34— Flidate i - 0 111 0;, X14 n; ■ V07 • THE IIIMIT:11141#0 111 N-- 1- -Tossman . Hea ,"• Michael Afacldin to Receive:Award., Michael W. Maddin him been campaign. coordinator of the junior named recipient of, the - William IL division for the 1972 Allied Jewish Boesky Award- -:-, for , , Outstanding :campaign-Israel Emergeney:,Fund, Leadership. Preientaition of the and immediate past president. of award and a commemorative the junior:: Jfe -1144q ATP' plaque will beviade at the Jewish Asenfrk, that, division- n the board Welfare Federation board:tit -90Y-, Oft!directorti of the - 2ewish Coin- ernors meeting; Ttiesday by Presi- inunitY Center- dent Alan E. Schwartz. /1119:serVed on the boards The award is` give amkitigbjo 0C. the Jewisi-Vtielitional Service- a member of the conummity•Workshop and Fresh Federation's jai: _Air Society. He if freasurer,and. for division who 'financial seeretarY: of Shiarey has made an Zedek Young- Married League. standing - contri- bution of service in the Jewish community. The recipient alsaset. tends the j Young Leader- ship Conference In March, the University of of t h ef,,United Aladdin. Jewish Appeal and CJFWF held Michigan Hillel Foundation will feature two series, the first of annually S-, Maddi* partner in the • Detroit which is the annual Osias Zwerd:, firm of liaddin and Maddln, attor- ling Lecture Series. Prof- S. D..Goitein, professor at neys, is a graduate of the Univer- for Advanced Spdigs, sity of Michigan and the -Wayne the will4rasent State University Law School; He'is Princetint three leaures: "Women as Creators ofLiterarY Genres in the.Old Testament," .4 p.m. Mar& 20 at Angell' Hall; "The Living Sea Scrolls: Jewish Life as ;-Illustrated by the Poen:. ments of the Geniza," 8:15 p.m., Dr. Moshe Weiss, _national vice March 20 at Beth- Israel cmpit1•1 president of Mizrachi, will give a and,"Thterfidtlf Relitioni as Docti:' report on the World Zionist Con- mented in the Writings of the Cairo gress at a public meeting of . De" Geniza," 4 p.m., March 21 at An- troit Mizrach-Hapoel Hamizrachi- gell Hall. , In - addition, the_ seriektot Belt Religious Zionists of America and Mizrachi Women, 8 p.m. Thursday Midraalr mini-courses with resume March 21-23. .:- The topie will be at Cong. Huai David. The meeting, arranged. jointly "Jewish-Christian. 'Relations: with Hakotel Mizrachi Chapter, Failure of AcconiModation." will be open to the public. Refresh- 'The third produbtiOn of the Maor ments will be served. Theater, "It Turns," will be pre- Rabbi Weiss is chairman of the sented 8 p.m. March 25 and 26. cultural committee of national Miz- The play was written by the rachi. Israeli playwright Joseph Mandl. Tickets will be on sale the week of March 20 at the Hillel Foundation. Tickets also may be purchased at Hillel Maps March. Events; - Goitein to, ak. .Spe , Dr• Moshe Weiss- to Give WZC ‘" I 'lieport Thlirsday • ' ny Dinh jtanouilcenze .. 4 t.t. . . Feb. 28—To Mr. and' firs Frank F r nk a Safran (Diane Stein), former De- trotters of Norwalk, Conn., ason, Jonathan Benjandn. • • • Feb. 23 — To Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen (Susan T. Pilko of Port Huron), 24060 Jerome, Oak Park, a son, Jason Matthew. • • • Feb.- 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fisher (diadeleiqe Kalisher), 3376 Coolidge, Royal Oak, a son, Kevin Raymond. • 'Business Briefs • GOLIIIMAN RABBI S. ZACIUIRIASH I d " r ho' s Stem 71:::Acjio :*N'' .. - sna urs ldtr.3 n' .14*Z1 *Peakee H Y4-4ri -%4 11: ::rn : A = reD° Lents -Grossman has been elected president of the Detroit Service Group of the Jewish Welfare 'Federation, to fill the unexpired- term of the late War- ren Greenstone. Grossman served as vice -chairman. People Make News newly elected chief execu- nee , of the Jewish" Theological Sailitary" - of America, Rabbi f4ERSON D. COHEN, who was re- cently chosen to succeed Dr. Louis Finkelstein at the beginning of the 1972-73 academic year, will deliver the - major address_ at the 72nd annual convention of the Rabbird- AP Assembly of America to be held- at the Concord Hotel, through March 16. Dr. Cohen will sneak on the subject, "Directions That the Conservative _Movement Should Take in the Next Quarter Cen- tury," at the banquet March 14. • • ansaint ifiggise ` bro- ' are; interested in Israel -Iind/rietin first Salle -144A - provide °- information meeting r ?iin4try::,:-at the etyK He 0 Mile brahellof ' the Jewish' On packing and shipping of goods to Israel for tlibsli.