40—Friday, February 18, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Rabbi Prero Chairs Melal‘ Maika in of *7;11e718 Objects_ to Statement on Busing by Rabbis triiSa_;.!ifhstfitlfShffiblr!..-- have great respect for many of the rabbis in our community and would like to ask them to come out. with forceful statements con- Rabbis - teach us the precepts cerning our precarious Jewish fu- of. Judaisni,- and I _.presume that ture, rather than declare them- in: referettce De- selves on an issue which does not Rabbinical Coin miision felt serve Judaism at all. thatOitt .precenf of justice Will be VIVIAN C. STOLLMAN served by; haSing no. other alter- native Is"found.., • r Rabbi Samuel H. Prero of Young Israel of Greenfield_ has accepted th" `-' -- chairmanship of the midwinter melave Malice of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, honor- ing David and Evelyn Cohen, 9, p.m. Saturday at the Yeshiva building. Th e o ens have been active Rabbi Prere in Jewish, community life for many years; and a cross-section of or- ganizations have expressed their willingness to participate in this There - greet:-.•injustice - done Wants Israel to Insist to children of our country by hav- ing many poor and disadvantaged on Halakhic Conversions children 'attend inferior schools. Editor, The Jewish News: I am amazed that the decision the' 'Concept of justice be served by Jewish parents allow- of the Israeli government to grant ing their Children to be trans- the title Jew to anyone converting program. ported „to inferior - schools? _ Will to Judaism has gone unchallenged. the Poor black child really bene- This is appalling because many fit from attending the inferior people do not properly convert Medical Lectures school with white suburban chil- either because they aren't sincere in their intentions and their con- versions are only for ulterior mo- for Senior Adults Obviotialy this will not . FERRANTE and TEICHER, the 547-0021, or Mrs. Faye Pazen, 544- exciting piano:team Coming to, the 2030. Masonie l -Anditorium March 11, "have been playing to- gether since, both were six-year- old prodigies at the Julliard School Vtisic in New York.' During their stay at"the school, they worked With the same teaehers, studying theory, conthotitiOn, chestration, conducting and In'anci ensemble. It was while studying ensemble work that the seeds were planted for what was to become the nation's number one piano team. * * _ WOMEN'S -VARIETY CLUB- TENT 5, is holding its 12th an- nual fashion show 12:30 p:m. March IS at the Raleigh House. The pro- ceeds from- the luncheon benefit the Growth and Development Cen- ter of Children's .HospitaL Doris Levin is Women's Variety presi- dent. Tickets spay be'- purchased from the co-chairMen, Mrs. Mar- tin Zide, 3537 5632, and Mrs. Sidney Blinnenthat- 353-1547. Labor Zionists Plan The founding of -the PRAGUE- SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, which Purim Nighiclub comes to the Masonic Auditorium The Labor Zionist Alliance (Far- 8:20 p.m., March 3, came at a band, Habonim Youth, American time of world economic crisis. In Habonim Association and Poale the Depression year of 1934, a Zion) and Pioneer Women will hold group of gifted, unemployed Czech a Purim Adloyada 8:30 p.m. Feb. musicians assembled to establish 27 in the Labor Zionist Institute. create a Sy Sims, square dance caller, A medical lecture series for a • new orchestra, based on the just' situation. Instead, the Rab- tives, or they do not follow the senior adults, co-sponsored by the ' proposition that it work in films, will be on the program. There also binical. Commission could work Jewish law in their conversions ,medical staff of Sinai Hospital, opera and concerts. Rudolp h will be Israeli dancing, reading of which nullifies the conversion. hard,lo.promote.-a -plan for Equal will commence 1 p.m. today at Pekarek was placed at the head of the Megila, community singing, The magnitude of the problem education for every child, with the 10 Mile branch of the Jewish the orchestra as its chief conductor prizes, costumes (optional) and the'same amount of Money alloted intensifies with the influx of im- Center. and managing director, a post he refreshments—all in a, Purim night- migrants from Russia, many of ..._ -per child. This series, under the direction held until 1948 when he leftPrague club atmosphere. - i''• The- opPosition to busing is mixed marriages. of Dr. Gary Pierce, chief psy- for Australia. Pekarek's successor There is a donation fee. For in- It is my sincere hope that your chiatric resident at Sinai, will was Dr. Veclav Smetacek, one of formation, call the LZA office, • an ?I‘r4 based on the .parents' con- sera: the physical welfare of paper will demand of the Israeli take place on the third - Friday of the leading conductors in Prague. 