Joseph Sapbir, ,A thutor4,tOrmaiYi:.7.* 1 Pi* T4P-P0074Y,;!,el ide T#- Pie Sidiont Liberal Patty YORK - roAviti (ZINS)—Harold W. Grass-Roots Organizations in N.Y, TEL AVIV _ (JT/t) —. Joseph ,carmelr. - -Veteran leader of - NEW YORK TJTA) fsrael alone. Our (financial) needs are Saphir, a former cabinet _minicar, Zionist Organization of America views the efforts , of the United staggering." v=0: member of the knessiet-,:alit-aair- died here Feb. 21. He was 72. Jewish Appeal in 1972 "as the top- man pf the Liberal "died Born in the Polish town of "%Vol -But, he emphasized, "if we Jew' ; koWysk," Mr. Carmely as a youth, rated priority of Jewish effort in ish people of the free countries, was an active leader. of young this or any other country on be- Zionists and went to Palestine asa half of the great miracle of aliya of Israel, cannot absorb these people .. it will mean the great- sur..-AINE AT halutz (pioneer) in the early 1920s. of Soviet Jews and others," said REOOLAIT PRICE-' Harassment by David Rivlin, Israel's consul gen- est defeat of everything we worked ONO NEXT ONE and fought for." eral in New York, 1.lie Turkish au- -' TOR Ot4E CENT -- thorities -forced It will be a betrayal of those NATURAt'VTIAMINS Addressing 117 representatives 'Alin to leave and - :ORGANIC FOODS: of 49 grass-roots organizations at a Jews still in the Soviet Union who return to Poland,j- "Coohdeo; Berkley meeting convened jointly by the demand the right to emigrate to - where he stayed Consulate General of_ Israel and Israel he said. It will be a letdown briefly before, the United Jewish Appeal of for Israel, for "everyone who de- Opes Daily _Hi emigrating -tit? 4111 ■ 4b•- Greater New York, Rivlin em- serves the name of Je*." America., phasized the tremendous cost of 2. In this country transportation and absorption — hi ;. distinguished $35,000 for the first year for a -'.h-imself by a Candy family of four: Angular devolioa:-. He said, "We hope, for - 35 lo the causes" of Jewish edUaation,. study of Hebrew and the. various *ON dim from the &islet Union Zionist funds in which he held g h = office. Simultaneously, he n Us. Speak , joined the ranks of the , Zionist oi7- tio -Rabbinical Assembly Joggpir, SAPH1R in of "Anieriati • Mr. Cannely was a national vice NEW YORK—Dr. Nahum Gold- Feb. 26 in - Australia where- lie. president., and, for many years, mann, president of, the World Jevi- visiting as a member of a Knesset chairman of the Administrative ish Congress, will be among, the delegation. He was 70. '" Corrnittee of the ZOA. He was a leaders who will address the 72nd @dr. Saphir, born in Jaffa, was a member of , the- Zionist Actions annual convention of the Rabbini- fourth generation Sabra, whose Corrrnittee and member-: of the ex- cal Assembly parents were among the founders ecutive - of the World Union of March 12-16 at of Petah Tikva, a !min in Israel's General Zionists. the Concord Ho- citrus belt. 'uoa*is is THE our — WICK IS tel Kiamesha, He was trained as a - farmer, Sidney Hollander, 90; N.Y. educated 'at the Teachers Semin- lithera are V-8, AUTO., VINYL INTERIOR, ary and became a leader of the Active-sin Social Welfare Rabbi Stanley POWER STEERING, ALL GM Farmers Association, the Citrus SAFETY EQUIPMENT. STOCK #487 Brmnick,. Rabbi Growers Association and the Gen- Gerson D. eral Zionist Party. He was' presi- - Rabbi Gilber dent of the . Petah Tikva Town Epstein, Dr. Council and served as mayor from Louis Finkelstein 1941-50. Gaynor Jacob Following the establishment of sim, Rabbi R.. the state, Mr. Saphir emerged Gerson Levi, Dr."Thr; as a leader of the middle-road Bernard Mancielbaom, Rabbi Liberal Party. He was elected to Judah Nadich and ,Bakbbi David the Knesset in 1949, served as Polish. minister of transport in the Ben-Ginion cabinet from 1952- 55 and as a minister-without- portfolio In the national unity coalition government formed by the -late Premier Levi Eshkol in June, 1967. -Mr. Saphir