ef, Prof re 4 2-1dZ, 12 1 =2 . 21, 1972 NEWS BustMoshe Young Couples Map Events The Quotisble Reilbers Slonim • JournaliStRabbi Reports on - Mid "Fait Beat B CHARLOTTE DUBIN • ■ wairk atabill illsi Isa -bi Admiring of calling 'IS Years on the, Middier.Rast of 'palibeatioisr beeps" isig eolecide with Israel's 25th anal- versary seri year. Other of his interviewees Included David Ben-Gurion, to whom, Slo- nim concedes, he was not particu- larly kind-in his writing- — .'Itrtt later, introduced my grandchild (one of two) to him, and 1 have a delightful photograph y course, Sadat has gone one at e During the 13 years be served The Young Couples Club of Bnai a For a rabbi, Reuben Slonim has. beyond. Nasser, saying he is Are- his commons*, Rabbi Sionim rare virtue of speaking his mind pared to make peace if,Israel Moshe will meet 8:30 p.m. Jan. 29 --off the will saw the construction of a huge record,make the he ants," - a a d breathtaking sanctuary, at the- home- of Alan and Karen Barry, 15925 Harden Cir., South- He unblushingly attributer -It to Despite Sadat'i warblre verbiage ' *Web he describes as "a gran- the fact that he forsook the full- Egypt argues from a position 'of " ary. field. They called it Slenim's time pulpit cuff for and a typewriter on the 18 weakness, It a b b i Slonim nim '1 folly. " Daniel Schwartz, lecturer at the years ago. "Education there is retrogressing Midrasha College of Jewish Studies "You have no idea what a joy- because of the rapid increase in He interrupted his congrega- and administrator of psychiatry at ful task that was, to go to work population. There is a lack of tech- tional service to join the Royal of them together. After that meet- Sinai Hospital, will discuss "Mod- each morning, free of congrega- nologists. There is graft and cor- Canadian Air Force as a chaplain ing. my opinion of Ben-Gmion changed. You see how easily a re- ern Issues in a Jewish Context," tional tasks and in L1941. Rabbi Slonim returned to porter can become biased?" ruption. including abortion and busing. Re- 'ballebatim'. I "Washington . knows that Israel the synagogue after the war and freshments will be served. couldn't believe is technologically superior 'and that after university studies in law, The club will meet once a month they paid me to the Arabs will never catch up. Do which he dropped a year before do this. " The until July. you know that arms are Israel's completion. "You could say I'm "they" Rabbi Slo- number two income producer, after overqualified." nim refers to was tourism?" But an unending source The career in journalism began the respected of equipment is important to Israel, in 1954, at the request of the pub- O'irt4 Toronto Tele- and so the U.S. provision of jets lisher of the Toronto Telegram. gram, which he should continue, he said. John Bassett, seeking to change ‘1(nnouncefrientsi served as corres- Is it true that the U.S. is trying the image of the once-anti-Semitic, pondent and asso- to "blackmail" Israel into conces- anti-Catholic paper, sent Rabbi Jan. 13—To Dr. and Mrs. Philip ciate editor until Rabbi Slonim M. Rosenbloom, former Detroiters it recently folded—to the dismay sions with the threat of withhold- Slonim to Israel. ing arms? Rabbi Slonim describes of Baltimore, a daughter, Keri of Israel's friends. His series of articles so im- that assessment as journalistic pressed the paper that Rabbi Slo- Marsha. A Winnipeger by birth, Rabbi acrobatics and not at all fact. a o a nim was asked to stay on. And he Slonim was pro-Israel long before Israelis accept their position did, for 16 years, covering' three Jan. 12—To Mr. and Mrs. How- it was popular to be so. In fact, realistically, said Rabbi Slonim. Middle East wars, the conflict in ard Nis ka r ( Gail Sake), 23825 he recalled that Percy Kaplan, to- "They