Purely . Commentarly By Philip Slomovitz Emanuel Neumann-60-Year Public Career 141 to DC to for Syrian Jews - etween You • • • an a WASHINGTON (JTA) — A New York delegation seeking aid for Syria's remaining 4,e00 Jews was 7.4iftor-ht-Citief EMeittiza;: . 74 received "sympathetically" at the (Copyright Mt,' Inc.) State Department and five embas- sies on Capitol Hill. S 'Mid grand AN AMERICAN ANNIVER ARY Fifty ago; the Rabbi Abraham Hecht of-the Sy- _Man of the OR's- Leen- Brismsolio' VMS intef'.1o€4,1m!,emmeugleg rian Jewish Congregation. Sbaare Jewish-leaders--in Russia and a founder cirthe OAT MoVeitietzteatile Zion, Brooklyn, who headed the to -the - Unite 'States, for-41in,"first -lima,....11c,sought-` mitiklisitzan delegation, said Edward Abington American branch of the-- World* ORT jnien: _ and Andrew Kilgore of -the State . He found.his ,task - a very clifficidt one. :Although . theOR'r, was Department's Syrian desk "showed already 40 ; years :in existence at that and ltatt:Prtiven- itself of very real interest" in the plight of immense Value to Jewish communities; us Eaat-EuMpeatt,eMintries; little Syrian Jews and "promised to con- was known- orhirn,in the United States. - Jewish: Ueda:0111i tinue every effort through third- at that time was -providing philanthropic ilid to IUrOPinuts:ZeW17.:Thrpugh party nations and friendly coun- the Joint Distribution Committee, but the concept of training JeWpAo be- tries" to assist them. come:qualified self-supporting workers was completely ,alien:Vs Ameri- "We tried to emphasize," Rabbi can Jewish' philanthropists who were mpstly.from West t urepein.attick. Hecht said, "that while four years - Meeting with. no success on.tha-partof important 441meriea•4aivish have passed since the Six-Day . leaders who had -no Understanding of the meaning 'Of - .6111r4illatcy War, the imprisonment and torture thousands of Jewish artisans and youth who sought.artilitt‘ ' of the 'Syrian Jews have continued Dr. Bramson turned to Jewish labor leaders in this country. Many of and the conditions might get worse. these labor leaders were themselves emselves immigrants from Eastern Europe. The Late James G. Heller • The delegation visited' the offices They understood well the value of teaching Jews various trades to How many remember James G. Heller, the dynamic speaker, the of five senators and the embassies earn their livelihood as qualified workers in countries where Jewish Zionist Organization leader, the lover of music, the champion bridge of Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Mexi- poverty prevailed. player? co and Spain. In no time, an organization called "American Labor ORT" was -The Knesset marked the third A love affair may have cost him his pulpit in one of the oldest formed in New York. It was backed by all the needle trade unions anniversary of the public hang- temples in the country, Cincinnati's Isaac M. Wise Temple, in which whose membership was primarily Jewish. It also was backed by the the founder of American Reform Judaism, Dr. Isaac M. Wise, had ing of nine Jews in Iraq Monday Jewish -Daily Forward which had a tremendous influence on Jewish afternoon but the focus Of their preached. labor in the United States; by the Workmen's Circle, the Jewish fra- attention was on the plight of He was a charmer. We'd meet him at ZOA conventions (later be ternal order with a vei,r large membership; by the United Hebrew Jewi remaining in Syria. moved into labor ranks and became the head of the Labor Zionist Trades, which guided the smaller_Jewish trade unions; and by other Foreign Minister Abba Eban, Organization), and often at meetings he came to address in Detroit. speaking on behalf of the govern- elements in American Jewry who immigrated to the U.S. from lands Here, for diversion, before Temple Beth El became so deeply ment, described in detail the phy- where the ORT was known and operating. . and dedicatedly associated with supporters of the Zionist cause and sical suffering of the Syrian Jew- The ground for the establishment of what is now known as the of Israel's needs, he would socialize with the late Rabbi B. Benedict ish community. He said the move- American ORT Federation was thus broken. Dr. Bramson returned to Glazer for a few games of bridge which he loved. ments of Jews are curtailed dur- the ORT headquarters in Europe, but only to send two other top leaders Then he would talk about music and musicians, the art he loved so ing.the day and they are confined of the organization to New York to follow up his efforts. The two were much. to their homes at night. They are Dr. Aron Syngalowski and Dr. David Lvovitch. Each of them soon His death struck many of us who had known him as a truly sad kept in abject poverty and sub- -became very popular in various American Jewish circles. Their untiring jected to constant physical mal- pioneeringwork and the high respect which they evoked brought about loss. more and more understanding for the ORT in this country and made As pioneer Zionists, we knew that his father, Rabbi Maximillian treatment and abuse, Eban said. He declared that the free world the American ORT Federation what it is today. Heller, with Prof. Gotthold Deutsch of Hebrew Union College and Dr. ENVIABLE RECORD: On entering the 50th year of its