• Economic Prosperity, Political Doubt Characterize Bethlehem i Nothing's Changed in Pekin g, af,Fer. 41S , _ Israel's Concernea JERUSALEM — In Bethlehem The -Palestinians have__ realized and its two small sister-villages, that it is -possible to live with the NEW YORK (JTA) — Anti- Beit Jalla and Belt Sahu, there Israelis, and that the latter do' Anierican and anti-Israel slo- are 306 industrial plants and work- not oppress the Arabs or exploit gain' were on display in Peking's shops employing almnst 7,000 them. Any state formed would be huge Tienamen Square as Presi- workers. Five hundred boys and a bi-national one, where Jews con- dent Nixon and his entourage girls are enrolled in 19 elementary stitute a majority but Arabs still drove through, according to the reports of correspondents cover- and high schools. There are five carry 'considerable weight. ing the Nixon visit to China. hospitals, with a total capacity of 100 beds, nearly 300 shops, three One slogan said, "We 'warmly sports clubs, two. lending libraries hail the great victories of the and five cinema halls. three Indochinese (Cambodia, Since the Six-Day War, 10 new Laos and Vietnam) peoples in JERUSALEM—Richard Samson„ their war against U.S imperial- shops have been opened. There are taxi and bus links with 24, is the son of Vice Admiral him and for national salvation." Jerusalem and the neighboring' Benjamin Abraham Samson, a _ Another pledged support to the towns. and additional construction Jew of the Bnai Israel sect and a people of the Arab countries "in former senior commander in the is under way. their struggle against U.S. im- Aynb Mussalam. former mayor Indian navy. Young Samson is a perialism and Zionism." second year student in the depart. of Bethlehem and a, member of the cabinet of Jordan, says the ment of architecture and town economic situation is good and planning at the Haifa Technion. At a meeting with reporters, he residents are satisfied with their standard of living and- income discussed his father's life in the -levels. They also -enjoy Israeli navy, from his early days as a NEW YORK (JTA) — James democracy. A number of residents frogman for the British during Scheuer (D.N.Y.) told leaders of -have sent _memos to the govern- World War II to his receiving the the American Jewish Congress ment demanding that elections be second highest position in - the that his amendment to the Eco- held, but members of the munici- Indian navy. nomic Opportunity Act passed last The elder Samson is now di- Thursday by the House would pal council are not prepared to rector of the Indian shipyards, "measurably increase the ability of cede their seats. operating at the service of the the Jewish poor to benefit from George Dayik, 66, acting mayor anti-poverty programs." and owner of a shop and factory Indian navy, in cooperation with British and Dutch shipyards. As for handcrafts, says that every- Schiner's - amendment to the thing is in--order in the town and head of the military academy, EOA, approved by the House as Benjamin Samson officially , there is no reason for holding new part of a $5,400,000,000 anti poverty greeted Egyptian President Ab- bill, earmarks $50,000,000 for low- elections in the municipality. dul Nasser in 1163, during the income groups living outside of Mussalam _said, "The adminis- latter's visit to India. designated poverty areas, "with tration announced that it would The young Samson said that al- particular emphasis on the needs consider holding elections, if a demand were received from the though be had not received any of the elderly." townspeople, but many residents special Zionist education, the Six- The amendment embodies a num- are afraid to demand _elections Day War constituted a turning ber of changes in the federal anti- under Israeli auspices for fear of point in his life. Following a visit poverty program and its local im- to Israel with- his mother and his plementation called for by the being considered traitors."- sister, he decided to end his uni- AJCongress last November. As to the political future of the versity studies in India and enroll In a report, the. AJC's commis- town, Manama supports the at the Haifa Technion. sion on urban affairs charged right of West Bank residents to Although Richard plans to marry that the Jewish poor were, in negotiate with the state of. Israel a kibutz girl, he has not yet de- effect, barred from benefits un- on the future of the administered cided if he will settle on a, kibutz. der the anti poverty program. territories. This committee also The- Jewish group called for a would be charged with per- Exports From Israel series of major revisions in the goading the Arab states not to EOA to end the "unjust treat- interfere in the relations between to Germany on Rise the population of the adminis- BONN (JTA)—Lsrael's exports to ment" of needy Jews. tered territories and the Israeli "Poverty must be treated on West Germany are increasing, - but authorities. there is still considerable room for the basis of need, not residence," Scbeuer asserted. He noted that improvement in trade between the Mussalam does not conceal the fact that he favors a return to the two countries, it was reported here. 250,000 Jews in New York had Israel exported $193,000,000 in annual incomes of less than 53,000. 