▪ ' State Dept. Says - Nixon Aiding Soviet Jews CARS, TO RE DEMI furnish- . ed to &IVO your car anywhere. (Continued from Page 1) The statement continues: "Liv- Arkady Voloshin, a prisoner, Separately, 32 Moscow Jews— togolly leouredand I.C.C. lionued lad the resolution for virtually six ing is tense and unpleasant for applied to the Supreme Court of including such prominent activ- DRIVEAWAY SERVICE nonths, Sen. Fulbright thus far those who assert their Jewishness. the Soviet Union demanding the (Continued on Page 11) las given no indication when hear- Nevertheless,_ an increasing num- return of his books (a Jewish 9970 Grand River ngs would be scheduled. ber of Jews, particularly young encyclopedia, a Hebrew-Russian Detroit, Midi. 48204 J EWIS H In its inquiries, the JTA was in- peoPle, are . boldly and publicly dictionary and a Jewish prayei' WE 1-0620-21-22 4, 19721"S 'ormed at the Senate Foreign Re- claiming their rights, including book) which were confiscated 10-Friar, lations Committee that the com- that to travel abroad and emi- when he was arrested. mittee had been awaiting the views grate." He was informed by the Supreme The text contends that "as one Court )f the Executive Branch on the of the Moldavian Republic, resolution and that it was possible of the recognized religions, Judaism where his trial was conducted, that the committee would discuss hear- fares better (in the USSR) than the Jewish prayer book had been ing dates at its next regular meet- non-recognized sects—such as the burned since it was "an anti-Soviet Jehovah's Witnesses — but worse document." The other books, ing Tuesday. he No other food or drink on earth can mean so much The House Subcommittee on than other officially recognized re- was told, will not be returned to to your health—as the water you drink! Mountain Val- ligious groups." Europe held hearings regarding a him for the same reason. ley Water offers you so Included are references to state- concurrent resolution on Nov. 9 ...so delicious you'll enjoy each glassful; Khanokh, Lassal Kaminsky. and 10. At that time, the deputy ments of support for equal reli- ...so "light" on the system, drinking it is a joy; assistant secretary of state for gious, cultural and emigration Shpilberg, Voloshin and Josef ...totally free from pesticides, detergents, urban Europe. Richard Davies, testified rights by President Nixon. an un- Mishner have smuggled out a let- wastes or any additives; ter to "Jews of the world, our the department considered a con- identified State Department spokes- ... virtually sodium-free. gressional resolution on Soviet man, Davies and United Nations brothers and sisters" thanking Mountain Valley Water is excellent for all the family, representatives Rita E. Hauser and them for their support. Jews would be k'appropriate." all the time. For health, drink Mountain Valley Water "We know of the unending strug- Numerous requests have been Arthur Fletcher. every day. Davies is quoted as endorsing gle day after day you are conduct- presented to President Nixon to FOR HOME DELIVERY: take up the issue of Jewish emigra- the congressional resolution to ex- ing for us," they wrote. "We are Phone 1.0. 7 0178 Write-3343 Gratiot, Detroit, Mich. 48207 tion ever since he had announced press U.S. concern over the plight grateful to you and are convinced of Soviet Jewry. that the struggle will end in vic- that he would visit Moscow in May. tory. We believe that this will be Declaring that the U.S. has In its letter to Sen. Fnlbright, "facilitated" exit visas for Soviet another victory of the united Jew- the State Department urged that Available in Most Markets, Drug & Party Stores Jews and stressing Attorney ish people." the following language appear in General John Mitchell's initiation the congressional resolution: "Resolved by the Senate (the of parole authority to admit emi- House of Representatives concur- grated Soviet Jews into this country, the State Department ring) "That it is the sense of Congrers text affirms: "We shall continue to speak out that persecution of any person because of their religion or ra- on these issues, but the impact of official statements or approaches tionality by the Soviet Union be condemned, and that the Soviet to the Soviet government remains Union in the name of decency and limited. So far as we can de- humanity allow Jews, member of termine, the few Soviet concessions other religions and minority groups, of recent years have come about and all other Soviet citizens free- in response to expressions of con- dom to emigrate and to travel cerned public opinion from abroad." abroad, and allow the free exer- This, the pamphlet notes, is "evi- cise of religion and the pursuit of dence that the moral weight of culture by Jews and all others peaceful, lawful expressions of public opinion throughout the world within its borders." The department's letter pointed may yet persuade the Kremlin to out that "through formal and in- reconsider its practices." formal contacts, the department Soviet Harassment of Jewish has attempted to impress on Soviet Camp Prisoners Continues officials the adverse effect on NEW YORK (JTA) — The Na- Americans of Soviet discrimination tional Conference on Soviet Jewry against Jews and other minorities has learned of a series of incidents in the Soviet Union." in the Potma prison complex in the "We intend to continue to do so," last several days which indicate its letter added. that official Soviet harassment of "The Department of State," the Jewish prisoners continues. letter to Sen. Fulbright also said, Roiza Palatnik is reported to be "has repeatedly raised in both the suffering from a heart condition. United Nations General Assembly After her sister left for Israel, the and the United Nations Human criminal elements in the prison Rights Commission the Soviet camp, spurred on by the camp Union's transgression of the Uni- authorities, again started harassing versal Declaration of Human her. Rights." It pledged to continue Arkady Shpilberg has been as- doing so "at appropriate occasions signed to hard labor although his and in appropriate forums." health has deteriorated as a result Earlier, it was announced that of high blood pressure. Leib G. the State Department is sched- Khanokh went on a hunger strike uled to publish a pamphlet titled Dec. 17-26 in protest against insults "The Mistreatment of Jews in by the camp commander, Corku- the Soviet Union," in which it shev. asserts that Soviet Jews are sub- The 50-year-old mathematician, jected to singular discrimination Lev Korenblit, who was transferred including a "greater degree of from dirt digging to a sewing cultural deprivation" than other shop, developed an eye disease and Soviet minorities. is almost blind. 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