know that every country Cyprus, the war in Nigeria, inter- Rockingham, Southfield, a son, day executive director of the Jew- MELODY NURSERY must operate out of its own self- Scott Jason. viewing the. great and near great ish National Fund in Detroit, was O a o interest. They know that it's to in many countries. AND KINDERGARTEN his first Young Judea leader in the interest of the United States Jan. 5—To Dr. and Mrs. Ken- Winnipeg. Haliing authored "In the Steps of 24930 Leiner Rd. for Israel to remain in the Sinai. at 10 Mile Rd. neth A. Benjamin (Suzi Gross), the Pope" after participating in It was for the Jewish National And they know Americans don't Has a 1851 Lake Lila, Ann Arbor, twin few openings and is Pope Paul's pilgrimage to Israel, Fund that Rabbi Slonim came to want another Vietnam." registering NOW for the 21 daughters, Hillary Anne and Shawn Detroit Tuesday. Before address- Rabbi Slonim now said of his sub- week Spring Semester The knowledge of her own ject: "He's retrogressive, has more from ing a women's donor tea at I Jan. 24th to June 16th * * style than content. strength has given Israel a cock- Cong. Sbaarey Zedek, Rabbi ■ Your child will hove special Jan. 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Marlin sure reputation. Rabbi Slonim at- Slonim talked to The Jewish "The Vatican policy always has music programs, art, reading Rubin {Susan Weisberg), 1931 Par- tributes it to "the style of Moshe been for an internationalized readiness, trips, plus many other News, fearlessly expounding on, Dayan: We menter, Royal Oak, a son, Kevin must activities . . . all in small be first.' " Jerusalem, a policy bound by yes, the rabbinate (which he en- Marcus. groups with personal attention. Interestingly, although Dayan is theology, not politics, Pope Paul tered after graduation from the * a a MORNING, AFTERNOON AND the Israelis' number one hero, cannot tolerate a Jewish Jeru- Jewish Theological Seminary), ALL DAY CARE 2, 3 or 5 days Jan. 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Allen "they wouldn't like to see him as salem. How would John have on Israel, on Abs, ra on Ameri- per week. Cog Zimberg (Sandy Lerman), former prime minister. He's too volatile." handled it? He might have been can Jewry, on being a journalist. MRS. DAVID HOLTZMAN Detroiters of Cleveland, twins, Who will be the next prime more liberal; who knows?" The Detroit trip also provided 353-7320 Jeffrey Michael and Rhonda Elise. 0 pportunity to visit with his kins- minister? "Pinhas Sapir. It's not fee' information Another book is in the offing, • • • m en, the Weinstock and Shulevitz the people's choice — a minister of finance never is popular because Jan. 3—To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest families. he asks for sacrifice. But, Sapir • Turken (Sharon Greenblatt), 30752 Recently returned from Israel Woodstream CL, Farmington, a an d Lebanon, Rabbi Slonim said washed Golda's back, and she h e found a Lebanese government washed his. It's strictly politics." son, Vale Adam. Rabbi Slonim is aware that his e ager to oust Arab terrorists, yet * o Jan 3 — To Mr. and Mrs. H. af ra id to do so because of pres- remarks often rankle those who James Zack (Stephanie Wolff), ure from Syria. Also, "Thousands wish to cast no bad light on Israel. UP TO Our community is ruled by fund f Palestinians are now integrated 10114 Borgman, Huntington Woods, raisers, and it's always easier to in to Lebanese life, particularly on a daughter, Merrill Elizabeth. th e campuses, and they support raise funds through emotionalism. • • • c ommando activity." "The Jewish Establishment Dec. 