existence, Gustav Gottheil, father of Prof. Richard Gottheil, the first president placed no credence in Damascus' the American ORT Federation can now boast of a record of wide rec- of the Zionist Organization of America, were the pioneers in Reform disclaimers intended to prove that ognition and of a large membership. Its women's division alone—known Judaism who defied Reform leadership in their sponsorship of Zionist all was well- with Syrian Jews. The Israeli foreign minister as the Women's American ORT—has now about 90,000 members. They ideals. called on governments, institutions are organized in 700 chapters which contribute close to $2,000,000 a Rabbi James G. Heller's death brought about memories of a very and personalities everywhere to year to various ORT programs. distinguished Jew, a great American, and of his antecedents—primarily raise their voices in a campaign Among the men's groups in the American ORT Federation, the his eminent father who was such a great personality in early 19th to save the victims. He assured American Labor ORT still stands out as the leading group. The other Century American Judaism. the Knesset that the Israeli gov- groups are composed of businessmen • and professionals. There also is ernment would not rest or keep a national rabbinical group composed of rabbis of all three denomina- A 'Freedman' Who Needs to be Freed of Prejudice silent until the last Jew is per- tions. The large American labor unions, like The Amalgamated Clothing Workers,. the International Ladies perinea: Workers and other trade In the early years before the emergence of the sovereign state of mitted toMeave Syria. The Knesset later adopted a unions Which were attracted to-The American. ORT at its founding 50 Israel, and prior to Israel's admission to membership in the United years ago, are still making supstargial fishigial contributions for ORT resolution stating that emigration Nations, we frequently met Benjamin H. Freedman as a fellow passen- „ projects. ger on the way to the UN sessions at Lake Success, N.Y. He always was the only solution for Jews re- The ORT. today is banned in the Soviet Union, Poland and other fumed against Zionists. He financed the placement of full-page adver- maining in Syria and other, Arab Conimniiiit countries, but it operates in more than 20 other countries tisements in the New York Times against the aspirations of Jews for, countries.- • In Montreal, special prayer ser- training about 65,000 students a year in its network of 700 trade schools a redeemed Israel and he stood in the way of settlement of displiced. on Which it spends about $22,000,000 a year. More than 35,000 of vices for the salvation of 4,000 persons, survivors from Nazism, whose only hope in life was the Jews still in Syria were held last these students are Israelis. There are today 75 technical high schools redemption of Zion and their settlement there. in Israel maintained by ORT. They are considered a basic source for Saturday in all synagogues. Freedman still needs freeing from ,his old hatreds and prejudices. The services and advertisements training a skilled labor force for the country. He remains the most notorious ally of anti-Semites. He supports and in all local dailies were part of a The American ORT Federation does not conduct any independent writes articles for the anti-Semitic Common Sense of which the notori- campaign organized by Rabbi Mor- fund-raising .campaign in the United States. It limits itself to collecting ous Jew-hater Conde McGinley (1890-1963) was the founder. ris Halpern, president of the Jew- dues from its members and accepting contributions from Women's Among Freedman's gems is. his latest outburst—an article which ish Board of Rabbis of Greater American ORT and other organizations for various projects. It also was headed (interspersed with skull-and-bones poison illustrations: Montreal, to alert the Canadian accepts bequests. Its major income in this country comes, however "Danger ... Warning ... Beware ... Seven USA Presidents Lied the public to the plight of- Jews in from the Joint Distribution Committee. which is very proud of financing USA Into a Desperate USA Predicament :The Inevitable USA Defeat Syria. the activities of the URI'. The JDC alloCilion to .ORT for its worldwide by USSR in the Coming Middle East War!" The Canadian Jewish Congress work is about $2,500,000 a year. Who are the presidents so named by the Jewish propagandist for and the Board of Jewish Ministers, HIGH REFUTATION: The reputation- Of the ORT today is high the anti-Semites? In the signed article, the author, Benjamin H. Freed- representing the Conservative, Or- not only among all elements of American Jewry but also in U.S. man, who is described as "Founder 1946 League for Peace with Justice thodox and Reform branches, in- government circles. Few Jews in this country are aware of the fact in Palestine," wrote: "The names of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, dicated that they will make new that in its technical assistance to underdeveloped nations, the U:S. Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John representations to the - Canadian government has been calling upon ORT to help establish manpower F. Kennedy, Lyndon H. