VIE 111,1101TAIWISIUNEWS Rabbi, Sally' Priest:10cl §pe,c3lc - 1140:g 2 $-Mu, , tacimey:25,1172 ' Nancy Kaufman fired. to Martin (;erendicsr omens , GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women; will bold a Purim luncheon noon 'Thursday at the home of Mrs. Irving Stepak, 24210 Scotia, Oak Park. Purim -refresh - ments will be featured and a a Purim story will be told. Hos- tesses will be Mesdames Irving Stepak, Mayer Broder, Joseph Kaplan and Philip Gruber. Mrs. Jack Reitman, president, invites guests. • • • ISRAEL CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Sat- urday at the home of Mrs..Abra ham itaimi, 28505 Tavistock Tr., Southfield. Marjorie Raskin will review "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler. Refreshments will be served. Ruth .Miller is president, MRS. MARTIN GERENDASY and Mary Koretz is program chair man. In a- recent ceremony at the Raleigh House, Nancy Louise NEW STUDY CLUB will meet Kaufman was married to Martin noon' Wednesday at Workmen's Gerendasy. Rabbi Moses Lehrman Circle Center. are Esther and Cantor Louis Klein officiated. Malamud and Hostesses Lottie Sweetwine. .The bride is the daughter of Dessert luncheon will be served, Mrs: Benjamin Kaufman of South- President • Jean Lipkin invites field Rd., Southfield, and the late guests. - Mr. Kaufman. The bridegroom is * • .20 the son of Mrs. Leslie Ruby of ROSENWALD LADIES AUXILI- Scotia Ave., Oak Park, and the ARY will hold an executive board late Mr. John Gerendasy. meeting and luncheon noon Wed- Barbara Kaufman, the bride's nesday at the home of Mrs. Fay sister, was maid of honor. Brick s- Bogrow, 20100 Votrobeck CL Plans maids were Mrs. Jerald Kaufmin will be discussed for a banquet and and Janice Kay. Frank Gerendasy, other charity affairs. the bridegroom's brother, was best • • • man. Ushers were Robert Ruby CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, and Ronald Grant. will meet noon Tuesday at the Following a honeymoon in Workmen's Circle Center. Jeanette Jamaica, the Gerendasys will re- Serling, president, will be the side in Royal Oak. guest speaker. Brunch will, be. served, and guests are welcome. Mrs. Miles Jaffe Named Head of UCS Group Mrs. Miles Jaffe of Nadine Ave., Huntington Woods, has been elect- ed chairman of the Women's Com- mittee of United Community Serv- ices of Metropolitan Detroit. Mrs. Jaffe will head the efforts of the metropolitanwide women's group which, through TICS for 37 years, has been conducting pro- grams of education to alert resi- dents, of the metropolitan area en pressing community problems, and to stimulate the involvement of citizens in community endeavors at-all levels. - Mrs. Leonard H. Weiner, chair- man of the UCS Women's Com- mittee during 1955-57, was the surprised recipient of an en- graved gavel in tribute for her, contributions to the UCS yWoin. en's Committee. Also cited for their contributions to the TICS group were Mrs. Oscar M. Zemon, who served as Women's Committee chairman in 1962-64; and Mrs. John C. Hopp, chair- man during 1966-68. Adas Shalom Plans for Big Concert Are Mapped at Rally Workers for the fund-raising con- cert to be sponsored by Adas Shalom Synagogue April 11 have been invited to a breakfast rally 10 a.m. today at the home of Mrs. Berton L. London, 5670 Lane- lake, Bloomfield Hills. The concert will bring together for the first time Jack Benny and Theodore Bikel, world-renowned entertainers, at Ford Auditorium. Proceeds from the concert will go toward the synagogue, whose new sanctuary is nearing comple- tion at 13 Mile Rd. and Middlebelt, Farmington. For ticket information, call Adas Shalom, UN 4-7474. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS is sponsoring an afternoon of art 1215 P.M- March 8 at the Detrdit Institute' of Arts. Luncheon will be served, followed by a_ tour of the new North Wing. For reservations, call Mrs. Martin Goldberg, 5444152, or Mrs. Simson Sendler, 531-8038. President of the auxiliary is' Mrs. Joseph Kripke. PRIMROSE BENEV.01.!ENT CLUB will meet 8 p.m. Monday at the Zionist Cultural Center. Mrs, Louis Friedman will present a' , report - on: the--success of the Israel Emergency Fund card party. Husbands are invited. Es- telle Alter is hostess. NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Wednes- day at the Bond Bilt 'construction company on Eight Mile Rd. A cook- ing demonstration will highlight the meeting. Mrs. Linda Jannette is hostess. