knowledge of the ancient tongue that been revived in the Zionist ideology—and Laqueur Shows_ East Europea of Latin was compulsory in some schools, has theo- Greek was considered a necessity by others at the-- same time make it possible for and in the- oldest universities in Amerita logians and students of Bible, Prophets, Tal- Support for Israel in 1967 Hebrew was a study of love among scholars. mud, Mishna, to attain a knowledge that will Walter Laqueur, currently director• of the - Tel Aviv University Also, there was-a time when German was make the scriptural writings understandable. . Dr. Meriyn Lakin, president of the Institute of Contemporary History, presents an important analysis of compulsory for medical students, and French postwar period, its economic and cultural treads, the- political and was craved for since travel abroad nearly Southfield Board_of Education, - expressed-en- the always included Paris. Hebrew had been vital thusiasm over the unanimous action of his social developments of the past two -decades, in `5Europe Since Hitler." First published as "The Rebirth of Europe" by Holt, Rinehart and for theological students and a school of higher board in introducing a Modern Hebrew I Winston, in 1970, it has just been reissued as a Pelican paperback by learning was not worth its salt if it did not course. As a cultural attainment, all South- Penguin Books. teach classical Hebrew. Now we have a new field residents have cause to rejoice over Dr. Laqueur views Europe as possessing "a surprising capacity need—the teaching of modern Hebrew so such an action. Now we await similar action for survival," as a continent that had been considered dead for a that the tens .upon tens of thousands of vis- by the Oak Park Board of Education,, which thousand years. His contention is: itors to Israel may have a smattering of knowl- has already indicated a deep interest in the "The age of European political predontiaanee has ended but edge of the language, so that the tongue proposal. no other center has so far wrenched from Europe the torch of civilization. In a wider sense the Europ an age - has spoken by the builders of a high-ranking so- e only begun." With the educational boards acting favor- Russia's role is taken into serious consideration, and Dr. Laqueur ciety in the Middle East may be reached lin- ably in the matter, the obligation now rests comments on the Six-Day War. He makes the interesting observation guistically by friends everywhere, and •so a long:requested that there WEE support for Isriel in Eastern Europe Hestates: that the link in the American-Israel friend- g upon a the students to make the- g in new courses 'The extent Soviet responsibility for the. Syrian war scare in ship may be strengthened. _ - fnr-Meb fery " arid Je wish n studies. And it will May 1967 which of triggered the war between Israel and the Arab For Jews there_is-the specianilip - eai=of be well for parents not only_ to encourage states has not been clearly off established; it is doubtful whether the being able-=t with kinsmen abroad: their children to enroll in such courses, but Soviet Union would have been able to prevent the war even if it in many countries, where Yiddish is no themselves to pursue such studies: it is often wanted to. Nor could it, according to the rules of the game, give direct longer the medium of expression there is good for parent to meet child on equal military support in 1967 to its* allies in the Arab world, provided America did not intervene in the conflict. The war which ended in a developing a Hebraist spirit; and there is ground. , . defeat for Egypt and Syria did not weaken the Soviet position in the Middle East, but it had repercussions in eastern Europe which were undesirable from the Soviet point of view. Mosemes one-sided support for the Arab governments was not popular with all European Com- munists. The leading west European Communist parties supported the Soviet line without much enthusiasm, and as a result relations between them and the left in their countries even became strained. Even in eastern Etirope there was some support for Israel and -a great deal of Schadenfrende that the Soviet Union had suffered a defeat by proxy, Self-Immolation by a Jewish Hater of Israel How can one hate his people to such a degree as to finance 'distribution, in the form of a full-page advertisement in the New York Times, misrepresentation of facts regarding Israel and American Jewry? That's what Alfred Lilienthal did last week. He gave the impression that there was an allo- cation of $3,500 per capita of American funds to every Israeli. He included in charity funds Beth Din Tradition Dedication of a new building of Detroit's Vaad Harabonim—the Council of Orthodox Rabbis--draws attention to