was one of the Lib- eral Party leaders who fostered the alignment with the Herut fac- SIDNEY . HOLLANDER tion to form Gahal, Israel's prin- cipal opposition party. BALTIMORE—Sidney Hollander, His death occurred at a time of- an industrialist and leader in na- -- growing friction between - Liberal, tional social welfare, died here and Herut members and some Feb. 23. He was 90. political observers believe that the Mr. Hollander was national loss of his leadership will further president of the Council of Jewish THE HUSBAND SAYS: the trend toward a Liberal split Federations and Welfare Funds with Herut. The Yontif is almost upon us. It is again time to gather our Mishpacha from 1939 to 1946. He was a foun- der of the liberal group, Ameri- - to perform the Passover Service. cans for Democratic Action, and Frank Woftman, 88; served on the advisory, council of THE WIFE COMMENTS: Urban League. - Mae Reuther's Father the As a graduate of the University How can I forget, when their is so much work for me Frank Wolfman, father-in-law of of Maryland as a pharmacist in the late Walter Reuther, died Feb. 1902, he was later to become presi- to prepare for the Sedorim. 25. He was 88. dent of the Maryland Pharmaceu- THE SMART. SON SAYS: Mr. Wolfman, 18515 Santa Bar- tical Co. bara, was born in Russia and came Let us call FRED BAUM- CATERER'S, for the greatest Passover Food to the U. S. 70 years ago. He lived in Detroit for 57 years. He was Poet Matvei Grubian just like grandma, Bobi, used to make. owner of the Wolfman Insurance Memorialized in USSR - Agency until his retirement 20 Announcing death due to a heart THE 5TH OUCS7h..N: years ago. His daughter, Mae, was attack on Feb. 9 of the Russian killed with her husband, Walter, Jewish poet Matvei Grubian, the Where on this night did we behold of this fabulous and fantastic when their plane crashed near USSR Novosti Press -Agency is- food" Such delicious food beginning with The tasty appetizers Black Lake, Mich. in May, 1970. sued a release paying tribute to He is survived by two sons, Earl him as an original writer who and ending with the most,mouth watering selection of Passover of Fort Meyers, Fla., and Leo had the eye of an artist," stating: cakes . . . could only come from Fred Baum Caterers. We cater the Wolf; six grandchildren and seven "His poetry enjoys great populari- great-grandchildren. complete Seder meal excluding wine and matzohs. ty among Soviet readers.' The Novosti release states about Grubian: "His last book - , 'The Sonia 'Won, Clubwoman Restless Wind,' published recently LET US BE YOUR ANSWER TO ALL YOUR PASSOVER WORRIES ' Sonia Woll, an active club- in Yiddish by the Sovetsky Pisa- woman in the Detroit Jewish com- tel. (Soviet Writer) House, was CALL munity, died Tuesday in Los An- the culmination of his long literary geles. She was 75. career." Mrs. Woll, 7442 Paddlewheel, • Grubian was a regulat contribu- At Congregation -FRED BAUM - ..- _.'"57-rr Birmingham, was a member of tor to Sovietish Heimland in whose 0 ...„3,aNP, ' Shoarey'Zsdek Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel, Baal offices its editor, Aron Vergelis, Brith, Hadassah, Pioneer Women and other Russian writers paid • - '- Crowst-Koi los;-:Caterees GITEL CROSS . . . 548:7997 -At c oni,,,awk and City of Hope. honor to Grubian's memory. „, Born in Russia, Mrs. Woll leaves two sons, Dr. Harry and Dr.-Louis; Rabbi Wolf once reproached a daughter, Mrs. Max (Frances) his- coachman for hitting the hor- ORDERS WILL- BE _TAKEN UP TO NOON ON MARCH 26, 1972 Winston of Los Angeles; one sis- ses. "It is not even necessary to PICK -UP AT ,SHAAREY ZEDEK_ :- , - _-. ' r • ter, seven grandchildren,and,ffieL scold them, provided you talk to SELL ROAD SOUTHRELD , • ,..., -;;...:....,::-... gresibgrandchildren. - - them in the right way," he said. - • • BERKLFY HEALTH FOODS - THE SAGES COMMAND: OBSERVE THE PASSOVER, KEEP IT TO REMEMBER THA . T- ONCE WE-WERESLAVES- IN MITI • ■