Incorporatingt-N7Pu THE JEWISH NEWS ' Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of JuIl 20, f951 . Member American AssaeliMs --Of Hnitish-Jewish Newspapers, Miehigan Press Association, National Hditorial Assort. aUon Published every Friday •Tho lowish News Publishing Co.. 17115 W. Nine Mile. Suite ass, Southfield, Mich. 40075. Second-Class Postage riga SIMMIleld, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription 111 a year. Foreign_ di PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business ?Amager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the._28th day of Tevet, 5732, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exod. 6:2-9:35. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 28:25-29:21. Rosh Hodesh Shevat Torah reading, Monday, Num. 28:1-15. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 14. 5:06 pm. VOL. LX. No. 18 Page Four January 14, 1972 Smashing Myth of Affluence in Social Services An American Jewish Committee-sponsor- with hardly any social companionship, to be ed two-day conference entitled National Con- widowed usually means to be totally and sultation on Poverty in the Jewish Commu- hopelessly alone. Most of the Jewish poor nity reviewed problems that had recently are poor because of special circumstances: emerged as demanding more, studious atten- isolated old age, cultural separateness, sick- tion. The conference was informed by the ness, maladjustment, death of the bread- AJCommittee's vice president, Bertram H. 'winner. Whatever the special circumstances, Gold, that estimates of the number of Jews certain common factors emerge. These are in the United States living on an income people who live in fear—fear of economic of $4,000 a year or less for a family of four deprivation, of physical safety, of inter-group ranged from 500,000 to close to 1,000,000. conflict. They live with a sense of defeat and The number of Jews living below the poverty an impoverishment of spirit that dulls moti- level, he stated, is actually larger, because vation and quenches initiative. They live in -um most Jews live in cities and there, "the edge isolation with a growing feeling of alienation of poverty, according to the government, lies from Jewish establishment and alternating Shakespeare Lexicon Denotes nearer $6,000. What is more, he said, just moods of despondency, rage and militancy." above this level there are still others—no He also blamed failure of government one knows many—who must find o their programs to meet the needs of the Jewish Poet's References to Jews near overt how especiallygalling because Research in its most extensive form is evidenced in the 1,500-word sf a poor, stating that "there has not been enough two-volume large number Dover classic, "Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Die- ur of cultural factors—the stress private aid either, for poverty has not been fionary." on higher education the among Jews, for Jewish the agenda chief item the '30s. Jewish This valuable compilation was prepared by Alexander Schmidt in family expectations, pressures upward since on the "We community's in the Jewish social mobility in the Jewish community." community also labored under the myth of 1875. A second edition supervised by Schmidt was issued in 1885. The third edition was enlarged and revised, in 1901, by Gregor &wth ra'. Introductory studies dealing with the ex- universal affluence. Jewish into neigh- The two volumes have now been made available in large paper- tent of the near-poverty level in Jewish ranks borhoods Jewish changed, as Jews As moved su- backs. have already been published, and details They are described as "a complete dictionary of all the English proving that "affluence is not the `norm' in burbia, our Jewish social agencies turned t O words, phrases and constructions" used by the poet. Every word In the Detroit Jewish community" were pub- a number of new directions. For one thing ' Shakespeare is defined and located, and there are more than 50,000 as we moved to serve the majority, who were d lished in our columns on Sept. 3, on the basis better identified quotations. off, we moved our institutions an of figures made known by Samuel Lerner, In view of the interest in and the conflict over the Shylock executive director of the Jewish Family and began offering a variety of services in our theme, it has often been asked whether Shakespeare had an group work and case work agencies geared Children's Service. acquaintance with the Bible and with Jews. He did, as this Lexicon proves. Thus, we 's have this listing: "Hebrew (cf. Ebrew, a Jew; Gent. But the basic factors involved in the prob- to middle class needs." Are discussions such as instituted by th e 11, 5, 57; Merch. 1, 3, 58, 179." lem of the impoverished Jews, as outlined by The references are, of course, to the Merchant of Venice and Mr. Gold, should be helpful in providing the American Jewish Committee, and researc h I Two Gentlemen of Verona. help that is so vitally needed in aggravated of the type reported in Detroit by Samue Under Ebrew, we have the annotation: — "Hebrew: a Jew, an e. Lerner, contributing towards the shatterin situations. Mr. Gold stated that the problem g , Jew, H4A II, 4, 198," and the source is First Part of Henry IV. will in Jewish ranks is due in some measure to of "the myth of universal Jewish affluence?' Now we come to the lengthy insertion under "Jew." This the high proportion of old People among the Apparently they do, because Jewish agencies prove most revealing to Jewish readers—that the Shakespearean Jewish poor. He said that "As many as two- are viewing the problem of the aged and th e contents should have so many references to Jews in such a variety thirds may be in their 60s or older — most- impoverished more seriously, and there is of his plays. ly members of the immigrant generation cause to believe that government participa - The complete text of the "Jew" portion in this Shakespeare Lexicon who were left behind when their neighbors tion in tasks to relieve poverty and to ai d is: "—Fr se). In Err. 117-=, 23 0. cznl. jes1.