Israel Ready to Join ypt - VroxinOity Tu! JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Is rael of more Phantom jets but chairmanship of Rep. Lee H. Ham- government announced Wednes day delivery that Israel is ready nevertheless ilton (D., Ind.). It. was presented that it was prepared to particip ate in "proximity talks" with Egypt for to participate in .talks conducted to the subcommittee's parent body, an interim agreement to reopen the by the United Nations special en- the House Foreign Affairs Com- Gunnar. V. Jarring. mittee, headed by Rep. Thomas E. Suez Canal. It has so info rated voy According to the Sulzberger Morgan (D.,Pa). the U.S. government. interview, Mrs. Meir said Israel's The report stated; "While the The announcement was m ode minimal demands included re mood of the vast majority of the following a special session of the tention of the Sharm el Sheikh American people is against any cabinet during which the la t test strongpoint in southern Sinai and ftirther political or military corn- formula for an American role in a land bridge linking it with mitments overseas, some more the talks was considered. For ign Israel; retention of East Jerusa relationship with Israel is Minister Abba Eban announ ced lem and the Golan Heights; and formal worthy of consideration if it will that talks had been completed in a modification of Israel's old encourage and accompany a peace- Washington, clarifying the U .S. border with Jordan.. ful settlement of the Arab-Israeli role. Mrs. Meir added, however, that conflict and Israeli sources said here th at once negotiations get under way, insure it." would be designed to the agreement on the U.S. ro le the Arabs may bring up any matter It noted that such "a bilateral in the proximity talks stenun ed they wish. "We have never said directly from an unparallele d that there is anything which the or multilateral relationship" understanding reached betwee n other side cannot put on the table," should give "Israel reliable as- surance of physical security in Mr. Nixon and Golda Meir at she told Sulzberger. an Israel territory defined by their White House meeting la st "If Jordan comes and puts borders accepted on all sides of Dec. 2. Jerusalem on the table, we won't The sources said that Mr. Ni, on get up and say, no, now we go the dispute and by the Big Powers." pledged that Israel would recei ive home." The options listed in the pre- all the planes and military equi P- -But Mrs. Meir stressed, "Israel ment it would need for two ye ors has taken a definite position that amble were (1) Continuation of and that Israel would not have to Jerusale-n will not be divided the present informal U.S.-Israel pay in political terms either in again and is a part of Israel and relationship without any contracted obligation or treaty, a relationship talks with Egypt on an inter i is the capital of Israel." accord or in negotiations for an She agreed that there could be that has been supported by suc- over-all Mid-East settlement. an arrangement for "Moslem ad- cessive presidents since the late According to the sources, Isra el ministration of their holy places, 1940s (2) Big Power guarantees with or without a Big Power pre- received virtually everything it but nothing territorial." wanted with regard to the U. S. The newspaper Maar iv re- sence to insure a settlement agreed position, except a guarantee th at ported that complete agreement to by the parties and reserve the the U.S. would use its veto in an has been reached between Israel territorial integrity of all states; action at the UN with which Is r a- and the U.S. on the supply of Phan- (3) a U.S. security guarantee el disagreed. tom jets to Israel, including a de- which would involve a unilateral Sources stressed that the curren t livery timetable satisfactory to American commitment to Israel in a guardian-ward relationship; (4) O Israel. moves are only the beginning t ward arriving at an agreemen t. (In London, Gen. Haim Barley, a U.S.-Israeli mutual defense pact They added that Mr. Nixon's o r- former chief of staff of Israel's in a relationship of partnership der, which in effect overruled th e armed forces, said the U.S. has and cooperation; (5) a U.S.-Israeli position of the State Departmen t shifted from a virtual halt of arms treaty of friendship and coopera- bureaucracy, was based least o f deliveries to Israel to become once tion which would give Israel a all on election year political con again Israel's chief supplier of reasonable mix of control over its siderations. weapons in quantity and quality. own security policy and support Negotiations have been going on (Addressing a dinner in his honor, and cooperation from the 'U.S. in for weeks in Washington, chiefly Barley said the shift came about case of a threat to its security; between Israel's ambassador, Itz- when the U.S. realized after two and (6) Israeli membership in hak Rabin. and Assistant Secretary years that it could not