the inclusion in it of the Fischer Rabbinical Court Chamber as a memorial to Rabbi Moses Fischer. This "Court Chamber" is to be, in effect, s'a con- tinuation Of a Beth Din, an arbitration trib- unal, to settle religious disputes. A Beth Din functioned in Detroit many years ago under auspices of the Jewish Com- munity Council, and it performed valuable services in matters that could have brought strictly internal Jewish issues into public dis- pute. A continuing Council arbitration com- mittee perpetuates these obligations. Through a Jewish tribunal .there is an avoidance of washing our linens in public when some re- grettable incidents oecur. It is to the credit. of the Council of Rabbis that such a vital Jewish tradition should be pursued and perpetuated. Several prominent Detroit families have established valuable functions in the new - headquarters of the local Orthodox rabbi- nate, and the Beth Din as well as - the Talmud study room deserve specitd,etteution in the acclaim to be given them at =the rabbis' 'an- nual dinner next we ek - orn:q 1 .m.s AZI the investments in Israel Bonds. He linked the fantastically vitriolic analyses with the sums repaid to the United States by Israel and the large amounts of our philanthropic funds that went to rescue Jews from Nazism and to rehabilitate those who survived Hitler- ism. But and this by an adversary that had been consistently underrated. Worse Yet, the Israeli victory gave a great uplift to the latent mood of revolt in Czechoslovakia and Poland. It constituted an additional link in the chain of misfortunes that befell the Soviet Union on the international scene in 1957-67." the Hitler experience apparently means nothing to Lilienthal. He is concerned only with destroying Israel. We do not know whether he is a temple-Jew or whether the mere mention of Israel in relation to him 'Heroes. of Israel' — Two Women turns him off the human side of his heritage. The fact is that never before has anything 11 Men Among Builders of Zion as misleading and as vituperative been pub- lished anywhere, even in those Arab news- Israel is synonymous with pioneering—and with courage. That papers in which there was -resort to the out- is why the builders of Zion can be interlinked easily with bravery and with determination. rageous ritual murder charge against Jews. In a sense, what Lilienthal did was in Morris Rosenbaum has compiled an interesting series of sketches itself a ritual murder libel against his own about the men—and two women--who are foremost among the creative Zionist elements. In "Heroes of Israel," published by Fleet Press, he people. It was a resort to such hatred , that has we will be greatly surprised if the. Arabs and written 13 stories--one about the historic background of Israel about the land to which its people has made its return as re- themselves -won't be shocked out of their and the others about the heroes. - wits by the outrage committed in the Jump- builders, Golda Meir and Humid) Senesh are the two women in the ing of unrelated figuies is if Jews were - be- group. The men, who are wen-depicted, include: Theodor Herzl, ing handed out vast billions of Americas Chaim Welzmann, David Ben-Gnrion, Joseph Trumpeldor, Dieser funds illegally, dishonestly, immorally. - Ben Yehuda, Hannah-Mickey Marcus, Ylgael Yadin, Yigal Anon, Moshe Dayanr and Shmuel Want - Avon: The criticism of the New York Miles may be justified. We had - similar experiences in archeologists There is a cross-section of heroes among these statesmen, writers, and warriors. dealing with letter writers to a load newspa- Each of the biographical sketches is accompanied by a photograph per•which published anything submitted by of the hero or heroine, although be did not devote a special chap- Arab lie-spreaders without checking on the ter to him, the author and has included a piece, Abbe Ehan and truth of the submitted copy. But the culprit also his photograph. ' is a Jew—one of three• we know . of who had` In the initial story about "The Land of Israel," ROsenbaunt gives Served as moirim—worse than informers be- an account-of Ahad HaAin and Baron. Edmond de Rothschild, and be cause they were not tellincthe truth—and bas not failed to refer to Sir Moods Haim igoltatiare, to Max Norden, to who - were exprissing self-hatred' ,with - such Henrietta Siold, Moshe Sharett,"Itsludi Basa-Zyt; VIliclimir Zvi Jabotin- animosity for their own kinsmen that sel- sky, Itzhak Rabin and others—thesiimbinchis story complete Insofar as major Zionist and Israeli leadowdzip-iseetnacorned. - clom;11.-ewer, is such fantastic" moral self- "Heroes of Israel" is a merikeloos -wank end adults swill benefit i ariPilialkief+Wa , . k %A l it+ i-nial!•. S13.5164tiaiBifil ias P1V91111FeMER5fraWirlinft.?vas - written'