3; 1972: ;INF - 1WINORIIIVISII MEWS' Ar *z.. - NEW YORK—A pr...anis:ant Naw, reel; parhassador to the U.S., will For Samuel Frankel, chairman . -York 'rebbk a, '-th e7s0eiker.. • Morton, L. Mandel, of the 1972 Allied Jewish.Cam- Jewish senlolov . uhi - tsfi conininarlbadei: have been Clestetand industrialist :and national paign-Israel Emergency presidet:aLJVKIY; Will -deliver the $15,000s00' is a realistic minimum Wafted winners of the 1972 Frei presid ential. address. :objective for:. the - Detroit Jewish- L. •-Weill AFards:,al the National If community's _central fund appeal : giibbf- Israel Miller,. ' -" " this lowithrs10„1111,1490 v--1-;=7", year . - I " llii Anieriesut pstrabC .imairis:,4011 isa ided treii. "aid , fonitei' "chairman: - "Whfle we have no officially stat , at:the banquet session of the na- "id JWIt's ,, ecuandasion on Jewkil goal," said, Franke', "we feel timial biennial;convention. of,':13YR __ , the, night of 15; Atlanta.' .eItaplaiisey,.; : wilt .:_veceive, tie the Detroit Jewish community is !Avraltant. harma‘Preallienc gf_ award "for distinguished MS Strang 'carea 'enough =Aibutiest -te the welters •f J -41,-•-raise'tbe-ertticestint.11/hen a=s Hebrew Vaivetaitit amt !aria* Ash - periontier to the U.& make it everrienftiblitor ran - litdd Irirees." --: — his head' 'a littt0Atitchilitfar 2.44h Jacques Lipchitz, whose seittii- well • I : ture, -have been exhibited in lead- Last year the , Igampaida raised inz ti . . vseums throughout the world, 513,000,000 to :help 4und . more. than will receive the Award "for distin- 50 agencies in Isra'el,.overaeas, na- guished , contribution to the ail tionally and _in thi,s - couttnnnitY. -vanceinent of Jewish culture."?:,- Pressing econotnic l .2proildetua Jla- Leon- Kaplan; .thrmer liresuitnt rael, and: .a suddew- ; bat: welcome of the Greater Miami Jewish Fed- influx of ..-Soviet _Jews : into-I:that make the Weed f.corraa- era tien and of the Vii-IWIWof country,.. Greater Miami, ionr -receive the POndittgli ,,,greater;thiayeir : The- award "for.-.distinguished contri- belpi 'snit;on to the 'advancement of the alietriate:_health,.' edweali•n aid Jewillt - eopmunity- center Heist" -soda: Welfare needs - It. hOnsa-aa 'well. aserierteas,,WIll .fiegbi wigs the•Pewing dinneeeit - Mtnik -22. BiSt r Campaign '.1eidetts. ;: aren't 1. f:Wattiag antii- then la- onkel:Vali picepective eentrihntora M this area. 'Divisions. Mire itheitdillee • Noma wrrm iisaatikaans arro ;IIREA/Orafir gun to thework 'that Will:pait this Year's campaign, ahead 'a[ everlr. !Irian* effort.. • EXCLUSIVE JIWIIN Lira wpm 4T0 S MATER perommicas . .OrtrtnitinwoutterctInar.:‘,.. duct their- annuaL.tlinn er at &30 JjesvisIttenter, With Judge Nathan p.m. that day; at, the =standard Apadmaitnit tfest ijeake.r. Aid- City Club in the Sheraton Cadillac ing liemint'ligiititi Ileampaign- re. Hotel. . sponsibtlitfenIini - - 'Williank .C.reen- ;Chairman. the: pharmacists' bergnanitlftiteld &Jaffknssociate 7 r.hairtnen*AlittfAititlion: - section U 14144 Moftrat Ca- chairMen _ are Marvin C. Daitch. Rbnert Donald , Dunsky, and, Thomas Lipsky also will address 4the leadership of the mercantile diet.; nick ion when. meats a. . PaceSetl tows reception;- pan.," Thursday; at Abe HUntington :Woods -home, of Mr. - and Mrs. Norman Wachter. Wachter is chairman of the mer- cantile. division and his associate chairnien are Sol Cicurel, Philip L.: ' Elkus, David Franks, Sam Frank;- demise Lapides, :Woman; Xiosinfeld, And Robert' Schwartz.. istarvin Danto and Benjamin Frank• are- :ehair-: men of pre-caml, paign for the Ili- vision. 