• 1104 Syrian Terrorist lr Raid in 16 Months -AVIV IMO — Istael Air 7 jets attacked a terrorist baste miles inside Syria Mon- de); afternoon and returned safely tp their -bases; a military- spokes- man• annetmced. ; The 'street was Tel Arrar; a illiage said to be the Site of the largest . teWerisr-CoacesiOittion in Syriafpc,_Tha„k attack Was the: first Sir raid,' by Israel:- iisfidnitt. 'terror - ists since ,.1$)74,wiwojets swept over` "Pallthlizidn on tbe alePes !ef"Mt. 4er.0411 rtithOm p0 " Lebanon. :- Israeli sources said Monday's 'raid s was a punitive 'action taken in response to the sharp- rise in terrorist activity ; along the Syrian b'o r der in recent weeks. The sources said further measures would be taken if the terrorist activity . continues. ..Tintin armed terrorists- were killed Sunday night in a clash with an Israeli patrol near Magshinthe settlement ha the Golan Heights. The terrorists . had, infiltrated Israel-held ter- ritory from Syria and bad set up , bazookas .to,fire, on Israeli vehicles on nearby roads- There were no Israeli casualties. Israeli sources said Monday that the terrorists in, southern Syria have the full support of and are acting in coordination with the Syrian army. Security sources said that 11 terrorists captured Sunday in a gun battle in the Jordan valley were helped by the Jordanian army to cross into Israeli ter- ritory. The terrorists claimed member- ship in the Salah A Din, a new guerrilla band said to enjoy the support of Jordanian forces. The Jordanian army has maintained tight control of the borders with Israel since last summer's clashes with the terrorists. . TTE DETROIT. JEWS* NEWS * Friday, Unwary 22, 1472-39 Israeli Workers Get 8 Pct. Pay Increase JERUSALEM (JTA)-811 wage earners in Israel will be given an 8 per cent cost of living allowance as of this month, according to an agreement reached by Moshe Zanbar, governor of the Bank of Israel, and Yehoshua Woschins, head of the trade union affairs department of Histadrut. Zanbar bad been authorized to negotiate the matter en behalf of the government. The employ- ers' unions years ago adepted the practice of accepting what- ever the government does. import surcharges that stemmed from the devaluation last Angst would be borne by the wage earn- ers. The agreement does not cover basic pay. * * * a a a N c..a...di", -.* CA R ICATURES a , HIM TIOSIS A * BY HAM MS , a - SCHWARTZ MUSIC . a . • 4,-- 110111130N . -MAN 41 * . * The cost of living index actually rose by 13.5 per cent in 1971.. How- ever, the two sides agreed that , A riddle; thug" will become more sue, made up of unequal parts ing from secondary schools—many demanding. it w solution . in the of law and order, permissiveness, problems are tackled by Harry 1972 electians Is tackied in a vol- pot, disruption and elements of Kemelman (author of "Friday the ume that already _aroused unusual the race problem, "dearly took Rabbi Slept Late" and "Saturday interest 'in- 1970. In "The ReaI Ma- its place alongside economic con- the Rabbi Went Hungry") in jority•" by Richard M. Scammon cerns as a major political issue "Common Sense in Education," and Ben J. Wallenberg, just re- of our time." published by Crown. issued with an impottant epilogue He views the black student's In 1972, the authors predict the by Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, issues to be: situation as the most tragic aspect the examination of the American The social issue will be even of the contemporary campus scene electrorate becomes more -potent. and what bothers him is that the - 'The two authors, in their very more potent and will still remain readiness of the college conunu- basically a pro-Republican issue, valuable analysel, provide . a study but if the Democrats keep dem- nity to back the black students' of the electorate and the forms onstrating that it is not an illiberal demands is that "essentially it is of reactions to be expected in the concern to worry about people's patronizing." year. ahead. He declares that the black safety in the streets at night, race is not inferior, that their The authors had planned to call they'll be okay. majority have not had the their book "The Next President." The economic issue will be of In the epilogue they summarize great importance in a presiden- chance to learn normally, that and conclude: he is certain as a teacher "that tial election. If Nixon is success- a black student who has under- "American voters want social ful in curbing inflation and cut- gone the normal preparation for stability and economic progress ting down unemploYanent rates, it college will do as well as any —each hi the broadest sense. will be a horse lace, otherwise other racial strain." This Includes law and order' as difficult for him to win. Remelman sees the changes that well as 'aid to cities.' It includes The President has an excellent have taken place in colleges "un- civil rights but not uncivil dis- record of refusing the war as an der the stress of campus rebel- ruption. The politIca.1 person- issue and "has a better than fair lions" as not improving the insti- ality who can best convince the chance in continuing his defusing tution, because for the most part American people that he can tactics." they are concessions to students deliver on these issues will be In "The - Real Majority," Scam- for a greater share in governing known in November 1972; by mon and Wattenberg have an in- the college. He states that this words which we at one time teresting comment on the chances puts .a less experienced driver at considered for the title of our of a Jew for the presidency. They the wheel. He adds: book: 'The Next President.' " state: In our fast-moving and ever- The authors of "The Real Ma- "A Gallup poll in 1969 showed jority" emphasize in their effec- that only 8 per cent would not vote changing society, the college was an instrument of slow time, stand- tive analyses that the social is- for a candidate because he was ing as a bastion of the eternal Jewish. Gallup data from 1937 verities against the whims and showed 46 per cent would not note fancies of the moment. I cannot for a candidate because he was see that our society will profit by Jewish. Of course, Barry Gold- eliminating it." water was born of a Jewish father, but as Harry Golden said rue- VIENNA.