TliE. ,OETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Rid Itibrier 25, i972't Biriand e g Plarty 4p piaRiltigiffinrdNsitto, Israel, AclinciTfederttA.'N)eciar_Ties BONN (JTA)—West German's "There are no tensions be- Arab world and is ready to are eP of itt nature, under- governing Social Democratic Party tween the Federal Republic and seam --- -diplomatie • centscht...wIth -- standable ,onbr egainst the terrible has given its formal blessing to Israel, but the ties between =the., -those states who broke them off, backgrdund of. theAidathemable Chancellor, Willy Brandt's forth- two states are of a special na- provided they are willing to do wrong- done' to..Jews in the abused coming visit to Israel. ture. They are directed' against ski. But Bonn will not allow out- namez•of our •people. • A statement issued by the party, no one. Israel•-understands that siders to determine its relations "This is a wide-ranging epoch which is headed by Brandt, took the Federal Republic would like to Israel. TEL AVIV (JTA) note of the special relettiOnsliinithat Idsegattertain , goodovelations to the "As we said before; these ties. of German-Jewigt history .sur- influx of Jewish 'immigrants from exists between West Germany and rounded by dark tragedy. Itsi:last chapter will not be closed by the the Soviet Union Is posing prob- Israel against "the background of upcoming visit of the German red- lems of employment and • politics. the incomprehensible wrong done eral chancellor to Israel. We need to the Jews in the name of the The Israel Labor- Party is upset JOHANNESBURG (JTA) — Ro- Ptimier. Barend Biesheuvel and many more Installments in this over-the— fact that only a , small German people:' berto Ascani, leader of the South justice Minister Andries Van Agt book. But it is good to know that The following article was pub- number of the newcomers are jOin- branch of the Italian neo- officially informed the parliament the Federal Republic of Germany, ing its ranks while many' more of lished by SPD-Pressedienst daily: African Fascist party MSI which - opened of the cabinet's decision in favor in the ideas of the leading men in "This is the first invitation ex- them give their political allegiance an office herd'iecently, believes of the "early release of the three Israel, is considered au element of to either the right-wing Herut op- tended by the State of-Israel to position party or the Orthodox Na- head of government of the Federal that "if we had another Hitler war criminals still remaining. in cooperation; to be trusted in com- Republic of .Germany 'while in of- today the world would be a better Dutch prisons." The decision. was mon efforts on many issues•' tional Religious Party. But be claims his party taken on the recommendation of Yonne Kesse has resigned as fice. This visit will be of more than place." not anti-Jewish, only anti-Com- the Supreme Court. chairitan of the :Itiissiati"'Immi- average importance. It marks a is munist. Ascani, who was quoted grants ASsociation - for "personal" significant chapter of German-Is- The prisoners, who have, served raeli relations. Willy Brandt's pre- in an interview published in the 25 years of their life terms, are reasons: . Johannesburg Sunday Times, decessors 'Konrad Adenauer and Franz Fischer, 70, Joseph Kota, It is believed, however, that claims his party has several ella, 65 and Ferdinand Atis Den he was irked by the criticism of Lucliyig Erhard — who both have hundred members among the local Fuenten, 73. Labor Party leaders that insuf- done much for reconciliation with Italian community. He has lived the Jewish people—came in their ficient attention was being given In a telegram, the three Jewish the recruitment of the Russian time as private tourists. They no in South Africa for 12 years. congregations. in the Netherlands longer held the power of govern. According to the Times, the local emigres to Labor Party ranks. but they could claim the un- party operates under the name — Ashkenazic, Sephardic and At the same time, difficulties ment, Liberal — urged parliament to animous support of our people in "The Three Color Committee for have been experienced in finding trying refuse 'to confirm the cabinet's de- to build bridges to Israel. .Italians All Over the World", and cision.. Most - parties are divided jobs for . physicians and dentists has as its symbol the green, white on- the issue. The Roman Catholic. arriving here from the USSR. GLASSES THE SAME DAY and red emblem of the Italian Party is for releasing the prison- This problem came up at a Port City in Sinai - art Fascists. The walls of Ascani's ers while the Communist Party meeting of emigre physicians • mar rm. train. la rithrdi study are hung with photographs is unanimously opposed. called by the Histadrut Sick Fund to Be Constructed? alai. sat we. of Mussolini and other deceased last week. A similar meeting was TEL AVIV (JTA) — A defense Van Agt.has assured parliament • Fir corky armor. • lams arr. .1 Mira Mr. held by the Association of Russian ministry spokesman has denied Fascist leaders. He claims his that it will be consulted before • Carr. pro n•o. Immigrants and another has been that a decision has been made to party does not interfere in South their release Is ordered. A debate • Beak Arcittad IL Mort 1 1*... called by the Israel Medical As- build a third deep-water port for African politics though it supports is scheduled for Tuesday but most Israel on the, northeast shore of apartheid, .the Times reported. observers here believe the three sociaticn. At the first of the meetings, it the Sinai peninsula between Raf- Ascani described the late Duce ex-Nazis will be freed soon there- as "a wonderful man." was claimed that there was no em- fah and El Arisb. after. ployment problem for immigrating The denial referred to a report BONN (JTA) — A debate in the physicians because continuing im- broadcast on Kol Israel radio that Austrian parliament ended abrup- migration will increase the demand planning crews already have been ly after the chamber echoed - to for their services. It developed, assigned to the project. the first anti-Semitic