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January 21, 1972 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1972-01-21

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Action Abounds at WZCongress;
Kahane Threatens a Disruption

(Continued from Page 1)

all our hearts and soul, whatever
the difficulties, problems and an-
xieties which may accompany
their immigration." Sapir did not
say when or by whom a Russian
threat to swamp Israel with immi-
grants was made.
He appealed to world Jewry to
mobilize larger sums for immi-
gration and absorption, estimating
that Israel's population would grow
to 5,000,000 by the end of , the

The largest delegation to the
congress from abroad is from the
U. S. with 152 delegates. The Is-
raeli delegation will have 200
members based on proportionate
distribution among the Zionist
parties in the Knesset. In addition
to the' 551 delegates and communal
representatives will be 20 repre-
sentatives of WIZO, 15 repre-
sentatives of the World Sephardi
Federation and 20 representatives
of Soviet immigrants in Israel.
Before the congress convened,
the World Confederation of Zion-
ists, the only Zionist Congress fac-
tion based only outside Israel, held
a world Conference at which 150
delegates from 26 countries par-

of the rights of the Palestinian
people as a tenet of Zionism.
Although only signatories of the
Jerusalem Program were entitled
to vote for congress delegates, five
WUJS leaders are participating
in the congress. Four of them were
elected members of the Zionist
General Council (Actions Commit-
tee) at the last congress in 1968
and thus have the right to parti-
cipate. WUJS chairman Eddie
Rauch was invited as an observer.
Israel, he said, will not be able
The formal congress opening to face alone the repercussions
went off almost without incident. which this will have on the
Leaders of the Israel government economy without special aid from
and the Zionist Organization took world Jewry. Sapir warned that
their places solemnly one by one. simply to close Israel's balance of
Standing ovations greeted the ap- payments gap during the 1970s
pearances of former Premier would require the mobilization of
The World Confederation of
David Ben-Gurion, President Zal- $12,000,000,000.
General Dissists has 160 dele-
man Shazar and Premier Golda
Jewish Agency Treasurer Leon gates st- the Congress making
Dulzin, spealthig at that session, it the large al faction from
Immigrants from many coun- announced thit the agency's bud- abroad' aid the second largest
tries filled the hall bearing Is- get for fiscal 1972 will be $775,000,-_ at the eeedless. Only Labor,
raeli flags. They- were followed 000, compared to $387,000,000 in with Mt delegates—Mat whom
by representatives of the 57 set- the current fiscal year. He said are from abroad—is larger."
tlements established in .Israel -and the Zionist Organization's budget
Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson, a mem-
the occupied territories since the will remain almost the same as ber of the American Section of
the World Zionist Executive, told
the World , Confederation the inde-
President Sharer, in the open- pared to $30,000,000 in 1971-
Dulzil noted that 186,171 ban* pendent status of the Jewish Na-
ing address, called on the Jew-
ish people in Israel and abroad grants have arrived I. Israel tional Fund is to be reviewed by
to prepare to receive the "miracu- - since the ger Six-Day War. He the Jewish Agency.
lous wave of immigration from said the Jewish Agency's immi-
She said the Jewish Agency
Russia." And he asked, "Have we gration and absorption depart- Executive had several times dis-
prepared enough houses for them?
cusied the activities of the JNF
Have we been able to eniure them hostels, live student- hostels* 211' and its status which currently is
adequate employment? •Are we absorption centers and four resi- largely independent of the Jewish
ready in spirit for their proper dential ulpanim, Hebrew lei: Agency.and-the WZO. Mrs. Jacob-
guage study centers. =.$e , said son said no concrete proposals
spiritual and social absorption?"
Miyor Teddy Kollak of Jerusa- these institutions warbled M- were - ready to - be submitted to the
I= places for_ immigrants in WorkiZionist Congress-. Ho—wever,
lem briefly welcomed the congress
delegates. His speech was inter- 1971, compared to LIAO In Mt she added the'question may come
rupted by a flurry in the gallery Dula= said about 1,500 persons up in committees and - some recom-
where two men unfurled a large are studying Hebrew in nipanim. mendations may be made.
banner reading "Goldmann."
Dulzin was elected president of
the World Union of General Zion-
They were quickly hustled away Dropsie 'Talent Hunt'
ists, succeeding Dr. Emanuel Neu-
by security men but other demon-
mann of New York who had an-
strators showered the hall with Will Recruit_Future
nounced his retirement last month.
leaflets expressing support for Dr.
Dr. Neumann and others had sup-
Nahum Goldmann, president of the Professors of Judaics
World Jewish Congress, in his dis-
PHILADELPHIA — A "talent ported the candidacy of Jacques
pute with the Zionist Executive. hunt" -to seek out the best minds Torczyner, a former president of
Pincus, a bitter political foe of among the nation's students to the Zionist Organization of -Amer--
Dr. Goldmann, leaped to his feet help meet the increasing need on Ica-
college campuses for -qualified
to deinand order.
A series: split was avp.Md
A warning to South American teachers of Hebrew, Judaic studies when the ZOA .and Len0 tac-
Jews to prepare to emigrate to and related subjects has been tless agreed, to create thi new
Israel before it is too late Was approved by the board of gover- post of co-president it 'Ameia-
issued by Pincus in his keynote nors of Dropsie University here.
misdate Tergrelor. CistiProldso
Dr. Abraham I, Katsh, presi- was read..4141r
speech. "hi this world of social
altroosent to
and economic conflict, no far-see- dent of the postgraduate univer-
Getseral-Itkittst headquar-
ing Jew can - deny _that the Zion- sitv, announced that beginning ters between Jerusalem and New
ist solution is the only answer," with the 1972-73 school term, quali- York. -
fying college graduates will be
Pincus stated:
Under the -new arrangement, the
awarded resident fellowships of
He said he did not want to $5,000 plus free tuition leading to American -headquarters will be
"raise the cry of catastrophe too a PhD degree.
responsible for branches in Eng-
soon or too extremely," but, he
lish-speaking countries and a new
"While professionals with PhD headquarters in Jerusalem will
added, "Our history showed that
when social and economic crises degrees in engineering, physics, deal with the rest of the countries
arise in any country the most vul- history, mathematics and other of Europe and Latin America.
nerable element is the Jewish academic levels are wantint for
job opportunities," sag' Dr.