1948 borders and the establishment "Jewish senior citizens over 60 of a Palestinian state linked with goods to West Germany in the first the Jordanian kingdom. He be- 11 months of 1971, an increase of account for nearly two-thirds of the lieves that a Palestinian state 35 per cent over the same period Jewish poor, most of whom live should have an open door to the of the previous year. Israeli ex- outside designated poverty areas east permitting the passage of un- ports to this country represented and therefore do not qualify for employed to the Arab states in 10 per cent of its total exports in benefits to which they would other- 1971 and its imports from Ger- wise be entitled," he said. case of an economic crisis: The $50,000,000 is authorized for He contends that Israel should many accounted for 13 per cent of the fiscal year ending June 30, all its imports that year'. not fear the return of refugees, 1972, Scheuer reported. He said the But trade with Israel ac- estimating that' no more than 10 sum would be earmarked for new counts for only 5 per West to 15 per cent of them would programs to be designed by com- Germany's total foreign trade. choose to return to their homes. munity action agencies or groups, Israel's import surplus from Jerusalem, says Mussala m, Germany is exceeded by Bonn's which will apply to the 0E0 for should become a city open to all the funds needed to implement long-term loans to Israel which who wish to come there. Bethlehem amounted to $140,000,000 last them. should be part of Jerusalem be- year. cause it has no existence without a In addition, West Germany made Scandinavian Trade link to the city. restitution payments to Israel in Elias Faraij, head of the Bethle- the amount of $176,000,000 during Effects on Israel Studied hem Chamber of Commerce and the first nine months of 1971. COPENHAGEN (JTA)—An Is- member of the Municipal Council, raeli economic mission completed does not believe that Bethlehem- visits to Norway and Denmark to ites would agree to annexing their Poem bra Linguist,- ascertain, the effects on Israeli By EDITH LINDER-164N - town to Jerusalem. According—to trade -of, those countries' impend- Near the borders of Lebanon in western him, all of them resent Jeru- Galilee ing membership' in the European salem's expansion to the outskirts Lies Gesher Healy, Common Markets ' Meaning literally Bridge of Splendor;. of Bethlehem and the appropri- Derived from Gesher-4tchziv. The mis.siOn, beaded by Shimon Meaning literally Bridge of Disaster. ation of land without allowing for Amir, deputy director general of the Mediterranean, now the new construction before permit- Overlooking Israel's foreign ministry, met with- klbutz stands lush and luxurious, ting the return of refugees. He Transformed from a tented hill of senior officials of the Danish Min- poverty. also supports a Palestinian state It was on a small bridge crossing a istry of Foreign Trade. wadi near the klbutz The latter, expressed "under- linked to Jordan. 14 Israeli young men died in their standing" of Israel's problems One personality in the economic That battle against the enemy. with the_ZEC And promised to: life of Bethlehem, who wishes to But Gesher Achziv became Gesher Harty. work within the organization's remain anonymous, has raised a frameworit_Jor fairer treatment new suggestion which might re- The shift in semantics - symbolizes a process of living. a modus vivendi, of Israel:" = Solve the future situation of That besets all Israeli history. They did not promise to support_ administered territories. I will be very pedantic: Look at the valleys of Hula and the Israel's demand for admission to He believes that an economic Eniek, the EEC. Imports from Israel ac- disaster will occur if the Israelis That were changed from maleria swamps to areas of beautiful dwelling: count for about 1.5 per cent of the leave the territories or return Look at Masada, at Yad Mordecai, at combined imports of the present them to the Jordanian kingdom. Mt. Scow's. six Common Market countries. Look . . . Look at . . - According to him, the Pales- t have become of disaster tha tinians already have become Bridges bridges of splendor. Civilization is a limitless multi-; I will be very pedantic: accustomed to coexistence with plication of unnecessary neces- Israel, and have found a com- Oh, beautiful Gesher Hasiv! saries. —Mark Twain.) Oh, beautiful, beautiful Israel ! mon language with them. . Admiral's Son Attends Technion. Anti-Poverty Act to Aid Poor Jews THE DETROIT JEWIS MEWS Friday, February 25, 1972-23 Japanese, Performer Is Convert to 'Judaism Japanese-born Marie Miriam society Of New York and is per- Misakura is more than a singer, forrning•in that city, - dancer, pianist and comedian, who can perform in 12 different lan- guages including Yiddish and Hebrew. Marie Misakura is a convert ,te Jqdaism. The 21-year-old daughter of a Japanese importer-exporter, Miss Joe Slatkin's Misakuia was born a Buddhist. She—along with her brother, two sisters, parents and grandmother— was converted 12 years ago, on the insistence of her mother, a school teacher, who was impressed by the 20311 W. 8 Mile "depth and beauty" of Judaism. between So.,tnl.e , d a Ttlegr The 5-foot-tall, 95-pound Miss Misakura deeply believes in her religion. She performs with a star of David around her neck and sends 10 per cent of her income Our Promise To T coo . home to a small synagogue in BETTER S ERVI CI! Japan. Presently, she is serving as the president of the Japanese-Jewish It's Nice To Deal With DEXTER CHEVROLET 534-1400 The Shaarit Haplaytah SURVIVORS OF 1945 CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND A TRADITIONAL' PURIM BALL SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 4,- 1972, 9:00 P.M. at tin TEMPLE EMANU-EL 14450 WEST TEN MILE ROAD, OAK PARK,-MICHIGAN • Music By Eric Rosenow and his Continentals • A Traditional Purim Meal Will Be Served Donation $5.00 pqr Petson—We Will Wine You & Dine You Please Make Your Reservations Today By Calling Any of the Plikowing: lee Halpern, President Mrs. Helen Balberman, Ticker Chairman Phone 968-3791 or 861-4940 Phone 353-5749 Abe Webmman, 1st Vice Presichmt Jock Waksberg, 2nd Vice Presideat Phone 538-6534 Phone 546-4229 kla Glestower Sonia Popewski 543-9586 557-3994 We Are Colifident That You Will Spend And Enjoyable Evening With Us Make This Organization Your Horn* and A Success , ' -I - . "111141.1', .‘1;111 . 11.-■.:■:■ 1 011.iii MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NO TICKETS