.Good rael Should Be Ready t,o'Coiniiiianise • • • JERI/SALE . (JTA) --Defense Defense did not close the door' completely Aziz Sidky, 51, who is presently W...4.. I1 ':u•said. Sun- on an interim agreement.th .retmen forming a government, and the new ,Weroixst the Sum Canal but is Paw Placing foreign minister, Murad Ghaleb, day bight.that' good for greater emphaiikana4mntiatnation are said to be no more pro-Soviet and that IsciWwIaleit is hi afposi, of the:-Jarring -MIssion. -"- -- than the men they replaced. tion of 'sfrength, bk..ready Sidky, as deputy premier and Accordint -hi:the aihaa;SIt Tll " minister of industry and petroleum to make ititit*Mnities. can be eve- chid-to- tey to revive Appetuittit. -nni*leler.lidOW,inter- the Jarring -.mission in the old cabinet, negotiated a an his own ! view, Dayatilittributed thelinprov- terms which require an Israeli $600,000,000 economic agreement ed climate- forTialle.ta ,;- the- fact commitment to withdraw from the with the USSR recently. But he is that Preldtlent .4fitter - -.Abidat of Sinai. But failing to accomplish also the man instrumental in bring- Egypt knOviii:lia.-:010001ove- Is - this, ing American oil companies — this, he will try again: for reel- by : threaM 7 4..waiier:by Pres- terim Suez accord with-the :U.S. Amoco and Phillips into Egypt sure. frorat7Ifte -AtaaitaidiStiatesi- - -Day- serving as mediator, they and negotiated , with a West Euro- , an did noCetialiatiltU4lef the nature Dayan noted thai-:-.thriers pean consortium for the construc- of-the compromises.. • superior strength has deterred tion of a $330,000,000 oil pipeline - The hate rnal problems facing from Suez to Alexandria. . • ! Sadat hurt . : impenvedr thalweg; _ the Egyptian leader -from lath- Former -Premier , Mabmoud fog war. He :sadd BadaVrecalf• • • for legotlattmiCthewthson,agele„ _ fadsed„,.that Fawzi, whom Silky replaces, sup- Iseiena „presence al facts faraf'siiithiAdgniBeitht..itiaaja- ported Sadat but he is 72, an age "gaeh'eannfalatthshireitaaa „ words eMinaUng frná: Cairo, at which the Egptian president depth ha the'Sinat, andr.liatVt apparently feels one can no Power would diem any Egyp- He . was 'referring, to Sadat's Ilan attempt to cress the water-- longer -serve as an effective speech Jan.. 13 wthch; icciirding to way. prime Minister, the Israe li Israeli experts-Iiho analyzed its sources said. Fated has bees re- _ Foreign Minister Abba Eban said bleed is a thp_adviser to Sadat. text, leaned continued dip- : lomatic efforts even though Sadat in a radio interview that the only *Cried as ambassador to malted that he was prepared to go barrier to a resumption of the Jar- the Soviet• *Union for about 10 ring mission was• Dr.- Gunner V. years. But he has made no oh- to war. President Sadat had said that his Jarring's demand that Israel earn - vious pro-Soviet pronouncements country was at the brink of war mit itself In advance to with- and aPPears to have an open mind on Chhil; with lintel when the Indo-Paki- The Israelis said his predecessor staid war broke out last month. New: EgyPilan -Cabinet Refleets Consolidates by flathat Rather Mahmood Riad, may have demon- He implied that- it was only that grave hiterilidional crisis that' pre- Than Change of Govt. :Policies strated too much independence and vented Egypt from going to war. JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Was probably suspect by Sadat be- Sadat-aiade -the claina in a broad- sources said-that the new-cabinet cause of his cloieness to the group cast from Cairo beamed to the lineup in Egypt reflects - a move around former' Vice-President Aly by President Anwar. Sadat to con- Sabry who was tried for treason entire-Middle East. He also warned President Nixon solidate his own position rather last year. against sending more Phantom jets than a desire to change his gov- . Riad is known to have differed to Israel. ernment's policies. withSathtt' over an interim agree-' According ,to some observers That assessment was based on ment to reopen the Suez Canal., here, giadat: was using the Indo- the names- available here so far The former foreign minister Main , Pakistinat -Akar as a face-saving of the new Egyptian ministers— tained that it was a ruse by Israel device explain why 1971, his men who are belived to be more to remain in the Sinai indefinitely. procialined "year of decision" on loyal personally to Sadat and less Sadat, on the other hand, appeared war with -Israel, ended with no of a challenge to his power than to favor negotiations for an in- Ffi decision. terim agreement. their predecessors. The Israeli analysts said Sadat The new prime minister, Dr. M • Kaimne Warns Jews of 4Impending usriii-lj...94- _ Calls for Miya. T-aftajg - /fahani announced that JiDL is deteriorating economia - Ho YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN THE TEL-TWELVE MALL AREA A step Ina the Right direction .354- 300,, 111111111111111M1 OLDSMOBILE IN IIC5 • S‘:tv ICC ', 0 CIII !no A....5 . 280O0'TELEGRAPI-4 AT TEL-TWELVE MALL SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48075 • 354-330s MARSHALL ROBERTS LTD. 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' .._ . .. fl' Our huge warehouse is convenient to Carl's Chop House and strategically located near' all expressways. We promise to show our appeciation with experienced factory trained service and the lowest prices. The Stutz Family •Ali. TIMES AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT MUM 'PHON E 21=1234 Lodge Expressway to Temple—Grand River exit that term right. UNDERSOLD Detrqjt —Phase 321-1234 3140 Grand River Most asCaere Om* Mama n. ' brteidiFtE0 PHONE 6B 820 OFFICE -mt014:: _4823 '• • ' ' 111.1ittir 9 to 5; ORIDA*, 4.•■•■•„. 9 to 4; ' LI" 'YS; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. , "4