10 days' before the drive Y Opens,- lbw- metropolitan Judge' Kaufman division of the campaign will sponsor a "Met Kick Off' bterakfiit meeting. • • ddsesidd esdadddpdadidoldo d Snit gpositty ■■ ••4=11M14. • ,••• .1 ■ 01001 r ■ ts.M.. ••••:-: • C•••kiir Wk. MOW John Nenton, chairman of The divisiok said that the meeting will _Pre-cirMxiigu activities are -now be held 40:•10:71fiiili 12 . ` et full swim During. the coming „loM17, 7013EDMRISIMISIL: • 0148vAi.sowaiSnots,7,c- • nOUISD - TM MN TRAISMOPIATION :nsee veek4nis -fi.4iseein s';gleal berbeld- _ rtin441 - 43218 On - Sunday, .the.optotnetrista sec- tiou of the . professioual division-will have ita':, sdetory brunch at 10 HA BONIM TOL/Itt •.626-6624-,_ - --.1 a.m. at the Raleigh House. Dr. Robert. Morrison, Harrisburg, Pa.; ktieirri'as the '"father" of. the soft, 1140$- CRISSMANCADILLA •su.s.--hu- contact lens, will be the speaker. Dr. Paul C. Feinberg, chairman; noted -that in . contrast to previoul Year* brinicii: was a kick= < off-event; this year .it will, celeb 1250 -I,L WOODWARD,: aarraINIMW.V.: Ahe.....,gowidetiter--.;orbbliettalien in alit 4tometrista section. Sharinif Campaign responsibilities with Dr. Feinberg are Dr. Joseph °rent, co-chairman, :and :Dr. Sheldon L. Powell, associate; chairman. • 1 • The leaderisiiin:Oflite;;Industrial and automotive:: divbikei:4111 hold the annual DaceSettere- dinner, . 6 p.m., Wednesday, at Raleigh Israetti liffinister-of Labor Yosef AO:.-lergi.:/ be the - eveninee gnesk Alaw_kaAtIlitit is expected, according :10, -Phdip- . Warr Pam& I na**1; Co---41,1 --,111e ( tidal* M embers of tist14- the'' pharnisaide section _ ad their wives will hear guestspeaker Eleazar Lipithy, chairman of the -board- of the Jew-, ish Telegraphic Agency. Lipsky a New York attorney, is the authok of several best selling:noielii; and ALL HAND TAILO IMPORTED PROM THE •_FINEST : -MAKERS _ • fertnee ,edita*01 - the- Igevr, - the e. 14 1*.e#140 - rag. $135 to ;175 /Thick N Forest lkiltYts: YOFtfa The, sterdani Wiwi; the natlofl 's. tat . black newspaper, stated .ht editorial : last . week that_ can be "no' compromise on Fa Hills." A front-page story' in theAtathe issue, claims that Simeon. Goble, PASSOVER IVIATZOHS • •••.1• The tastiest Matzohs in thervera Thinner...Lighter...litre Crisp s ALL HOROWITZ-MARGAIETEN PRODUCTSARE ©bionste Greenfield81-Speeially Co. 600 CUSTER AVE. DeiirOit, Mich. 48202 . so SPORT COATS ..... ‘.. only chairman', of; the city's . 1.tasadall authority, - :ivhisr• has been 'in .-. thei, larefront cif the battle to bidid the 9 5° 840-unit low-income project-in-the middle class predominately ,TeWlsh section -of Queens, is destined, to become a ,"sacrificial !arab" of the' Lindsay administration because be 'lass become expendable:, to the political needs - of-the mayor ::(John , -Fine Clothes Pit Over V. Lindsay) in his presidential Aeeordint In the Weekly, .0olarls oustee only colnPrigli?! that easille'l*orke0 out to JewishOPPConenta of the projec 247 504Megiaph at 10 11111116 - 9:30 6- Than • IkankAntericani • Diners.. _ - talts - 111, 611 SUNDAY 11-4