„_,,..st.i ::. - A r AWa l ael 11 ':114is of q-a., adag.'- 1-; - -elli.t. ,61V.S. Michael , Herr in/4:K _. --- heSnain .vaaces.” Compthienting American for demOciatie:: : A'respect- Jewry for its financial financial support of - -_-•- , azl-' e only IsraeL be added, smiling: "EVery - -trtkir •.Catholic.-- tiiTtidin- Hatikvs third world country Should have an front-. the i Phisi s de Book of Polk American Jewish community." Songs 25 years ago, spoke up for a "Israelis have learnedll kinds - strong -Israel ina talk Sunday night -of-lessons -about economic develop- at the Jewish Center. - ment that could help•--!..the Arab; FiarringtoiCreoncluded a - three,. Misses," he, said. "Peaee in the- lecture aerie sponaored by the •Middle East should be presented Layman's, Institute '--.4a , the ,„ hal: as itt opportunity for joint develop- die East. In his talk, heard by some ment of the Middle East—a shar- 350 adults and young - people, - he lug of technology." dismissed the myth -that Israel is an agent of American imperialism, explained the dangers in neo-isola. tionism after -the debacle in Viet- nam and emphasized the need for face-to-face negotiatiorati:A.between Israel and the Arabii;^ based on secure frontiers, Describing -himself as a "down- the-line dove- on yietnam :, and a . down-the line supporterof -Israel's - - right to exist and American - port of her rightte exist," Herring-- ton explained:. "It's A. dangerous -.- disservice to the clause bf_reace in the "Middle -Eaer to -etlhate -the most tragic war in .our„,..hist.ori .„,,, (Vietnam)" with'Stapport to the de:- mocratie socialist liberation move- ment that Israel - represents. -- "It is a wrong conclusion, to say that because we, went into- ,Vietnam We should withdraw everywhere." Harrington lAbeled. as "badly thought-out and old-fashioned" the theory that Israel is an agent of American econorak He pointed tatt that since World War II, the-United-States has been Investing intbe wealth of Europe, Japan and Asia, not in so-called third world countries: In fact, he said, it is the_exceptian to the -ece- nomic rule, and it is to America's credit, that she continues to sup- port Israel despite the Arab empire of oil that is so vital to the U.S: Harrington stressed the im- portance of face-to-face talks be- tween Israel and the Arab states. "The. idea litak4bu can make peaceln secret is false and dangerous," he said. "Face-to- face meetings :are required be- cause the Arab people must be -leld the-war a1f-M,Harrinliton ilio'Cinsidert 'dangerous the poli- cy of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat of talking belligerently for domestic consumption and then claiming abroad that he is for - peace. All that this accomplishes, - Harrington said, Is substitution of antilsraelism for much-needed reform at home. Israel---has "enormous contril3u- tions"- to make to the Arabs, Har- ringtoti said. - "One reason that American capital developed was because- of the aft. of an enor- mously- talented ..popniation from Europe. Israel alone among, the nations of jh thir4 world has scientists 'front Europe %oho can help Israel make technological ad- _ Ext:t.lsor Excavations at :Wall Protested by Moslems ^ The JERUSALEM (ITA) Jerusalem Moslen Council (Wafq) protested Monday to the ;:goVern- ment against excavations near the Western Wall which - therriald were damaging-Moslem religious sites tied- residentiarbitilditigs , ten- anted-by Arabs. - ^-.^^7 The protest was contained in _a memorandum delivered' to Acting Premier: Yigai Alton by a delega- - lion of prominent members of the Waft:- The delegation was the first sent by the'.304-' 10* • field talks - With , government (Oda• Eireavatia*lir- zZetrate - der of Premier GOltbi4Aelt. The group - aisa:tootte01.,*- _ quested tax aeDirtiolet4".1-0- atlailnanig -'•recluirckitigkaliatifht the Igt-'90*11*;1f04041 501-ahjitai • liMARMiffiTranlanKINIESIEW 7,• hiperialism Hariinglon recalled, as -a stu- dent in Yale Law School, read- ing Arthur Koestler's book on Is- rael, "Thieves in the Night," and becoming sympathetic to the bat- tle for Jewish statehood. Now, he said, "We must have secure frontiers for IsraeL" Other than the Golan Heights and Jerusalem, - which be believes Israel can not give up, "Once you assume secure frontiers, all other questions are negotiable. • -47 DUO, 3, 1972-17 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 4110) QUALITY • SERVICE • PRICE NCORTHLAKILt ti:CoRD LEADS THE WAY SO DOES GEORGE RUSKIN NORTHLAND FORD U MILE & C-..REENHELD Because it is! Select an Eagle, Cardinal, Petrocelli, Hammonton Park or Groshire Suit from our all new „,.:" Spring CiillectiOn` and our old world tailors-will custom tailor it to your excu;ting dimensions. These famous maker suits start at just $145 . . . why pay more for a tailor made suit. • •EVERYTI0P4G- fOlt- OSPA 41101111 dof4uH4 tOcealPAiti• '101,6/0A MAIL middi40 - vf- -- .1 • - *--=„