14—Friday, January 21, 1972

DEFROW /avail

Barclay Bank Absorbed

by Israel Discount Bank


TEL AVIV (JTA) — Barclay's the parent fi m's operations i
Bank, a landmark here since Bri- Britain and other countries.
tain assumed the mandate for
Palestine after World War I, was
absorbed by the Israel Discount
Bank on Jan. 1.
Nosod No. 1 late USA
Merger negotiations had been
Como to,fout
under way for some time but were
From $49.50
delayed pending arrangementak*
satisfy claims of Barclay Bank em-
A Tel Aviv court recently rati-
10422 w.7 lens nom)
fied the agreement •which estab-
2-1810.o... of Mayo.
lishes Barclay's Discount Bank
Ltd. The merger does not affect


don't Miss






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$20 now $4.88 & up

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Katsh, "there IL an acute= short-

Pincus chided the leaders of
Latin American Jewry for not age of PhD's qualified in the
field- at -Helm-aka, and. Jewish
pressing for aliya.
studies with many university
On the question of Soviet Jews, posts left unfilled."
Pincus insisted that the demand
Dr. Katsh- pointed out that those
"Let My People Go," must be pproved for resident fellowships
the center of the Zionist •move- will have to devote full time to
ment's activity.
their studies conducted under the
The Zionist Congress will be personal guidance of special fac-
in session for 10 days, and its ulty members,- • and will not be
major concerns will be the con: able to undertake any parttime
employment of any kind.
dition of Soviet Jewry, the seri-
"We need the kind of students
ous social gap between rich and
poor in Israel and the =Dimling who will devote all their time to
financial needs posed by In- study," said Dr. Katsh, "and by
providing for their means, - we hope
creased immigration.
to be able to attract those with
Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir the best potentials 'as
said in his address at Wednesday and
as teachers. Those selected
morning's session that. Russia's will be given
threat to swamp Israel with an un- and the best -available resources
precedented number of immigrants to engage in full7time .study and
was a welcome challenge.
research. If considered desirable,
"Never has such a mighty state we well even have them spend a
threatened such a tiny nation with year in Israel."
such a threat, a threat which is
In addition to the resident fel-
received with the hope that it will lowships, other qualified students
be realized," Sap's said. 'We will be able to apply for full
shall receive this flood gladly with and pude'. billion grants.

now $5.88 & up




sul fas

$ 295

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$ 000

f orts


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rnqsal tow ol.

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