East Problem Friday, Jaaaary 21, 1972-43 TIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS in Air - t bAUSIC -* SAM BARNETT- Major., among the :Assn; under Israelis, an important step for- has publicly said on miles •e• let them go ahead to study, the discussion in Israel is the queistion ward will have been taken. At that maims, ewer .the ;raise, . and In AND HIS ORCHESTRA Arab student will remain here of the ,Ptileitinietts and the con- point it will be the turn of the ineetisgs with. Ambits. Ina radio_ and say: "This, then, is Israeli 9684563 flicting views ell;"a possible' new Palestinian Arabs on the West interviewwidth ,,k,..hantle04 in rule. I have graduated from state , or . one 'hi 'function together Bank to take up the challenge, and Uds - TRIENEE-ARstalted Oswalt hi: high school, but I have no job with' Jordan for -the former Pales- by accepting the legitimacy of vitalism het issued* iheLIPalestin. and they don't let me study." - "rti/egeet; to ' re- Israel pave the way for taking las Arab imetess,Itadws1 Minks* Woubbet he became anti-Israeli - patrhitisiL - • their place in that historic land to Wad hk hem. Tease 211111kai to sack a situation, wouldn't be There- are 'many Israelis who which, for better or worse, they belongs Es sue se dee most out- and his ORCHESTRA resort to terrorism here? insist even immediate action upon have to share with the Israelis." "Music at its Best spoken national* families IR "We have to see the inhabl- securing such a 'State to serve as for Your Guests" Nablus, at the West Bank, and Gen. Yehoshafat Harkabi's views tanst of Gaza, Judea and a basis dor-peace: The sponsors and are the more cautious, the more her anti-Israeli poems have been Samaria as citizens and not as supporters - of finch a task are -not distrustful of the views advanced widely quoted and broadcast en 557-7986 enemies. There are enemies necessarilY- the "radicals." They by the author and editor of this radio standee an_ over the Arib among them, and all of them are the 'liberal forces who are volume, but there also are wort& Whet, Day= invited her would like to get rid of us. But Eye Doctors striving to etiroll Arab support for what Avineri calls the more moder- to visit his home, many people if we, at our part, do not want Prescriptions Filled amicable agreenuitts--= ate opinions of Mattityau Peled in Israel objected to what they to see another government there, A leader in this movement is and Shimon Shamir. Other views called the aid and comfort which we have to be their government. Shlomo Avineri, chairman of the gathered for a thorough review of was duel being given to the ta0.17 And if we are the government, political science department and the existing situation include those Palestinian guerrilla movement. PRESCRIPTION OPTICAL CO. we have to supply the people the Eshkol Research Institute at of Arie I,. Eliav, who approves Dayan's response to such an ob- 26001 Coolidge 543-3343 . with employment and services, the Hebrew University, and his Palestinians' claim to self-identity, jection; broadcast over Israel 4 %. give them civil rights, and not controversial but thought-provoking Ehud Sprinzak and others, and radio, is indicative of the mea- treat them as enemies." book, "Israel and the Palestinians more especially those of Moshe sure of the man himself, as well The Palestinian problem, con- —Reflections on the Clash of Two Dayan. as 'of the balanced mood charac- National Movements," published by of so many of the younger trary to the charges made by It is the latter's position that teristic terrorists, anti-Semites and those St. Martin's Press, should be Israelis who were born or raised who seek to destroy Israel, is not studied as a basis for knowledge commands special attention. In his in the country." ig nored. Israel is concerned. There on the subject and for whatever intraductory essay Avineri ex- The complete text of Dayan's are enough prominent Israelis to for your party acts may be undertaken in the plains: "Since there exists in Israel statement (titled "'The Challenge help bring the issue to a head. months—possibly years—ahead. very little of the alienation be- of Coexistence"), presented as an The views of Arabs in the Avineri Avineri himself-holds-to-the BY answer to the question whether he view that the tonilict in the _ tween the intellectual and the was justified in inviting the Arab -book are not altogether encourag- •political spberei so charieteris- ing but the road is being paved for Middle East-is-not-between Is- nationalist poet Fadwa Toukan to tie of many Western societies, a better understanding. raelis and Palestinians. He des- the debate about the Palestinians his home, is a classic and is a Avineri's "Israel and the Pales- cribes the unhappiness of the great tribute to Israel's minister has involved both intellectuals refegees under Jordanian rule of defense. This article may in tinians" adds immeasurably to- Call and politicians. And because the wards an approach to a serious and he declares that "it now Israeli army retires its officers the years to come serve as one of issue, the solution of which is so seems clear that any settlement the greatest tributes to the man of when they are in their forties in vital for Israel and her neighbors of - the Arab-Israeli conflict that order to discourage the formation war who seeks peace. and for the entire world. does not deal with the problem Dayan's eight-page article in this of a closed officers' caste, many of Palestinian self-identity will book concludes with this state- ex-officers pursue second careers fall short of the requirements of as academics, entering the uni- ment: a true peaceful solution." versity in middle age. Soine of "According to our policy, we