LUBAVITCH Adult Education Program PRocurn Intellectual Open Lecture Series DR. VELVEL GREENE will speak on "WHY A SPACE SCIENTIST BECAME A HASSID" WED., FEB. 16, 1972 at 8 p.m. Prof. Irving Block will speak on "WHY AN ARISTOTELIAN PHILOSOPHER BECAME A HASSID" WED., FEB. 23, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. Lubavitch Center 14000 W. 9 Mil. Rd. Oak Pork Mich. 41237 (313) 3411-2666 All of our adult education programs are free of charge as a service to the Jewish Community. Soviet jews_Debate Chief ItahbiilLov ► in Who ,Wile: LONDON (JTA) -- A contro- with authority as a supervisor of versy has developed in the Jewish kashrut and an organizer of pray- community in Moscow over a suc- ers and services rather than an cessor to the late Chief Rabbi Yehu- ordained rabbi not to their liking. da Leib Levin of the Choral Syna- Another. candidate described as a gogue, who died Nov. 17, Jewish "completely nonpolitical person" sources in the SoViet Union report- has been mentioned but his-name ed. has not been released. The committee of synagogue Jewish sources reported that elders which has some say, though Motl Lipschitz, Moscow's shohet by no means the final one, in the (ritual slaughterer) is preparing to selection of a new rabbi, is op- go to Israel. When he leaves, Mos posed to the most likely candidate, cow Jews who observe the kashrut Rabbi Schwarzblat of Odessa. laws will be left without a shohet. At 59, Rabbi Schwartzblat is the Dr. Lavoslav Kadelburg, chair- youngest rabbi in Russia. Among man of the Federation of Jewish the other possible candidates, "the Communities of Yugoslovia, said rabbi of Kuibishev is 80 and the here that there was a quest for rabbi of Leningrad almost 90. But Jewish identity among Soviet Jews Rabbi Schwartzblat has been writ- of all ages. ing anti-Israeli articles in the So- Dr. Kadelburg recently visited viet press. Moscow Jews recall the Soviet Union to attend the that he denounced Israel as an ag- Levin funeral. gressor after the Six-Day War. He presented his account of The late Rabbi Levin's title the funeral and his impressions of chief rabbi was not an offi- of Jewish life in the USSR at a cal one but derived from the fact meeting of the European Execu- that he was rabbi of the largest tive of the World Jewish Con- synagogue in the Soviet capital. gress. The synagogue committee is said One comes across third-gen- to prefer a successor who can act ei- ation Soviet Jews who had never had any direct Jewish education and are yet aristioils W.-preserve their Jewish identity," Dr. Klidel:z burg said. "Soviet Yews, yoim.g and old, speak openly of slips." NEW YORK—Students of Jew- be awarded a trip to Israel to ish schools in the United States take part in ceremonies of presen- are joining boys and girls in other tation of the scroll to the Presi- lands in writing a Torah scroll for dent. thepresident of Israel. _ Bernard Milians, administra- The scroll will be presented to for of the project in America, President Zalman Shazar in J.973 revealed that participating stn. as a 4 -ibute of his office. It will dents and schools will receive be lx-used in its own Holy Ark, certificates of award during the in ine Bet Hanasi, the "White Shavuot season, which commem- House" in Jerusalem. orated the giving of the Torah In Israel, the •global Sefer Torah at Sinai. Project was inaugurated in the Winners of the essay contest will home of President Shazar. The president, visibly touched by the be announced on Simhat Torah. Children who subscribe to a let- honor paid him, himself inked in the first letter of the Torah, the ter in the scroll also may inscribe a duplicate initial in honor of a bet of Breshit, on a sheet of parch- namesake behind the Iron Curtain ment. and in Arab lands. Actual inscription of the let- ters will be done by an official scribe in Jerusalem, with quali- fied junior scribes given the privilege of inscribing letters in lands of the Diaspora. Some 250,000 of the Torah's 304,- 805 letters have been allocated to American youngsters thro u gh Grade 12. Students who inscribe an initial are asked to contribute $1.80, which signifies 10 times hai, the He- brew for life and the number 18. The rules for writing a scroll are exact and exacting: a hair's breadth of space or a break in a letter may ditqualify the entire scroll for religious use. There must be no hyphenation and change in spelling; certain col- umns must begin with specific words, and there are regulations concerning quill, ink, guidelines and preparation' of the parchment. A nationwide. essay contest will 32 STORES & SERVICES be initiated in March for students of grades 5-12, and winners will BONN (JTA) -- An le-year-eld former Swiss police officer who lost his job for an act of mercy that saved 3,01111 Austrian Jews from deport:tint and protasis_ death at lise-handst it the -Naids during World War U., was how ored by President Gustav Heine mann of the West German Ft* eral Republic. President Heinemann disclose*. that be bad written a letter to Paul Gnudger In recegnitio• it his courage mid seat him a tele- vision set- as a gesture of appro. nation. Grudger was fired. when, eat' teary to the instructions of the Swiss govenundat, -be admitted some 3,N. fleeing Manilas Jews into Switzerland. He was rehabili- tated 33 years later. soldLCG ree•sed . SERVICE River 48204 -06.20421-22 THE DETROIT JEWS-IV 16—Friday, January 21, 1972 , YOUR G OPPORTUNITY TO LEASE A 1972 COUPE de VILLE Fully equipped with: Air conditioning • Automatic Transmission • Power Steering • Power Brakes • Power Windows • 6 way power seat • AM-FM radio • Vinyl'roof • Lamp Monitors • Bumper Impact Strips , • Soft Ray Glass • 36 Month Closed End Lease $159.00 MO. • Limited Time Only - Students to_Write Torah Scroll for Zalman Shazar in Global Project Swiss Who Was Fined After Saving 3.000 Jews Honored by W. Germany furnish- to deb* pier ear anywhere. 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