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Ben Shapiro, presi- - dent, invites guests. • • • OAKFIELD CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, will hold a rum- mage sale 7-11 p.m. Wednesday and, 9:30-11 -a.m. Thursday at the Royal Oak Women's Club. ' • e • EVERGREEN EVENING GROUP, Hadassah, will hold a membership evening 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at-the home of Marion Scheiman. 20015 Prest, for all -new and prospective members and their sponsors. Any women interested in joining should call Sue Sendler,' 531-8038. -Lynda Gordon Engaged to John Jay Alexander Temple Beth EISIsterhood's an- eior of lieinsew Leiters degree id anal -election meeting, to•be held 11171. Miss Priesand was 11:30 a.m. March 13 us the ?mil- :boesirgd.!by. Bnai Brith Women at ple, will feature Sally Priesand its triennial convention in '.Waan- discussing "A-Woman Rabbi, Her ington for "Ilerxtimiefnins in Problems, .Principles and Preroga- Jewish ,Italiilions tak:"--.6h1t;Will " - tives." Petite brunch - will S be be c I in March, becoming served, and the public is invited the r ninefioniOn rabbi in 'the tory of - 11*- 1:111*.inate.' - to the talk at no charge. Rabbi Sally, as she prefers to For resernMionsr and inform*. be called, is a native of Cleveland.- tion, .call' this'finiple office, .77it She 'studied at the Hebrew Union ` gion while attealitiglaiiLITnivert- sity - of Cincinnati' tions --fintt- to 1988, and she holds. "a BA degree in English. Upon passing-- the - -Hebrew readiness _ emus 'Midi honors, Miss Priapus* lintered the He- brew Union Congo as a second- year rabbinical- student in fall 1968. She has served Sinai Tem- Pie in Champaign, Ifl. as an Interim rabid; Cong. Baal Israel in Ilattiesberg, Miss.; and Tem- ple Beth Israel, Jackson, Mich., as a sindentrabbL She is doing her rabbinic - internship at the . Isaac M., Wise Temple- in Cin- AlOng with. receiving her bach- "W teihilition" PI OPEN " Contour Wimp Salon teen 1 lb. Daily H.C.G. Kennedy Clinics Method No Hunger - 759030$ . - LAMPaehet 22120 Gab* it -t . 545-1410 Complete Line of * Lamps * Shades' * -Tables * Gifts * Wall Decorations in every price range Not aril:chid with any who. Furhituni Co. IdISS LTICDAilORDON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon of Rutherland E. Dr., Southfield, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Lynda Cheryl Gordon to John Jay Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Alexander of Dundee Rd., Huntington Woods. Miss Gordon attended Washte- naw College and Eastern Michigan University. Mr. Alexander attended Eastern Michigan and is a senior at the University of Michigan. An April wedding is planned. marriages _ I • MISS MARY AULD Dr." and Frank Auld of Pierde Birmingham, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Elinor to William S. Da ' _son, of Mr: and leirst„Irving Da, of Wales Ave., ,Oak Park. - MISS' Auld -attiEdeir Drew lint„„ig versity in New Jersey, and junior year' was spent in studW- at the Hebrew University. She is doing graduate work in guidance and counseling at Wayne State University. Mr. Davis is working toward a degree in Hebrew studies and Russian at Wayne State. He has spent four years working and studying in Israel, and the couple plans to return there to live upon the completion of his studies. A June wedding is planned. (Oak Park Doping Gioter ,a_ Femme!), of 7 Ma. , Miss Auld, Mr. Davis Planning June Wedding eliop . GORDON-JACOBSON: Ilene S. Jacobson recently - became the bride of Dr. Edward, S. Gordon in Chicago. The bride, a graduate of the University of Michigan, is the daughter of former Detroiter Mr. and Mrs. -Newton Jacobson of Chicago. Dr.- Gordon is the, son ,of Mrs. Dorothy .Gordon of Man- istee Ave.; Oak Park and Mr. Ben Gordon of Miami Beach: The couple will- reside in Farmington. - ff ows44 All Wool Flannel Reg. Price $24 Fine handfinish men's wear flannel with the new wide leg and self, 'man styled cuff. Grey -- Red--Navy—Brown 6 to 16 - ti; (benefit the Growth and De- velopment Center at Children's Hospital, VARIETY CLUB WOMEN are concluding arrange. ments for the annual fashion abbot' and luncheon noon March 15 at the- Raleigh House. Mrs. Martin Zide, fashion show chairman, and her - committees have planned prize* and favors for all guests. Ticket chairman is Mrs. Sidney Blumen-- thal, 353-1547. Open .Sundays 12-4. • Thurs. & Fri. Vises lit 9 Other, Pass 930,5 Bridal Registry Interior Decorating Service • ' •