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Martin has a viewpoint they want to NORTHLAND CENTER — PARKING LOT C Edeiheit (Judi Zager), 29035 Ram- b If it were in the power of Le- sell, so it's hard" for a reporter anon's business community to Oakland — Westland — Eastland — Universal Mall blewood Dr., Farmington, a daugh- m to write objectively for the Jew- ake the decisions, the borders USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE • ter, Nicole Blythe. Vri th Israel would open tomorrow, ish community. But only lies • • • sa id Rabbi Slonim. Unlike other hurt the Jews; truth does not." Dec. 19—To Mr. and Mrs. Her- A tab countries, "the Lebanese are To his sorrow, "Israel no long- schel Wander (Roberta Cherniak), willing to sacrifice politics for er egalitarian: there is is a gap be- 3201 Evergreen, Royal Oak, a ec °images." tween Sephardi and Ashkenazi, daughter, Marla Ann. Rabbi Slonim has covered events between rich and poor. It disturbs • • • in Jordan and Egypt, as well as me a great deal to see what is To Mr. and Mrs. Joel Adelman Le banon. Most journalists can't happening, that there are million- (Judy Rose), 32642 Olde Franklin, ge t into S yr i a, so that govern- aires, that there are scandals. Farmington, an adopted daughter, m ent's snub doesn't bother him 25761 Greenfield Road "Yes, I do expect Israel to be Elizabeth Karen. o v ermuch. Southfield more moral than other nations. I'm "I was kicked out of Cairo not an Israeli nationalist, but a Children 2 to 5 Years after the war (1956) although I Rev. Jewish nationalist, a prohetic na- tried to-report _the , Arab view- Morning and Afternoon Sessions tionalist. The Jews are in a HERSHL ROTH Wabbi4 Stenim. "The of freedom- hi. Israel.- They crisis are Certified mot.' ' a hnosphere there was very bad. • Two 10 Five Days a Week Of course, they shouldn't have struggling for a better world." 557-3186 If Rabbi Slonim does not fault Transportation Available a (knitted me in the first place." or . the English-Jewish press for print- For Jorouserry Enrollotout 557-1585 Rabbi Slonim recalls a "bad 10 ing stories of scandal in Israel, he dr. a ys" until he could leave the does wish there were more news ountry, assisted by the Cana- of the Arab world. "We often mis- di an Embassy. RABBI LEO judge the Arabs," he said. "True, While in Egypt, Rabbi Slonim me t both Gamal Abdel Nasser and they're emotional and have a a man who "struck me as his hatred for us, but we should try Mohe1 st ooge" — Anwar Sadat. "Nasser to understand them. We must try Serving Hospitals and Homes to talk to the moderates. I've LI 2-4444• LI 1-9769 was not an Arab but, being am- talked to them in Beirut and bill ous to rule the Arab world, Cairo." us e d pan-Arabism to his own Almost 58, Rabbi Slonim looks end s." The "handsome, charming" upon a wealth of experience RW. Nas ser escorted Slonim every- back began with entrance, at age SHALOM RALPH whe re and even autographed a that 15, to the University of Chicago, pict urn for his interviewer: "To and at 19 to the Jewish Theological my friend, Reuben Slonim." Seminary. At the Seminary, he 0 my Iater, did Nasser find out came to know Morris Adler, who U 7-9489 Slo nim was a Jew—a Jew who eventually would take the pulpit at not only laid tefillin and kept Cong. Shaarey Zedek. - kosher ("the Jordanian waiters- Fresh out of the New York ask ed if I was a -vegetarian") but school, Rabbi Slonim took his first also managed to say a brief grace rabbinical position in Toronto. Medically Competent after meals, no matter +where his What eventually emerged out of MOHEL job took him. amalgamation of his McCall St. In NOM* or flosiiiteil As for Sadat, "he's using Nal- Synagogue and the University St. sees approach, but he hasn't the 557-9666 Synagogue, was the renowned Seal e charisma and knocibow. Of Beth Ueda Congregation. . w iv- / op,: Barna-Bee Children s Shops souirunEup CHILDREN'S NURSERY CALL 557-5122 GOLDMAN MOREL RABBI S. ZACIIARIASH