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon will certainly government to intervene with training institutions essential to the modernization goals of these be found one day inscribed in big red letters in the official annals of Syrian authorities to permit Jews countries. the rise and fall of the United States. These seven masters of deception to emigrate from that country and Under contracts between U.S. 'government aid agencies and. the incurred their guilt by debasing their solemn oaths of office on behalf to release Syrian Jews held in ORT in New York, experts are being sent from the Central ORT of undisclosed domestic and foreign principals without any apparent prison. Institute of Instructors in Switzerland to Kenya, Gabon, Ivory Coast, qualms or misgivings, to enhance their political fortunes totally oblivi- Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic and other developing gountries ous of the threat to United States security and survival." to train students there as craftsmen for local industries and for other Lipsky Chair in Drama . Poor (Rich?!?) Benjamin Freedman! He could have gone way occupations. Programs for developing nations also are operated by back, to include in his list the second President of the United States, Dedicated at Hebrew U. ORT at the request and under contract to United Nations agencies.' John Adams, (1735-1826), who was President from 1797 to 1801, and JERUSALEM (JTA) — A-Louis In the United States, the American ORT Federation maintains the who, in a letter to Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851), wrote: Lipsky Chair in drama was dedi- Trade School in New York which was founded about 30 years "I really wish the Jews again in Judea, an independent nation, cated at the Hebrew University Bramson ago to help Jewish refugees. from Nazi Europe to acquire professions far, as I believe; the most enlightened men of it have participated in honor of the- - -late- American enabling them to adjust themselves to conditions of life in this country. ht the amelioration of the philosophy of the age; once restored to an Zionist leader who died nine years In the war. yearn, this school was teaching trades to Jews who independent government, and no longer persecuted, they would soon ago. The chair was established by the Maxi camps, and came to- the United States without any wear away some of the asperities and peculiarities of their charac- the World Confederation of Gen- skills. 'Today, a large amniher of its students are Hasidic youths from ter . . ." eral Zionists. Brooklyn where there are large pockets of Jewish poverty. Its en- Lipsky, a writer and theater The latter portion of the letter could well be applied to those who rollment is reckoned at more thin 20,000 slime the school was founded. would not see Israel "again in Judea, an independent nation." Bat critic for,the old Hew York Tele-, The popularity Of the Ameriean ORT Federation is due mainly to its that's another chapter in which Freedman might also be included.. gram, was active- -in the- World President, Prof: William Haber, whose devotion to ORT knoWs no end. o - Very molar in the.United Freedman could be annoyed by the thousands of clergymen who Zi nist Orgitnistitioio, .Seven Rage- States, Prof. Haber•also-is president of the have not rejected Prophecy, and the millions of non-Jews in many lands sod and- the Zinebit Organheation central hoard — of the World ORT Union. He is. the first' American to of America.- who call themselves Christians and other denominational Zionists. bold this post in all that 90 years of the existence of the world organi- Lipsi:y's son, Eialser Lipsky, We are talking to ourselves: nothing that has been said sways - elation. This- as a tribute to him for his untiring efforts on behalf of chairman of the Roaid Freedman from his self-subservience. of Dim- the ORT . over It is also a tribute to American Jewry which has tom of the Jewish Telegraphic come. to. world understand the. importance of the ORT for Jews in many 2--Friday, January 28, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Agency. countries; including Israel. At the dinner that honored Emanuel Neumann's long career in Zionist work and as a member of the Jewish Agency Executive, an interesting fact was overlooked. His first official task was as an asso- ciate of Henrietta Szold in the educational department of the Zionist Organization of American (then known as the American Zionist Fed- eration). That's when Young Judaea was founded by the movement. (Dr. Israel Friedlaender was the first Young Judaea president and dynamic 5-foot-9 David Schneeberg was its first secretary). That's when we first met lir. Neumann. His brother, Dr. Joshua Neumann, also played an important role in Zionist educational efforts Jr a time. Emanuel Neumann plans to retire from the chairmanship of the American Section of the Jewish Agency Executive. It should be re- corded with full credit to him that he had encouraged the magnificent $1,000,000 gift for the establishment of the Tarbut Foundation from Abraham and Jacob Goodman; that Herzl Press is a Neumann brain- child and that Midstream Magazine in the main owes its existence to him. His name will be inerasable from world Zionist history and it is good to be able to honor him while he is in the prime of his activities. * 6 - . -