851-1606. * the, c n: Parents of young government to insert the singular each month and will focus on children, are-auta=d be afraid word halakha (Jewish Law) to physical or mental ailments re- Volunteers, age 21' and over, are to send their,_: * ' far away the Law of Return making it lated to the well being of senior needed by the SERVICE TO MILI- from home for 114-kiitii - same rea- mandatory for conversion to be adults. TARY FAMILIES DEPARTMENT PHOTOGRAPHY sons that the synagogues_ and tem- according to Jewish law. At the opening lecture, the of the "REDCROSS at its down- Specializing in RABBI H. GOTTLIEB topic for discussion will be "Diet town office. After a period of train- ples are moving to the 'suburbs. Weddings, Bar Mitzvas, etc. 23041 Parklawn, and Nutrition." The discussant ing, the volunteer will be able to It is not integration that is being feared generally, but the high will be Mrs. Joyce Schumacher, handle any of a variety of types Oak Park 342-2287 crime areas! therapeutic dietician. • of work. A volunteer must be will- .* * * As to obeying the law, there JDL Member Complains ing to work at least one-half day will be two alternatives. Every- More Adults Should Have New Class Fee Set a week on a regular basis; For in- one will obey; however, those formation, call Miss Wellman, The Jewish Center announces a 961-3900, ext. • who can afford it will send their Joined in Osipov Protest new class 82. fee for senior adult Editor, The Jewish News: * a 4, children to private schools, members next semester, which At the demonstration sponsored while the less fortunate mate- .1 r , ill 1.• begins on March 13. MRS. LILA REDER, president rially will obey the law 100 per by the Jewish Defense League Registration" will take place of the Oak Park chapter of the WA544141.111WT7:41—r- i•• cent. against the Osipov Balalaika Or- _,!is Surely the Commission must be chestra at Masonic Auditorium, I March 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. for mem- Michigan Association for Learning bers and 2-5 p.m. for both mem- Disabilities, invites the public to Michigan's Oldest aware of all this, yet it found it found myself face to face- with the bers_ and nonmembers. - an open meeting 8 p.m. March 2 necessary to make a public state- extremist group, Breakthrough. Senior adult, members of the at Frost Junior High School. Dr. ANTIQUE ment concerning this issue. This Its members made no attempt Center are eligible to en- Virginia Svagr, director of Learn- statement does not enhance Juda- to hide their plans- for the Jewish Jewish roll in any class at half the mem- ing Systems, Oakland County ism. Nor will it win us any new people; and the venomous anti- ber's rate—an innovation to ac- Community College, who is known friends. I feel, that on the con- Semitic slogans which they shouted Sunday Feb. 20th the senior adult mem- for her ability to prepare college - trary, it will provide us with new were not only directed at the JDL commodate bers who would like to take ad- curricula for young adults with enemies. members who were there to con- vantage of classes offered by the learning disabilities, will speak on What about strong statements them, but were equally di- Center at the main building and "What Happens to the Child With and stands on intermarriage? I front rected toward those members of 10 Mile branch. Learning Disabilities When He limit Detroit the Jewish community who for one Many classes are offered at no Enters College?" Mrs. Olga Roy, Chaffee Nr. 10 Mile excuse or another could not be fee. specialist in learping disabilities, MUSIC BY Snack• Bar & Door Prizes bothered to take part in the dem- For information about senior also will give a presentation. For onstration. adult membership or program ac- information, call Mrs. Inez Gold, Inforination 771-1772 With great pride, I observed the tivities call the Center, 341-4200. young high school and college-age HIS ORCHESTRA JDL members as they marched Broomfield Halls Delay 968-2563 vigorouily for Soviet Jews, and at • one point nearly came to blows of Richmond 'Bus' Edict RICHMOND — A Virginia Court with Breakthrough members. Sev- eral questions repeated themselves of Appeals decision to delay forced over and over in my head: Where busing in Richmond was hailed as • are the survivors of the" Holocaust encouraging news for Detroit by 25611 "COOUDGE at Vernon who should be here to see Lob- Congressman William S. Broom- 399-1300 field