- -Wh6,14ife Center. The' Interest, Group' in tsrael, niug aliya in the neer fatirec -, ),.: :: chaired by Martin A: Levine; will focus its approach on agtivities_ of interest to those not committed to.. aliya, but who would like to know more about it and Israel. Lectures, seminars and , community projects, as well as spcial activi- ties, are considered for the future —depending on the wishes of the organizing group. For information, call Levine, VE 6-9050. Young people of college age through age 30 are invited. * • * AACA• tO Meet Sunday The Association of Americans and Canadians `for alive; Herat' Chapter, will •meet- 2: Sundayer, ;the e Jewish Center. ' - - Rabbi -Parzen Honored-:': Rabbi Herbert Parson, a former- Detroiter, will receive the -honor: -e• airy degree of clechir. Of divinity?, from the Jewish Theological Sem- inary of America *arch 12. The presentation will _take' place at Cong. Baal Jeshurtni in New York. York. Rabbi Parzen..lirother of Detroit attorney. George parzen, has re- - tired from the pulpit and is on the staff of Herzl Press. He was a- graduate of the University of brick: Wan- "Dad, all my friends- have al- ready enrolled in the new classes at Art Linidetter's and here you SOUTHFIELD XAL ASAK -:'357-1215 , 5111000 Treaiiiovietioe 1-488g For the third consecutive year, Cong. WILLIAM S. BROOM- FIELD (R-Royal Oak) has been appointed to the U. S. delegation to the Geneva Disarmament Con- fereqce which convened Feb. 29. A ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Broomfield will serve on a bi- partisan delegation - of Congres- sional advisers to -the permanent U. mission at the 26-nation con- ference. He was chosen by Minor- - ity Leader Gerald R. Ford at the recommendation of President Nixon. a •• • SHIRLEY CASH REALTY an nounces that all of its sales repre- JEROME J. STEIKER of New sentatives are in training to be- York: City has been named chair-1 come, or are already, licensed brokers. They can bet reached at -man of a newly-created United, Jewish Appeal Committee of the 543-6488. • • • American Jewish Congress. • • • BORENSTEIN'S BOOK STORE announces it is carrying a full line LAWRENCE R I C X., of kosher- for Passover wines at its chairman of the Oakland a • • -County bran ''on Greenfield Rd., Oak Feb. 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Par1;71'be wine , Sat IncliKles Lip- Board of Commissioners, - - Was shall Lett (Moreen Antirian), 14000 Schutz, Kedini and Carmel braids elected a member of the -board Cloverdale, Oak Park, a daughter; sixes. Grape, juice 'also is of trustees of the Metropigitan Danielle Suzanne. - - Fund, Inc. The Metropolitan • • • is an._ urbui:affalra:reinaielifain-.. Feb. k—To Mr...and Mrs. Gary and Mel Durbin Cohen 'IMarcia - Wider-4-.2 PM hate,: initial their newest real datieb concerned nith i Franklin Hills, Saithifeld, Asehireffice at=theIXIlliBIN COM- county SOutheast Michigan region. ter, Robyn Elyae;----I - - #•3-.. •.: Ts, apoo Galper- *et its;, ,,A.cnpeenagint and JACQUES ":TORCZYNEX-'74 -eo sales:.managar..- „ilrm.,Ather ea of the World -Union of offices are at 6t46,9reliard..1,take, GetiaaL-7atinists antic chairman. West Blooialetih. Oo N: Wood- Its eaecutive - -conimittee,- addressed: ward, Birmingham. it gathering of-the General:Zionist, Organization of Bogota, Colombia,, reporting on the results of the 28th World Zionist Congress and the Internationsk, Conference of the . World Union. Also at'the confer- RABBI _LEO a ence was Dr. MIGUEL MOLDAV- SOL YETI-MORRIS- _ COHEN SHY`; Oesident of the General POST and AUXILIARY Will 'Meet Zionist Organization itt Chile. The Expert Mohel 8 p.m. Monday, at the JWV , head- meeting was chaired by HAIM Serving Hospitals ls and Hom es quarters. Refreshments wilt be MEKLER, president of the Gen- LI 2-4444 LI 1-9769 served. The post and auxiliary will eral Zionist Organization of Bo- celebrate their 25th anniversary eotic , with a dinner-dance 6:30 p. m. March 12, at the Club Legionnaire in Highland Park. Charter mem- Medically Competent bers and past post comtnanders MOREL and auxiliary presidents will be In Home or Hospital honored. For information and reservations, call Irene Levin, 968- 547-9666 . 31-69, osi: Yetta Glass, XX 5-4133. ■ ,or'Young Adults Or aniza rvice Group ycii* need a friend? To helRyou-aolve o-problem, talk to -and theer inn? Volunteer to shoji, visit or drive? CARE ABOUT YOUI Call "HIELPUNE" 34E41886 A"Volunteer Progiiim of the Jewish Family and Children's Service E '• MOVING & STORAGE CO. • . - "Lines Largest Hairier: 1300 N. caseisbeltiteed ter* Oak LI 4-3313 • 2253 Cole Street Binaittiltem Mk11-4613 -4 5ine AT ehildron 3022 BERKLEY, MICHIGAN Jun inn* nu muff OPEN 110111. --1111111 SAT. 10-S PAIL * MAIM