coerce NATO, which has the deterrent of State for Near Eastern Affair s Israel into accenting the Rogers value via a via the Soviet Union Joseph J. Sisco. According t o Wan for a Mid East settlement by of making Israel part of the West- ern defense system. sources here, the talks were com threatening to withhold arms.) The subcommittee report said p'eted to Israel's satisfaction Tues - Moshe Dayan to Confer that "From the Israeli -point of day. With Top U.S Officials view, the types of relationship it Mrs. Meir held top-level consul - JERUSALEM (JTA) — Defense tations on the subject at her home Minister Moshe Dayan will confer prefers depends on the kind of Tuesday night and the matter was with top American officials when settlement and its built-in guaran- submitted to the full cabinet Wed - he visits the United States shortly tees." The report acknowledged that nesday on behalf of the United Jewish ap- because of the makeup of the Despite the break in the dead- peal. United Nations and the experience lock between Jerusalem and Dayan is scheduled to meet Washington, prospects for Is- Monday with Defense Secretary of 1967 when UN forces were with- drawn at Egypt's request. "The raeli-Egyptian proximity talks Melvin Laird. Secretary of State remained dim. Both President William P. Rogers and Assistant Israeli government is chary of any Anwar Sadat and his new Secretary of State for Near East- international guarantee involving the United Nations. UN guarantees premier, Dr. Aziz Sldky, were ern Affairs Joseph J. Sisco. are, to the Israelis, no substitute quoted by the Cairo newspaper Informed sources said that Al Ahram as declaring that Dayan was not expected to dis- for binding peace between the parties," the report said. there must be war with Israel. cuss any specific matters such as "However," it added, "other Sources here said it was now up a Suez interim accord or the Jar- to the U.S. to bring about the talks ring mission as long as delibera- viewpoints see an important role between Israel and Egypt. The tions on these matters are con- for the UN in providing the frame- expectation here is that no action tinuing through normal diplomatic work for a peace settlement and - - - . will be taken before Sadat returns from Moscow, where he arrived Wednesday. Egypt's position is unclear and must be probed now that the obstacles between Israel and the U.S. have been removed, the sources said. Sadat reportedly told front-line troops several days ago that all contacts have been broken with the U.S. over the Middle East and that there was no dialogue between sr CLOTHES i ai.ori sa e /2 0 IF " emir, • WASHINGTON (JTA1 — The House Subcommittee on the Near East recommended in a lengthy retort released Monday that the U.S. government seek. "some more formal relations with Israel" Selected Groups of SUITS NOW '/2 OFF TOPCOATS OVERCOATS OYMCCOATS ._ , _. ._ RAIWCOATS NOW 1/2 OFF SPORTCOATS 24°° YE NOW $900 PANTS • DRESS SHIRTS "Asw NOW $500 SPORT SHIRTS "szr NOW $888 VAMTO NOW $ CASH AND CARRY CASH AND CARRY $250 $ 45 •ALTF-RATIONS AT COST I Bankard, Security, Master Charge and all other charge cords honored. e zate EAGLE Free Parking Livernois Corner of Cambridge • Phone Di 1-0480 Open Thursday, Friday till 9:00 p.m. – Saturday till 6:00 p.m. '72 SKY , ti RK POR --e cows Y-8, AUTO.. VINYL INTERIOR, intetsant. STOCK =487 I "MORRIS IS THE GUY JUICE IS THE GUY1 Martyrs Remembered BUCHAREST (JTA)—A memo- rial service for 126 Jewish martyrs killed in a pogrom here 31 years ago was held at the Choral Syna- gogue here. There also was a pil- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS grimage to the martyrs' graves in 14–Friday,Rbrvary , 4, 1972 the local cemetery. GG c,0,.., Sloda CLOTHES 19132 LIVERNOIS ... JUST OFF 7 MILE ROAD MORRIS BUICK DISCOUNT SAFETY 0 r . ■ A channels. House Subcommittee Urges U.S. Seek More Formal Ties With Israel if that would help advance a peace Cairo and Washington. He reportedly cautioned his settlement between Israel and her troops that there was a difference Arab neighbors. The report did not spell out the between a decision to go to war and the actual opening of hostili- precise type of relationship the ties which required thorough plan- subcommittee favored. But its ning to assure victory. Sidky told preamble listed six options, in- a labor conference in Alexandria cluding membership for Israel in Tuesday that Egypt was determin- NATO. The report was based on hear- ed to recover all the lands taken ings conducted by the subcom- by Israel. Earlier, Premier Meir said in an mittee last summer under the interview with New York Times correspondent C. L. Sulzberger, published in the Times, that Israel had made no commitment to the U.S. to resume talks with the Arabs in exchange for the promised li lk, oc helping keep the peace. Israeli and Egyptian participation in a UN peace-keeping force could over- come some of these problems." W. 7 'MILE. Ar WOO! LWAY 342-7100