The "bi-national state" propo- /-1 do not attempt to stifle expres- sal's difficulties are defined by these ex-officers also are rep- sions of resistance if they do not Avineri, and his proposal- calls for resented in this volume; it seems clear that they are as sensitive call for violence. I am happy that the following: . to the issues involved as the there is an Arab newspaper in The conflict between Israel -and other writers. That Moshe Dayan Eastern Jerusalem, and I know the Arabs that arose in historic that it is not pro-Israeli; if it Palestine can come to an end if is himself sensitive to the ques- were, it would be a quisling-type both protagonists will accept each tion orthe self-Identity of Pales- paper. An Arab population of other's legitimacy. Israel has to tinians is evidenced by what he almost a million people has to accept the legitimate claim to the _ have its own means of expres- Palestinian Arabs . to a state of Germany to Repay sion. If we look forward to the their -min on tan_West Thom %SO-9MS normalization of our relations mita* -*Ito perhaps= integrating Students Deprived a hi. 9404:00 with that public, we should not 17540 WYOMING • TEL 341-1330 • Tues., Wed. Trans-Jordan; the Palestinians Sot. 1,4130 have to accept the legitimacy of of PhD by Nazis in '33 edit their newspapers for them. They should run their own news- Israel. It is the tragedy of the BONN (JTA) — A precedent- papers. And we cannot forbid ~ asaaaaaas aaaaasasaaa ' Palestinians that at present every setting decision by the West Ger- them to listen to Arab radio and one . of their organizations (PLO, man Supreme Court in Karlsruhe watch Arab TV. I know that they Al Fatah, PFLP, PDFLP) denies the legitimacy of Israel and thus has opened the way for the pay- listen to Cairo and Damascus, helps to. frustrate any possible ment of reparations to Victims of and I know what is being broad- cast from there, yet we should Israeli attempt to accommodate to Nazism who were students in Ger- the facts of Palestine Arab nation.. many during the Nazi era but not cut them off from the Arab Were unable to comolete their world. They are part of this I alism. On the Israeli side,—the world. great hope is the younger genera- doctorates because of persecution. The decision was taken, it was "I feel that we should not tion, which bears lise brunt of the battle, and which is far more open- learned, by the Second Senate of prevent the five thousand stu- the West German Constitutional dents on the West Bank from minded about the Palestinians studying at Arab universities, than its .elders; were the Israeli Court, which sits in Karlsruhe. Legal sources here said that the again, in Cairo and Damascus, government to give some concrete expression to the mood of younger amount of reparations to be paid because we do not have Arab under the new court ruling would universities for them here. I 9 Mile and Coolidge Store Only be "very high." The court decided know that when they go to the Israel Budget Hits that according to the statutes of Arab universities, they not only -- the reparations law, Jewish and receive an antl-Israelt education; $4 Billion for 1972 other students forced to interrupt but some are even recruited to JERUSALEM (JTA) — Finance their studies in 1933 are entitled Al Fatah. But if we would not 'Minister Pinhas Sapir submitted a to- reparations. $4,000,000,000 budget for fiscal AMPAL Celebrates 1972 to the cabinet which he hoped would be anti-inflationary. The Right-Wing Extremists 30th Anniversary budget is some $714,000,000 less Increase in W. Germany TEL AVIV (JTA)—Ampal, the than the original draft based on the BONN (JTA) The number of American Israel Corp. founded requests of all ministries and extremist right-wing organizations originally to channel American government departments. It represents a series of com- in West Germany increased from investment capital into the infant promises worked out by Sapir with 18 at the beginning of 1971 to 108 idustries of the Jewish community other ministries, notably defense, at the end of the year, it was re- in Palestine, began celebrations but not the ministry of education vealed by the Minister of Interior here to mark its 30th anniversary. A special flight from New York which still demands a budget in Hans Dietrich Genscher. He said the proliferation of so brought over 150 Ampal directors excess of what Sapir is prepared and shareholders to participate• in I many extremist groups indicates to allow. bow deePly divided the neo-Narls the celebrations. They were ac- Sapir said more restrictions are currently. companied by representatives of Ii would be imposed on business ex- Genscher said that the math neo- five major American banks—The penses and that the government will approach wealthy Israelis for "vol. Nan party, Use 'National Democra- Bank of America; Manufacturers =tart" contributions to raise part tic Party, etas no more than 20,000 Hanover Trust Co. - Chemical of the additional 4140,000,000 Is- paid up members and is repre- Bank; National Bank of North rael will head 'this year to sented only- one member in the America; and the American Ex- the anticipated inane of imml- Baden legislature. press Co. Nevertheless, he note d, the During 1971, Ampal loaned 9 Atli* at go, Oak Park There would he a relaxation of patty's rank and file has become $87,000,000 to 81 Israeli institutions taxes oh. wage, eared* 11•••=alms . masusiummmswamulawamosmwasossodl more extreme than in the past. and companies. . FRANK PAUL • Caricatures SAM FIELD 399-1320 ----- -; --------- - - e 0 `Kl Y,/7 Norman Allan & Co. WITH THIS A saa Sunday, January 23rd a 12 Noon to 5 p.m. I 0/0 I a I a - - ''.410111011 .111.99.119611111.11101111UMMIlimaisit. " CHAR