----„. made it into the middle class. Many of the the aged will be increased. Jew, a Hebrew; 1) masc.: Gent. II, 5, 58. Merch. 7 , 1, 3, 154. 178. II, 2, 2. II, 4, 18. 34 (and passim in aged poor live in wretchedly neglected houses There also is the problem of the mentall Y this play). here crocus my father J. Merch. II, 6, 25. jigs; to wal in neighborhoods no longer Jewish. Many ill, of the retarded children, of homeless fo ✓ the villain J. II, 8, 4. the dog J. 14. a J. would have tune at the are so afraid of crime in the street—with whom there is no future in institutions and wept to have seen err parting, Gent. II, 3, 12. if I do wars do good reason—that they rarely venture out too little joy in foster homes. not love her, I am a J. Adolf, 3, 272. I am a J., if I j., you Jig-maker, serve the J. any longer, Merch. II, 2, 119. my master's even to shop or see the doctor and do not We have only just begun to deal with a very J. 112. 1 am a J. else, an brew J. H4A II, Ill, 2, 131. visit with friends at all. the problem of mental retardation. It is al 1 4, 198. liver of blaspheming J. Mcb. IV, 1, 26 (as an Jill (cf. "Most Jewish institutions — synagogues, a question of money. It usually becomes ingredient in the cauldron of the witches). Con- bath not J. community centers, Y's—moved away when available when our people become aware o ( founded (1 with jewel: my incony J. LLL III, 136. most 2, 461. the majority of Jewish residents did, and the needs. Let that be the case in dealing with lovely J. Mid,. III, 1, 97. Shr.1V„ 2) fern.: most tweet J. Merch. II, 3, 11. a Gentile their services have not been replaced. Thus, poverty, with the aged, with retarded. Jingle, to 4 . Most newsmen and columnists have been matic. Thus, Roscoe Drummond, reviewing realistic in judging the Middle East situation. the issuing and indicating Israel's readiness But the Stewart Alsop column in Newsweek, to negotiate for peace, commented: "The in- "Israel: The Weakness Is Here," puzzled itiative is not with the Soviets or with the many people, and rightly so. Alsop wrote: United States or with the Israelis. It is with "In this country's post-Vietnam mood, it the Egyptians. They will have to decide would take a brave President to commit whether to make war or to make peace." American air power and risk war with Russia John Chamberlain, commenting on to 'defend the State of Israel.' A President the And that exist, declared, also with who did so to defend Israel's hold on the a bit confuSions advice to our government and to peo- Sinai would risk impeachment and tear ple of of vision: "The conventions of diplomacy America apart in the process. This suggests what they are, Golda Meir can't tell why the Middle East is still the most danger- being Secretary of State Rogers that he is being ous area in the world. For there is a fatal geopolitically stupid in trying to force the weakness in the otherwise strong Israeli opening of the Suez before we have a reha- position, and the weakness is right in the bilitated conventional navy. All she can do is United States." to ask for delivery of Phantom planes to keep This of happens to be a most distorting own balance in the Middle East. If aspect a major element in Israel-U. S. re- Israel's Golda Meir - can't try." talk sense into Rogers, some- lations. Israel has not asked and does not ask one else should for manpower from this country. On the con- trary, such an offer would be rejected because There are always two sides to every ques- it is not needed and also because any attempt tion, but when one side—Israel—says "let's at getting American soliders into the area negotiate," and the avowed enemy replies would be damaging to American Jewry. "clear the road for me first," Drummond and Other columnists have been more prag- Chamberlain know whereof they speak. and no J. II, 6, 51. there will come a Christian by, rattle: — ing will be worth a --'s eve,11,_&.,43 (0. Pdd. Jew etc. as fem. As for the metre, cf. whale's disayff. in 49. 11,'2, LLL V, 2, 332; moon's, Mids. II, 1, 7; rope's, Err. IV, of a hawk: 116 1, 03 etc. It was common in the middle ages to extort 2) design sums of money from the Jews by threatening them love my with mutilations, if they refused to pay. The threat IV, 3, 1 of losing an eye must have had a powerful effect. In V. 2, 9 our passage, of course, a quibble is intended). 2, 112. no.- Jewele”,' '^old ^ • Shakepeare Lexicon is of such great value for students and teachers, for lovers of Shakespearean plays, that the reprinted Lexicon, in two voluminous paperbacks, is a definite contribution to every library of merit. Kimche's '2nd Arab Awakening' Holt, Rinehart and Winston has reissued as a paperback "The Second Arab Awakening—The Middle East 1914-1970," by Jon Kimche. Important historic events are recounted here, commencing with the ambitions of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and continuing through the experiences that involved Great Britain, France, the Arab nations and the United Nations in Israel's struggle for sovereignty. The Zionist idea is outlined, and the conflicts as well as the suc- cesses are enumerated, leading up to the present critical situation. The lengthy chronology, giving a bird's-eye view of the Middle East situation in the years under review, is a most valuable part of this important historic analysis. The personalities who pass in review are intimately treated, and their relationships to the Middle East story provide a better under- standing of the developing events as they are analyzed by Kimche.