slurs however, that many of the doctors But the JTA learned from there since the end of World heard War are specialists in fields that are reliable sources that plans have IL not particularly needed in this been discussed to build a new Coordination Sorokin The incident occurred during a country. In addition, many den- port city in the Sinai that would tists from the USSR have been serve as the main outlet for debate on the building of a United CONTACT TINA ZEE unable to find employment. Israeli phosphate exports from Nations Center in Vienna. As- the the Dead Sea and Negev regions. names of the firms commissioned Health Minister Victor Shem- or LI The city could serve as an urban for the job were read, members tov announced. that special We Will Help You Plan Your Menus, Pony Theme courses will be given to train center •for Jewish settlements of the right-wing opposition Aus- Colors, Decorations, Seating Arrangement and Any Other Details That Come Your Way... specialists in unwanted fields planned in the area, several of trian Peoples Party shouted, TINA ZEE "Jews, Jews, all of them Jews." which already exit. of medicine for other fields. Banquet Coordinator Leopold Gratz, leader of the A 15,000-acre site has been sur- He said absorption and re-train- ing centers would be established veyed for that purpose and found Socialist Party secretarist de- • Beautiful Rooms at every large hospital. He also suitable for an initial population manded an end to the debate • Delicious Meals which threatened to become openly said that attempts will be made of 40,000, the sources said. • D•lightfol Help * * • anti-Semitic and the Speaker of to organize dentists into coopera- • Digestible Prices the House compiled. tives where they could set up Govt. Plans to Speed Up Available At clinics. Nerlidend and Shari el-Sheikh Housing AMSTERDAM (JTA) — The Large and Small • litiniaghwa Areas TEL AVIV (JTA) — Mimister Netherlands government is expect- Banquet and ?Beefing Rooms Available Without Portfolio Israel Galin said ed to muster a parliamentary that the government plans to speed majority behind its decision to free the e development of Israeli set- three Nazi war criminals serving tlements in the alarm el-Sheikh life sentences, despite growing op- area and may increase the num- position from organizations of ber of housing units= scheduled 'to former. anti-Nazi resistance fight- be built there. ers and from all sections of the LOS ANGELES (JTA)—Irving Galili, who heads the ministerial .Jewish community. S. Rubin, 26, West Coast coordina- committee on settlement; visited tor of the Jewish Defense League. the area in southern- Sinai._ He has been arrested on a charge of the 90 housing units already assault with intent to commit mur- said started were not enough because DISCOUNT PRICE der against the Los Angeles Coun- many more Israelis ty head of the American Nazi in Sharm el-Sheikh. want to settle Party. by Kadie Molodovski From Reg. $109.00 $ IT m said that during his trip Adapted from the -Yiddish by He is free on bail after surrend- he Gall was acquainted with the needs Joshua Joysich (Freidenreich) ering to authorities. viewed the. Jewish State, of the Daheb and Neviot : settle- I I have have heard the Bib las; Nazi leader Joseph Tomasci, 21, ments on the Sinai shore of the Distinguished Up to Reg. $189.00 each n - filed a complaint early this month . Gulf estate, , of Aqaba which are being de- Miraculous was every charging Rubin with firing "sev- veloped as agricultural settlements corner eral" shots at the Nazi's car two and tourist resorts. King David stands at A days after a mass JDL-sponsored Guards the Jewish His teachiag to From Reg. $69.00 demonstration. Jan. 30 in front of the party's • headquarters in El Surviving Males of Fallen •The /starker...AM& •tte_l•HOlt4filltit land hem defend. , Monte, a Los Angeles suburb. Cities, settlements; Soldiers Can Skip Duty Vehicles—sip-and down the Up to Reg. $119.00 Rubin and Tomasci were -- The Israel De- Villages covidontiniums,_ socsottlaside=::' JERUSALEM scheduled to appear on a local tool& IMIVIrptsb- TV talk show but became' in- fense Forces conscripts neither *Videlicet, • e solassive, rs volved in a loud verbal argu- only sons nor brothers of fallen With his hetekto• ment. Tomasci told police Rabin soldiers into fighting units. When wing& ancient do es- CPU YOung men from such circum- threw hot coffee at him. minima: The complaint against Rubin, stances volunteer for active 'duty, To each - Jew and lo- which has been forwarded to the the army requires parental agree- on the streets the children run-about, Slender. youthful legs are dancing, Los Angeles County district attor- ment. They are playing, Laughing, chatting A provision soon to be incor- they're exultant— ney's office for further action, also their domain—they are enduring. charges that as Tomasci was driv- porated into Israel's military regu- It's Deborah. the prophetess is guarding the frontiers, ing home from the television sta- lations will permit parents who TAILORS She guards the saunterers, the way- tion he was fired upon from a have previously granted such farers, passing vehicle. The Nazi leader authorization to change -their She" watches the land from far and H reported that only one shot struck minds. If his parents should re- She near talks the tongues of all exiles his car and that he was not in- tract previous authorization, the transported hither. noisy streets are full of fanfare, jured. army will transfer a soldier to a The The stores are full of Jewish buyers. Tomasci filed the complaint after non-fighting unit, training him for Angels seem to hover the incident. Guardian angels shield the coasts— new tasks- if need be. they're clear. Infliik of Emigres Poses Employment Poses Employment, Pro-FaScist Echoes in Three Capitals. Greenfield's Restaurants FREE BANQUET JO 6-7161 JDL'er Charged With Assault on Head of Nazi Unit • I Have Seen - the Jewish Land 6-2316 NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE-. IVINGDARY at RADOM'S EW DISCOUNT PRICES SNITS S 129 SPORT COATS *sA '69 . ► DI EV.:: =ALTERATION ON t